"Haha, easy to talk about!"

Su Poman smiled and waved his hand. At this time, another group of people came from a distance, carrying large and small exquisite boxes in their hands, which looked very valuable.

With a wave of his hand, he left 'Brother Linghu' behind and hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Why did I hear the magpies chirping today? It turns out that there are distinguished guests coming to the door!"

While talking, he took the gift without leaving any trace and put it into the storage ring in a flash. Su Po greeted the visitor enthusiastically and spoke the words very familiarly, which greatly benefited the other party.

Unexpectedly, the unparalleled genius in the second round of melee was so approachable?

He is really aloof and arrogant with no genius at all. He is indeed a person worth winning over and getting to know deeply!

Linghu Yun in the corner looked a little unnatural, feeling as if he had heard these words once.

"This person..."

"These words are exactly the same!"

He thought for a long time and didn't understand. He sighed softly and turned to leave.

After sending away batch after batch of visiting guests, Su Poman counted the harvest and was very satisfied. Together with the rewards from the second round of melee, after feeding these resources to 'Universe 1', a total of more than wisps of purple energy were born.

According to previous estimates, this purple energy can at least give birth to more than 1 complete laws of heaven and earth in 'Universe '.

In other words, his Immortal Soul Realm can enter the Golden Immortal Realm!

However, this also involves the power of two top ten laws, the law of time and the law of space, and the cost of purple energy should be much higher than that of low-grade laws.

"Anyway, we have to participate in the Prodigy Battle now. Let's replenish the imprint of Space Law in Universe No. 1 first, just to see how much purple energy the top law will consume!"

After having the idea, Su Po satisfied his wish and descended into Universe No. 1 in his body. As soon as he thought, a ball of purple energy poured out from an unknown space, pouring into the imprint of the law of space like a stream.

Ten wisps!

A hundred wisps!

Two hundred wisps!

Five hundred strands!


When it reached five hundred strands, Su Poman had an unpleasant feeling in his heart. Then the consumption of purple energy gradually intensified, and the law of space began to take form.

"The top law is different, it really consumes purple energy!" Su Poman thought with some heartache.

A thousand wisps!

Three thousand strands!

Five thousand strands!

Ten thousand wisps!


Thirty thousand strands!

It was not until 30,000 strands that the Space Law was completely complete, and then an extremely mysterious rune mark was outlined between Su Poman's eyebrows, which was very harmoniously entangled with the previous law runes.

"It's simply outrageous! The purple energy consumption of this top-level law is more than a thousand times higher than that of the low-level law!"

Seeing the reserve of less than 100,000 wisps of purple energy, Su Poman felt that his previous idea was in vain. If he wanted to become a golden immortal, he would probably need more resources!

"I'm so poor..."

He looked at his empty storage ring and suddenly wanted to use the resources fed to the Burning Silence Sword, but when he thought of the attitude of the Nine Swords Venerable, he decided against it.

As a direct disciple of the Nine Swords Venerable, I still have to have the flying sword, so I can't lose my status too much.

"Perhaps Tianbao Tower can contribute some resources to me... When the Tianjiao war is over, let's ask the Lord!"

Next, Su Poman transformed all the remaining purple energy into low-grade laws. A total of 1 low-grade laws were born in Universe No. 452. Adding the previous 28, the power of the laws controlled by his soul now reached an astonishing level. With 480 items, his realm has also advanced by leaps and bounds, directly reaching the late stage of Xuanxian realm, which is two small realms higher than his originally dominant physical cultivation level! This is mainly because of the recent Tianjiao battle, Su Poman had no time to retreat and merge his physique, otherwise his physical body would not be inferior to the former in the speed of perfecting the Dao Fruit.

After possessing the Yuan Shen of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, he felt that his understanding of various Taoisms was more at ease, and at the same time, the power of his soul also increased dozens of times out of thin air.

He originally had a soul-swallowing body, but now his soul power is estimated to have surpassed many monks in the Golden Immortal Realm.

The Divine Soul Kingdom has become more and more powerful as the power of the Divine Soul increases, and the heaven and earth within it begin to vaguely echo the particle universe. There seems to be some strange connection between the two.

Feeling the various changes that had taken place in his body, Su Poman was very satisfied. He felt that if this continued, it would be easy to reach the Golden Immortal Realm. He only had to wait for the Tianjiao war to have the opportunity to see Ling Xingxue, whom he had longed for.

On the second day, in Juyang City, the top 100 ranking competition began, and there was a sea of ​​people. Many monks stood on the clouds to watch the mysterious light curtain. There were endless discussions and noises.

After two rounds of melee screening, excluding those who were seriously injured and unable to recover, there were still 496 participants. These people are all famous geniuses in the Piaomiao Continent. There are various major forces working hard to cultivate spokespersons for the younger generation.

Each of them has extremely powerful means, the ability to defeat many with one, and an endless supply of trump cards in their hands, and they can even fight across levels!

This battle attracted the attention of the entire Piaomiao Continent. Some ancestors who had been in seclusion broke out one after another, and many heads of the Immortal Sect and Supreme Elders came in person.

There is no doubt that this is a competition among the younger generation, and it is also a large-scale contest between various forces.

Those who can gain the upper hand in this contest will definitely gain more say at some levels.

Su Poman participated in the battle as a casual cultivator, so he naturally didn't need to consider the twists and turns. After drawing lots, he walked towards Arena No. 196.

"I wonder, who will be my opponent this time?"

Under the guidance of the waiter, he successfully entered the arena. At this time, in the air on one side of the arena, there was already a short-haired man wearing red fairy armor waiting with his eyes closed and his legs crossed.

After Su Poman entered the scene, he slowly opened his eyes, his expression a little indifferent: "Let's get started, don't waste my time!"

After saying that, a six-pointed star mark appeared in his pupils, and his spiritual consciousness turned into thousands of threads. With a wave of his hand, beast puppets with powerful auras appeared in the void around him.

There are three types of these puppets, namely wolf puppet, lion puppet and tiger puppet. The wolf puppet with the lowest aura has fluctuations in the early stage of Xuanxian.

Su Poman glanced with his consciousness and realized that there were actually three thousand puppets. The resources consumed to create such puppets must be unimaginable to ordinary people.

The spectators below the ring couldn't help but cheer when they saw this scene, especially the supporters of the man in red armor, whose faces were filled with excitement.

"Look, that's the Holy Son of the Wanzhu Sect, the inheritor of the Thousand Illusion God Controlling School. He's got three thousand puppet beasts in his hand. He's so handsome!"

"How should we fight like this? This is a beating. It's so unreasonable!"

"I must have surrendered early, lest I be seriously injured by these immortal puppets..."


In the arena, the man in red armor stared at Su Poman coldly, frowned slightly, and asked loudly: "You still won't admit defeat? Do you have to force me to take action?"

As he spoke, he raised his right arm high, and the eyes of the puppet beasts lit up with various rays of light. A puppet profound formation quietly rose, and then various rays of light began to appear in the mouths of these puppets, which revealed hundreds of laws. fluctuations in power.

Su Poman was also very curious about these puppets, so he did not take action immediately. He stood there and looked at the puppet beasts of different shapes with great interest.

"These puppet beasts should convert a lot of purple energy..."

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