Under the clear sky, Langyang Lake is inlaid among the mountains like a piece of the most beautiful jasper in the world. Its water is clear and transparent. Although it is thousands of feet deep, it still looks unobstructed under the scorching sun. There are black reefs, tender green There are colorful aquatic plants and various spiritual fish swimming lazily.

There are dozens of black cypress trees in a row by the lake, the leaves are as red as fire, and the ground is full of dark green weeds growing half a person's height, many of which have sprouted ears like wheat seedlings, and these ears hang down like a roadside. The Taoist who welcomes guests.

This place belongs to Chiyun Xianjun's sphere of influence, and it is a gathering place for 'ascetic monks'.Although the fairy spirit here is not too strong, and there are no natural materials and earthly treasures, but it is isolated from the world and the environment is elegant.In addition, Immortal Chiyun is a direct disciple of Immortal Emperor Changqing, and he takes good care of the 'ascetic monks' in the fairy world. Before that, he personally captured and killed two mysterious demons who had sneaked in. Ascetic monks have a sense of security, so the vicinity of Langyang Lake has gradually become a holy place for "Gou Daoliu" monks.

Here, all the ascetic monks wear simple and spacious robes, and they don't even wear storage bags and other storage utensils, so as to show their determination to stand aloof from the world.They are very xenophobic, and generally do not get involved with strangers, and rarely communicate with each other. At most, three or five friends who know the basics gather together to discuss the Tao.

These ascetic monks sit undefended on boulders, in mountains, beside roads, and under big trees, just like sparrows in the valley during the autumn harvest season, they can be seen almost everywhere. The law of wisdom in the sun.

In the fairy world, as long as a cultivator can reach the realm of Yuanxian, he will no longer have the trouble of longevity. If there are no external disasters, he can continue to practice. Theoretically, he can reach the limit of his own potential after endless years.Moreover, there are fewer disputes in the fairy world. Unlike the demon world, the demon monks like to plunder, and the same clan will calculate each other and fight constantly. If you don't fight for the chance of bloodline evolution, you will be unable to make any progress. Therefore, the appearance of ascetic monks in the fairy world, although this kind of behavior is despised by the soldiers on the border of the fairy world, it is also very consistent with the development law of this world.

Su Poman thinks that this place is very suitable for him to retreat. After all, there is a strong "study atmosphere" here, and it is far away from disputes, so he can devote himself to the derivation of exercises.

At this time, he was wearing a large milky white robe, and he walked barefoot in the mountains and forests. The style of the robe was similar to the magic robe in his impression, his arms could be exposed when he raised his hand, and his lower body was a pair of white Confucian pants. It looks a bit like the kind worn by old men practicing tai chi in the park.

Although Langyang Lake is called a lake, its scope is so large that it is almost equivalent to an inland ocean. Connecting the lake are plains, mountains, hills, rivers, and patches of wetlands and swamps.

Su Poman walked in the mountains and forests, and all the belongings he carried were taken into the Kingdom of Soul God. He had nothing beside him, and he didn't have any distracting thoughts in his heart.

When the cross-legged monks on the roadside saw a strange face approaching, the prudent ones would get up and leave quietly, so as not to be contaminated with any karma. Some monks smiled kindly, but said nothing.

The forest was quiet, there were monks puffing and breathing mist, and some harmless fairy birds and beasts were chirping and pecking each other's feathers.The bright and colorful sunlight casts down from the tall tree crowns, forming foggy beams of light.

Su Poman found a steep cliff, and opened a cave on the top of which opened up to the sky. He sat cross-legged on a raised round platform in the training room, and the sunlight fell from the space above his head, just falling on the on him.

At this time, many of his avatars have gone to various places to search for treasures containing energy crystals or law points for him.

Energy crystals are easy to say, in some places in the fairy world with a little fairy spirit, there are some energy crystals in the soil and weeds.Relatively speaking, law points are very rare. With the current strength of his avatars, the speed of searching for law points is very low.

However, regarding the improvement of clone strength, Su Poman has his own plan in his heart, and he will arrange it later. The final thing now is the integration and derivation of the exercises. He slowly closed his eyes at this moment, and the pores of his body were full of sunlight. The energy in provides energy for the full-power operation of the super brain.

