"The few of them must have swallowed the demon transformation pill, how about you? Could it be that they also used some means, even I can't see it?"

The woman in white gauze looked at Su Poman's body covered in monkey hair, but felt a little bored, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, a little disgusted.

Monkeys are what she hates the most. They are chattering, have a stubborn personality, and are difficult to teach.

Qian Yunmo stepped forward and cast a sound-proof restraint, and quickly explained: "Senior, we are the No. 13 patrol team of the border guards, and we are here to perform special tasks in the demon world. Please hold your hand high and don't blame me as a team member. , he is also a monk of the Immortal Dao camp!"

"Oh? I must give face to the border guards. How can it be possible to hurt my little Jin like this without paying a price?" the woman in Baisha said in a rather cold tone.

With a flash, Qian Yunmo protected Su Poman behind him, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "In this case, as the captain of the No.13 team, what price do I have to pay, seniors can just say it!"

Su Poman was a little moved in his heart, but the expression on his face was a little stiff. His whole body flashed with light, and he returned to his original shape. He patted Qian Yunmo on the shoulder and said, "Captain Qian, there's no need to do this, let me do it!"

After finishing speaking, he flew over Qianyunmo to the same height as the woman in Baisha, looked her in the eye, and said in a calm tone, "You want me to pay the price? Why don't you just let your horse come here!"

"Brother Su, don't be impulsive, that's a real fairy!" Kuang Tie reminded anxiously through sound transmission.

The other members of the team couldn't be overwhelmed by his words.

Is this guy so tough?

Still not bowing when you meet a real fairy?

Zhong Lingyue showed curiosity on her face, because she felt that this new team member might not be easy, and the astonishing performance before contacting him should have some means to give him confidence.

After all, if you have always had this temperament in the fairy world, you must have no chance to become a fairy and fall halfway.

Luo Shuixian's eyes widened, and she said in a low voice, "Wow, this brother Su is really brave!"

Hearing this, Feng Xinghui felt somewhat uncomfortable. The little fan girl who worshiped him now had a new object of worship. This feeling was like being robbed of fans. He couldn't help but frowned. Brows, I feel that this newcomer seems to be too troublesome. If this continues, I am afraid that there will be many more variables in the future tasks.

A trace of sullenness flashed in the eyes of the white gauze woman, she looked at Su Poman who was staring straight at her, an angel who dared to shout in front of her, she really didn't take herself seriously.

"You hurt Xiao Jin, but you are still so arrogant, I will teach you a lesson for your teacher, and it will be regarded as an outlet for Xiao Jin!"

As she said that, the white gauze woman's brows were filled with light, which was a mysterious rune formed by dozens of different law patterns, and the unique power of the real fairy level. The silk shot out suddenly, and landed directly on Su Poman's chest.

Su Poman let out a muffled snort, and felt a strange force penetrate into his body. Dozens of powerful law powers descended in the form of poison, constantly eroding his internal organs, and he felt his whole body gradually becoming heavy. , His complexion was covered with a layer of black air.

"Brother Su! What's the matter with you?" Qian Yunmo turned pale with shock, and hurriedly stepped forward, flipping his hands and took out a khaki elixir, "Hurry up and take this detoxification pill first!"

"It's okay, this level can't kill me!"

Su Poman waved his hand, and directly refused to swallow the elixir. He believed that his silver super fairy body also had the existence of "adaptive evolution". Although this toxin was overbearing, the woman did not kill her, she just wanted to Let him suffer.

"Hey, interesting, the physical body actually resisted the second withering outbreak..."

The woman in white gauze showed surprise, she pursed her lips and said loudly: "This time is considered a small punishment, if it is not in the demon world, I will definitely teach you a good lesson, the poison will disappear automatically in three days, you wait and do it yourself! "

Before she finished speaking, her figure turned into a streak of light and disappeared into the sky.

Qian Yunmo smiled wryly, and said: "This time we are considered unlucky. I didn't expect that the monster that Brother Su suppressed this time turned out to be the poisonous pet of a real immortal... Brother Su, are you okay? Somewhere, rest up for three days before setting off!"

"It's okay, I feel better! Let's just keep going!"

Su Po smiled all over his face, the energy of Qi and blood in his body rushed, and the black air on his face dissipated instantly, and then he opened his mouth to spit out a ball of green poisonous water.


As soon as the poisonous water hit the ground, it didn't take long to corrode the ground into a pothole the size of a house.

In fact, Su Poman was able to excrete this poison from his body the moment he was attacked, but in order to increase the types of laws to adapt to, he deliberately let the toxin stay in his body for a period of time, and the power of various laws in it was eroding the flesh. At the same time, the 'adaptive evolution' was triggered, and in just a few minutes, his body was immune to this toxin.

If he hadn't considered the safety of Qian Yunmo and the others, he could have had a good time with the woman in white gauze.

It's a pity that this place is the world of demons. Once a higher level of demon cultivators are attracted, other than him, the rest of the team will probably be left alone.

After this incident, Su Poman decided to be a lone ranger after finding out the situation in the upper realm, so that it would be more convenient for him to do whatever he did.

"Are you really alright?" Qian Yunmo asked with some uncertainty after seeing this scene.

After all, this is a powerful means of a true immortal, and it took three days to eliminate it, so he was a little worried that Su Poman was trying to force it.

With a flash of light all over Su Poman's body, he turned into a monkey monster in a tiger skin skirt again, and said with a smile, "Haha, don't worry, it may take three days for an ordinary fairy, but I am a body cultivator, so I can't wait to see you." I have experienced a lot of toxins in my body training before, so there is no problem!"

"Okay, as long as you're fine!" Qian Yunmo took a closer look at Su Poman, and after seeing that there was nothing unusual about his body, he breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head to the others and said, "Listen to the orders and leave this place as quickly as possible." , The movement just now may have attracted the prying eyes of many demon cultivators..."

"Yes, Captain!"

A group of eight people rose into the air again, and quickly walked through the poisonous miasma.

Su Poman was still flying at the forefront of the team. He recalled the attack method of the real fairy just now, and thought in his heart: "The attack method of this real fairy is really strange, it can turn the power of other laws into the form of poison, which is a bit interesting ! It seems that after the realm is promoted to a true immortal, he will use his best method as a law carrier..."

In the next few days, everyone did not encounter any trouble, and smoothly crossed the Luoyan Valley and came to a deep purple mountain range.

Nine demon moons hang in the night sky, and the falling moonlight adds a layer of mystery to this purple mountain range.

"There is still a distance from Liangxi Mountains here. After passing Luoyan Valley, you will enter the middle ring of the demon world. Most of the territories here are owned. There are many strong people. I have to be more cautious and restrained. Take a breath..." Qian Yunmo said via voice transmission.

The others nodded, each using their own means to restrain their aura.

In the deep purple mountains, towering ancient trees grow. These trees grow entirely by moonlight, and some of them have already given birth to spiritual intelligence and turned into tree demons.

There are ancient trees on the giant peak, which can almost extend above the clouds, with thick branches and vines stretching their teeth and claws into the air. When people are driving above the clouds, they often encounter such trees standing on the sea of ​​clouds.

Among the mountains, there are still some huge monsters, and there are also human figures, dressed in simple armor, patrolling the territory in groups.

After Su Poman and the others had been sprinting over the deep purple mountains for about a quarter of an hour, a red light piercing the sky and the earth appeared in their line of sight. From a distance, it seemed to be a huge circular magic circle. It was a blood red, and the ring in the center was emitting red light.

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