My martial arts will hang up

Chapter 1199 Repression and Bow

At this moment, Chen Fan didn't have any fear in his heart when facing the Flame Demon King who had activated his ultimate power, all he had was excitement and excitement.

Such a powerful enemy is also a rare opponent for Chen Fan!

Just when Chen Fan was about to use his true strength to continue fighting the Flame Demon King, the Blue Demon God turned his head abruptly, flipped his hand and released a khaki spar, which he threw directly to Chen Fan:
"Chen Fan, here you are!"

But this is also an ultimate power!
Judging from the breath, this should be the ultimate power of the Dao of Earth.

Chen Fan naturally accepted it bluntly, and then urged it directly.

Chen Fan has not yet comprehended the Dao of Earth, and directly using the ultimate power of the Dao of Earth, the effect is naturally not comparable to the ultimate power of the Dao of Sword, but the bonus is quite terrifying!

In the blink of an eye, a heavy khaki-yellow light shot up from his body, but his body was filled with extremely thick and majestic power, filling his limbs and bones.

Chen Fan's physical strength is extremely strong, surpassing [-]% of demon kings and immortals, and the "ultimate power" he can withstand is also stronger than most immortals and demon kings.

It's just that the blessing of the ultimate power has an upper limit, but ordinary demon kings and immortals cannot carry the complete ultimate power, but Chen Fan can.

After reaching the upper limit, even if Chen Fan's body becomes stronger in the future, it is impossible to get more blessings.

The big blue face of the Fire Demon King had already turned into a fiery red color of anger. He raised his head and roared again, and the blazing flames rushed towards Chen Fan!

Chen Fan grinned and swung the sword, the light of the sword flickered, but he did the eleventh move of "Ni Jian Jue"!
Only this time, he activated the triple "Star Reaching"!
The strength of the Fire Demon King is too terrifying. The ultimate power of the Fire Demon King by urging the earth is far inferior to the blessing that the Fire Demon King urges the ultimate force of the wind. It is not difficult for him to block the moves of the Fire Demon King, but he wants to It is too difficult to establish a victory.

As the sword light cut out, countless blood splashed out from Chen Fan's arm!

The triple "Picking the Stars" is completely different from the previous "Picking the Stars". Even with a body as strong as Chen Fan's at this moment, he still cannot ignore such a terrifying load!
Of course, the horror of the load represents the horror of the addition.

The boost of the double "Picking the Stars" is already strong enough, and there are few such powerful boosts in the immortal series secret method, but the triple "Picking the Stars" is much stronger than the double!
The sky is like a mirror, smashed by Chen Fan's sword, densely packed black branches continue to spread and stir, and the turbulent flames and sword lights are intertwined and stirred.

Although the bonus Chen Fan got was terrifying, but limited to the characteristics of the ultimate power of the Dao of Earth, the power of his sword moves was not enough.

But even so, Chen Fan's sword still wiped out the Flame Demon King's terrifying offensive, and then the mighty sword light slashed at the Flame Demon King's body.

The violent, turbulent terrifying power tore the huge body of the Fire Demon King into countless pieces in the blink of an eye.

It's just that, as an elemental spirit, it doesn't have a real entity. In the flames, the countless debris on its body ignited the raging fire again, hooked together, and slowly gathered again to form the King of Fire Demons body of……

This guy's vitality is too terrifying!

Yang Yan Demon God looked at this scene with eyes full of surprise, but suddenly shouted: "Chen Fan, you continue to help me entangle the Fire Demon King, and I will first go to find the remains of the God King with the Blue Demon God..."

As he said this, he simply turned around and rushed into the flames.

The Blue Demon God raised his eyebrows slightly, but he glanced at Chen Fan, and followed closely behind the Yangyan Demon God.

From Yang Yan's point of view, Chen Fan might not be able to win the Flame Demon King for a while, and he would not be able to help Chen Fan with his own strength, so it would be meaningless for him to stay here.

