Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 338 Entering the Demon World

Chapter 338 Entering the Demon World

Stepping into the area of ​​the demon world, the sounds of insects are getting louder and louder, and the demon moon hangs in the sky. There is an unknown power in the moonlight.

This kind of power has many benefits for monsters, such as opening up spiritual wisdom and increasing demon power; but for immortal cultivators, it seems that under this demon moon, the fairy power in the fairy baby has been suppressed, and all strength can only be exerted. Seventy to eighty percent.

Su Poman turned around and saw a broad-robed immortal at the junction of the fairy world. At this moment, he was glaring at him, and shot several immortal spells one after another, hitting the area of ​​the demon world, causing a series of explosions and turmoil .

Or worried that there was an ambush, this fairy did not chase into the demon world.

Seeing this, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. It would be wrong if a celestial being was chased across the border.

The previous movement attracted the attention of many demon cultivators. Su Poman and the others emanated a demonic aura, which turned into streamers of light and flew across the night sky.

In the dark and deep jungle, there was a whisper.

"These Heavenly Demon Lords look a bit unfamiliar..."

"It's probably the sky demon under the seat of another demon king. It seems that there is a mistake in the execution of the mission, and it will be difficult to go back!"

"I don't know when I will be able to break through the shackles of bloodlines and become the body of a sky demon. I really envy them. They can be unrestrained and eat wherever they go. Unlike me, I dare not even leave the territory. If this continues, how is it possible? Find a chance?"

"Yeah, I can only pay homage to the holy moon day after day to understand the law of blood. This kind of turtle-like speed really makes the monster want to stop. It's better to live freely in the lower realm!"

"Okay, don't complain, it's not good to be heard by the Heavenly Demon adults!"


In the sky above the sea of ​​clouds, the demon moon hangs high above the nine heavens, bright as a silver lamp.

The moonlight fell like a horse, sprinkled on the body as if covered with the world's finest silver silk.

Qian Yunmo took out the compass and compared it with the map from time to time, and the others followed closely behind, wary of the demon cultivators who might attack them below.

Walking in the demon world, even if the identity of the sky demon is revealed, many people will not give face.

Flying over the territories of other demon cultivators, narrow-minded people will feel that this is stepping on their faces.

Fortunately, the news of being chased before made it easy for the nearby demon cultivators. Su Poman and the others haven't encountered the demon clan who attacked them yet.

Su Poman's eyes glowed red, under the current 'Sun Wukong' appearance, he looked extremely piercing.

His sight penetrated the sea of ​​clouds and the miasma, and he kept looking at the scene below.

I can only see-

Under the silver moon, the Chengjiang River seems to be practiced for thousands of miles, and the emerald peaks are like clusters.There are forests and green waters, pine covers like curtains, demon flowers and grasses, and treasures everywhere.

Dangshan roared, and in an instant, the sword fish soared into the sky, and the golden eagle fell to the ground.

The giant ape throws thousands of miles up the mountain, and the ten thousand-foot dragon spits out pearls.

Insects flow like pills, and mosquitoes and flies buzz like fog.

Hengfeng falls into the river with thousands of feet of waves, and turtles and crocodiles coil like basalt.

The sea returns to the tide, and the white dragon rides the waves.

The giant monster explores the moon with its poor head, its sound is like thunder, and its body is like a scorpion.

Thousands of miles of bones, thousands of miles of blood, and the road of demons and immortals.


The bobcat the size of a mountain leaps and walks with incomparable flexibility. Its eyes are red, the hair on its back is like porcupine quills, and its hind feet are like human feet. At this time, it is holding five white elephants in its mouth and jumping over the mountain stream. There are natural enemies coming.

The lynx let out a shrill cry of "Wow", and then its hair stood up like a ball, and its sharp spines shone like a hedgehog.

A long tail of scales swept across, and the air hummed and exploded.