Since he received Pangu's inheritance, his brain has also been enhanced by the power of various laws, and its calculation speed has been improved unprecedentedly. The calculation power generated by the birth and death of each thought has surpassed the top brain of the previous life on the Blue Star. scientific computer.

According to his calculations, the most promising technique at present is 'Star Transformation', and the one that suits him best is 'Golden Crow Transforming the Sun'. Then integrate thousands of laws into a round of great sun, and when you practice to the limit, you can project the myriad realms with the primordial spirit and dao fruit, forming the celestial yang, and spreading thousands of wisdom lights.

"What these two techniques have in common is that there are stars in the universe. If I fill the thousands of stars in the star transformation with laws to form a round of immortal sun, then the 'star transformation' will The level of the inner world that is cultivated will definitely be greatly improved, and then the limit of this technique will be infinitely raised, but my current state is the dark week, which has passed the stage of the stellar period, and there are no other stars in the dantian Existence, if you want to cast Xianyang, at least you have to wait until the realm of the universe, or the final realm of the universe..."

Thinking of this, Su Poman frowned slightly, and those realm divisions in the star-changing world emerged from his memory.

"The Divine King Realm of the Primordial World can completely control the laws of space. It possesses void karma, and its divine consciousness can cover the entire God Realm instantly. In addition to being tall, the real combat power is not considered strong in the fairyland. In this realm, the mysterious fairyland can thoroughly understand the laws of space, and the golden fairy can even comprehend the laws of time and space, and can travel the long river of time. Those cultivators in the Xingchen Transformation may not be monks in this world.

The Tianzun in the Hongmeng world can turn back time, open up the world, destroy the world, lift the bondage of the soul, and resurrect the life that is still alive. The ability is indeed much better than that of the Jinxian, but the gap with the Tianzun in this world is too big, it is completely unreasonable Thinking about it, according to my guess, the Tianzun of that world can wrestle with the Immortal Emperor if he dies, and there is a high probability that he will be crushed by the Immortal Emperor..."

"However, once you reach the realm of the Primordial Master, it will be different. Half of the soul will be integrated into the universe, and the other half will completely disappear and melt into the physical body, unable to be attacked. The Immortal Body', the defensive power has soared several levels, as if it does not belong to the realm of that world, it is completely different from the so-called Tianzun realm in the Hongmeng world, and the master of the Hongmeng also controls a large universe, sharing Other big universes on the Hongmeng Gold List, and in the state of omniscience and omnipotence in the Hongmeng space, any message from the universe can be known, the fate of any person can be calculated, and the energy of any universe can be called, just like the way of heaven in the prehistoric world Saint, the power of law in the universe can be directed like an arm, and the combat power in the primordial space is estimated to be no lower than that of the Celestial Venerable in this fairy world where I am..."

"If it's really stupid to practice step by step, if you can't link to the existence of the primordial space and the universe can't absorb the primordial aura, then you will definitely not be able to be promoted to the big universe, and naturally you won't be able to get the corresponding combat power blessing. However, I have Ziyuan Roulette exists, but it can be obtained by energy crystals or law points to extract primordial aura, no matter how bad it is, you can also get substitutes such as world crystals..."

"These are not in a hurry. Now we must find another way, find another method, and combine the golden crow's sun power with the star transformation!"

Thoughts were flying in Su Poman's mind, and his super brain quickly deduced it. It didn't take long for him to find an excellent solution.

"Idol Suppressing Prison!"

He suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time as two rays of light burst out from them, a gleam of joy appeared on his face.

"This method advocates that the human body is composed of 4000 million particles, and each particle can be cultivated into a dragon elephant. After cultivation to the later stage, it is the "eternal town of hell". The sand hell, and then create hell images on its own endless particles, all of which are lodged in the god embryo, and are in contact with the chaotic primordial embryo lodged in the constant sand hell, absorbing the number of constant sand hells to feed itself..."

"I don't need to practice this technique, I just need to learn from the idea of ​​this technique, visualize the 4000 million particles in the body, open up the dantian universe in each particle, and evolve the immortal way to the sun in it, filling the sky The stars finally push the realm to the extreme, forming 4000 million big universes, which is equivalent to 4000 million Primordial Masters in my body. Contains various laws, this is the ultimate state..."

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