Chapter 437 Meeting and Gambling

"Then let's go!" Su Poman felt an indescribable excitement in his heart, and he responded with a gentle smile.

Immortal Emperor Qi Peng gently raised his hand, and a trace of spatial charm gently wrapped around Su Poman's figure. "You don't need to resist, I will lead you to Tianzun's location."

Su Poman nodded in agreement, and then he felt a strong spatial pulling force pulling him up, and left the place in an instant. Chaotic spatial turbulence quickly passed before his eyes, as if traveling through an endless time and space tunnel. In just an instant, he emerged from the void, and a magnificent hall came into view.

This hall is made of a stone as white as jade, majestic and majestic, reaching into the sky. Directly behind the main hall, a huge fairy sun hangs high in the sky, its light is dazzling and contains endless wisdom of law. It is the fairy sun that spreads light in the fairy world.

In front of the door of the main hall, there is a golden plaque hanging with the three characters "Riguan Hall" engraved on it. Every word seems to contain a profound Taoist charm, which makes people fascinated. It seems that as long as you stare at it for a moment, you can be immersed in it and realize the Tao forever.

However, before Su Poman could take a closer look at the other magical features of this building, a familiar voice came to his ears.

"Junior Brother Su!" The voice made him slightly stunned, and then a happy smile appeared on his face.

I saw a beautiful figure flying out of the white building——

This beautiful woman is like an elf between heaven and earth. Her figure is extremely graceful, her curves are smooth and elegant, and every part reveals perfect proportions. Wearing a white fairy dress, she looked like a fairy falling from the clouds to the earth. She was beautiful, refined and stunning. The fairy skirt was light and elegant, like clouds and mist, and the hem of the skirt swayed gently with her steps, like a blooming white lotus. The delicate and shiny fabric fit her figure and outlined her graceful curves, which was breathtakingly beautiful. The slender waist is as light as a willow, and the tall figure has a calm and leisurely demeanor when walking.

And her face was breathtakingly beautiful. Even through the translucent veil, the vague outline is enough to make people fall in love. Her eyes are like the brightest stars in the night sky, reflecting the beauty of heaven and earth, shining with a deep and charming light. Under the veil, her lips were slightly raised, forming a perfect arc, as if she was hiding thousands of words that she wanted to tell the person in front of her.

Su Poman was looking at Ling Xingxue at this moment, his gaze seemed to have traveled through endless time and space, affectionate and dignified. Pictures of the past flowed quietly in his heart, warm and clear. They had been on the wide deck, gazing at the purple clouds in the horizon together, creating the luck of encountering each other when they went out, the affection under the bamboo forest, and the longing for countless days and nights, and the memories bit by bit turned into the deep love that burst out at this moment.

"long time no……"

Under the gaze of the Heavenly Lord, he originally planned to remain restrained and break the brief silence with a decent greeting. However, before he could finish his words, a figure as light as petals ran into his arms. That was Ling Xingxue, her arms tightly wrapped around Su Poman's waist, as if she wanted to completely integrate herself into his body.

At this time, Su Poman didn't care anymore. He hugged the girl tightly into his arms and couldn't help but hold her around in a circle.

This scene was like Ponyo running from afar and throwing herself into Zongjie's arms. He could clearly feel the burning emotion in Ling Xingxue.

This feeling made him feel an indescribable satisfaction. All his efforts were not in vain, and the person in front of him was worthy.

The two hugged each other for a long time and were unable to separate. However, Immortal Emperor Qi Peng and his party were stunned.

"What a good boy, you've hidden it so well that you actually fell in love with the daughter of the Heavenly Lord!"

The six immortal kings were also full of envy, knowing in their hearts that the person in front of them had great luck.

If the two of them can succeed, it will be a smooth journey from now on!

After a long time, the two slowly separated. Su Poman looked at the beautiful lady with misty eyes in his arms, and was about to speak, but suddenly felt that time and space had changed, and he had arrived in a magnificent hall.

Su Poman raised his eyes and saw the figure of Guyang Great Heavenly Lord sitting on it. Next to the seat was an old man in his sixties who exuded a black and red aura. Standing next to the old man was an eyebrow-raising figure. Hard young man.

This young man had the cultivation level of a golden immortal. He was glaring at Su Poman fiercely, as if some treasure had been taken away from him.