However, it is better to let Chen Fan attack the Flame Demon King, and continue to search for the remains of the God King himself.

If the Flame Demon King is empty-handed, Yang Yan will lose one of his most difficult enemies.

Chen Fan frowned deeply when he saw the two leaving just like that.

From Chen Fan's point of view, without him, Yang Yan lacks a great help. If he encounters other masters in the future, the Blue Demon God alone may not be able to stop him...

"Yang Yan is in a hurry..."

However, since Yang Yan chose to do this, Chen Fan naturally had nothing to say. He raised his head, but stared straight at the Flame Demon King who had regrouped into a body in front of him:
"Let's come again!"

Fighting against the peerless masters of the Flame Dao like the King of Flames will be of great benefit to Chen Fan's own Flame Dao. If he can take the opportunity to understand the Dao, he won't have to work for others anymore...

The Flame Demon King's expression changed, but he didn't attack Chen Fan immediately, but he turned his head suddenly, turned into aura and charged into the burning flames behind him, and the speed was terrifyingly fast.

It wasn't that he was afraid of Chen Fan's strength. Although Chen Fan's strength was terrifying, he was also confident in his physique, which would not be easy to destroy.

The reason why he chose to retreat was because he was worried about being entangled by Chen Fan and unable to compete for the ultimate source!
"Want to leave?!" Chen Fan sneered, but a pair of golden wings suddenly stretched out behind him.

These are the Jinpeng wings obtained from the Jinpeng Demon Emperor!
The internal environment of the Sun God Court is special. Even the Demon God King cannot easily use the power of space. In this kind of place, personal speed is extremely important.

Jin Peng spread its wings behind Chen Fan, but it turned into a stream of light and rushed straight out, catching up with the Flame Demon King in the blink of an eye!
Although there is still a gap between the speed and the Jinpeng Demon Emperor himself, the Jinpeng's wings still make Chen Fan's speed much faster.

But after catching up with the Flame Demon King, Chen Fan decisively took out the Haotian Mirror with four mirrors in one, and decisively activated the power of the star-fixing mirror!

The aura flickered, and he rushed towards the Fire Demon King in a blink of an eye.

Its incomparably huge body suddenly stagnated in place.

After the four mirrors are combined into one, the power of the star-fixing mirror is also much stronger.

Even someone as strong as the Fire Demon King, under the star-fixing mirror, his body is still stagnant.

But the next moment, another golden chain emerged from Chen Fan's hand, spreading towards the body of the Flame Demon King like a golden dragon.

The Flame King's pupils flickered with faint flames, and terrifying raging flames erupted from his body again.

Under the impact of the terrifying force on his body, the golden chain couldn't entangle his body at all!

"Unfortunately, if the Blue Demon God and Yang Yan hadn't left, the three of us would work together to push the chains of the sky, and we might really be able to trap the Flame Demon King..."

Chen Fan's own strength is certainly strong, but his strength cannot help him use the chains of the sky...

It's just that although he blocked the entanglement of the chains of the sky, the face of the Fire Demon King became more and more ugly. Chen Fan used too many means, and he couldn't escape at all. He looked down at Chen Fan:

"Human, you are very powerful, and you are also the most powerful immortal I have ever seen in my life, but it is not so easy for you to defeat me. I still have the hole card bestowed by my Supreme Elemental Sea, and I don't want to use that hole card on you , I don't want to continue fighting with you..."

Chen Fan couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words: "If you want to fight, you can fight, if you don't want to fight, don't fight? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

Speaking of which, at the very beginning, the three of Chen Fan did not intend to take the initiative to attack the Fire Demon King. It was the Fire Demon King who relied on his own strength and wanted to deal with Yang Yan, so he took the lead in attacking the three of them.

The Fire Demon King looked at Chen Fan: "Human beings, nothing is impossible."

"Tell me, what exactly do you want to let me go? I can agree to any condition!"

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