Su Poman saw Qian Yunmo and others being swept away and his body was seriously injured. In an instant, he felt his blood rush to his body. He jumped directly to the table in the waiting room, pointed at the presiding judge above and angrily yelled: "You old man Son, not only are you deaf, but you also dare to hurt my friends at will, you already have a way to die!"

"Boy, you dare to be rude to the presiding judge, you are looking for death!" Upon seeing this, Ning Hai stood up impatiently and accused, while raising his hands upward and begging: "Please allow me to take action, the presiding judge." The little thief was killed on the spot and I will use his life to apologize to you!"

The presiding judge's expression turned extremely ugly at this time. As a being in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, he is a very important figure no matter where he goes. His status in this camp is also equal to that of a general. He can be said to be the most powerful class in the camp. Moreover, he has a special position and is affiliated with the Tribunal. Even if the marshal comes, he will have to give him three points.But the little angel below seemed to be in a daze, provoking his majesty again and again, making rude remarks, and insulting him in court. If he were not restricted by the rules of the Tribunal, he would have been killed long ago. Take action and crush it.

Although he has received some benefits from the Ning family, he cannot be insulted by an immortal. At this time, even if the Ning family does not continue to operate, he must find a way to kill this arrogant little thief.

"That's it!"

A cold light full of murderous intent appeared in the eyes of the presiding judge, "This thief ignored military law and killed his comrades. He committed a heinous crime. In addition, he despised the court of justice and sentenced him to death on the spot and annihilation of his soul. Hereby, the supervisors from all directions have arranged formations to strictly prevent this. The thief escaped with the magic of soul!"


A group of black-armored guards bowed to the order, and then took out command flags, activating the trapping formation in the Tribunal.

Seeing this situation, Su Poman also gave up the idea of ​​proving his innocence here. He sneered and said loudly: "I think this court is also a bunch of scumbags. They actually use some dirty and despicable methods to force confessions. I don't know how many people there are." I was slandered and framed by you fools, but you used these methods on the wrong person, do you know that, old man?"

"Stop talking nonsense, you little thief is about to die today! Watch me avenge my grandnephew!" Ning Hai sneered, raised his hand, and blasted out a golden sword light.

"Big Hole Light Splitting Sword Technique!"

Whoosh whoosh!
The giant sword light, which was several feet wide, was suspended in the air above Su Poman's head for a moment, and it seemed to split into dense sword shadows.

These sword shadows are equipped with the power of law, and the sharp breath cuts the surrounding space, making a clanging buzzing sound.

Su Poman raised his head and looked straight up, without fear. He tightened his fingers one by one, and then suddenly clenched his fists, and the biological force field around him spread instantly.


The surrounding tables and chairs were instantly swept away and turned into countless debris in mid-air.

"Hmph, even if you want to kill me, you and your grandnephew are the same thing and deserve to die!"

When Su Poman raised his head, his broken hair was fluttering in front of his forehead, and two eyes glowing with scarlet light were vaguely revealed, followed by a monstrous murderous intent.

Killing beings of a lower level than oneself makes it difficult to generate murderous intent, just like when a mortal crushes an ant, it is difficult to cause any fluctuations.

Real murderous intent is generated by killing beings of the same level as oneself, or even higher levels.

These murderous intentions contain the resentment and fear of thousands of living beings before their death. After being condensed for a long time, a very special aura will be born.

In this kind of aura, opponents are like pigs or sheep seeing a butcher, and chills and fear will be born in the depths of their souls.

When he was in the lower realm, he and his clones killed countless demons, most of which were high-level demons of the same level or far superior to him.

This is where this overwhelming murderous intent comes from.

This condensed murderous intention spread out like a huge tide in the ocean. The monks who were watching the battle here felt a chill in their hearts, as if they had fallen into a cold cellar, as if they were being targeted by natural enemies.

Even the three Mysterious Immortals hanging in the sky were frightened, and warnings came from within their consciousness.

In the field, Su Poman soared into the sky, and the biological force field around him turned into a huge fist seal and smashed toward his head.

"How could the murderous aura in this boy be so strong? How many fellow monks has he killed in his life..." the red-eyed old man secretly said.

The woman in palace clothes on the side lost her previous calmness, and her graceful and noble face showed a bit of surprise, "This junior's strength is also somewhat extraordinary! Could it be some powerful direct descendant?" said As she stood, she couldn't help but look at the presiding judge, and sure enough she saw a trace of unnatural expression on Kunxu's face.

At this time, Kunxu also felt that he was in a bit of trouble. Judging from the current situation, this immortal below was indeed something extraordinary. Thinking about the previous scene where this person pointed at his nose and insulted him, it was obvious that he really had the confidence to do such a thing.

If there really is a powerful junior who comes out to practice, then he will hit the wall.

"It's all my fault that those idiots from the Ning family provoked such a freak and didn't even say hello in advance! Bad luck!"

While he was thinking, a burst of exclamations suddenly broke out in the audience.

"Look, he's actually beating the True Immortal Master!"

"What does it mean to hit with pressure? This is just like a father beating his son. It's so miserable that I can't bear to watch it!"

"Damn it, it's so outrageous, it spans an entire realm!"

"Why do I feel that this man is fully capable of killing Governor Ning directly, but he seems to be humiliating him all the time..."

"Yes, the face was hit so hard that I couldn't even recognize who it was. It was terrible!"


In the field, Ning Hai, who was high-spirited before, was now being suppressed by a figure, unable to move.

"Left hook, right hook, I'll give you a black eye again!"

Su Poman grinned widely, and swung out his fists like raindrops, falling heavily on Ning Hai, like rain hitting banana trees, causing serious damage to his body.

Ning Hai's face was covered with blood, and his body was like a cotton doll, trembling constantly after being beaten, without any resistance.

"Where was your awesomeness just now?"

"You still want to slander me with that old deaf man? I crushed your great-nephew to death with my own hands. How about that? He is just a bug. When he sees other people's achievements, he will come to rob him. He is really in an advanced stage of jealousy, so I sent him on his way. , do you think I am wrong?"

"And you guy, you want to kill me when you come up, and you use such dirty methods. I won't tolerate your cowardice. A gentleman takes revenge. I won't wait ten years, I will take revenge on the spot!"

Su Poman beat the person happily while relieving himself, and laughed wildly like a maniac. He looked like a god and a devil. Finally, he picked him up and flew high into the air. His iron-like palms continued to strengthen, and his eyes The killing intent was so strong that it was like scarlet flames about to burst out.

"Let you experience the same, the same way your grandnephew died!"

clack clack...

There was a crisp sound of bone cracking in the field, just like the image of the trial court at the beginning, which was now very real and presented in front of everyone.

"What is he going to do? Kill someone in court?"

"This man is so crazy and arrogant! He simply doesn't take the Tribunal seriously..."

"Don't worry, the presiding judge and the others won't just sit idly by and ignore it!"

"At this juncture, I'm afraid the only thing the chief judge can do is take action personally. A True Immortal of Origin has been tortured into such a miserable state. Even if the supervisors take action together, it may be difficult to save Ning Hai's life in time!"


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