Cultivation starts from drawing superhuman physique

Chapter 438: Defeat Tianzun’s youngest son

Chapter 438: Defeat Tianzun’s youngest son

As Su Poman sneered, the deep blue in his eyes surged like a tide, and he slowly spat out four majestic and mysterious words, "Absolute time and space!"

In an instant, a deep realm of darkness spread around him, seeming to swallow up all the light. In the distance, there seems to be an ancient star spinning. This vast milky white world was instantly covered by the invasion of this dark realm. Even Nan Jue, who was wielding the scepter, was not immune.

Here, he did not intend to reveal the magical power of 'Swallowing Heaven'. After all, it contained too many secrets. Facing the two deities, he really had no confidence that he would not be caught.

However, to deal with a monk like Nan Jue, using "Absolute Time and Space" is more than enough.

An indescribable aura instantly enveloped Nan Jue, and he seemed to be in a strange world where heaven and earth were connected and the end of the law was coming. At this moment, his cultivation seemed to be taken away by an invisible hand and disappeared without a trace.

Not only did he lose the ability to think at this time, his body was also so stiff that he could not move at all. He could only watch helplessly as the half-step Tianzun-level scepter continued to break apart under the power of "absolute time and space", as if it was being swallowed bit by bit by an invisible giant beast.

In the depths of the particle universe, the rich Hongmeng Purple Qi gushes out like a waterfall, and its generation speed is staggering. The moment Su Poman swallowed the scepter, he felt an influx of energy so majestic that it was indescribable.

The power contained in this half-step Tianzun weapon is as boundless as the vast sea of ​​​​stars. Even his No. 1 universe can hardly bear this sudden impact. With a thought in his heart, he hurriedly mobilized all the power of the particle universe to participate in this devouring feast. That huge energy was guided and transformed like a torrent, and finally turned into balls of rich Hongmeng purple energy, which was stored in the world inside his body.

"Half-step Heavenly Treasure is truly worthy of its reputation." Su Poman felt the growing Hongmeng Purple Qi in his body and secretly admired in his heart, "I wonder who is better than Tianbao Pagoda?"

At the moment when the Tiangui staff cracked, Gu Yang Tianzun and Senluo Tianzun already knew it in their hearts. They did not expect that Su Poman could win so easily.

There was no emotion or anger on Senluo Tianzun's face, just a pair of eyes staring straight at the 'absolute time and space' surrounding Su Poman, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Nan Jue is defeated in this battle!" Senluo Tianzun's voice echoed in the void, carrying an unquestionable majesty. As soon as he finished speaking, Nan Jue was grabbed out of the air by an invisible force. 'Absolute Time and Space' seemed to be unable to stop it at all in front of this force.

Guyang Tianzun smiled and his eyes flickered slightly, and the milky white world quietly disappeared, as if it had never existed. Seeing this, Su Poman quickly put away his magical power, strode to the center of the hall, and said to Nan Jue: "Since you have lost, please keep your promise and give up the idea of ​​getting married to Guyang Tianzun as soon as possible. After all, like you As I said before, Tianzun Guyang is not someone who can be married to just any cat or dog!"

After saying these words, he looked up at Senluo Tianzun. This was the first head-to-head confrontation between the two. Although the atmosphere was a bit tense, there was no fear in Su Poman's eyes. Senluo Tianzun looked at this ant-like junior, but suddenly he had a sudden impulse to crush him to death. His unhappy face couldn't help but frown, but it quickly returned to its original state. He turned to look at Tianzun Guyang and said with a smile: "I am willing to admit defeat. This is a matter of course. Fellow Taoist Guyang, since this matter cannot be accomplished, I will leave with this useless young son."

His voice was gentle yet dignified, as if he was talking to an old friend for many years. However, while saying these words, his eyes never left Su Poman's figure, and the deep malice revealed in that smile made people shudder.

Then, with the smile on his face unchanged, he looked at Su Poman again and said warmly: "You young man is very talented. If you have free time, you can come to our Senluotian as a guest. I like to communicate with young talents the most. !”

"Senior Sen Luo kindly invites me, and I should accept it with a smile. When I have free time in the future, I will definitely go to Sen Luo Tian to visit senior." However, he silently added in his heart: "Wait for me to go When Sen Luotian is here, that’s the time to take your life! Haha…”

At this time, Nan Jue had woken up, but his face was gloomy and he was silent on the side. He seemed to be in a bad mood. When Su Poman saw this, he would naturally not let him go.

He was so pretentious before, but now he is so disrespectful!

"Hey, Brother Nan Jue, why don't you say anything? This time, I give in!" Su Po looked like he wanted to be beaten, and blinked at Nan Jue, with a proud smile on his face.

Nan Jue's face was livid, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger, and he stared at him coldly, but Su Poman didn't seem to see the other person's expression, and still smiled and continued: "It seems that your previous confidence and arrogance, It seems to be a bit too much. Although the Half-Step Heavenly Treasure is powerful, it is not invincible. Today's defeat may be a good lesson for you."

Nan Jue gritted his teeth and wanted to retort, but found that he was speechless. He was indeed defeated, completely defeated, with no room for improvement. In the face of this fact, any sophistry and excuses pale in comparison.

"Su Poman, your victory today was just a fluke." Nan Jue said coldly, "One day, I will make you pay a heavy price."

When Su Poman heard this, he just smiled and didn't say much. He knew that Nan Jue's threats and anger at this moment were just because he could not accept the reality of failure. But in this world, failure is failure, and there are no excuses or reasons that can change this fact. And he, Su Poman, was by no means a person who would be easily intimidated.

"I'm looking forward to that day coming." Su Poman said lightly, "It's just that I hope that you can show your true strength to fight me instead of losing so embarrassingly like today."

In the depths of Nan Jue's eyes, wisps of demonic shadows quietly grew, like tentacles in the darkness, ready to drag his mind into the endless abyss at any time. When Senluo Tianzun noticed this scene, his heart trembled. He knew very well that his young son had a tough mind, but at this moment, he was obviously touched by Su Poman's words, and his inner demons began to sprout.

He did not dare to delay at all, and immediately left the void with Nan Jue. He knew that if Su Poman continued to speak, Nan Jue's inner demons would completely explode.

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