Ling Xingxue did not appear in the main hall. It seemed that she had been sent to another place and was inconvenient to appear on this occasion.

"Boy, are you going to kidnap my precious daughter when you come here?" Guyang Tianzun glanced at the sixty-year-old man from the corner of his eye, and then said to Su Poman with a gentle expression.

Su Poman straightened his clothes and bowed down. At this time, he naturally knew what to say and said with a slightly respectful expression: "Junior, please pay my respects to Mr. Guyang. Xingxue and I are in love with each other. Besides, I haven’t seen you for a long time and I can’t help myself. Please forgive me!”

"Oh?" Tianzun Gu Yang was very satisfied with Su Poman's answer. He raised his eyebrows calmly on the surface and pretended to question: "I didn't hear Xingxue say that I am in love with you. You Look, this is Senluo Tianzun, who wants to discuss marriage with his son Nan Jue! "

As soon as this name appeared, Su Poman clearly felt the "Tianbao Tower" hidden deep in his soul shake.

Su Poman looked at Tianzun Senluo, but at that moment, he seemed to see the illusion of a skeleton with a ferocious smile emerging in Tianzun's eyes. This illusion was like a strange existence from the Nine Nether Abyss, trying to stir up a storm in Su Poman's mind and teach him a profound lesson.

However, the tenacity of Su Poman's soul had already surpassed the limits of his fellow monks. Over the years, he has absorbed the essence of countless immortal, demon and demon souls with his soul-swallowing body, making his soul as indestructible as a diamond that has been tempered thousands of times. Even the illusions released by powerful men like Senluo Tianzun could not shake him at all.

What's more, Su Poman also practiced the mysterious "Purple Source Sutra". This scripture is like the countless particle universes in his body, emitting dazzling divine light. When the skeletal illusion invaded his body, it was instantly annihilated by these divine lights, leaving not even a trace behind.

"It's just him, is he worthy?"

Now that the other party had taken action, he naturally wasn't used to it and pointed at Nan Jue's nose and sarcastically shouted. "This boy is really brave. A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!" Guyang Tianzun looked at Su Poman's performance and secretly admired him in his heart.

Naturally, Senluo Tianzun's little moves couldn't be hidden from his eyes, but he also wanted to take the exam, so he didn't stop him.

Nan Jue was so angry at Su Poman's words that his face changed, turning green and white for a while. He stared at Su Poman, as if he wanted to carve the other person's figure into his bones. He shouted loudly: "Who are you, how dare you be so arrogant? If you really have the ability, then fight me happily! Although I, Nan Jue, are only in the Golden Immortal realm, I am by no means an ordinary person. .You are in a higher realm than me, do you dare to challenge me?”

Nan Jue was very confident in this invitation to fight. As the son of Senluo Tianzun, he has been endlessly pampered and cultivated since he was a child. Both his cultivation and magic weapons are far ahead of his peers. Fighting across ranks is as commonplace as ever. Under his command, there were already many immortal kings who hated their defeat. He believed that with the treasures given by Senluo Tianzun, he would be able to fight even against powerful men of higher realms.

He's just a fairy, he can suppress it with just a flip of his hand!

Facing Nan Jue's invitation to fight, Su Poman just smiled contemptuously and said provocatively: "Haha, what if I win?" The confidence and calmness revealed in his words stunned Nan Jue. But then, a fierce light flashed in his eyes. He was bound to win this competition!

"If you can defeat me, I will swear here to completely give up the idea of ​​getting married to Guyang Tianzun and never mention it again in this life!" Nan Jue's voice was cold, and every word seemed to be filled with a chill, "However, If you lose to me, you will lose the chance to meet Ling Xingxue forever. Do you dare to take a gamble with me?"

The light in Nan Jue's eyes soared, as if there were two blazing flames beating, revealing his desire for victory and his contempt for Su Poman. He seemed to have seen the scene of Su Poman's defeat, and his confidence and domineering power almost broke through the sky.

However, in the face of Nan Jue's provocation, Su Poman just smiled indifferently. He knew the meaning behind this bet and the source of Nan Jue's confidence. However, he also had his own confidence and confidence.

"Why don't you dare?" Su Poman responded in a calm voice, "I just hope that you can keep your promise and not regret it."

"Okay, in that case, we will have a fair gambling fight under the witness of the two seniors. No matter what the outcome is, we must fulfill our respective commitments in accordance with the previous agreement." After Nan Jue finished speaking, he turned towards Gu Yang Tianzun bowed deeply, his attitude was respectful and firm.

