I was born again with 100 million

Chapter 292 Cooperation!

Chapter 292 Cooperation!

Ready to seek cooperation with China Unicom, Lin Xiao's first thought was to find out if there are any alumni who are senior executives in China Unicom.

After all, the communication technology major is Yanjing Institute of Technology's strength, and this professional school has produced many talented people.

When looking for someone, Lin Xiao's first thought was to find Wang Mingjiang.

As the principal, Wang Mingjiang's level of contact is much higher than that of ordinary people. If he knows someone in China Unicom, it should be the top management of the company.

After finishing the first and second professional classes in the morning, Lin Xiao went straight to find Wang Mingjiang for the next two classes.

As for the school's classes, Lin Xiao began to take selective classes. It was true that the time could not be arranged. For the classes that he was more interested in, he would come, but for some non-professional classes, Lin Xiao did not Come on again.

Lin Xiao also communicated with the head teacher Tang Rui about this matter at the beginning of school, and Tang Rui's attitude was tacit approval.

Lin Xiao's business is getting bigger and bigger, everyone knows this, especially with the recent big news on QQ, more people in the school know about it.

For Lin Xiao to be able to attend the main professional courses, Tang Rui felt that it was quite rare.

Lin Xiao went to the principal's office, and Wang Mingjiang happened to be there. After saying hello, Lin Xiao went in directly.

"Pour some water yourself." Wang Mingjiang, who was looking at something when he saw Lin Xiao coming in, said.

Lin Xiao was not polite, and poured himself a glass of water. Seeing that Wang Mingjiang seemed to be busy, he waited beside him without making a sound.

After about 5 minutes like this, Wang Mingjiang seemed to have finished dealing with the matter at hand, took off the reading glasses he was wearing, raised his head and asked Lin Xiao:

"Yumo went to America again?"

Wang Mingjiang's tone was a little weird, as if he was a little puzzled.

"Yes, I just went there two days ago." Lin Xiao also noticed it, but didn't think too much about it. He just thought it was Wang Mingjiang who was still thinking about the matter that he asked Lan Yumo to resign.

"It involves some capital operations in the US stock market. Mr. Lan proposed to go to the US to get better information."

Wang Mingjiang frowned slightly after hearing this, "Although Yumo's professional ability in the financial field is very strong, she has been in the United States before and has some experience, but capital operations are very risky, especially in the American market, those on Wall Street. A group of people, but there is no one who is good."

"That's right. That's why Mr. Lan didn't go there mainly to do this. There is also our company's R&D center over there, and the company also needs to go there to recruit talents. This is all work." Lin Xiao said hurriedly.

"I just had some money in the capital market, so I asked Teacher Lan to help me deal with it. Principal, we are just making trouble."

Only then did Wang Mingjiang slightly nod his head, but he didn't know yet that what Lin Xiao was talking about was a [-] million meter yuan.

It's true that Wang Mingjiang and others can't tell about this matter. More people know about it, but it's even harder to explain.

Although it is said that he wants to gather the wool of the rice country, Lin Xiao is still very cautious when it comes to the actual operation. Even up to now, Lan Yumo has not really entered the arena.

"Speaking of talents, how is the group of people introduced last time?"

Wang Mingjiang asked, after Lin Xiao approached him and Tang Xingchang last time, both of them used their connections to introduce some people to Eternal Technology.

Lin Xiao nodded immediately and said, "It's not bad, three people have joined the job, but the leader of the entire chip design project has not been found yet."

Wang Mingjiang and Tang Xingchang introduced about ten people to Lin Xiao, and three people joined the company, which is not bad, but for chip design, the project leader must have certain attainments in this area, and none of these three people can do it.

After finishing speaking, Lin Xiao also immediately asked Wang Mingjiang: "Principal, I would like to ask if any of the school's brothers and sisters are senior executives in China Unicom. We have an Internet business and we want to seek cooperation from them."

"Yes, many of China Unicom's top executives came from our school."

Hearing Wang Mingjiang's words, Lin Xiao immediately said happily: "Principal, then I have to trouble you to contact me."

After Wang Mingjiang listened, he gave Lin Xiao a slight look, "I now realize that you are not using this as a school, but as a resource bank. You are not poaching teachers, but building relationships."

Even though he said that, Wang Mingjiang still helped to make the call.

Recently, as the reputation of EGO Technology and EGO Network has become more and more famous, Yanjing Institute of Technology has received a lot of praise and attention on this point.

So in a sense, Lin Xiao is the school's baby bump.

Not to mention, this baby bump is also good for school.

The senior of Yenching University of Science and Technology in China Unicom is called Zhang Qingquan, who is at the level of vice president in the head office.

With Wang Mingjiang's recommendation, Zhang Qingquan readily agreed to meet Lin Xiao, and agreed to go there that afternoon.

