My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1198 The King of Flame Demons

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The phantom light flickered, and the flames roared and stirred, but a huge monster rushed in front of the three of them in the blink of an eye.

This monster is tens of thousands of feet tall, its body is composed entirely of orange flames, but its head has a big blue face that looks like metal!

Its whole body is like a small sun, and its whole body exudes strong light and heat, but it is more terrifying than the flames burning around the Sun God Court.

"It's the Fire Demon King!" Yang Yan narrowed his eyes.

The Fire Demon King is the elemental lord of the elemental spirit family. He is a natural master of the elements and does not need any supernatural powers or spells. He is the top demon king himself!

If Zi Shang is not there, the Flame Demon King is the strongest among the group of practitioners of the Flame Dao!
Even experts at the level of Juli Demon God and Jinpeng Demon God cannot compare to this one in terms of hard power.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked behind the Flame Demon King, but he appeared here alone, without any helpers around him!
I don't know if it's an unknown helper, or if he has enough confidence in himself to compete for the ultimate position alone!
But when the eyes of the two sides intersected, the Flame Demon King faced Chen Fan and the three, but he did not evade or retreat, and even rushed forward on his own initiative!
The already strong flames around him suddenly became more intense!

Yang Yan's complexion was subtle, but he couldn't help but retreat: "Please, both of you..."

Even here, Yang Yan Demon God can display stronger strength, but Yang Yan itself is only the third level of Demon God King, even if there is a blessing, it will be great to improve the strength of a level.

And the Flame Demon King himself is a master who ranks in the forefront of the first level, even without blessings, he is far stronger than Yang Yan, not to mention, around the Sun Temple, his strength can be even stronger!

He is also a master of the Flame Dao, but Yang Yan might not be able to stop the Flame Demon King's move!
The Flame King's body continued to swell, but he came in front of the three of them in one step. The magnificent heat wave rolled, and the orange-red blazing fireball rushed towards the three masters of Chen Fan!

The Blue Demon God waved his hand slightly, and in the void, streaks of blurred blue light suddenly spread, turning into a huge curtain in the blink of an eye.

The blazing fireballs crashed into the curtain one by one, but as if they had entered a different dimension, they disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"Huh?" The Flame Demon King paused, and then had a strange expression:

"Are you the Demon God of Blue?"

The Blue Demon God galloped up, but it floated into the sky: "I never thought that the Fire Demon King would know my name."

"Hmph!" The Flame Demon King was filled with flames, but he was clearly dissatisfied: "I will give you one more chance to withdraw from this competition, and I can leave you a way to survive..."

The Blue Demon God shook his head directly: "Do you think this is possible?"

"Hmph!" The Flame Demon King didn't hesitate anymore, he opened his huge mouth and rushed forward.

Clearly recognizing the identity of the Blue Demon God, he dared to do so, which also showed his confidence in his own strength, thinking that even with one against three, he could win.

From its mouth, a blazing white ball of flame shot out suddenly, heading straight towards the three masters.

Boom boom boom!

The blue curtain in front of the Blue Demon God was shattered into pieces by the blazing fire almost in an instant!
The Blue Demon God spurted blood, and his face changed rapidly: "Chen Fan!"

"I'm coming!" Chen Fan tilted his head slightly, and pulled the Absolute Sword out of its sheath.

The next moment, his body turned into blood and rushed out!

The sword light that seemed to cut through the sky, under the blessing of his incomparably terrifying power, slashed out!

Accompanied by a click that resounded through the world.

A huge black space crack appeared in the sky.

The blazing white ball of light was also cut in half by Chen Fan's sword!

The mighty and majestic sword energy charged towards the Fire Demon King!
The huge body of the Fire Demon King is constantly melting!
The sound of roaring is endless, and the terrifying white smoke spreads violently!

Yang Yan looked at this scene in astonishment, and the Blue Demon God couldn't help but look back at Chen Fan: "You..."

Chen Fan's strength was much higher than the two of them expected!
Chen Fan shook his head:

"Don't take it lightly, my move is not enough to deal with the Fire Demon King..."

Chen only used the second stage of "Picking the Stars" and the eleventh form of "Extreme Sword Style". Although using this move with his current strength is quite terrifying, it is impossible to deal with the Balrog at all. s King.

The Flame Demon King is a family of elemental spirits, and has no entity at all. It is far more difficult to kill elemental spirits than ordinary demon kings and immortals!
As soon as Chen Fan's voice fell, more blazing flames rose in the air. The Fire Demon King roared up to the sky, and fiery red lotuses suddenly formed in the sky, and then came towards the three of them densely!

The face of the Blue Demon God changed slightly, and he held his hands high, and a large amount of blue phantom light suddenly appeared in the void, as if blue fuel was fainting in the water.

But where the fire lotus passed, there were constant roars and explosions, and the turbulent impact scattered and agitated.

The Blue Demon God spewed blood quickly and continuously, while Chen Fan shook his head, and a sharp look flashed across his eyes.

The strength of this Flame Demon King is much stronger than the Juli Demon God and Jinpeng Demon God that Chen Fan encountered back then. Although he may have the advantage of the location, he is also the strongest Demon God King that Chen Fan has encountered so far. , even for him, there was a boiling fighting spirit in his heart.

"bring it on!"

Chen Fan slashed out with his sword again, but he used the Le Ni sword to decide the twelfth move!
Of course, he still didn't use the triple "Star Reaching".

The triple "Star Reaching" is naturally quite powerful, but the load is extremely exaggerated. Even Chen Fan can't use it too many times now.

At this time, the competition has not yet reached the most intense time, and Chen Fan may be able to defeat the Fire Demon King, but he may also directly become the target of public criticism...

Of course, even if he doesn't use the triple "Picking the Stars", Chen Fan's strength is still one of the best among the demon kings and immortals in the world!
Not to mention that after obtaining Absolute Sword, his overall strength has increased a bit.

The sword light pierced through the sky, but the entire sky seemed to be a torn curtain, but there were pieces of spatial cracks appearing!

The surging flames were swept away by Chen Fan's sword light in an instant.

The blocking fire lotus also collapsed with a roar!
After receiving the blessing of the Immortal Sword, Chen Fan's strength was slightly better than before!

Even without using the triple star quest, the power is so powerful that it is extremely exaggerated.

Even though the Fire Demon King's moves were extremely terrifying, they still couldn't stop Chen Fan's sword.


Seeing that his moves were broken, the Fire Demon King roared angrily.

And at this moment, a cyan light suddenly rose from the Flame Demon King, and a suffocating breath erupted from the Flame Demon King.

It's just that although this aura is powerful, it is obviously not the power of the Flame Dao!

"It's the ultimate power! The Fire Demon King has used the ultimate power. The Elemental Clan has an ultimate supreme power of the Way of Wind. The Fire Demon King's ultimate power should come from that existence!" Yang Yan reminded loudly .

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Flame Demon King himself is one of the best existences among the Demon God Kings. Using the ultimate power, his strength has been raised to an extremely exaggerated level.

The wind helps the fire, but the ultimate power of the wind element is also extremely suitable for the use of the Fire Demon King, which can help him exert stronger strength!

Chen Fan also realized that at this moment, he had to use his real strength!

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