Chapter 360 First Derivation
Countless sparks of inspiration emerged from his mind, and Su Poman used his spiritual consciousness to contemplate, using the thousands of particles that make up a superhuman body as a blueprint, from which he looked for the possibility of opening up his dantian.

"The human body is generally composed of 4000 million particles, but my Silver Superman body has 12 billion prokaryotic particles, which is exactly one yuan, and the prokaryotic particles have even greater potential, and theoretically have unlimited possibilities for evolution , It’s really an unbelievable creation..." He was amazed in his heart, concentrated part of his spiritual consciousness on the lines of the prokaryotic particles, and kept observing, while the other part of his spiritual consciousness was flipping through the various exercises in the inheritance of Immortal Emperor Jinghong. On the one hand, it is to increase experience and prepare for the fusion of exercises, and on the other hand, it is to find the entry point of the fusion exercises.

From the perspective of his spiritual consciousness, Su Poman's body was like transparent glass, and the meridians exuded a faint golden light, like roads extending in all directions, connected together.

The dantian is vast and deep, like the universe, and a dark red star is slowly rotating in it.

There is a golden primordial spirit sitting on the head, and clusters of sparks of wisdom can be vaguely seen shooting out of the super brain.

Although the two exercises have something in common, their cultivation systems are completely different. After all, they belong to two different worlds, and their fusion is not as easy as Su Poman imagined.

At the same time as various thoughts appeared, he was also constantly trying his own methods, and meridians lit up in his body from time to time, and the vitality of immortal energy and star power was guided in, and it operated according to a strange route.

"This feeling is not right!"

Su Poman just noticed a slight disorder in the energy in his body, and then his whole body rapidly inflated like a blown balloon.

Accompanied by a burst of vitality, Su Poman's body exploded instantly, forming a huge and fiery fireball.

After the sky-shaking sound, a section of the nearby mountain range was instantly evaporated, the ground cracked, the lake water surged, and the turbid water flow invaded into the cracks in the ground.

The ascetic monks in the nearby area saw that the situation was not good, and they all fled the area far away.

Not long after, Su Poman's figure came out of a ray of white light intact, his expression was somewhat unnatural.

"The risk of creating exercises is really not small. If you accidentally choose the wrong direction, you will go mad and die. I don't know how these high-level exercises circulated in the fairy world are created!"

As he said that, he looked down at the disappearing mountain range below, feeling a little helpless, and muttered to himself: "It seems that we have to get a set of formations, otherwise we will retreat and deduce the exercises in the future, and the body will explode a few times." , I am afraid that this mountain range will not exist anymore, and it may attract the prying eyes of others..."

Thinking of this, Su Poman contacted Tian Lingzi and obtained several sets of defensive formation methods, but the materials needed are quite special, and he needs to find Fangshi to buy them, and then he has to learn the corresponding formation methods. He felt a little troublesome, and planned to go directly to the border guards to exchange for a complete set of arrays.

The array plate is a complete set of array equipment made by the array mage. It does not require seal carving and complicated array formation methods, and can be activated only with immortal stones.

"Those blood-stained gold should be able to exchange for a lot of merit!"

Su Poman was thinking about the area near the camp of the border guards in his heart. With a thought, he disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already near the camp, a huge blue camp a hundred kilometers away.

At this time, Su Poman had already put on the bright silver battle armor, and slowly flew towards the camp. The medal of merit at his waist lit up slightly, and the formation automatically opened a hole for entry.

Inside a camp, Qian Yunmo and the others looked heavy, and even Luo Shuixian, who had always been alive, became a little silent.

Zhong Lingyue looked haggard, and asked weakly: "Captain, can't General Lu really help us to intercede? Brother Su is still in the demon world..."

"That's right, Brother Su must have paid a lot of money to send me out with secret techniques, and if he hasn't been able to come out so far, he must have encountered some kind of predicament!" Kuang Tie said in a deep voice with an anxious expression.