Lin Xiao wanted to get Zhang Qingquan's contact information, and immediately returned to the Eternal Network, and told Brother Xiaoma about it.

Brother Xiao Ma and others' project plan papers were almost finished. After receiving the news, he and Zeng Liqing hurriedly rushed out the project plan papers at noon that day.

The rest of the content is done, including the operation model, the feasibility of the project, etc., only the share ratio between the two parties is completely empty.

If China Unicom agrees to this model, it will depend on talks.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Xiao brought Xiao Ma and Zhang Liqing to the Yanjing Unicom headquarters.

Zhang Qingquan had a face with Chinese characters, and was tall, but slightly fat. He was also very enthusiastic when he saw Lin Xiao.

"You are junior Lin Xiao, right? I've heard several alumni talk about you, and this is the first time I've seen you today."

"Mr. Zhang, I'm Lin Xiao." Lin Xiao stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Qingquan together, and then said with a smile, "I like meeting my seniors the most. Every time I meet, something good happens."

"Haha." Zhang Qingquan smiled, feeling a little surprised.

Lin Xiao treats people calmly and calmly. Although he has already started a business and became a boss, his age is after all, which is a bit beyond his expectation.

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries, and Zhang Qingquan took the initiative to say at this time: "I heard from Principal Wang that you want to talk to me about business. Is it a USB flash drive?"

Lin Xiao shook his head, "It's not a USB flash drive, it's an Internet business."

"Internet?" Zhang Qingquan was a little surprised.

Hearing Zhang Qingquan's tone, Lin Xiao muttered to himself, this senior reacted so strongly, it must be because he has some bad views on the Internet.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to open his mouth, Zhang Qingquan changed his voice, "Recently, the company is really preparing to develop an Internet business. I will be in charge of this part. I am still thinking about how to do it."

As he said that, Zhang Qingquan asked with great interest: "Is there any business that your internet company can cooperate with us?"

Hearing that China Unicom also had a need in this regard, Lin Xiao was naturally extremely happy, and immediately gave Zhang Qingquan the project proposal handed over by brother Ma.

"We plan to cooperate with operators to develop a mobile QQ project."

While Zhang Qingquan was watching, Lin Xiao and Zeng Liqing introduced the whole project to Zhang Qingquan.

Zhang Qingquan listened to the entire project introduction, read the project book carefully, closed it and began to meditate, and began to calculate in his heart.

1000 million QQ users, this data is still very huge.

In Zhang Qingquan's view, even if 30 people use Unicom mobile phones, 10 people will subscribe to Mobile QQ, the scale is not small.

Because in the project plan provided by Lin Xiao and others, it is suggested that the monthly fee for each user is 10 yuan.

If there are 10 people, it will be 100 million, and there will be an income of more than 1200 million in a year, and this is only guaranteed, and there is also text message income.

Unicom, which has just been established for a few years, cannot compare with the hundreds of billions of China Telecom. As of the end of 1998, China Unicom's net assets were only 23 billion yuan. The net assets of more than 1999 million yuan were merged into China Unicom, and the sum of the two was less than 5 billion yuan.

And this is just an asset. In terms of revenue and profitability, data and telecommunications are far behind.

So for China Unicom, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, not to mention that it is not mosquito meat.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingquan said to Lin Xiao and the others: "I think you can try this mode."

After Zhang Qingquan said this, Lin Xiao's reaction was quite normal, but the joy of Xiao Ma and Zeng Liqing was beyond words.

If Unicom really agrees to participate in this project, it means that QQ really has a profit model. Although the income brought by this profit may not be enough to cover the current operating costs of QQ, it is undoubtedly a very big breakthrough up.

Lin Xiao said with a smile at this time: "That's a good thing, I'll tell you, seeing the senior, there must be something good."

Zhang Qingquan immediately asked another concerned question, "Boss Lin, what are your plans for the share ratio?"

"Eighty-two split, we get eight." Lin Xiao replied.

Lin Xiao said this ratio, which was quite like a lion's mouth, so that Zhang Qingquan asked directly: "What did you say?"

Zhang Qingquan felt that he had heard something wrong. In his mind, this project book did not mention it. Maybe it was a [-]-[-] share by default, but now Lin Xiao directly came up with an [-]-[-] share, which was really beyond his expectations. expected.

Little did they know, Lin Xiao was deliberately increasing the ratio to give China Unicom a room to bargain.

Lin Xiao also dealt with these big companies in his previous life, and he knew that they were used to domineering. If he offered 55% of the share, they would probably not be reconciled if they didn't reduce it to 37% in the end.

