My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1113 Inquiry and Return

Chapter 1113 Inquiry and Return

"I'm here, but I have some questions and want to ask Miss Lan Ruo..." Chen Fan said suddenly.

Lan Ruo nodded: "Tell me."

Chen Fan said: "Miss Lan Ruo, how much do you know about the 'Dire' clan? Do you know the general strength of the three demon kings of the Dire clan?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lan Ruo couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly: "Did you offend them?"

Naturally, Lan Ruo didn't know what happened in the chaotic sea sanctuary.

Chen Fan smiled: "There are some small conflicts."

Lan Ruo squinted her eyes, and Chen Fan actually asked about the strength of the Demon God King of the Night Dire clan. I'm afraid it wouldn't be a small conflict.

Lan Ruo raised her brows slightly: "Although there are three Demon God Kings in the Dire Clan, they are not very powerful. Among them, Hei Shen and Mo Tian are new Demon God Kings who have only broken through in the last few epochs, and there is nothing powerful in their hands. The treasures, the strength can only be regarded as the weakest among the demon kings and immortals..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Fu Ling also said that the "Prison Tiger Demon God" is the weakest among the Demon God Kings. Hei Shen and Motian are probably stronger than the "Prison Tiger Demon God", but they are very limited.

If this is the case, he is naturally worthless.

"What about the third person?" Chen Fan looked at Lan Ruo again.

Lan Ruo continued: "The other ancestor of the nightmare is also the ancestor of the nightmare clan, but his strength is a level stronger than these two, but he is not particularly strong. He is regarded as an upper-middle strength in the overall level of the demon king and immortal. Can be regarded as a master of the third grade."

In fact, there are countless Demon God Kings and Immortals in the world, and if they can be ranked in the middle and upper strength, they are not weak!

"If Nightmare Ancestor attacks Black God or Motian, what will be the result?" Chen Fan still lacks sufficient knowledge of the strength of Immortal and Demon God King.

Lan Ruo said: "Hei Shen and Mo Tian teamed up and it is impossible to be the opponent of Yanzu. If there is no powerful treasure, Yanzu is one against two, but there is a chance to kill both of them."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He reckoned that his own strength was at the level of the Black God, and he couldn't compare to Yan Zu.

Lan Ruo said again: "However... Although the three demon kings of the Nightmare clan are not strong enough, they are a race that has been passed down for a long time after all. There may be immortal artifacts in the clan. Are there demon kings and immortals with immortal artifacts? The difference is quite large.”

"And what I said is based on the memory of my previous life and my evaluation of these three. If the three have some hidden means, their strength may be stronger."

Chen Fan licked his lips.

In this way, I'm afraid I don't have the strength to face the three Demon God Kings of the Night Dire clan alone.

Compared with the Dire Clan, my background is far worse...

Shaking his head, Chen Fan asked again: "By the way, I have another question... I once strayed into a special place, and I suspect that it has something to do with 'Gu Long'..."

Chen Fan told Lan Ruo about the big tree hole.

Ask the person if they know exactly where that place leads.

After listening to Chen Fan's description, Lan Ruo's expression was slightly terrified, and her face was unusually dignified: "If my guess is correct, the location of the big tree hole should be one of the passages leading to the 'Old Tree Realm'..."

"'Ancient tree world'?" Chen Fan was slightly startled, and then his expression changed: "Is it the ancient tree world where Gu Long lived?"

Chen Fan once obtained the relevant memories of several demon kings of the Dragon Elephant Clan. Although the memory is not complete, he still has a lot of knowledge about the ancient dragon.

The so-called "ancient tree world" is where the ancient dragon's "nest" is located.

It's just that after the ancient dragon was defeated by the four great gods, Chen Fan didn't know exactly what happened to the "ancient tree world".

Lan Ruo nodded: "Nine times out of ten, it's the 'Ancient Tree Realm'!"

"After the defeat of the ancient dragon, the 'Ancient Tree World' was completely closed, and people could enter it but not leave it. After a long time, I heard that many people entered it for various reasons, but I never heard of anyone being able to come out."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are there still ancient dragons in the 'Ancient Tree Realm'?"

Lan Ruo shook her head: "Whether there is one or not, only those who entered will know... However, there must be a reason for the unilateral closure of the ancient tree world. I guess there may indeed be an ancient dragon that survived..."

Chen Fan intertwined his hands, and asked again: "Is there a demon king or a fairy entering it?"

Lan Ruo nodded solemnly: "Yes, and I know more than one."

"Among these immortals and demon king masters, there is also an extremely powerful sword immortal. He is one of the best among all demon kings and immortals in the world. He was not even a match for me in my previous life. He took the initiative to enter it, but he never did. It has been hundreds of thousands of years since it was able to come out..."

Chen Fan's eyes froze when he heard the words.

"it turns out……"

Lan Ruo's previous life, Zhouguang Demon God, was a very powerful Demon God King. The Sword Immortal who can be praised so highly by her must be extremely powerful, and she was trapped in it.

Chen Fan also felt glad that he wasn't such a strong boy.


After staying in Ziyue Sect for a while, Chen Fan brought Yun Xin and Xiao Xi back to Dagan.

Not only the master Dong Guzhi, but the Ye family and Chen Fan's sister-in-law also returned to Dagan, and they have all joined the Star Gate at this time.

Relying on Chen Fan's Emperor of Elements, Dong Guzhi broke through longevity.

And the two Ye Wuji brothers have also broken through the tenth level.

And Chen Fan's sister-in-law has no martial arts talent at all, and her practice time is too late, so Chen Fan used Lingyi Pills to become a master, and took a lot of life-extending treasures.

It's just that whether it is Chen Fan's sister-in-law or Ye Wuji's brothers, it is basically impossible to break through longevity by themselves in the future.

In fact, it's not just Ye Wuji and others.

Many brothers and sisters of Chen Fan Baiyun Gymnasium are not immortal. With the talent of these people, I am afraid that few of them can break through immortality...

Chen Fan has the current strength and means, so he will naturally find a way to support and help these relatives and friends in the past.

It's just that the emperor of elements is hard to come by, especially it is even more difficult to find the emperor of elements who is in a newborn or in a specific state.

"Then there is only alchemy..."

Chen Fan went to Kongming tomorrow, but he got the relevant inheritance from an alchemy fairy. Although Chen Fan didn't study it very much, he was able to refine the elixir with the help of Immortal Gourd Refining and Fuling!
However, in the inheritance of that immortal, there are also many holy-level pills that help break through longevity.

"By the way, if we can get something like Void Essence Grass, it should also increase the probability of advancing to longevity..."

Void Yuan Grass, a special rare treasure of heaven and earth, can simulate the feeling of being promoted, allowing people to experience the level of longevity in advance.

When Chen Fan was promoted, he had used such a spiritual herb.

With Chen Fan's strength and methods at this time, whether it is gathering the medicinal materials needed for the holy pill or the virtual essence grass, the difficulty will be relatively much lower.

Chen Fan also immediately contacted Feng Jiaojiao in the church for help.

With Chen Fan's current strength, no matter if it is Feng Jiaojiao or the Feng Mo clan, they are willing to continue to make friends with Chen Fan.

Of course, in addition to these medicinal materials for helping others, Chen Fan also asked Feng Jiaojiao to help collect some materials for refining elixir.

Chen Fan's cultivation base is getting stronger and stronger, but in the future it will be time to need more elixir...

(End of this chapter)

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