Chapter 1137
Sword Immortal Lorraine was full of bitterness:

"I have indeed experienced several catastrophes, and I have killed more than a hundred of the 'abyss beasts' that exist in the presence of immortals, but in the face of the Outer Gods, even the Outer Gods who have been weakened by the laws of the world, I have no resistance at all. Power……"

"For this world, the battle strength of the immortal level is important, but it is not the real key. If I don't reach the ultimate level, I can't change the decline. If I can step into the ultimate level, I will stay in the ancient tree world for hundreds of thousands of years It's also worth it..."

What Lorraine said made Chen Fan not know what to say.

In fact, it is useless even if Chen Fan disagrees with him. He is an independent individual with his own ideas and ideas, so it is his turn to dictate.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan suddenly said: "With your strength, Senior Lorraine, if you can cultivate the triple "Picking the Stars", will it be possible to break through the barrier of the 'Old Tree Realm'?"

With Chen Fan's strength, even if he breaks through the Immortal immediately, there is a high probability that he will not be able to break through the barriers of this world.

His relatives and friends are all outside, so he is naturally unwilling to stay in this ancient tree world for too long.

If Lorraine can rely on "Reaching for the Stars" and really display the strength comparable to the ultimate master, it is naturally possible to blast through the barriers of the world.

Although "Picking the Stars" should not be passed on lightly, if it can go out, Chen Fan doesn't care about spreading "Picking the Stars"!

Of course, he has not yet obtained the triple "Reaching for the Stars", even if he wants to teach others, he still needs to wait until he gets it.

Lorraine smiled wryly and shook his head: "Impossible. Although I have been a fairy for a long time, I am afraid that my body is not stronger than yours. Not to mention that I can't meet the conditions for practicing triple "Picking the Stars". Can't fix it."

"Immortal Pengxuan was widely accepted at the beginning. It is not a secret that the first and second levels of "Zhaixing" are not secret. I have obtained the first two levels of secrets, but the first level is okay, and I will not be able to complete the second level, let alone the third level."

What Sword Immortal Lorraine said made Chen Fan feel helpless.

He looked up at the dome of sky shining with phantom light, but he let out a long sigh.

What Sword Immortal Lorraine said also made Chen Fan understand that he couldn't get out in a short time.

He threw away his miscellaneous thoughts, but looked at Sword Immortal Lorraine again:

"The sword marks left by you, Immortal Lorraine, amazed me. As a junior who is a fellow practitioner of swordsmanship, I wonder if I will have the opportunity to witness the sword skills of an immortal?"

It is difficult to go out, but as long as one's own strength continues to improve, there must be a way.

Instead of worrying about the problem of not being able to get out, it is better to find a way to improve your own strength!

The immortals of Lorraine could not complete the triple "Reaching for the Stars", but it was not difficult for him.

"Blood Fusion" is indeed difficult to hang up, but with the core of Zhouguang, Chen Fan will be able to practice it sooner or later, and naturally there is a high probability that he will be able to practice triple "Star Reaching".

And if he also makes a breakthrough in the way of the sword, his strength can be comparable to that of Lorraine Sword Immortal, and with the addition of the triple "Picking the Stars", it is possible to blast through the barrier of the "Old Tree Realm"!

When these words came out, the Lorraine Immortal smiled and nodded: "There is nothing wrong with it. Don't say that you are the descendant of the Pengxuan Immortal, even if you are not, you are also a human race and a swordsman. If my swordsmanship can help you make another breakthrough in the swordsmanship, It's also a good thing."

Seeing that Lorraine agreed, Chen Fan was also excited.

No matter how powerful and formidable the opponent's sword marks are, it is naturally a completely different concept to really learn from, fight against, and receive advice from other people.

Chen Fan was also happy to be able to compete with a peerless immortal who had long understood the Dao of the Sword and was only one step away from the "Ultimate".

And he really summoned the deity who was hiding in the Immortal Mansion to go out.

"Huh? Your body has the bloodline against the gods, right?" Lorraine also raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Fan's deity: "No wonder you can become a disciple of Immortal Pengxuan..."

If you want to practice "Picking the Stars", you need an extremely strong talent and physique. Chen Fan has "Blood Against God", so his physique is naturally extremely strong, so he is of course suitable for practicing "Picking the Stars"!

Lorraine's eyes flickered, and he looked at Chen Fan with some expectation: "Come on, let me see your sword skills, and the power of "Picking the Stars"..."

Although Gu Long was not far away, Chen Fan had nothing to worry about since he knew that Gu Long would never take the initiative to attack.

He was also unceremonious: "Senior, don't underestimate me. Although I haven't realized the Dao yet, I have defeated the Demon God King more than once."

Lorraine still looked at Chen Fan with a smile on his face after hearing the words: "Come on!"

Chen Fan nodded, but he was no longer polite, and broke out in double rage.

And this time, he directly used the power of Tianyuan.

It wasn't until Chen Fan's power of the abyss broke out that Lorraine's face changed a little, but that's all.

A person like him probably knows the specialness of "Blood Against God".

Chen Fan also didn't show any mercy, but immediately urged the double star picker, and cut it out with a single sword.

But what he used was Beiming's tenth form!
This is also his most powerful single-handed sword move except for the thirteen-layered Grandmist Sword.

Other swordsmanship, whether it is Wuwo Sword, Coiling Dragon Sword or Yixing Sword, these fairy-level swordsmanship cannot compare with Beiming's tenth form.

Facing the sudden sword energy, a look of surprise flashed across Lorraine's face.

Knowing that Chen Fan possessed the "Blood Against God" and "Reaching the Stars", he naturally had an estimate of Chen Fan's strength.

In fact, Chen Fan was able to defeat some weak demon kings or immortals, which was also within his expectation.

After all, to be able to break through the top of an ancient tree also requires sufficient strength.

However, when the real fight.

But the true power of Chen Fan's sword is still much higher than he expected!

"Not bad!"

He also laughed, but the sword in his hand was raised suddenly.

The sword's edge pierced through the air, but it easily tore Chen Fan's sword light into pieces!

And the power of this sword is not too much, and after smashing Chen Fan's sword light, it has almost reached the limit!

His eyesight and control over power are also extremely exaggerated.

"This sword is quite extraordinary, even I have never seen it before..."

Lorraine's eyes also twinkled slightly, with a little curiosity on his face.

Chen Fan also immediately said: "I learned this sword from a senior named 'Bei Ming'?"

"Beiming?" Lorraine was slightly taken aback, and thought for a moment: "I don't know the sword fairy named 'Beiming', I think it should be the sword fairy who became enlightened after I entered the 'Old Tree Realm'."

Chen Fan remained silent.

In front of Chen Fan, "Bei Ming" is naturally an old senior.

But in front of a fairy like Lorraine who doesn't know how many epochs he has lived, he may be just a junior...

Lorraine also looked at Chen Fan curiously: "Let's come again, let me see your swordsmanship more..."

He has been in this ancient tree world for so long, but he is quite out of touch with the world.

Of course, the masters of swordsmanship who emerged later had never seen him before.

Chen Fan nodded immediately.

It is naturally impossible for him to pass on the swordsmanship that Beiming taught him to others, but it is naturally possible for him to compete with others.

However, starting from the first move, he cut through all the ten moves he had mastered one after another.

As for Lorraine's moves, he never exceeded the limit of Chen Fan's moves. Every move could accurately break through Chen Fan's sword moves without overflowing too much power.

For Chen Fan, being able to compete with such a master is naturally a rare opportunity.

And a Beiming Thirteen Forms can naturally give Lorraine Sword Immortal a new comprehension and improvement...

(End of this chapter)

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