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Chapter 864 ask for advice

Chapter 864 Asking for advice (23)

Wu Jing's original words were, "Don't watch it if you don't like it, go to watch an American film, and feel that the Chinese can't be strong, and the Americans can do it?"cheap or not'

Many marketing accounts directly omit the intermediate content, and then become 'If you don't like it, don't look at it!Cheap or not! '

It is natural to treat the most important American as a hero, but the Chinese just don't deserve it! 'delete...


If you don't watch "Wolf Warrior 2", you will become a slut!

Afterwards, the term "Jingyan Jingyu" was even invented, which was compared with Liuxue and Mingxue, and tried to label Wu Jing.

Unfortunately, they failed...

The vigorous development of Liuxue and Mingxue is mainly due to Mr. Liu and Mr. Ming. Compared with them, Wu Jing is far behind!
——Anyway, "Wolf Warrior 2" is also a movie with a rating of 7!
Regarding "Wolf Warrior 2", now there is a relatively pertinent evaluation: a high-emotional popcorn movie with the right time, place and people!
It's really popcorn...

The "Wolf Warrior" series and "First Blood" are a pissy movie: fighting and killing, flames soaring, blood splashing, stupid military government, brutal mercenaries, terrorists who repeatedly provoke the audience's emotions, villains The end-credits duel with the protagonist, coupled with the drive of "justice over profit"...

However, the difference is that "Wolf Warrior 2" tells our own story!

The threats faced are based on international and domestic realities, and they were filmed with great assistance from the Chinese military—this special temperament and background distinguish "Wolf Warrior" from "First Blood". It is also different from TV series such as "Fire Blue Blade", which makes the audience's patriotic emotions constantly burst out without feeling that the story is long and boring.

It is also a battle-hardened legend of immortality, the same dogmatic political propaganda, and the same tearful tears under the national flag...

The Spring Festival Gala is boring, and "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is inexplicable...

What "Wolf Warrior 2" advocates is not American-style individual heroism, but full of family and country feelings, individualism under the background of collectivism.

Under the high patriotism of the audience, no matter how sensational it is, it is no surprise that it does not die.

What's more, the scene is really done enough!
Whether it is the successive installation of new weapons and equipment such as fighter jets, transport aircraft, destroyers, domestically-made aircraft carriers, and "Dongfeng Express", or the concentrated display of military strength such as escorting the Gulf of Aden and Baltic naval exercises, they have undoubtedly inspired the patriotism of the Chinese people. passionate.

The common fault of action movies is that they focus on action and despise plot.In order to attract audiences, action movies are less and less like movies, but like a set of "Martial Arts, Destruction, Explosion and Drag Racing Tutorials".

"Wolf Warrior 2" draws a clear line with a complete storyline, smooth logical relationship and brainless action movies. The literary drama effectively relieves the tension and adjusts the rhythm of the movie.Action scenes and humor are closely related to the plot, and the switching between different scenes is not abrupt.

What's more rare is that there is also a taste of irony and thinking!

The brazen demolition team leader who disregards human life at the beginning of the movie;

Qian Bida, a profiteer who is proud of his foreign nationality while embracing his motherland at a critical moment;
The US embassy was the first to evacuate in times of crisis;

Only Chinese people are allowed to board the ship, and the black people can only stay in the cruel evacuation scene waiting to die;

In the face of the sick Leng Feng, all the employees responded with grievances and treated each other with cold eyes...

Considering the creative environment and censorship system of Chinese films, the shooting of these thoughts is more difficult than the hot action scenes...

It's really not just about promoting patriotism!
Otherwise, "The Founding of an Army" wouldn't have lost so badly...

A lot of people pulled this film out for hype or for their own political standpoints to show their clever behavior.


"Wolf Warrior 2" set a new box office record on the 12th day: 4.68 million...

It directly surpassed "Detective Chinatown" and topped the mainland film and television box office list.

The voices of the discussion became more and more intense, and almost all the participating actors followed suit. Yang Yang successfully transformed into a tough guy - the company directly arranged "Crime City 2" and "Hidden Knife" for him...

Shen Changlin did not continue to follow...

"Wolf Warrior 2" itself has attracted enough attention to last for several months!
He has his own business, the idea of ​​"Assassination of Novelists".

Shen Changlin is the kind of person who can't convince himself that Ji Ba is messing around - if the logic line is not clear, he won't do it!
The biggest problem of "The Novelist" is - how to make the audience believe in this setting?

That is, fiction can affect reality.

In the original time and space, Lu Yang's version of "The Novelist" actually did not solve the biggest problem: the creators were actually guilty of this problem.

They couldn't give a firm answer, so they tried to get it right and wrong and muddle through.

How did you get confused?

Chicken Soup: As long as you believe, you can achieve it.

Since it can be achieved as long as you believe, why arrange the final Gatling battle?
Can't you just write it to death?
Anyway, I couldn't convince Shen Changlin - although the special effects in the middle were really shocking!

Under the red-haired ghost's desire for power, the crazy tribal believers became sworn enemies to each other, and the civil war in the imperial city was heroic and absurd.

The grand war, the flaming dragon flying in the sky, the fierce and powerful red-haired ghost, the Buddha statues standing on the mountainside, the seamless transition between the two worlds... the visual experience is excellent!
But...that's all...

Shen Changlin doesn't want to make a movie that can say a lot of problems casually...

After thinking about it for a day, I still couldn't convince myself, so I simply called Ning Hao and Yang Qing and asked them to help with the details.

One person counts short, two counts long!
It just so happened that the two of them were also suffering because their projects were stuck, so they rushed over after receiving a call from Shen Changlin.


Shen Changlin called them to his home, they were too lazy to go to the company, other places are inconvenient, it is better to stay at home!
Aunt Chen brought two plates of fruit and an ashtray, and then went downstairs.

"How many years has this aunt been with you?"

Shen Changlin didn't know why, but he still replied: "It's been almost 4 years, what's wrong?"

Yang Qing scratched her head: "No, I just feel familiar!"

"It's familiar because she was the one who received you last time when you came to my house!"

Ning Hao was quick-tempered, took out a cigarette, lit it, and asked: "You said that there is a problem with your project, and the logic line can't be coiled, right?"

"Yes... I can't convince myself no matter what!"

"Tell me specifically!"

Shen Changlin didn't hide anything either, he talked about "Assassination of Novelists".

"Think about what attracts you to this project!"

"Of course it is the difference between the real world and the novel world, but there is a faint connection between them. I can try my best to present the novel world as mysterious and eerie~"

"That is to say, your focus is on the novel world?"


"Then why do you care about logic? Fiction has no logic!"

 I will write again tomorrow...

  There are two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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