Qian Yunmo rubbed his brows, stood up and walked to the center of the crowd, sighed heavily and said: "I am also very worried about Brother Su. I asked General Lu before, and I wanted him to take Su The brothers were rescued, but there was a secret place in the demon world. It would be extremely risky for General Lu to go there. He didn't want to go, and he didn't want to ask the marshal to come forward. What about the heavenly immortals going to the demon world to scoop up people? Sigh... I just hope that brothers and sisters Su have their own celestial features, so they can turn bad luck into good luck!"

At this moment, the medal of meritorious service on his waist lighted up, and he slapped it, and a clear male voice came out of it.

"Captain Qian, are you in the camp?"

This is another function of the merit card, similar to the sound transmission jade slip, which can transmit sound within a certain range.

"Brother Su?"

After everyone heard the voice, they were overjoyed, Luo Wu jumped up from their seats, and the faces of the others also showed surprise.

Qian Yunmo tapped the token lightly, and said via voice transmission: "Brother Su, you have returned to the fairy world, shall we go find you?"

"No need, I'm back!"

The voice moved from far to near, and after the tent door was opened, Su Poman in silver armor walked in with a smile on his face.

"Brother Su, it's great that you came back safely!" Qian Yunmo stepped forward and grabbed Su Poman's shoulder, saying emotionally.

Luo Shuixian walked quickly to Su Poman's side, lifted her fist and hit him hard on the chest, turned around and laughed and stood aside happily, "I knew little brother would not die so easily!"

Kuang Tie, Tian Shan and the others also stepped forward, surrounded Su Poman in the middle, and greeted him enthusiastically, their faces brimming with joy.

"All of us are very grateful to Fellow Daoist Su for saving our lives and sending us back to the Immortal Realm from Xuan Yao. Thinking about it now, it still feels like a dream..."

Zhong Lingyue came forward with a smile on her face, bowed down and bowed solemnly, and the others also bowed down after seeing this.

Su Poman quickly pulled everyone up, laughed and said: "It's nothing more than a little effort, we are teammates, this is also a matter of duty, fellow Taoists don't need to worry about it."

He glanced around in the camp, and found that Feng Xinghui was not there, raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Why don't you see Fellow Daoist Feng?"

"Brother Feng went to look for Patriarch Tianxing. His ancestor has an old relationship with Patriarch Tianxing. This time we spent all our merit points in exchange for a piece of Luminous Yin Yin Pill. I saved you, now I can hurry up and tell him that he doesn't need to ask for help..." Luo Shuixian replied in a cheerful tone.

When Su Poman heard this, his heart couldn't help but feel warm. This group of people actually spent all their meritorious service to save him. This moved him a little, and asked calmly on the surface: "Who is this Patriarch Tianxing?"

"The ancestor of Tianxing is the ancestor of the Shangguan family in the northwest border region. His strength is unpredictable. It is said that he has the strength of the peak of Xuanxian Realm..." Qian Yunmo slowly explained.

Just as they were talking, a staggering figure bumped in from outside the camp. Everyone raised their eyes and saw that the person who came was none other than Feng Xinghui. He was pale, his eyes were dim, and his breath was very weak. Looked like he was seriously injured.

"What happened, didn't you go to find Patriarch Tian Xing, how did you make it like this?"

Everyone hurriedly helped him over, Feng Xinghui raised his eyes, and met Su Poman's eyes, his eyes recovered a little in an instant, and he said with a smile on his face: "Brother Su, come back It's okay, it's good to be back, it's good to be back..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fainted immediately.

"Brother Feng, wake up, don't scare me!" Luo Shuixian's pretty face turned pale, and she quickly squatted down and held Feng Xinghui's head in her arms, her voice faintly tinged with tears.

Qian Yunmo stepped forward quickly, squatted down to check, his expression changed from nervous to dignified, and finally showed a trace of murderous intent, and said: "Who did it, Xinghui's soul was severely injured, if there is no Good medicine, I'm afraid it's exhausting!"

(End of this chapter)

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