This director is very reliable

Chapter 865 How to develop "Under One Person"?

Chapter 865 How to Develop "Under One Person"?
Ning Hao has read the novel "Assassination of Novelists"...

Shen Changlin admired Shuang Xuetao very much. He won "Assassination of Novelists" by himself, and then recommended "Moses on the Plain" to Ning Hao. Lu Yang was very interested in "The Aviator"...

Again, serious literature is indeed suitable for film adaptation!

Of course Ning Hao has watched "Assassination of Novelists"...

He actually has no solution to Shen Changlin's problem.

Because the original book has no logic at all...

The protagonist applies for a job to assassinate a certain novelist, because the employer thinks that the stories written by the novelist will affect his health...

Of course it’s okay to write the novel this way, we know that the story just started like this, we won’t go into too much detail about what an absurd setting this is, because when the author wrote this novel, the character setting was intentionally set up in this way. The direction is biased!
The setting of the whole story is very bizarre, but we will not pursue the logic of reality, because we only pay attention to the development of this story line when we watch it.

However, movies are different!
For two hours of content, logic and rhythm are very important.

You want to adapt such a novel into a movie...

Want to be perfect?

is it possible?
His suggestion is to use pen and ink in the different world as much as possible, that is, the world in the novel, and try to rationalize the real part...

Then pull the plot with a strong rhythm, so that the audience has no time to think about logical problems!

"I'm not Cameron, I can't attract the audience with pictures alone!"

Shen Changlin shook his head...

"...Then I don't have any good ideas. "The Novelist" must satisfy the high-concept while maintaining enough suspense. It's too difficult... Unless you set it as a parallel world from the beginning!"

"Erase the realism part of the movie?"


This is an idea, parallel world, my world is up to me!

Just like overhead entertainment, you can write whatever you want...

"What about you?"

Shen Changlin took a look at Yang Qing, who was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I think Director Ning's idea is good..."

"Did you hear me?"

"Of course," Yang Qing explained: "The villain Li Mu is a doctor of medicine, and he founded Aladdin Company with his friends to conduct medical and genetic research.

Li Mu himself suffers from an incurable disease, and wants to cure his disease through genetic modification, and even live forever, so he began to secretly buy abducted children from traffickers for experiments, but was discovered by his friends and partners, so Kill people.

The red-haired ghost killed his good brother because he wanted to become a god, but he fell into the devil's way, and was stopped by his good brother, so he killed his brother...

The logic of these two characters is interlinked..."

Shen Changlin is a little speechless, we are talking about the world view, how did you get involved in the plot?
never mind…

He knew why Yang Qing was so absent-minded—Yang Qing took over the film adaptation of "Under One Man".

It was so hard for him!

To be honest, no matter who takes over the project of "Under One Man", it will be a headache...

Otherwise, Xu Cairen from the original time and space would not have bought the copyright, and then the copyright expired...

It has been in preparation since 2016, and it will be released in 2018.

Until 2022, there is no shadow at all.

In fact, old fans who follow Yiren know that since Tencent released the big news in 2017, Xu Cairen personally filmed a VCR and announced the start of filming.

Such a project with an IP foundation, as long as it passes the shooting, it will definitely make a lot of money!
That's the problem, "Under One Man" is too difficult to pass.


The world view of "Under One Man" is too huge!
Originally known as "The Outcast", the English name is the outcast.

What the author wants to explore is the relationship between the "special" and "ordinary" among the crowd—how a strange person with unique skills can settle down as a "person".

Then the world view was opened, and the Qimen involved; Dan Dao; spells; and various sects!
Moreover, one person is not a pure protagonist route.

The main character plot is too little!

There are two better chapters in one person, the protagonist of Fengshen Chen Duo spends half of his time playing soy sauce, and the Tangmen Anti-Japanese chapter is basically listening to lectures.

Also, every character is brilliant and very entertaining.

This makes the choice quite difficult, and the filming will definitely be scolded.

In addition, many people think that there are two protagonists under one person: Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao.

One bright line and one dark line, but in fact the real protagonist should be Zhang Chulan.

Here comes the problem, Zhang Chulan, although most people don't hate him, he definitely doesn't like him.

The image of Zhang Chulan was not pleasing at first.

He is so worldly.Because he is unsophisticated, he cannot survive!

You have to keep watching to know the charm of Zhang Chulan—know the world and enter the world, enter the world without sinking into the world, romance beyond the world.

"Under One Man", Wang Ye is the most popular.

Even if you haven't watched "Under One Man", you still know the phrase "Wudang King also, pay homage to the old heavenly master"!

Wang is definitely the existence that crushes all other characters.

Even Wang Zhenqiu, Zhuge Qing, and Zhang Lingyu tended to overtake Chu Lan.

A movie cannot easily accommodate so many characters!
Therefore, it must be made into a series!

After Yang Qing got "Under One Man", she began to conceive the opening chapter...

After thinking about it, I couldn't find an entry point.


"How about learning Marvel, step by step?"

"I've thought about it,'s too difficult!"

Not only plot issues, but also casting...

Horse riders, where can I find Bu Yao Bi Lian, who is as gentle as jade?Where can I find a baby with the posture of heaven and man, and where can I find a king who is poor and helps the world at the same time?

There is also the question of review...

The original time and space, because of the hat worn by the character, was directly offline for rectification...

In the 17th century, the French statesman Richelieu famously said: "Six lines of writing to me, the most honest man in the world, and I will certainly find enough reasons to hang him."

There are ghosts in "Under One Man"!

Tell me, how do you want to die?
Not only "Under One Man", generally speaking, the content of the comics is mostly not in line with the mainstream ideology, the storyline, character setting, etc. are not the main theme...

To change it into a movie, many plots must be deleted, which will greatly affect the integrity, logic, and appreciation of the story.

Fans of the original will definitely not recognize it!
"It's really not possible. How about learning "One Piece" and making a side story similar to the theatrical version, without involving the main story?"


Ning Hao also nodded: "That's right, it's very difficult for you to change the main plot to satisfy everyone, why not start a new one!"

Yang Qing nodded frantically: "Then make a special episode, the first one can film Wang Ye's Wudang career..."

Shen Changlin interrupted: "...Okay, my matter is settled, the rest is to find the screenwriter to study together, let's go eat something?"

"...No, my problem hasn't been solved yet?"

Oh, I forgot about Ning Hao...

"Tell me!"

"It's still the same problem, "Country Teacher" doesn't match my style..."

 Back from LYG, five hours drive...

(End of this chapter)

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