This director is very reliable

Chapter 860 The more you blow it, the more outrageous it is!

Chapter 860 The more you blow it, the more outrageous it is! (13)

Breaking through 8 million working days is a relatively rare situation. "Fast and Furious 1.6" is so high, the action day is also 1.2 million, and the second working day dropped to [-] million...

The box office of "Detective Chinatown" on the first working day was also 1.7 million...

Of course, "Tang Detective" is due to the seven consecutive days of vacation, and the working days have dropped below [-] million, which is a normal situation...

But like "Wolf Warrior 2", the daily income of four consecutive working days exceeded [-] million...

It's still relatively rare-it was released for eight days and broke 20 billion!
In the new week, "Dogs and Raiders", "Dragon War", "I Am Marbury" are released...

"Wolf Warrior 2" has no pressure!
——In this time and space, the copyright of the film version of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" is in the hands of Changlin Film and Television, and there is no plan to start filming. Even if the copyright expires and it is sold to other companies, it will be difficult to reap the benefits if Yang Yang does not act after Shi Shi box office.

So far, Maoyan's expectation for "Wolf Warrior 2" is 35 billion...

It's normal, no one would have guessed that a commercial film would have the highest box office in the next weekend!


On the Internet, a bunch of enthusiastic people are concerned about the box office of "Wolf Warrior 2".

"Let's compare "Fast and Furious 8", "Detective Chinatown" including "The Richest Man in Xihong City", the box office of the movies is basically concentrated in the first 10 days, and these movies all scored more than 10% in the first 70 days Going back to see "Wolf Warrior 2", 8 days have passed, "Wolf Warrior 2" has a box office of 20 billion, and if you want to get 30 billion later, the possibility is zero! I think 35 billion is about the same!"

"Sure enough, Shen Changlin also learned badly, bragging about marketing!"

"Explanation of terms: Bragging marketing refers to the behavior of using bragging to attract attention and then lure the audience into the theater!"

"I just want to say that Comrade 'Black Egg' saved his kidney..."

"No one cares about "The Founding of an Army"?"

Yes, no one cares!
Back then, when "The Founding of an Army" was about to be released, the media built momentum a few months in advance, and the joint producers set a record 47...

More than [-] popular little fresh meat co-starred...

A week before the release, it was announced that the three generations of tearing up "Captain America" ​​and stepping on "brainless" Hong were released.

Even on the platform of "Share your knowledge, experience and insights with the world", there is no shortage of just answers for such conscientious works being suppressed by the third generation of red for no reason.
On the day of the premiere, the number of films was ranked first, and the second was "Wukong Biography", which was released for 15 days...

"Wolf Warrior 2", which premiered on the same day, ranked third!
All are commercial films, all are Army Day gifts, and all are patriotic themes;

On the cast lineup, on the quantity of fresh meat, on the director, on the distribution...

With this ending, what do the industry think?
The industry chooses to shut up...

After all, it is the final work of the Jianzitou trilogy that San Ye worked so hard on...

As for "The Founding of an Army", several theaters sold out tickets for the midnight show—maybe it was reserved by fans of Xiao Xianrou!

Facts have proved that the traffic of traffic stars is only effective for free TV dramas. When real money is needed to buy tickets, most people will choose genre films that are full of sincerity and have a guaranteed viewing experience...

Brainless fans are a minority after all!

The fan economy, the fan market is not worth the works of conscience!

Don't be fascinated by the popularity of the Internet, these little fresh meats seem to have thousands of troops and fans everywhere on the Internet, but in reality?
"Building an Army" is the main theme strongly promoted by the official, trying to capture the two camps of patriotism and fans, but in the end it can't catch either!

"The Spring Festival file... It is true that "Wolf Warrior 2", "The Wandering Earth" and "Tang Detective 2" have not been completed in the later stage. If they go online in a hurry, although they can make money...but if you only want to make money, then I might as well go Engage in a cultural town..."

"The cultural town is so simple, use the name of culture to acquire land, and then sell the house at the market price!"

"That's what Huayi does! The name of Changlin Film and Television is much stronger than that of Huayi Brothers!"

In an interview with the media, Shen Changlin mentioned his absence from the Spring Festival...

"So, I can only be absent?"

