Jade Tower Sky.

A tall figure emerged from a crack in the space.

Su Poman experienced the kaleidoscope-like airspace passage, and after carefully identifying several routes, he finally arrived at the boundary of Yuquetian.

After checking against the airspace map, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief. The airspace map was too simple. Even with the magical power of "teleportation", he had to try again and again. Only by correcting again and again can we gradually find the correct path.

If it were an ordinary Golden Immortal monk, it would probably take hundreds of years to find the correct route.

Looking around, Su Poman found that he was in a pale red mountain range shrouded in dusk. The fairy spirit here is extremely rich, as if every wisp of air contains endless mystery and vitality. Among the mountains, countless rare and exotic animals are running and jumping freely. Their figures appear and disappear in the mist. They are very agile and lively. They are all nourished by the fairy energy, just like auspicious beasts.

In order to confirm his current specific location, Su Poman let go of his consciousness and allowed it to spread around like threads. He hoped to find a trace of human habitation in this vast and mysterious mountain range and confirm his current location.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

In a deep valley not far from Su Poman, it is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, as if shrouded in a mysterious veil. However, at this moment, an unprecedented vision suddenly burst out in this deep valley. A dazzling beam of light erupted from the depths of the ground and shot straight into the sky in an instant, dyeing the entire sky as bright as day.

The fluctuations contained in that light were powerful and heart-stopping, as if it was a signal that the treasure was born. This sudden change was like a huge stone dropped on the calm lake, instantly breaking the tranquility of Yuquetian.

Countless immortals sensed this strong fluctuation, put down their practice, and rushed towards the place where the light bloomed impatiently. They knew in their hearts that to be able to cause such an earth-shattering vision, it must be a rare treasure that is difficult to find in the world and is about to be released.

And beside a small lake surrounded by mountains and shaded by green bamboos, in a bamboo pavilion, a monk in green robes was closing his eyes and concentrating. But when he felt the strong fluctuation, his eyes instantly flashed with greed and desire.

"That must be the breath of the most precious treasure of creation. When the opportunity comes, I will succeed!"

He quickly picked up the message jade slip in his hand, and his figure disappeared in a flash, speeding towards the direction where the treasure was born. The green-robed monk was ecstatic. He knew that if he could obtain this treasure, it would definitely help him break through the current bottleneck of his cultivation and move towards a higher realm.

At the same time, in a cave hundreds of thousands of miles east of the Danchen Mountains, a female cultivator in red also felt this wave. She had a graceful figure and a fluttering red skirt, like a blooming fire lotus.

The female cultivator is holding a long sword, with fierce sword intent flowing on the sword. Her eyes are shining with determination. She has been trapped in the late Golden Immortal stage for a long time. She must win this treasure no matter what, in order to have a chance to break through the current situation. The shackles!

"No matter who wants to fight for this treasure, he must ask the Red Lotus Sword in my hand whether he agrees or not!" The female cultivator in red skirt rose into the sky, and her whole body seemed to turn into a divine sword as sharp as red fire.

"The treasure is born, and all the heroes are vying for it. Although I, Mo Feng, am a Sanren, I still want to get involved in this matter. Anyone who dares to block my way will be killed!" Mo Feng, a Sanren, said in a cold and cruel voice, revealing that he was not allowed to do anything. He was underestimated for his fierce power. He was wearing a black robe with complex runes embroidered on it. He looked mysterious and unpredictable. His face was stern and his eyes were like lightning, revealing a fierce murderous intent.

The words echoed in a dark ancient cave, and Mo Feng Sanren's figure had disappeared, leaving only a dark space crack, filled with a gloomy cold air.

In a beautiful place far away from the valley, a group of naked ascetics were fleeing in panic. They fled in panic away from the valley, as if the treasure that was about to be born was a fatal poison to them. Their faces were full of fear and anxiety, and they just wanted to escape from this land of right and wrong as soon as possible. …

Su Poman stared at the deep valley. His Yan Dao Mysterious Pupil was like the light of dawn, easily penetrating through the many restrictions and treasures, reaching the core of the treasure hidden in it.

It was an exquisite crown, its main body exuding an elegant blue luster, like the blending of the sky and the sea, or the deep night sky with twinkling stars. On the crown, the carefully carved lines meander and flow. They seem to be the embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth, shining with the light of unfathomable wisdom. At the top of the crown, there is a crystal clear gemstone, which seems to contain an ever-growing tiny universe, exuding a wonderful and powerful breath of creation.

The overall shape of this crown is like a blooming lotus, elegant and beautiful, and it is obviously a well-designed headdress for women. Every detail of it reveals extraordinary artistic beauty, which makes people fall in love at first sight.

"The treasure of creation?" A look of surprise appeared on Su Poman's face. He didn't expect that he was so lucky. As soon as he came to Yuquetian, he encountered the birth of the treasure. "I was worried that I didn't have any gifts for Xingxue! This one The treasure looks good!”

Thinking of Ling Xingxue's sweet smile after receiving the gift, Su Poman's mood suddenly became better.

At this moment, he frowned and said slightly angrily: "How dare you snatch the treasure in front of me? You really don't understand first-come, first-served!"

A wide sleeve appeared out of thin air, tens of thousands of feet high, standing between the sky and the earth, like a bag swallowing the sky, directly covering the deep valley. The person who came seemed to want to use a method similar to "the universe in the sleeve" to cover the deep valley. Take possession of this precious treasure that was just about to be born.

Before Su Poman could take action, a red flying sword suddenly shot out from the crack in the void. With a slight stab, it actually pierced the huge sleeve instantly, and red light fell into it like a meteor.

The owner of the sleeve was obviously irritated. He suddenly pulled the sleeve, and the surrounding space was completely torn like fragile paper. The monks hiding in the void had nowhere to hide, and they showed themselves one after another. Among these monks, there are not only golden immortal level beings, but also strong men from the demon world. Each of them stared at the deep valley with bright eyes, and the atmosphere instantly became extremely solemn.

Everyone present knew that once the treasure was fully revealed, a bloody and cruel battle would definitely break out here.

"Everyone, please listen to me!"

Su Poman took a deep breath and took a steady step. His body instantly swelled to a height of hundreds of thousands of feet, standing before everyone's eyes like a majestic ancient sacred mountain. Everyone's eyes were attracted by this sudden change, and many people were shocked.

"Since this treasure was born in front of me, then according to the first-come-first-served rule, it should belong to me." Su Poman's voice echoed in the void like thunder, "You...who agrees and who opposes ?”

As soon as Su Poman finished speaking, the monks present all cast unkind glances, obviously dissatisfied with his declaration of monopoly. However, the most precious crown has not yet fully appeared, and no one is willing to act rashly and become the target of public criticism.

Su Poman knew the thoughts of these monks very well, and no one would give up on such a treasure easily. The reason why he made the statement in advance was just to prepare those who had evil intentions, so as not to complain when they were killed by him mercilessly.

"Since you all remain silent," Su Poman coldly glanced at the monks around him, "then this treasure belongs to me. If anyone dares to snatch it, don't blame me for being ruthless!" His voice revealed. His unquestionable majesty shocked everyone present.

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