Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 414: Divine Chapter Heavenly Realm?

In this battle, a total of eighteen Xuanxian monks were defeated, including two outstanding ones in the Xuanxian realm. After the particle world digested all the resources, a total of nine thousand rays of purple energy were obtained.

Su Poman planned to use these nine thousand wisps of purple energy to improve his own skill level. On the one hand, he could assimilate other particles in his body, and he could also perfect the power of laws in the particle world.

Those three thousand brands are just the seeds of the law, and they still need a lot of purple energy to form the complete power of the law.

"Let's do it step by step!"

Su Poman looked inside, looking at the wisps of purple energy in the imaginary space. With a thought, all the purple energy poured into one of the law imprints.

Soon, the power of the law contained in it continued to grow, like spring breeze turning into rain, a cocoon breaking into a butterfly, a complete law of fire emerged from the imprint, and the huge shadow of the law chain stretched across the entire universe.

"The birth of a complete power of law consumes a total of two hundred rays of purple energy!"

Su Poman had a clear understanding in his heart, and the next moment he felt a mysterious and mysterious mystery emerging in his soul. A red firelight between his eyebrows carved a red mysterious rune while burning.

"So that's it. In the particle world opened up by the Purple Source Sutra, as long as there is a complete law, my Yuanshen realm will be upgraded to the heavenly realm!"

"If all the 1,296 million particles in my body are opened up into a world of particles, and there is a complete power of law in them, what state will it be? Could it be the legendary... mythical fairyland?

If everyone has the complete Three Thousand Laws, what kind of state will it be? I'm afraid a hair can kill an Immortal Emperor! "

Su Po imagined with excitement, and was even more amazed at the potential of Ziyuan Sutra. This is simply a peerless technique that leads directly to the supreme path and fruit!

" much purple energy will be consumed to open up another particle universe?"

According to his own ideas, Su Poman tried to inject purple gas into another particle near the particle universe. As the purple gas surged in, the particle underwent earth-shaking changes, and a trace of charm changed from the original one. The particle simply named 'Universe 1' is projected onto another particle.

In the second particle, a scene like the creation of the world appeared, the earth, fire, wind and water surged wildly, and the void was torn open to an endless distance.

Slowly, Su Poman noticed something was wrong. He found that the purple energy stored in Universe 1 had slowly bottomed out, but the particle showed no sign of completion.

"This is the entire net worth of the eighteen immortals. How can it be possible that I can't open up a particle universe? That mother's one is too dark. What should I do with the remaining 1 billion particles? I'm afraid it will suck. Even the world of immortals, demons and demons is not enough!" Su Poman was speechless and spent his own money to put some of the treasures in his storage ring into Universe and turn them into purple energy.

After consuming eleven thousand wisps of purple energy, the second particle successfully opened up an identical universe, which also contained countless immortal charms, lines on the Purple Source Roulette, and the imprints of the Three Thousand Laws.


Su Poman was surprised to find that there was a complete law of fire in the second particle universe. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly understood.

"It seems that 10800 wisps of purple energy should be enough to open up a new particle. The extra 1 should be consumed by copying the law of fire in Universe !"

Looking inside at the proto-core particles that were as vast as stars, Su Poman couldn't help but feel dizzy. He only hoped that the foundation of the world of immortals, demons and demons was stronger than he thought, otherwise, he would really be unable to withstand his own efforts. Next, Su Poman plans to develop the 'Universe No. 1' first and perfect the three thousand laws. It is estimated that he has reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor. In this world of immortals, monsters, and demons, no one except Tianzun is. It would be much easier for your opponents to find resources in this way.

The newly opened 'Universe 2' has also significantly improved his combat power. With two big worlds as his foundation, his immortal power is almost endless, as if it is a perpetual motion machine.

Even if you perform high-grade magic, the consumption will be instantly replenished by the power born independently in the two big universes. The power of the big universe projection has also been upgraded to a higher level, the scope has become larger, and the pressure has become stronger.

Although the improvement effect is so obvious, he has no idea of ​​opening up other particle universes now, because the resources to be invested are too huge. Two particle universes are enough for the current situation.

Between people in the same realm, they can achieve 100% suppression of strength. Even if they fight across the border, they can still have a certain impact on the Golden Immortal monks.

The super brain deduced a little, and Su Poman found the most suitable route for his own development. As long as he can keep going down-to-earth, it will no longer be a dream to step on Senluo Tianzun under his feet in the future!

During the period of retreat, many monks sent by powerful forces came to visit. Su Poman did not pretend to be cold this time, but received them all cordially, and then showed that he would not take the initiative, refuse, or refuse. With the three principles of recognition, he naturally accepted all the generous gifts that came to his door, and rejected all the invitations that wanted to absorb him into his family's influence.

Although such a reputation is not good, he is too poor and has no choice!

During this period of time, Su Poman did gain a lot of treasures. After being transformed into purple energy, there were more than three thousand rays. Including the rewards from this battle of geniuses, after being thrown into Universe 1, a total of five thousand and five thousand were transformed. More than a hundred wisps of purple energy.

When there were still three days before the next Tianjiao battle, Su Poman began to close the door to thank guests and hung a 'in retreat' sign at the door to show that he did not want to be disturbed.

He began to put all this purple energy into Universe No. 1, transforming it into the power of 26 complete laws, and his realm of soul also successfully reached the realm of true immortal.

It stands to reason that more than 27 wisps of purple energy can give birth to the power of at least laws. However, when he was cultivating a middle-grade law, he was shocked to find that the middle-grade law actually required wisps of law power. Breed one.

Based on this speculation, he felt that if he wanted to form a complete high-grade law, he would definitely need more purple energy.

"Hey, when the battle of geniuses is over, let's go to the demon world or the demon world first! In the fairy world area, if you provoke too much hatred, you will be more cautious about fighting..."

After the purple energy was consumed, Su Poman stopped practicing, and instead focused on integrating the newly acquired Chaos God and Demon physique.

Three days passed by in a flash.

On this day, hundreds of even larger arenas were suspended in the sky above Juyang City.

The second round of the Mainland Prodigy Battle will also be held in the form of a 'melee', with groups of a hundred people again.

The participants in the battle this time are all the strongest people who fought out from the melee of hundreds of people in the previous Tianjiao battle. Each one of them in one continent can be called a peerless genius.

Just like cultivating poison, such a powerful being must also fight it out in a melee. Only one person among a hundred people will advance to the final top 100 ranking battle!

Among the people watching the battle below, there are many more monks who were eliminated in the first battle of geniuses. They are all looking forward to see which monk in the arena is inferior to them. It is a blind cat that meets a dead mouse. Relying on luck to enter the second round of scrimmage.

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