"...Well... In fact, there is a "Nine-story Demon Tower", which can be regarded as a derivative of the "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" series, but there is already a "Volking the Demon" in the Spring Festival file..." Speaking of this, Shen Changlin sighed: "I knew "" "Subduing the Demon Chapter" is so hip, I will definitely be on the "Nine-story Demon Tower"!"

"How about the 16 billion box office of "Fu Yao Chapter"..."

"Xu Ke + Zhou Xingchi's box office target is 30 billion, and the box office is 16 billion. It didn't even return the cost. Such a result is definitely not a success."

"Journey to the West" directly suspended the continuation of Zhou Xingchi's Journey to the West film project. Originally planned to subdue demons, exorcise ghosts and kill evil, and make at least four films.

Shen Changlin was interviewed by a reporter from Sohu Entertainment. He then asked, "Why don't you want to be a cultural traveler? Do you not like it?"

"That's not..."

Shen Changlin shook his head: "The main thing is that I think energy is limited. If you make movies, you have to make movies well. It doesn't make much sense to cross borders recklessly. After all, your core competitiveness is still making movies!"

"Are you accusing Huayi of de-filming?"

"That's right," Shen Changlin didn't bother to pretend, and directly confessed: "You Huayi became famous because of making movies, and you actually gave up the movie business to do Internet, buy land and enter real estate, not to mention whether you can succeed. In this field, our country does not lack you as a cross-border player... Why can't I blame such a company if I don't even know what my core competitiveness is?"

The Sohu reporter was stunned for a moment...

Originally, he thought that Shen Changlin would be vague like before, so this topic can be stopped!
In the current situation, Shen Changlin seems to be serious...

He taunted Hua Yi unabashedly, and then... the reporter didn't know how to answer it!

Originally, they interviewed Shen Changlin just because "Wolf Warrior 2" was very popular, and they wanted to catch the heat...

There's no point in communicating in depth at all...

I can only change the subject abruptly: "What do you think of the current results of "Wolf Warrior 2"?"

Shen Changlin rolled his eyes, he didn't know how to ask questions, you can shut up, but he has already accepted the interview, so he has to cooperate with the work, so he replied: "...It's very good, I heard that many places are full, one vote It’s hard to find, and even gave birth to a term called spiritual shareholder?”

Spiritual shareholder, a new word on the Internet, originated from "Wolf Warrior 2": After watching "Wolf Warrior 2", I have developed the habit of logging in to the Maoyan box office every now and then to check the total box office of "Wolf Warrior 2". So I invested money and became the spiritual shareholder of "Wolf Warrior 2", it hurts...

This sentence has been widely circulated, there is no doubt that Maoyan has bought a few hot searches - the promotion is very strong!
In the original time and space, because of "Wolf Warrior 2", the activity of Maoyan soared, and the installed capacity exceeded [-] million...

This time and space is similar, just as Maoyan is about to acquire Weiying Times, this data can be increased.

"Then do you still think "Wolf Warrior 2" can break 5 billion?"

Shen Changlin smiled wryly: "I've changed my mind!"

"...What do you think now?"

"I underestimated Wu Jing's popularity and appeal. Now I think the landing point of "Wolf Warrior 2" should be between 58 billion and 60 billion!"

Really underestimated. When "Wolf Warrior 2" was released in the original time and space, Wu Jing was not considered a first-line star, at most he could only be regarded as a second-line special action actor...

This time and space are different, Wu Jing has "Running Man", "Big Man 2", "Slaying the Wolf 2"...

Already a first-line actor, coupled with the support of Shen Changlin before, he was already crazy in the early stage!

The box office results of the first weekend were close to 1 million more than the original time and space...

Therefore, the total box office must be higher than that of the original time and space!
This is Shen Changlin's true thoughts, the reporter...has nothing to say at all...


"58 billion?"

After seeing off the reporter, Lao Guo shook his head: "How dare you brag!"

Shen Changlin shrugged indifferently, took the coffee he handed over, and asked casually, "How much do you blow?"

"45 billion..."

Shen Changlin changed the subject: "How much has the market value of Tianxia Entertainment increased?"

"Three consecutive daily limit... It is estimated that it can rise back to about 600 billion!"

"Strive to stabilize..."

"It's feels like the policies are all targeting entertainment stocks."

"The higher-ups want hot money to return to the traditional manufacturing's okay, we work hard, the market will see it...the higher-ups will also see it!"

(End of this chapter)

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