Moreover, Lin Xiao's 82% share ratio is really not nonsense. In fact, in the previous life, when China Mobile first opened Monternet, the share ratio with its partners was 85:15, and the content provider directly took 85% of the share.

Of course, a large part of that is because China Mobile, as a company that has just been spun off, is not favored by the market and is eager to establish a cooperative relationship with content providers. Later, it was discovered that this business is more profitable, and the number of mobile users is indeed large enough to be more profitable. After the right to speak, they also reduced this ratio to 5:5.

But now, Lin Xiao also knows that if a share ratio like 85:15 is offered, China Unicom will definitely not agree, even the other party will not agree to 8:2.

Purely from the perspective of share ratio, Lin Xiao is actually unwilling to cooperate with China Unicom, because he is also worried that after China Unicom has lowered the share ratio, he will talk to China Mobile in the future, and China Mobile will not give the same high ratio as before.

However, if Lin Xiao does not give a high ratio to China Mobile, he has a corresponding solution, so at this time, he can rest assured to talk to China Unicom.

But Lin Xiao also has a bottom line. If Unicom wants to press too hard on this point, then Lin Xiao would rather not do it.

After Zhang Qingquan was surprised, he immediately shook his head and said, "55% is too high for you. We can accept [-]% at most."

Sure enough, upon hearing Zhang Qingquan's words, Lin Xiao secretly sighed in his heart, and the other party directly lowered the number by 30 points. If he had originally reported 55 points, the senior would probably not have said this number.

After all, business belongs to business, and the relationship between the two of them has not reached the point where they can be negotiated in just a few words.

Lin Xiao said firmly at this time: "Mr. Zhang, the SMS business is your existing business. Adding a mobile QQ will not bring you much cost. On the contrary, it is money dropped out of thin air. "

"For our Eternal Network, increasing the interaction and data of QQ users also means increasing operating costs, and 82% is not high."

Zhang Qingquan shook his head again, "Although it is said so, it is the platform of China Unicom, which is real."

After finishing speaking, there was a pause, and Zhang Qingquan continued: "Considering that you will indeed increase the operating costs to a certain extent, let's make a difference, 55:45, you take the lead."

It's good to let go, and there is room for talk if you let go.

"75:25." Lin Xiao took up the conversation and started persuading the other party again.

It's another round of back and forth, both sides are fighting for more interests for their own side, and put forward more reasons.

After Lin Xiao proposed 67:33, Zhang Qingquan finally did not continue to counter-offer, but said that he would discuss it with other senior executives of the company.

The negotiation came to an end for the time being. During the dinner that night, Lin Xiao and Zhang Qingquan had a short communication on this matter, but the point was over.

At 9:30 the next morning, Lin Xiao received a call from Zhang Qingquan.

"Student, at the meeting that just ended in the morning, everyone agreed that the ratio can only be 65:35 at most, look..."

After Lin Xiao heard it, he immediately replied straightforwardly: "No problem, just use this ratio!"

For Lin Xiao, the cooperation with China Unicom is more about accumulating experience for the follow-up cooperation with China Mobile, after all, that is the big one.

And the current ratio did not exceed his bottom line.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao immediately went downstairs to tell brother Ma and the others the news.

"Unicom agrees?" Upon hearing the news, Xiao Ma immediately shouted softly, and the rest of the people also heard what was going on, and immediately moved forward.

"Yes, the share ratio has been negotiated, and the contract can be signed while the project can be completed."

Lin Xiao's words made everyone in the QQ project team very happy.

Although they are still not sure how much revenue this model can bring to the company, at least QQ has found a profitable direction.

"We used to build a wireless paging system, which also needed to be connected with the operator's system, so doing mobile QQ at this time has a foundation for us." Zhang Zhidong, who is in charge of technology, immediately said, "This program , I got him done in a few days."

The hope of making money gave the QQ project team a strong impetus, and even Xiao Ma, who usually talks relatively little, began to get a little excited at this time.

"Then we will develop the relevant software program within a week, and at the same time assist China Unicom to complete the program of the China Unicom port as soon as possible, and strive for half a month to complete the official launch of Mobile QQ!"

Seeing the enthusiasm of Xiao Ma and others, Lin Xiao immediately encouraged and supported him: "Okay, Mr. Ma, you will take them to take full responsibility for this matter, including you and Li Qing who are connected with China Unicom. If you need to come forward, tell me."

Brother Xiao Ma and Zeng Liqing immediately agreed with full confidence.

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong..."

At this moment, Lin Xiao's phone rang, and after glancing at the calling number, Lin Xiao walked out of the office.

"Come on, mobile QQ project, hurry up!"

Vaguely, Lin Xiao could still hear excited shouts behind him.

As for himself, he said "wait for me a moment" after connecting the phone, and then immediately returned to the upstairs office and locked the door behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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