Su Poman was already standing on Arena No. 96, a little bored. Although his opponents this time were much stronger than the first round of melee, in his opinion, they were still a group of people who wanted to torture him. Just a bad dish.

At this stage, there was no need to hide anything. He planned to cover the entire arena with the cosmic projection of Zi Yuan Jing when the melee began, and collect as many resources as possible.

Looking at the other geniuses standing proudly in the sky, their bodies emitting the light of various fairy treasures, he felt like he was seeing big fat sheep.

These people's strength far exceeds that of ordinary late-stage Xuanxian, and their net worth is very rich.

If this wave can be harvested successfully, then one's Yuan Shen realm can be quickly improved.

This time, at least five golden immortals were stationed above every arena to prevent excessive casualties.

After all, those who can enter this battle of geniuses are all the treasures of a certain force or have a profound background.

Under the influence of these intricate relationships, this war of geniuses generally does not allow the death of the participants, so the referee's intervention will be greater this time.

A golden immortal above the floating arena explained the rules of this round of melee as usual, and then as a distant bell rang, astonishing mana fluctuations suddenly came from all over the arena.

The treasure light volleys in the sky, and the magic is everywhere!

Powerful formations or talismans were about to take shape, but they saw a dark field that could cover the entire arena suddenly descend!

In Arena No. 96, all the participants were stunned.

"What's happening here?"

"Which formation cultivator's method?"


Before they could figure out the situation before them, they were horrified to find that their entire body was suppressed by an inexplicable force.

Immediately afterwards, ancient stars bloomed with light from the distant starry sky. They were very far away at first, but the light seemed to be able to travel through the void and fell on the monks in an instant.

Now even the five golden immortals outside the arena could not sit still, and they all looked at it with their powerful spiritual consciousness.

However, this projection seems to have weird rules that are different from the fairy world, and even their spiritual consciousness is suppressed and blocked.

"This method is really weird!" A gray-haired middle-aged man with a sapphire inlaid between his eyebrows looked confused.

Next to her, a beautiful woman in royal attire wearing a gold-stepped hair ornament also slowly frowned, looking at the scene in the arena attentively, and said in a warm voice: "This is somewhat like the realm of a true fairyland. There are also some unpredictable changes. Three thousand years ago, I saw sects specializing in the field of training in Yuandongtian, but they seemed to be a little different..."

"He was able to suppress the cultivation of other combatants. He has already won. I hope he takes action a little lightly. It would be bad if it kills people..." Opposite the beautiful woman in palace clothes, an old woman with black hair said slowly Speak slowly.


At this time, in the arena, Su Poman looked at the dozens of trapped geniuses from the Mysterious Immortal Realm, and softly uttered one word -


Suddenly, a strange fluctuation echoed in the arena.

I saw the treasures on those monks dissipating rapidly and turning into dots of stars. Even the cultivation resources in the storage ring were constantly dissipating, and even their cultivation base was in a state of constant loss.

"This, this, this... the referee just doesn't care?"

"I admit defeat, please let me out quickly. This is what I have cultivated for tens of thousands of years!"


When many people face such a huge loss, their moods fluctuate violently and their emotions become unstable.

Some people are yelling, and some people with strong minds are trying to find a way to break the situation.

Su Poman opened his arms and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was feeling the various changes within the projection range of the universe. The wisps of mysterious purple energy were constantly being generated, and the corners of his mouth gradually raised. Above the arena, the five Golden Immortals in charge of refereeing and monitoring did not receive any message from anyone admitting defeat, but could barely see the scene with their spiritual senses.

They felt relieved after seeing that no one had died.

There is no one who is not injured in the battle of Tianjiao. As long as no one dies in this round, they will not bear any responsibility.

After about dozens of breaths, on the arena, all the participants became a little naked. The male cultivators only had a pair of shorts or underwear left, while the female cultivators had more clothes left, and their cultivators had more clothes left. A large part of his magic power disappeared without any warning, and his aura fell to the early stage of Xuanxian.

Su Poman opened his eyes and lightly snapped his fingers——


The surrounding darkness immediately dissipated, restoring the original appearance of the arena.

"You admit defeat!"

He looked around with stern eyes and said slowly.

"I surrender!"

"I'll admit defeat too!"


Although everyone was unhappy, they never wanted to experience the powerlessness just now. Some people with powerful backgrounds gave Su Poman a vicious look before leaving.

"Li Xuezhe, I remember you!"

"I don't know what means you used. Hum, you win this time! I will definitely find a way to restrain myself next time!"

"I don't accept it. He probably cheated! He used some shameful method..."


He didn't take it seriously to those young monks who spoke cruel words, but for those guys who refused to admit defeat, he once again pulled them into the projection of the universe with a single tap.

After cleaning up, he became much more honest, and after he came out he gave up.

"I didn't expect that an extraordinary person would appear in the arena we are responsible for!"

Looking at Su Poman's series of tricks on the field, the gray-haired middle-aged man exclaimed.

"Perhaps, the ones who can stand out in this second round of melee in other arenas are all unparalleled geniuses. Who is strong and who is weak will only be revealed later!" The beautiful woman in palace attire raised her eyebrows, as if she didn't agree.

This game went very quickly, and the final winner was decided in less than half a quarter of an hour.

The monks watching the battle from the outside were also very shocked by this result, and many forces began to inquire about the roots of 'Li Xuezhe'.

Because of this victory, the name 'Li Xuezhe' has become more widely known, and has been regarded as a target by countless monks, a true genius!

As soon as he came out of the arena, a waiter presented him with a generous reward. This was the prize for the second round of the Prodigy Battle. It included precious treasures such as the 'Principal Source Fruit', and there were quite a few of them, and their value was higher than the first prize. The wheel is ten times higher!

Many big forces also extended olive branches and promised countless tempting conditions. As long as Su Poman joined any of them, he would be trained as an absolute true disciple.

After returning to the small courtyard, Su Poman opened the courtyard door wide and received all the visitors one by one. Of course, gifts were indispensable.

The endless stream of visitors almost leveled his threshold. Su Poman felt that his face was about to freeze with laughter, but when he thought of the precious gifts he had just received in his storage ring, he felt filled with joy. Social' motivation.

"Brother Li, come slowly. Come to my place often from now on. It's rare to have a confidant in life. Brother Linghu and I hit it off right away. If there weren't too many visitors here today, I will make sure that I don't get drunk and never come back with Brother Linghu!" Su Poman grabbed one person's arm affectionately, without any arrogance, as if the two were long-lost brothers.

The middle-aged man in black robes who was called 'Brother Linghu' coughed slightly, with a somewhat unnatural look on his face. He was obviously shocked by Su Poman's enthusiasm, and even began to wonder if the other party had something. 'Long Yang's good', he gently pushed down Su Poman's palm and said with a smile: "Brother Li is a very talented person, but it's a pity that he is still a casual cultivator. You must carefully consider what I mentioned before!"

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