Seeing this, Senluo Tianzun narrowed his eyes, as if he wanted to see through Su Poman below. A strange smile appeared on his face, he turned to Guyang Tianzun and cupped his hands and said: "Brother Taoist, since your nephew has such a Confidence and determination, we might as well fulfill them. The two of them will compete to see who is better and more worthy of Xingxue. Otherwise, any cat or dog will want to marry you. , isn’t that very inappropriate? Brother Tao, what do you think?”

When Tianzun Guyang heard the words, he pondered for a moment and then slowly said: "What the fellow Taoist said is true. However, as a direct descendant of Tianzun, your son must have many powerful means such as Tianzun's decrees. Such means are very useful to those under Tianzun. It is undoubtedly too powerful for a monk, so there must be some restrictions during the competition."

Senluo Tianzun nodded and smiled when he heard the words: "What Brother Dao said is absolutely true. Nan Jue, please remember not to use the life-saving means I gave you in this battle, and you must rely on your true strength to compete with the opponent. Do you understand? "

"Father, don't worry, I don't need those methods to deal with him." Nan Jue glanced at Su Poman coldly, with a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth. Nan Jue was full of confidence and walked firmly towards the open area in the center of the hall. He turned around and hooked his fingers at Su Poman, with a strong disdain in his tone: "Young man, let's have a fight and let me see what you're capable of!"

However, Su Poman did not immediately accept the challenge, but said calmly: "Wait a minute, I have one more thing to explain."

When Nan Jue heard this, he frowned, with a look of impatience on his face. He urged: "Why are you lingering? Are you afraid of me? Do you still want to ask Tianzun Guyang for help and borrow some immortal weapons to strengthen your courage?"

Su Poman did not get angry, but shook his head calmly: "I'm not afraid of you. It's just that my current realm has reached the Immortal King realm, which is very different from yours. In order to make you convinced of defeat, I decided to call myself a cultivator. I will give you a fair fight for the sake of the Golden Fairyland.”

As soon as these words came out, Nan Jue was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing loudly. His laughter was full of ridicule and disdain: "How arrogant! Who do you think you are? Even if you don't suppress your cultivation, you will still be defeated by me. Why do you need these excuses to cover up your cowardice?"

Su Poman just smiled calmly and said nothing more. He knew in his heart that no matter how he explained, Nan Jue would not believe it. In this case, he would use his strength to prove everything!

He slowly walked into the field, and with every step he took, the aura on his body weakened a little. When he finally stood in front of Nan Jue, his aura had been suppressed to the level of Golden Immortal, equal to Nan Jue's.

"Thief, you are so brave!" Nan Jue cursed angrily and was about to take action.

Guyang Tianzun above nodded gently, and a huge milky white world suddenly emerged in the center of the hall. This world is like an independent arena, covering both Su Poman and Nan Jue, isolating all interference from the outside world.

Ling Xingxue quietly appeared behind Guyang Tianzun, biting her red lips with her white teeth, and her beautiful face showed unconcealable worry. Her beautiful eyes were like two bright stars, locked tightly on Su Poman in the milky white world, as if she was afraid that he would be harmed in the slightest.

In the white world, Su Poman and Nan Jue are two separate parties.

Nan Jue turned his hand and took out a golden scepter with a ferocious skull inlaid on the top. With the waving of the scepter, half of the white world was dyed in pitch black, as if endless dark power was pouring out of it. There were ghost cries in the surrounding space, as if countless evil spirits were roaring and roaring.

The obscure light in Guyang Tianzun's eyes flashed away, and he glanced at Senluo Tianzun without any trace, and said in his heart: "It turned out to be a half-step Tianzun weapon made from a forbidden method. I don't know if this kid can Can bear it!”

"Have you ever tasted the feeling of having your soul devoured by thousands of other ghosts?" A cruel smile appeared on Nan Jue's face, "In my ghost staff, every other ghost has swallowed a world's creatures. Next, Just enjoy it!”

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Facing Nan Jue's threats and intimidation, Su Poman just curled his lips, deliberately widened his eyes, and put on a look of 'I'm so scared'. However, there was no fear or worry in his heart. On the contrary, he was thinking: "Then it must be able to transform a lot of Hongmeng purple energy!"

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