An unknown distance away from Cangluan City, Su Poman was currently studying the "Purple Source Sutra" and comparing the airspace map on his way.

When killing Taoist Tianxing, he suddenly came up with the method of using the "Purple Source Sutra", which gave him an enlightenment and suddenly solved the problem of the condensation rules of Universe No. 1 being too slow.

He discovered that under the suppression of his own big universe projection, once the opponent's Dao Fruit was destroyed, he would have the opportunity to activate the "Purple Source Sutra" to absorb the power of law in the opponent's Dao Fruit.

This kind of transformation efficiency is much faster than transforming his cultivation into purple energy, and then using the purple energy to transform the laws of heaven and earth.

The original way is:

Opponent’s cultivation level and cultivation resources → Purple Qi → Law of Heaven and Earth

The newly discovered method is:

The laws of heaven and earth in the opponent’s Dao Fruit → The laws of heaven and earth in the particle universe

In this way, the losses in the process are undoubtedly reduced. However, this new method of plundering the laws cannot 1% obtain all the opponent's laws, but can capture the escaped laws from its broken Dao Fruit. power, thereby infusing it into the law mark corresponding to Universe No. , allowing it to quickly accumulate into the complete power of law.

In addition, this approach also has some drawbacks.

First, the absorption efficiency is not ideal. Even if a Golden Immortal-level Dao Fruit is broken, Su Poman can only absorb the power of more than ten laws, which is quite limited in quantity.

Secondly, most of the laws understood by monks at the Golden Immortal and below realms are low-level laws. These laws are highly similar to the existing laws of Universe 1, so for Universe 1, they are not of much help and can only be converted into purple energy in the end.

Furthermore, the narrow absorption range is also a problem that cannot be ignored. In the projection of the big universe, Su Poman could only absorb the power of law for one Dao Fruit at a time, and the other Dao Fruits could only watch helplessly as they turned into purple energy and dissipated.

Finally, this method has extremely strict requirements on Dao Fruit. According to Su Poman's speculation, only those who have reached the Golden Fairy Realm can their Dao Fruit be strong enough to be absorbed by the Purple Source Sutra. As for those low-level monks, their Dao Fruit has not experienced the process of three flowers gathering at the top. It is as illusory and misty as blue smoke. It will dissipate at the slightest touch and there is no time to absorb it.

However, Su Poman was not discouraged. After a little calculation, his super brain revealed a feasible solution for him.

Since most of the power of laws are low-grade laws, he can completely use the purple energy in his body to open up more particle universes.

Once these particle universes are formed, he can absorb the power of repeated laws into them. These universes are initially empty and do not contain any power of laws, so the efficiency of absorption can be greatly improved.

In this way, the power of low-grade laws that originally seemed useless can find a place to be used in the new particle universe.

Moreover, as he opens up more particle universes, the power of laws within them will also experience explosive growth. As time goes by, more and more particle universes will be promoted to the "Golden Wonderland Universe". In this way, his large universe projection can achieve the superposition of multiple universes, thus solving the limitation of only absorbing one Dao Fruit at a time. As for the resources of monks below the Golden Fairy Realm, Su Poman planned to convert all of them into purple energy and use them to open up a new particle universe. In this way, he is equivalent to creating a new chain of strength improvement. Both the quantity and quality of the particle universe will be rapidly improved.

This discovery greatly increased his confidence and he was full of expectations for his future path of spiritual practice.

At this time, Su Poman realized that he not only needed to name the particle universe, but also needed to define a clear realm for it. Just as the cultivation of immortality is closely linked to the number of laws, he plans to introduce this concept into the realm division of the particle universe. The number of laws in different realms will correspond to different realms of the universe, allowing you to understand and improve your own practice process more systematically.

Taking the present as an example, Universe 1 already has the power of more than 1 laws, which marks that it has reached the level of the particle universe of the Golden Fairyland. Correspondingly, this also had the amplifying effect of the Golden Fairy Realm on Su Poman's own Yuan Shen Dao Fruit Realm. And when Universe No. breaks through the power of a thousand laws and successfully embodies the two high-level laws of "good fortune" and "creation", his immortal realm will usher in a huge leap and step into the realm of countless golden immortals. The realm of the Immortal King that monks dream of.

These two laws are extremely rare in the entire world of immortals, demons and demons. Only the top treasure-like existences may contain a trace of their aura. In order to compete for this trace of aura, countless golden immortal monks fought to the death, setting off one bloody storm after another. However, even with the help of the Supreme Treasure Spiritual Yun, it does not mean that these two rare laws can be easily understood. It also requires an astonishing understanding to be able to discern the profound truth of creation and creation from the birth and death of countless worlds.

This shows how difficult it is for a Golden Immortal to be promoted to an Immortal Lord! Not only does one need to go through countless brutal battles and find that rare glimmer of light, but one also needs extraordinary understanding and opportunity to cultivate the power of these two rare laws to perfection. There is no other way to go. These two laws have almost become an insurmountable gap for 90% of the Golden Immortal monks. With their rarity and inaccessibility, they have eliminated countless talented people.

However, this is not difficult for Su Poman!

As long as he has enough purple energy, he believes that he will successfully enter the realm of the Immortal Lord. Once he enters the realm of the Immortal Lord, where can he go anywhere in the world?

In fact, through the experience of practicing "Star Transformation" and opening up the universe, Su Poman already has a certain understanding and understanding of these two laws. Even if there is no Purple Source Roulette or Purple Qi, he relies on his own understanding , sooner or later you will be able to comprehend the power of these two laws.

"The purple energy obtained through practicing the Purple Source Sutra is truly a wonderful existence. It seems to have endless potential and can transform all tangible and intangible things in the world!" Su Poman couldn't help but say this sigh. His thoughts suddenly drifted back to a great novel he read on Blue Star.

It is said that before Pangu opened up the world, the world was still in an undetermined state. There was no meaning such as time and space, and there was only the boundless purple energy permeating it.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi is described as the foundation of all things in heaven and earth, the source of all avenues, and the starting point of the birth of all heavens and worlds.

"Could this purple energy of mine be the legendary Hongmeng purple energy?"

Su Poman's mind felt as if he was struck by lightning, and then a large area of ​​darkness seemed to be driven away, becoming clear and clear. As if the gods knew themselves, he got a very accurate meaning from the wisps of purple energy.

What I thought was correct, the purple energy in the particle universe was really the source of the legendary avenue—Hongmeng Purple Energy!

1 Yuan Fairyland (low-grade fairy weapon), one layer of power of law (early, middle and late stages)

2 Earth Fairyland, (all the power of low-grade fairy weapons is fully exerted), the power of five-level laws

3 days of fairyland (middle grade fairy weapon), one complete law (st to th grade)

4 True Immortal Realm (high-grade immortal weapon), ten laws (low-grade 10-30, medium-grade 31-60, high-grade 61-99, source of true immortality)

5 Mysterious Immortal Realm (Top Immortal Weapon), One Hundred Laws, Space Laws

6 Golden Fairyland (Wangpin Immortal Weapon), Five Hundred Rules, Time Rules, Space

7 Immortal Lord Realm (Imperial Immortal Weapon), Good Fortune, Creation, One Thousand Laws

8 Immortal Emperor Realm (Supreme Immortal Weapon), Three Thousand Laws...

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