Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 342 Treasure Appears, Monsters Move!

As soon as Qian Yunmo raised his hand, the people behind him hurriedly stopped.

A flash of lightning flashed in Su Poman's eyes, and the picture in his sight instantly zoomed in.

I saw that the formation was in a huge mountain basin, and there were criss-cross cracks on the huge mountain with a height of [-] zhang. Red light was emitted from the cracks, and an ancient and wild atmosphere could be faintly felt.

The monstrous demonic aura formed layers of raging waves like cumulonimbus clouds, which spread violently. The red light in the cracks in the mountain was transmitted from the dark green demonic aura. Rendered like a demon realm.

"what's the situation?"

Feng Xinghui frowned, staring at the sudden appearance in the distance, with a thoughtful expression on his face, he asked: "Could it be that a certain powerful demon weapon was born?"

"It doesn't look like it, I feel like it's an ancient monster's powerful cave..." Qian Yunmo narrowed his eyes and said.

Runes flashed in Luo Wu's pupils, and he said in amazement: "If it's really an ancient demon cave, judging by the power of this formation, then its master's strength is at least that of a mysterious demon!"

Su Poman felt an inexplicable throbbing in the red light that soared to the sky. Perhaps it was because there were many blood vessels in his body, and he could vaguely feel something that made the blood vessels desire.

"Everyone, the things there seem to be related to blood..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Su Poman. After seeing the light in his eyes when he turned his head, they all felt a feeling as if they had been completely seen through by taking off their clothes.

This pupil technique must be extraordinary!
This was the first thought that popped up in their hearts at the same time, and then they began to think about the meaning of the words.

Kuang Tie exclaimed in a buzzing voice: "If it has something to do with blood, it can be said to be a treasure against the sky in the demon world!
The bloodline of the monster clan largely determines their upper limit. The stronger the bloodline of the monster clan, the more laws the body can carry.

The bloodline comes from generations of countless ancestors of the monster clan who have continuously improved their realms and improved themselves. For example, the dragon clan, which is also a clan of monsters and beasts. Changes... The treasures related to bloodlines are enough to drive any demon cultivator crazy! "

"Yes, the strength of the bloodline determines the upper limit of the monster race. If the shackles of the bloodline cannot be broken, if the demon cultivator dares to forcibly brand the law on the body, it will have unimaginable consequences. There is a high probability that he will die. According to this movement, It is estimated that it will attract a lot of monster clan powerhouses, Captain, it seems that we have to make a quick detour!" Zhong Lingyue looked at Qian Yunmo.

Qian Yunmo frowned and thought for a moment, then said helplessly: "I didn't expect to encounter this, hurry up and take a detour, I don't think it will be safe in a radius of [-] li! If you encounter a powerful demon world, it will be troublesome." !"

While they were talking, within the scope of their spiritual consciousness, countless demon cultivators had heard the news and rushed to this side, including many monsters under the primordial demon realm.

The temptation of bloodline evolution is irresistible for every creature. Evolving oneself, breaking through the shackles, and ascending to a higher level are also what every cultivator pursues in his life.

The birth of this kind of treasure related to bloodlines is like giving all monsters a chance to change their fate against the sky. Although the chance is very small, the temptation contained in it is difficult for even some old monsters who are known for their insidiousness. , this is almost an opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

If anyone in the demon world is lucky enough to get the treasure within, then in the future, the road will be smooth.Just like the real dragons, who were born gods, comprehending the laws of imprinting the world is as simple as eating and drinking water.

To be even crazier, you can even create a brand new race with your own blood to pass on!

At this time, the eyes of each demon cultivator turned red, and they completely forgot to be afraid. Whether it was a high-level demon cultivator or an existence that hadn't yet transformed, they all fled towards the red mountain range.

"Come on!"

Qian Yunmo's face changed slightly, and he gave a low drink, beckoning everyone to fly away in another direction.

Rebels are particularly conspicuous at such a juncture. No.13 team is like this. At this time, they are going against the direction of the gathering of monsters, which has attracted the attention of some high-level demon cultivators.

But at this time, they can't control so much anymore, and if they continue to delay, once their identities are exposed, it will cause more trouble.

The people took the most remote route and encountered many monsters along the way. Fortunately, they were all thinking about the treasures born there and hurried away, so they didn't have any disputes with them.

After flying away like this for about a quarter of an hour, the demon cultivators appearing around gradually became rarer.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing when I came to the demon world to perform a mission this time..." Tianshan complained, looking at the red light that was getting farther and farther behind him.

Qian Yunmo smiled slightly, and said: "It's nothing, I remember that the most thrilling time I experienced before was when I was accidentally trapped in a palace-like king-grade magic weapon while performing a mission in the Demon Realm. Those with the lowest level of cultivation other than me have the realm of true demons, and that time was the most thrilling, if someone hadn't happened to unlock the trap map, we would all have died there!"

Recalling these, Qian Yunmo's face showed a look of regret, "Although this time is a bit dangerous, it is not a hopeless situation..."

A desolate horn sounded from the sky, and an extremely gorgeous car appeared in the distant sky, pulled by two chains like dragons, and at the end of the chains were tied six huge three-headed golden lions on both sides. On both sides of the car, there are shirtless wrestlers flying over the clouds holding blue long horns.

On the car, brocade silk fluttered slightly with the wind, and a few cool-dressed women could be vaguely seen sitting or lying down, serving a man with a strange face.

At the beginning, the car was very far away, but within a few flashes, it came to the sky above the crowd, and a man's chuckle came from above.

"I didn't expect to meet a few little mice from the fairy world here. I have to treat them well when they come to my demon world, hahaha!"

Except for Su Poman, everyone in the No.13 team's heart sank. Before they could react, an invisible force struck, and when they opened their eyes again, everyone had already arrived on the car.

This car seems to have the effect of a virtual mustard seed. It looks only about two feet from the outside, but when you step on it, you will find the mystery inside, just like entering a gorgeous hollowed-out palace.

"Oops, this kind of method should be a mysterious monster, and the teleportation formation brought by it may be useless..." Qian Yunmo cried out in his heart, his mind turned sharply, thinking hard about the way to escape.

Although the faces of the rest of the people remained calm, they also faintly felt a feeling that things were gradually getting worse. Just now, they were lucky to bypass the mountain range, but the next moment they entered a situation where they were almost certain to die. People are caught off guard, before they even have time to feel hopeless.

Su Poman looked around, and found that on the main seat in the middle, there was a tall and handsome man with white hair and handsome eyebrows wearing black clothes. His eyebrows and brown-green pupils, most of the clothes at the neckline were unbuttoned, his skin is fair, and his toned chest and abdomen are directly exposed to the air. His legs are placed there casually, letting the woman next to him wearing only a bellyband Beating lightly.

At this time, he scanned the No.13 team members with great interest, his eyes were full of the kind of cat and mouse, and finally he couldn't help being stunned when he saw Su Poman.

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