My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1136 The reason

Chapter 1136 The reason
Hearing what this Lorraine Sword Immortal said, Chen Fan couldn't help but startled, his expression changed slightly.

He is separated from the outside, his body is not considered strong, and he can't use Zhai Xing. This Lorraine can see that he is the descendant of Immortal Pengxuan, but he may have seen through the existence of Immortal Mansion!

Even an immortal might not be able to see through the existence of Pengxuan Immortal Mansion.

But this Lorraine Sword Immortal is probably the most top immortal, and it is normal to be able to see through the existence of Fu Ling.

And at this time.

A phantom light flickered, and Fu Ling also condensed into an entity in front of Chen Fan, and he was also very polite to the Lorraine Sword Immortal: "It turns out that you are the Lorraine Sword Immortal, I am still wondering when such a powerful sword fairy appeared in the world ..."

Although Fu Ling didn't recognize the name "Lorraine", he obviously knew who this sword fairy was.

Lorraine also smiled:

"Sure enough, it is the spirit of Pengxuan's Immortal Mansion... I never thought that I would meet an old man in this 'Ancient Tree Realm'...Senior Pengxuan has passed away for a long time, and I thought I would never have the chance to see you again in this life."Zhaixing 'In this world."

Chen Fan was also taken aback.

She looked at Fu Ling with a subtle expression.

At this time, Fu Ling also sent an idea to Chen Fan: "Chen Fan, do you still remember that I told you once that there was an extremely heaven-defying genius sword fairy in the past..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, his expression was extremely strange, and he couldn't help but look at Lorraine Sword Fairy a few more times, and then he sent a thought to Fu Ling: "What the senior that peerless genius who has been promoted for a hundred years?"

When the two were exchanging ideas, the Lorraine sword fairy shook his head and said with a smile:

"The reason why I was able to become an immortal in a hundred years is because of another reason."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan and Fu Ling were startled.

The two exchanged ideas, and this guy could actually hear it!

Sword Immortal Lorraine smiled, and continued: "I am the reincarnation of the spirit of the Immortal Sword, with Su Hui in my body, that's why I was able to achieve so quickly in the art of swordsmanship..."

Chen Fan was amazed by what he said.

Fu Ling also looked stunned: "Can Qi Ling be reincarnated as a human?"

Lorraine shook his head and said, "Ordinary immortal artifacts are not good, at least they must be innate supreme immortal artifacts, and there is a high failure rate...Even I have to go through the reincarnation of thousands of generations before I can awaken Suhui and become an immortal for a hundred years."

Chen Fan was even more surprised, but also heaved a sigh of relief.

Because Chen Fan has reached the point where he is now, he understands how difficult it is to understand the Dao. He has retreated for tens of thousands of years, but he can't find the right direction. At this point, he really doubted how he could compare?
Even with the talent of hanging up, it is difficult to bridge this gap.

At this time, knowing that the opponent is the reincarnation of the Supreme Immortal Artifact, Chen Fan felt a little more balanced in his heart...

It was only then that Fu Ling suddenly realized.

"By the way." Chen Fan asked curiously, "Senior Lorraine told me just now that Gu Long wouldn't talk to me at all... What does that mean..."

Lorraine nodded, smiled, and said suddenly: "Look at me—"

Instead, he stretched his hand backwards and pulled out the simple long sword that was carried behind his back.

There is nothing special about this sword, and there is no strong aura on Lorraine.

Instead, he swung his sword and slashed at the mountain-like body of the ancient dragon not far away.

The blade pierced the sky.

But I can only see thousands of kendo dao rhymes flowing.

The mountain-like body of the ancient dragon was scratched by the sword energy with terrifying scratches that could not be seen and were tens of thousands of long.

The horror of this sword is a power that Chen Fan himself can hardly achieve with all his strength.

It's just that even with such a horrific wound, there was still no blood flowing from that Gu Long's body.

