In Luoyan Valley, miasma is pervasive, and in the sulfur-colored mist, from time to time, colorful horses with sparkling stars fly over.

As soon as they entered the valley, except for Su Poman, Qian Yunmo and the others put up spherical masks one by one to resist the invasion of poisonous miasma.

The miasma has a certain restrictive effect on the spiritual consciousness, but for Su Poman, it is not a big problem, his eyes can see through the miasma to see the situation at the bottom of the valley.

All kinds of poisons live on the rugged mountain, such as flower snakes, centipedes, toads, scorpions and so on.

Such an environment full of various toxins made them feel like a duck to water.

However, these poisons are also somewhat afraid of the dark-colored horses in the miasma. As soon as dark silky smoke descends, the poisons at the bottom of the valley will immediately disperse.

"Brother Su, this miasma is quite powerful. If you move too much, it will attract poisonous clouds. Don't you take some protection?" Kuang Tie asked curiously as he looked at Su Poman who entered almost naked.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Su Poman, and only then did they realize his current state.

It's sizzling!

A ball of green horses landed on the protective mask outside Tianshan, making a harsh, corrosive sound. He frowned and reminded: "Brother Su, don't be careless here, it's better to use a protective method! In this poisonous cloud An attack that seems to contain the power of the law of poison..."

Su Poman didn't wait for Qian Yunmo and the others to react, instead of retreating, he turned into a phantom, which appeared on the head of the golden centipede after avoiding the electric light.

It was the body of a centipede, 88 feet wide, hidden in the mist without seeing the end. This body was like a pillar of heaven lying across their only path.

Everyone noticed this scene, and they were even more impressed with the physical defense.

Most of the demon cultivators in the valley are hostile to outsiders who don't know their purpose. Su Poman can clearly feel the eyes hidden in the dark, but he doesn't care. To him, these are just chickens and dogs. That's all.

While they were thinking, there was a whistling sound, and then the golden giant body rose up in front of them.

The distant voice gradually approached, and with the whistling sound, the golden centipede's head drooped down at this moment, looking at everyone, with murderous intent hidden deep in its eyes.

There was no pain as imagined, Su Poman only felt a bitter taste coming from his mouth, and after turning his whole body's energy and blood, he no longer felt any strange feeling.

"It's all in the sky demon realm, what are you pretending to do with me?"

Qian Yunmo nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully: "It is said that the monks who refine the body will use various methods to sharpen themselves, and some perverts will even temper their bodies with the help of thunder and fire. Presumably, Brother Su's method is also a way to temper the body. A method!"

Qian Yunmo hurriedly sent a sound transmission to remind them, and everyone cheered up and stood up to fight.

After hearing the words, the golden centipede flew into a rage, its beard and hair all stretched out, and an electric light containing the power of nine kinds of laws fell from the unicorn instantly and shot at Su Poman.

"God, brother Su is too fierce!" Luo Shuixian exclaimed with wide-eyed eyes.

A fist mark of a thousand feet slammed down on the head of the golden centipede, and its body fell heavily into the valley like a plastic bag wrapped in bricks.

Seeing this, Qian Yunmo hurriedly transmitted the sound, the light in his hand flickered, and cold sweat faintly appeared on his forehead.

Su Poman took the lead, and Fei opened up a path in front of him. His spiritual consciousness swept out unscrupulously, crossing Luoyan Valley by the shortest route.

While speaking, a khaki cloud of poison hit Su Poman's back.

"This is the start of the fight?"

Qian Yunmo and the others opened their mouths wide in shock.

There are sections of golden armor scales, each joint has a pair of barbed limbs and legs, and the gaps between the golden armor sections reveal an apple-green light.

"Ha~ I'm afraid you won't make it? You all stand back and don't worry about it, let me teach this stinky centipede a lesson!"

There are also fluctuations in the surrounding sky of the fairy-level demon cultivator. In the sulfur-colored sea of ​​miasma, the body of a huge poisonous beast is looming. Just seeing the colorful colors and the barb spikes shining with cold light makes people feel shuddering .

When they got here, everyone became even more nervous.

Getting so close to a ninth-grade sky demon is simply too much to die for!
Even if the group of them join forces, I'm afraid they won't get any benefits in a short period of time, and they may even be suppressed and beaten, because the aura of this sky demon is infinitely close to the existence of a real fairy, and he can transform into a dragon only after the law is perfected , to achieve the body of a true demon and a poisonous dragon.

As he continued to advance, he gradually penetrated into the center of Luoyan Valley. The poisonous miasma here was as thick as water, and his spiritual consciousness was restricted by most of it here. Without magical powers such as spiritual eyes, it was difficult to see beyond two feet.

"Where is this junior, dare to break into the hinterland of my Luoyan Valley?"

"No wonder it is said that body-refining monks are invincible in the same realm. This level of defensive power may be able to compete with low-grade immortal weapons..." Luo Wu said in shock.

"Junior looking for death!"

The main purpose of joining the patrol team this time is twofold, one is to get familiar with the environment of the fairy world, and the other is to try the effect of Daoyuanguo to see if it can speed up the progress of the law of Yuanshen Daoguo.

For example, none of their monster cultivator costumes belong to the poisonous monster category, so in this Luoyan Valley, they belong to outsiders.

Su Poman was not afraid, his physical body disappeared in place as if teleporting, and then appeared in front of the golden centipede, less than a foot away, almost face to face.

"Brother Su, don't be impulsive!"

"See if your head is harder than my fist!"

"Be careful, this demon is a sky demon at the peak of ninth rank..."

Su Poman asked nonchalantly, he was hovering in front of the giant dragon head of the golden centipede, and his body was only as big as the golden centipede's pupils, so there was a huge difference in body size.

Fortunately, they have a large number of people, and until now there is no demon cultivator who has taken action against them.But in the dark, there are many malicious eyes watching, as if they are waiting for someone to go up first and try it out.

Coupled with the ability of infinite resurrection, this is where he has the confidence to be fearless.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, that's how we practice physical cultivation. These poisonous clouds can only be regarded as whetstones. If they can't bear it, I will use other methods!" Su Poman explained with a smile, the area on his chest The six-petal star glows slightly.

"Yes, the harsher the environment, the more excited I am, because sooner or later the physical body will adapt to all this and become stronger!" Su Poman showed a bright smile on his face, giving the feeling of a trainee who pursues the ultimate physical body. Body practitioners.

"Brother Su is a little reckless, this is a ninth-grade sky demon..."

Although there is some truth in saying this, the real reason is that his body has the rules of "adaptive evolution". As long as he is not dead, his body and spirit will adapt to the damage caused by the power of various laws until he is immune.

[It seems that the poison resistance of Silver Superman's body is quite high, and the damage of the same type of poison to me will become lower and lower...]

Before the sound transmission was over, there was a loud noise from the sky.

Due to the existence of the poisonous cloud, the speed of everyone is not too fast, because once the speed is too fast, the surrounding poisonous clouds will be attracted to Pilian, which will cause great obstacles to the progress.

Su Poman raised his head and looked, good guy, this fellow has a dragon head, one-horned green eyes, and has the tendency to transform into a dragon.


Violent vibrations occurred in the valley, huge smoke and dust rolled up on the ground, and countless poisonous substances died in the shock.At this moment, the poisonous miasma was completely out of thin air, causing a large blank area visible below.

"So fierce?"

Qian Yunmo's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

call out!
As a red light fell, everyone followed.

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