The lynx immediately turned into a meatloaf, and the burrs were broken and mixed in the meat paste, as if it was already dead.

A long-nosed monster like an anteater poked its head. It was huge, covering the sky and the moon. With a long tongue in its mouth, it licked off the meat mud on the rock wall and rolled it into its mouth.

Although powerful demon cultivators can transform into human form, in the demon world, most of them are willing to live in their own bodies and practice the law of the jungle.

The most primitive law of the jungle is being performed here all the time. The fairy, demon and demon realms are not all beings above the primordial level, but there are also countless beings below the immortal level.

The cruel environment makes these creatures who have not yet become immortals practice desperately since they are born. Only when they become primordial demons and join forces, will they not be swallowed wantonly by other demon cultivators.

The cultivation speed in the upper realm is fast, and the fighting skills are even more brutal. Various secret methods emerge in an endless stream. On the way of mortals becoming immortals, there will inevitably be several catastrophes.

Su Poman closed his eyes, and had a deeper understanding of the treacherous aspects of the demon world in his heart. He thought to himself: "In this world, only the strong can control their own destiny! If I didn't have the Ziyuan Roulette, I'm afraid It's hard to get to where it is today..."

The No.13 team galloped in the air, and quickly left the border area, heading towards the Liangxi Mountains.

Along the way, the aura of demon cultivators was getting stronger and stronger. Now, in the area below, every [-] miles passed, a sky demon could be felt, and everyone became more cautious.

"If you encounter a demon cultivator blocking the way later, avoid the battle if you can. Once you do it, it's okay for me to rely on the power of the law to deal with it. If the battle situation is unfavorable and you need to use fairy arts, that will definitely expose your identity, so To be honest, if you really want to fight, you must strike with a thunderbolt and quickly resolve the battle!"

Qian Yunmo sent a message to everyone.

Su Poman pondered for a moment, then said: "If there is a problem, I will take action first. I am a body cultivator, and I usually don't reveal my identity..."

"Okay, then I will help you with the power of the law, and then use the fairy art in a critical moment!"

Qian Yunmo looked back at Su Poman with a smile on his face, and felt that he was lucky to find a body-refining celestial being to join him before he set off. The risk of hunting.

Moreover, this new member can take the initiative to stand up and take responsibility, which makes him, the captain, feel extremely gratified.

Luoyan Valley stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and there is a highly poisonous miasma in it all year round. It is a dangerous place outside the demon world.

Everyone had already arrived near Luoyan Valley at this time, Su Poman looked at the mist that was about to spread to Yaoyue, and was quite curious, "This miasma rises to such a height, and it can still condense and not disperse, it should be Is there any formation?"

"Yes, this place should be a naturally formed formation. Its scale is huge and difficult to break through manpower, unless there is a fairy." Luo Wu explained slowly.

Qian Yunmo frowned, and said: "There are many highly poisonous monsters living in this valley, and most of the monster cultivators practice the power of the law of poison, which is very difficult... But if you want to spare this valley, I am afraid it will cost you a lot of money." Longer time will increase the risk of exposure, there are currently two options, one is to cross the Luoyan Valley, the other is to take a detour, which one do you think should be chosen?"

"Let's go across, if you take a detour, it's too far away." Feng Xinghui expressed his opinion.

Luo Shuixian echoed, "Brother Feng is right!"

Qian Yunmo looked at Zhong Lingyue and the others again, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Zhong Lingyue pursed her lips and frowned slightly. It seemed that after some serious consideration, she slowly said: "I also agree to go across. If you want to take a detour, you may encounter a poisonous cultivator nearby!"

Kuang Tie also nodded, seeming to agree with this view.

"I'll make the way!"

Su Poman made a decisive decision, and walked to the front of the team. The biological force field covered his whole body, and he was the first to rush into the miasma.

"Go, follow Brother Su!"

With a wave of Qian Yunmo's hand, everyone formed a diamond shape and filed in.

(End of this chapter)

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