Its body structure is also different from ordinary creatures.

Chen Fan's expression also changed slightly: "Senior, what are you doing?"

Lorraine withdrew his sword and shook his head at Chen Fan: "Don't worry, just look at it."

Lorraine slashed out with this sword, but Gu Long continued to lie on the ground, and the horrible wound he had been drawn before recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Fan knew how powerful Lorraine's swordsmanship was. It took him countless years to kill the giant crocodile, and the sword marks left on it lasted for a long time, making it impossible for Chen Fan to approach easily!

But at this moment, it was useless for him to attack the ancient dragon, and there was no scar left on the ancient dragon.

But Gu Long still didn't make a move.

Chen Fan was also amazed, but because of the terror of Gu Long's vitality and his indifference, he couldn't help but said, "Does this Gu Long have no consciousness of his own? He doesn't have any dignity or arrogance at all, and he doesn't care about other people's actions at all." ?”

Lorraine sighed: "It's not that he lacks dignity and arrogance, but because of his dignity and arrogance, he doesn't even bother to take action against this level of injury."

Chen Fan was startled: "Disdain?"

Lorraine nodded: "The ancient dragon family is immortal, and it complements the ancient tree. An ancient dragon who has reached this level, let alone me, even the ultimate relative cannot harm its life."

"Of course, if the god kings of the four great courts or the immortal kings of the thirty-three days come to destroy the ancient tree, there may be a chance to really kill this ancient dragon. Unfortunately, at the moment, there are not many people of that level left. , and it is impossible to venture into the ancient tree world..."

Chen Fan also had a subtle expression.

At this time, only the Sun God's Court remained in the four Great God's Courts, but it was also in a special state.

And the Thirty-Three Immortal Heavens have long been disintegrated, and the Immortal King has fallen...

Chen Fan also gave a wry smile, and then turned his head to look at Lorraine: "By the way, I saw seven sword marks slashing towards the sky here, presumably it was done by you, an immortal... If you want to leave this world, do you have to cut through this area?" Sky?"

Lorraine nodded: "It's very complicated to explain, but you can think so. As long as you can use a move that is powerful enough here, you can indeed forcibly break through the barrier of the 'Old Tree Realm'!"

As he spoke, he sighed, with a look of helplessness on his face: "However, only the power that has truly reached the ultimate level can break through the 'barrier'."

Chen Fan smiled wryly when he heard the words, and his heart froze.

If only the ultimate can break through this world, then it may be even more difficult for him to leave this world.

Even if he can break through the immortal and greatly improve his strength, how can he compare to the ultimate?
His heart was complicated, but he looked at Lorraine and asked, "Senior, why did you come to this 'Ancient Tree Realm'?"

Lan Ruo once said that Lorraine entered this place on his own initiative, but Chen Fan didn't know why.

Lorraine said: "My swordsmanship has reached the end of my practice. There is no way to advance. I have traveled all over the world and all over the world. I have seen the supernatural powers of various races and want to seek opportunities for breakthrough. Various races and strange lands outside I have been through it all, and finally came to this ancient tree world..."

"With Gu Long's special features, I think it can give me some insights. Unfortunately, although I did see Gu Long, this guy simply ignored my existence..."

Lorraine let out a long sigh...

Chen Fan's expression was extremely subtle when he heard the words: "Before you entered the 'Ancient Tree Realm', senior, didn't you know that this place is special?"

Lorraine shook his head: "I know, but I don't care... If you can't make a breakthrough, it's okay to be trapped here for the rest of your life."

Chen Fan couldn't help but said: "But if the catastrophe comes, the outside world will lose a lot of help if there are no experts like you, senior..."

Lorraine has been here for hundreds of thousands of years.

It also means that it is likely that more than ten catastrophes have passed.

Lorraine shook his head again, smiled bitterly and said:

"You think too highly of me, or the combat power of the immortal level."

(End of this chapter)

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