My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1112 Conquer and return to Ziyue

Chapter 1112 Conquer and return to Ziyue

At this moment, Taoist Mingxu also turned pale, looking at Chen Fan in panic:

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, Chen Fan, I was just traveling in the mainland, and I came to the vicinity of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect by chance. I remember that you are a disciple of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, so I wanted to come and have a look..."

Although Chen Fan was stronger than him back then, they were still at the same level, and it took several rounds to decide the winner. As a result, Chen Fan defeated him and captured him alive with a single move, but the difference in strength was outrageous.

Chen Fan also looked at him with a sneer: "Do you think I will believe you?"

The person appeared outside Jianzong, but deliberately hid his figure and hid in the dark. Naturally, it couldn't be a simple coincidence!

If it wasn't for Chen Fan's multiple rounds of breakthroughs at this time, his extremely powerful spiritual consciousness, and the reminder of the Star God Seal, he might not have been able to discover Taoist Mingxu's hiding place.

This guy knew that Chen Fan had gained a lot from Haofang Immortal.

What Chen Fan got from the Haofang Immortal was at least a ninety-nine-level treasure, not to mention the king, some poorer demon kings and immortals might be tempted!
It's just that Taoist Mingxu was not his opponent at the beginning, and he dared to plan against Chen Fan at this time, so he probably had other confidence...

He Gu's face was also a bit ugly when he heard the words: "I didn't realize that there is a Feng Wang hiding around my Jianzong..."

A king master could cause a devastating blow to Jianzong.

Chen Fan waved his hand: "This person has a special way of hiding. If I didn't have a special treasure, I might not be able to find the abnormality."

If the Star God Seal hadn't been fully recovered, even with his current state of spiritual consciousness, he might not be able to find him, which also made Chen Fan feel afraid.

As he spoke, he activated the Zhenzi Jue of the "Star God Seal" and suppressed him, throwing him into the Immortal Mansion!
Although we don't know Taoist Mingxu's plans and details, what is certain is that he has absolutely no good intentions, and Chen Fan naturally cannot let him go.

Matching his income, Chen Fan's avatar also flew forward, and the split spirit re-entered the sea of ​​consciousness of Chen Fan's deity. After sharing memory and cultivation with Chen Fan, he returned to the avatar again, and also entered the Immortal Mansion to start a breakthrough Longevity is sixfold.

He Gu looked at Chen Fan with a delicate expression, his eyes burning: " can defeat King Feng so easily...your current strength..."

Although Chen Fan is well-known in the Chaos Sea Holy Church, not many people know about it on the mainland.

The Patriarch obviously hasn't heard the news from Chaos Sea yet.

Chen Fan smiled: "Will the Patriarch want to compete with me?"

He Gu laughed loudly: "Of course!"


In the Immortal Mansion.

An empty hall.

Taoist Mingxu was suppressed in the room with a helpless and apprehensive look on his face, but his body could not move at all.

But Chen Fan's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chen Fan himself was competing with the patriarch, and the person who appeared here at this moment was also a clone of Chen Fan.

And seeing Chen Fan, Taoist Ming Xu also showed embarrassment and helplessness on his old face:

"Chen Fan, I admit it! I am indeed unwilling to reconcile with you, and I do have other intentions here... I am willing to pay the price for my actions, and I just ask Chen Fan to spare my life."

If Chen Fan in the past was still strong, but made him confident that he could fight, then the current Chen Fan is already strong enough to make him despair.

He also knew that it was useless to pretend to be stupid.

"It seems that you didn't learn enough lessons back then in the Immortal Cave." Chen Fan had a delicate expression.

At that time, Taoist Mingxu had the opportunity to obtain high-level treasures in Haofang's Immortal Cave Mansion as the King of Conferment, but he got rid of it by himself!

Then it was still greedy.

At this time, it fell into Chen Fan's hands, but he did it on his own!

Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, pondered for a moment, his eyes flashed a sharp color: "It's not impossible for me to let you go..."

He licked his lips: "But I still lack a king-level subordinate. If you promise to swear by the law of heaven and be loyal to me forever, I will spare your life."

Chen Fan didn't have any particular hatred for this Taoist Mingxu.

Although Taoist Mingxu really wanted to kill Chen Fan at that time.

In fact, if Taoist Mingxu and the "hidden demon" generally only had the fourth level of longevity, Chen Fan would not talk nonsense with him, and would have slapped him to death.

But a king master is also a character.

If it can be brought back to his subordinates, it is a good choice whether it is to supplement the strength of Jianzong or to keep the treasures for his relatives!

Although Chen Fan himself is strong, but apart from He Gu who is the King of Swordsmen, there is no strong character in Jianzong.

Of course, it was also because although Taoist Mingxu had evil intentions, he did not really cause any irreversible consequences. If Taoist Mingxu killed Chen Fan's relatives and friends, Chen Fan would definitely not be able to give him a way out!
As soon as these words came out, Taoist Ming Xu let out a long sigh of relief, without any hesitation: "I promise you!"

Taoist Mingxu is a smart person, and he also knows that his life depends on Chen Fan's thoughts at this moment. When Chen Fan takes him down, he will have no choice.


After subduing Taoist Mingxu, Chen Fan did not stay in Jianzong, but soon came to Ziyue Secret Realm.

The two daughters Yun Xin and Xiaoxi are also disciples of the Ziyue Sect. The reason why they returned to the mainland was because Lan Ruo wanted to give the disciples of the Ziyue Sect another chance.

When Chen Fan saw Yun Xin and Xiao Xi again, the two daughters had already broken through to the second level of longevity.

But at this time, it was only two or three hundred years before the two of them were promoted to longevity.

With the talent of the two, it is quite a breakthrough to be able to advance to the second level of longevity in just two or three hundred years.

After all, the "Emperor of Elements" fused by the two can only ensure that the two can advance to longevity, and the subsequent promotion depends on the understanding of the two...


Purple Moon Secret Realm.

In a Qionglou.

"Miss Lan Ruo, we meet again." Chen Fan looked at the girl in front of him with a smile on his face.

Goodbye Lan Ruo, but he has also reached the sixth level of longevity.

You must know that this person chose to abandon the "Zhouguang Way" in his previous life and reincarnate to rebuild, but it is different from the "wisdom" monk who still practiced the past way. It is quite an exaggeration for him to make such progress.

The last time Zhou Guang Demon God visited the world with his heart, he probably gained a lot.

And Chen Fan guessed that he might also have something similar to the "Core of Zhouguang" in his hand, and his actual practice time might be quite long.

And based on his whispers, his strength is probably extremely strong at this time.

Even if it is not as good as myself, I am afraid it is almost the same.

Characters like "Zhouguang Demon God" are masters at the first level among Demon God Kings, not to mention weak demon gods like "Prison Tiger Demon God", even the Sword Immortal Bei Ming's strength is far inferior to that of his previous life.

Even if he has only reached the sixth level of longevity at this time, his means and strength will definitely not be lacking.

Lan Ruo also had a smile on her face: "If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have advanced to the sixth level of longevity so quickly. It's a pity that I chose to re-cultivate after all. The sixth level of longevity is easy to enter, but it is difficult to understand the Dao..."

Enlightenment is not something that can be achieved by piling up time.

Even if you sit in the secret realm of time for a million years, it may not be as useful as walking outside.

Of course, that refers to after one's own Dao comprehension has reached its limit.

Although Chen Fan has already reached the sixth level of longevity, in fact, he has just stepped into the sixth level of longevity. There is still a long way to go before he reaches the limit of various avenues.

(End of this chapter)

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