"Bring it up!"

On the high seat, the presiding judge spoke in an indifferent voice.

A black-armored guard walked down quickly, took the gold plate from Ning Hai's hand, and then respectfully sent it to the presiding judge.

The chief judge raised his hand and pointed, and a thin stream of fairy light flowed out from between his fingers and fell on the golden plate. The soul altar was instantly activated——

Lines of light and shadow emerged, and then were pulled by the Tribunal's formation and magnified into the mid-air, becoming a giant screen more than ten feet high, on which the scene that Ning Wanhu saw before his death was played.

The first thing that catches the eye in the picture is a strong and slender arm, which is firmly grasping Ning Wanhu's neck. Looking up, it is Su Poman's somewhat careless face, with an expression on his face. A bit contemptuous.

"Needless to say, I'm too lazy to waste time on you!"

clack clack...

The sound of broken bones was clearly heard in the video, and everyone present could clearly feel Ning Wanhu's despair and helplessness at that time. Then the screen flipped again, and his eyes rolled back and forth twice, followed by a big foot. Kick it.


The image was like a television that had been suddenly powered off, instantly falling into groggy darkness.

The trial court fell into silence. There were some people in the audience who were more advanced than Ning Wanhu, but not many.

The eighth-grade heavenly immortal, placed in the camp, can be regarded as a powerful person in addition to the true immortal-level governor, and is also a captain-level figure in the border defense team.

However, such a strong man was crushed to death by a sixth-grade immortal like a chicken.

In the realm of immortals, there is a huge gap between each level, almost equivalent to the gap between the Qi refining stage and the Nascent Soul stage in the mortal world.

With such a huge gap, they were massacred as if they were being crushed. This shocked the Celestial Immortal Realm monks present, and there was something strange in Su Poman's eyes.

"It's really surprising that this son's fighting power is so strong!"

"It's just a pity that the evidence he left behind is terrible. According to military law, this man will undoubtedly die!"

"Did you notice that in the scene of the Soul Altar just now, there seemed to be other fallen monks, who seemed to be members of Team No. 14!"

"Hiss! Could it be that the entire Fourteenth Squadron has fallen into the hands of this kid? It's too scary. The combat power of a squad is not simple. Some of them are even as capable as true immortals. This..."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and everyone had various speculations in their minds.


A loud shout came out, the sound was as loud as a bell, and the scene immediately became much quieter.

"Does the person under trial have any objection to this accusation?" The presiding judge turned his attention to Su Poman and asked calmly.

Su Poman stood up slowly, glanced around the audience, and then said loudly: "Yes, I did kill this person. I dare to take responsibility for it! But... these people deserve to die, I just left the camp, They surrounded and killed me, and I had no choice but to fight back, which was considered self-defense!"

"What? He actually admitted it directly?"

"This man has such a strong character. He actually admitted that he killed his comrades. No matter what reason he had, this is a violation of military law!"


As soon as Su Poman finished speaking, there was another commotion in the venue. No one expected that the person under trial would directly confess his crime. Originally, they would have guessed what means the person under trial would use to prove that the influence of the soul altar was fake. of.

After Qian Yunmo and others heard what Su Poman said, they couldn't help but stood up anxiously and kept sending messages to him, urging him to take back what he just said.

Such a direct admission of killing a colleague would be extremely detrimental to the interrogator.

"Oh? So you admitted to the crime of killing your comrade?" the presiding judge also asked in surprise.Su Poman frowned slightly, this form of questioning made him feel very uncomfortable.

Why, they only heard that I killed people, but not why I killed them?

Typical stupid law enforcement model!
Or maybe he was bribed!

He turned to look at Ning Hai, and sure enough he saw a sinister and cunning smile on his face, and his eyes showed the confidence that everything was under control.

When Su Poman saw this, he immediately understood and said to himself: "Sure enough, he has a py deal!"

He picked out his ears, raised his right foot and stepped on the stool next to him, looked up at the presiding judge and asked with a slightly arrogant expression: "I said... old man, are you deaf or stupid? Didn't you hear what I said later, was it self-defense? Are you asking your mother to plead guilty?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the venue. Even the presiding judge was stunned for a moment. He really suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

This little guy from the Heavenly Realm in front of him openly insulted me in the court?
The old man with black hair and red eyes hanging above the cloud platform was originally in a state of contemplation with his eyes closed. As soon as Su Poman's words came out, his eyes suddenly opened, with a look of surprise on his face, and he looked curiously. below.


The woman in palace attire from the Mysterious Immortal Realm showed a trace of disgust on her face, frowning slightly, and said, "This man actually directly insulted fellow Taoist Kunxu. He is a little ungrateful!"

"Oh~ don't rush to a conclusion, let's take a look first! I haven't seen such a good show for a long time!" The red-eyed old man said slowly with a strange smile on his face.

The audience seemed to be exploding at this moment.

"This man... is so brave!"

"Pfft, how can this be brave? This is seeking death. Who can do this to scold the presiding judge in the courtroom?"

"Although this person is a bit stupid, I still admire his courage. He is really not afraid of death!"


Everyone in Team [-] was also stunned. They didn't expect Su Poman to be so courageous. They couldn't think of any way to save the situation for a while. They looked at each other with helpless expressions.

"Silence, silence!"

A black-armored guard reminded loudly.

After the scene calmed down again, the presiding judge said with a cold face: "Since the person under trial has admitted that he killed his comrades, according to the ninth iron law of the Border Guard Military Law, Article [-], he should be sentenced to death. His soul will be tempered by thunder for a hundred years. ...In addition, you insulted the presiding judge in court, ignored the majesty of the court, and your crime and punishment were aggravated. I sentence you to the death of your soul and soul, and you will never be reincarnated!"

"It's over..."

Qian Yunmo looked desperate. He covered his face with his right hand and fell straight onto the back of the seat, as if all his strength had been drained from his body.

Kuang Tie looked a little confused and lamented: "Brother Su, why are you doing this! It shouldn't be like this!"

"Your Majesty, there must be something hidden in this matter. Please continue..."

Zhong Lingyue took the risk to stand up and bow down, wanting to defend Su Poman.

"Shut up, the trial court is not a place where you can interrupt at will, get out!" The chief judge shouted angrily, raised his hand and slapped the members of Team [-] away with great magic power.


The door opened instantly, and the bodies of several people flipped uncontrollably in mid-air and landed heavily on the ground outside, with golden blood spurting out from their mouths.

At this moment, the presiding judge showed his majesty as the presiding judge to everyone.

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