This director is very reliable

Chapter 861 If I come to shoot...

Chapter 861 If I come to shoot... (23)

After talking for a while, the two got into the car and made an appointment with Director Han at night...

Han Shanping was a little frustrated this time, he really thought "The Founding of an Army" was not bad.

Indeed, compared to "The Founding of a Nation", there is a strange sense of regret and sympathy for the failure of the party—the helplessness and the twilight of the hero in front of all pig teammates, and Ms. Meiling's "running" to maintain the regime, Even people like Du Yuesheng have shown the spirit of "defying power"...

There is a comment that is very interesting: ""Jianguo" is handed over to the other side for filming, and that's the best it can be!" '

When it comes to "The Founding of an Army", it seems that there is no need to take care of the other side's face.

After all, Guo Dang is too hip!
Don't talk about history, just say now, every time you think 'the advantage is mine', they will live up to expectations and lose the chain-in terms of losing the chain, Guodang never loses the chain!

Speaking of "The Founding of the Army", Zhongzheng's image of a traitor at the time of 412 was basically shown. If the filming method of the year was followed, it is estimated that he would have to talk about how he struggled and how to consider the image of revolution.

Ms. Meiling did not deliberately beautify this time either, and the film also showed the treacherous clips of how she advised Zhongzheng...

Probably "Eight Hundred" gave me confidence...

But...the audience just didn't buy it!

《战狼2》9天破2 billion,《建军大业》9天票房2.8亿…

It is now 2017, and the film market is unlikely to force film scheduling like it did in 09.

Maoyan predicted that the landing point of "Jianjun" is estimated to be around 3.5 million.

The first trilogy of Jian, "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" was born, and won a box office of 4.2 million. Under the pressure of "Kung Fu Panda 2" and "Big Man", "The Founding Party", relying on the support of some government agencies, finally won the box office. Also broke 4 million...

When it comes to "Jianjun", it simply can't break 4 million...

Times have changed after all!

Nowadays, more and more main theme movies are beginning to be commercialized, which can be regarded as a welcome progress.

This means that we have finally changed from forcing you to watch in the past to trying to attract you to watch.

And this attraction requires the laws of the market and the principles of commercial films.

"Jianjun" can be regarded as Han Dong's request for a change-letting go of the directorship and finding Liu Weiqiang.

Director Han complained: "Is this kind of subject matter not suitable for entertainment?"


Shen Changlin struggled for a while, but still told the truth: "But we are familiar with stories like "Jianjun", and basically we can tell one, two, three, four, five after junior high school... This kind of subject matter that everyone can say a word, indeed. It's hard to handle!"

"Then what do you think is wrong with "Jianjun"?"

"Everything is a problem... First of all, casting, I don't understand why so many traffic stars are used..."

"Attract young audiences!"

"Young viewers are not fools..."

Why don't young people buy a house?
Why don't young people like to eat crayfish anymore?

Why don't young people love shopping at IKEA anymore?

Why does everything use 'young people' as a special subject?
Also, why are there such hot searches?
You really don't know why young people don't do these things?

Shen Changlin was about to spray, and then realized that it was Director Han in front of him, so he quickly changed his tone: "Old Guo, tell me!"

Guo Songjiang quickly answered: "Han Dong, let's take a look. The birth of the word star in the history of film has always been inseparable from character creation and personal acting charm... Nowadays, traffic stars are essentially selling their faces. !"

"Sell face, what's the problem?"

"To put it bluntly, what's the difference with the superficial physical and psychological satisfaction of some small movie stars for the audience? It's just that you are handsome and beautiful. You just stand there and smile, and everything is fine... What is the difference between this and small movie actors? Who cares if they walk away? They are more concerned about some external indicators or some special sensory stimulation. In short, it has nothing to do with character shaping and acting skills. "related…"

Shen Changlin couldn't help interjecting: "No, some acting skills are too bad, and good looks are useless!"

"It's not that bad, people really see, hear and feel..."

Director Han was a little speechless, but... after thinking about it carefully, the words are not rough...


Eat something, the duck soup hot pot that I ate today.

The hot old duck soup made Shen Changlin sweat all over after eating...

Han Dong saw it, and then called the waiter to serve a plate of chicken soup with cordyceps sinensis. When it was served, he specially told Shen Changlin: "Drink two more bowls!"

"…to make."

Shen Changlin doesn't know why, but Han Dong is an elder, he said, just do it yourself!
"Do you think Director Liu Weiqiang has a problem?"

"It's okay for Liu Weiqiang to pat black and black and cut each other. He really can't handle such important subjects! I saw the trailer and it was so embarrassing..."

"Which paragraph?"

"Zhongzheng played by Huo Jianhua said, 'Mao Yijie is a farmer, Zhu Yijie is a woman, and Zhou Yijie is a scholar, why should you fight with me?', I can imagine that these lines should be original by him, right?"

"…Any questions?"

"It's very down-to-earth to put such a line in Causeway Bay, but in this era background... it gives people a feeling of embarrassment."

"Then if you came to shoot, what would you do?"

"If I make a film, I will intercept the Gutian meeting, and be patient and make an army building!"

How did an army that was split out of the old army system and added many peasants, lumpen proletarians and other complex elements be injected into the soul by our party and completely transformed into a revolution that represents the interests of the proletariat under the absolute leadership of our party military?
This is building an army!
"The Founding of an Army" is actually just the Nanchang Uprising...

The birth of the people's army in the true sense is the adaptation of Sanwan + the Gutian meeting, and that is the logical starting point for the people's army to be called the "people's" army.

Director Han thought for a while, and said: "...This is a bit sensitive, and it's not easy to shoot."

"So, I won't shoot this kind of subject matter!"

After all, it is related to some early line struggles and so on. This thing can easily step on the boundary...

Old Shen is not a Tie Xing person, and he will definitely not touch subjects that are not easy to touch!
Dong Han smiled...

Shen Changlin doesn't mix with the system, he is very free, within the system, sometimes he can't help himself.

For example, "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", he has no idea at all, it is the task of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference...

"However, "Wolf Warrior 2" is really amazing!"

"...It's okay, I just watched it twice myself."

"Does the main theme have to be like this in the future?"

"It's not..." Shen Changlin thought for a while, and said seriously: "Actually, regarding the evacuation of overseas Chinese, we made two films, and one "Operation Red Sea", which will be released in summer next year...It is completely different from "Wolf Warrior 2"!"

"Yeah, then I'll look forward to it!"

Guo Songjiang interjected: "Director Han, we have some ideas about the gift film for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China."

(End of this chapter)

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