Chapter 361 Grand View Mountain

Su Poman's expression tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward to check with his spiritual sense, and he saw that his immortal primordial spirit was dim, and the soul body inside was like a leaky bag, constantly losing soul power.

To be able to injure the soul of a celestial being like this, the person who made the attack must be at least in the realm of a true celestial being, and his thoughts are extremely vicious, obviously he committed a fatal attack.

"Who the hell did it!"

Su Poman's face was cold, and a nameless anger surged in his heart. With a thought, he quietly contacted Tian Lingzi, and said, "Tian Lao, is there a elixir to heal the injury of the soul in the Tianbao Pagoda?"

"Not for the time being. In the endless years before, many pills above the immortal level have been consumed. However, Tianbao Tower has a formation space that integrates hundreds of millions of alchemy restrictions. You only need to collect the corresponding materials and put them in. Tianbao Tower It will automatically refine the corresponding pills, and the pills to restore the injuries of the soul include the soul-returning pill, the soul-replenishing pill, and the soul-replenishing pill... Boy Su, your soul power is so perverted, you still get hurt?"

"No, one of my friends' soul has been severely injured, and he is constantly losing soul power. If he doesn't get treated quickly, his life may be in danger!"

"So that's the case. There is no pill to restore the injury of the soul, but the old man still has the soul-fixing pill here, which should be able to temporarily stabilize his injury. You can take it!"

As soon as Tian Lingzi finished speaking, a little spiritual light flew out from the Tianbao Pagoda and fell into Su Poman's golden soul kingdom.

In the outside world, Su Poman flipped his hands, and a dark purple elixir filled with mist appeared in his hand. This elixir was the size of a longan, the whole body was round and leak-free, and exuded a rich fragrance.

Qian Yunmo just sniffed a scent and felt a sense of tranquility and comfort in his soul. He straightened his face, looked at the pill carefully, and said in surprise: "Brother Su, what kind of pill is this?" The medicine looks quite extraordinary! Could it be that it can heal Xinghui's injury?"

"This is a Soul Stabilizing Pill. At present, it can only stabilize the injury of Daoist Feng. If you want to heal it, you need to find materials to refine the Soul Restoring Pill!"

Su Poman supported Feng Xinghui's back with one hand and stood up his upper body. With the other hand, he gently pinched his chin, and threw the elixir in the moment he opened his mouth.

As soon as the elixir was taken in, it turned into thin streams and spread out, turning into a layer of lavender light that enveloped Feng Xinghui's face. It didn't take long for his aura to stabilize, and his soul power stopped flowing.

Su Poman looked at his state, waved his hand, and sent him to the bed on the side of the tent, and set up a simple soundproof formation.

"Fellow Daoist, you need to rest well, everyone try not to disturb him."

Luo Shuixian nodded, her eyes still a little red, and said sincerely to Su Poman: "Brother Su, thank you very much this time, if you weren't here, Brother Feng might be in danger..."

Speaking of this, there was a trace of fear in the depths of her eyes, as if she had thought of something bad, and the moisture in her eye sockets increased.

"Anyway, thank you very much!"

At this moment, the little Lolita, who was originally grumpy and cheerful, seemed to become mature all of a sudden.

Seeing this, Zhong Lingyue couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged her, and comforted her: "Narcissus, don't worry, Fellow Daoist Feng is fine, he will definitely get through this difficult time!"

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Feng will be fine, and I will definitely not let him have any accidents. Don't worry!" Su Po said loudly. He felt that Feng Xinghui's injuries were ultimately for himself. Yes, no matter who hurt him, he must seek justice for him.

This matter probably has something to do with the ancestor of the star that day!
Thinking of this, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and he said fiercely in his heart: "No matter what your background is, no matter what your cultivation level is, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

Qian Yunmo seemed to have noticed the evil spirit exuding from Su Poman's body, and was a little worried that he would do something irrational out of impulsiveness, so he hurriedly stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and then changed the subject.

"That...Brother Su, just now I heard you say that the soul-fixing pill can only temporarily stabilize Brother Feng's injury. As for the spirit-returning soul-replenishing pill, do you have any connections?"

Su Poman waved his hands, and said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry about it, I will get the Soul Rejuvenation Pill soon! Captain Qian, do you know where the Patriarch Tianxing's dojo is, don't worry, I just Go check out the news..."

After leaving the tent, Su Poman soared into the sky, turned into a stream of red light, flew out of the formation of the camp, and headed towards the southeast.


Under the vast sea of ​​clouds, a mountain peak rises from the ground, towering like a sharp sword, extremely dangerous.The mountains along the coast are empty, as if covered with a light veil. The high mountains surround a large depression, which is lush and full of shade, and a clear mountain stream spreads out of the depression.This place is called Daguan Mountain, and it is one of the top ten immortal clans in the northwest border region, the clan land of the Shangguan family.

At this time, the Daguan Mountain was extremely lively.

There is no other reason. Today is the 9000 millionth birthday of the ancestor of the Shangguan family, Taoist Tianxing. Several months in advance, the descendants of the Shangguan family came from all over the country, bringing rare treasures, to celebrate the birthday of their ancestor.Today, some forces in the Northwest Frontier also sent disciples to congratulate them with congratulatory gifts, and the lively atmosphere gradually reached a climax.

From time to time, there are gorgeous carriages flying by in the sky, and there are monks who are below the fairyland below, shuttling back and forth in the mountains and forests. Many people are welcoming and sending them off, and they look very busy.

Su Poman stood on top of the clouds, pondered for a moment, and then decided to blend in first, to see if he could get some news from the banquet.

On the day of other people's great joy, if you rush to find trouble without any evidence, it will be somewhat untenable.

The aura all over his body faded, and the bright silver armor on his body turned into an ordinary white robe. Su Poman only showed the aura of Yuanshen Daoguo. From the outsiders' eyes, he only had Yuanxian realm.

As soon as he approached the foot of the mountain, he felt a few prying spirits sweeping towards him unscrupulously. Not long after, a young man in a gorgeous black suit came out.

"Who is coming?"

Su Poman showed a kind smile on his face, and slowly said: "Lingzi in Xiatian, I have admired the ancestor of Tianxing for a long time, I heard that his old man has a birthday today, so I came here to send a congratulatory gift, I wonder if I can come in and ask for a glass of wedding wine?"

The young man in the fancy dress listened, his expression became a little impatient. If it wasn't for the elder's order before, on the day of the ancestor's birthday, as long as they come to celebrate the ancestor's birthday, no matter how close they are or how far they are, , can enter the Star City to take a seat.

It's just that the lower the cultivation level, the more the seat will be on the periphery.

Like the person in front of him, only monks from the Yuan Immortal Realm will be arranged in the open space outside the Sky Star City according to the rules.

In his opinion, these people are just here to join in the fun. It's like the Shangguan family serving porridge to the poor, letting them be honored by their ancestors and rewarding them with a good meal.

As for building relationships and using this to join the Shangguan family, that's just daydreaming!
(End of this chapter)

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