Chapter 209 Wuhu
The son of a rich family, arrogant and arrogant, has a deep hatred for the protagonist, and only wants to kill the protagonist.

When Zhou Li saw the blond-haired Earl of Kent staring at him with a disdainful expression, Zhou Li felt as if his heart had been hammered heavily, causing waves of agitation.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Zhou Li made a deliberate circle and walked in front of Kent.The huge meeting room suddenly fell silent, leaving only the sound of Zhou Li's footsteps.Everyone wanted to see how Zhou Li would deal with Kent, the opposition.Kent was no exception. When he saw Zhou Li walking towards him, he was shocked and stared at this enemy who had ruined their old aristocratic glory like an enemy.

However, what Kent didn't expect was that even though he had shown such hostility, Zhou Li still had a smile on his face, and his kindness was scary.

"Come here?"

Zhou Li walked in front of Kent, with a friendly tone like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, full of enthusiasm, "Have you eaten yet?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Kent's eyes. He has been in the officialdom for a long time, and he can also distinguish the expressions of others.He knew very well that the happy look on Zhou Li's face at this time was not fake at all, it was genuine happiness from the heart.But Kent quickly reacted, his eyes widened, and he replied in a cold voice:

"Don't get close to me, I'm just here on General Christine's call, and it has nothing to do with you."

What Kent didn't expect was that the harder his expression was and the colder his tone was, the more joy filled the face of the man in front of him.

Is he sick?

After Zhou Li said hello, he didn't say much. He cherished the existence of this rare level very much.He just patted Kent on the shoulder, gave a meaningful smile, and then walked to his seat and sat down.

"It's a pleasure for everyone to be here today, whether voluntarily or forced."

Straight to the point, Zhou Li looked at the representatives of dozens of forces and said with a smile: "Everyone knows me too, so I don't need to introduce myself."

"Jordan doesn't believe in things in the sky. Some people are too arrogant."

At this time, Kent's sullen words attracted everyone's attention, and Zhou Li's gaze also focused on him.However, what Kent did not expect was that instead of showing any anger in Zhou Li's gaze, on the contrary, it became more kind.

"Haha, this friend is right."

Zhou Li laughed, and didn't take Kent's sarcasm to heart at all, "Next week, I'm Fulders, and you can also call me Monday. Anyway, the name is not important, the important thing is what I want to say."

"I object!"

Before Zhou could leave his mouth, Kent objected first.Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he stood up, pointed at Zhou Li and shouted loudly: "I tell you, the identity of a brave man is not easy to use here! You want to be our leader? Why the hell are you? No title and no official position, it’s like dominating our old Yingnan nobles? Let me tell you! Impossible!”

"Kent, don't overdo it!"

Christine slapped the table and angrily yelled at Kent: "Now Mr. Zhou Li is here to help us solve the plague, and he has the ability. Your clamoring here is useless except to discredit your family!"

Looking at Kent, whose face looked like a dye shop had been knocked over, Christine's eyes flashed with anxiety.In fact, he didn't come to reprimand Kent at all, on the contrary, he came to save Kent.From the very beginning, Christine could see that behind Zhou Li's almost indulgent treatment of Kent was to use Kent as a toy and a chicken to deter monkeys.The more Zhou Li tolerated Kent now, the more terrifying Kent's fate would be.

"General Christine, this is my honor as an old British nobleman, please don't get involved!"

Kent seemed to have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, and even the famous head of the Templar Knights went back.He looked at Zhou Li, and shouted angrily: "Now, with the identity and honor of the earl, I will challenge you fairly!"


Faced with Kent's offensive words, Zhou Li's eyes became more and more kind, and the corners of his mouth kept curling up.When he heard that Kent was going to challenge himself, Zhou Li smiled as if he drank a bottle of cold Sydney with rock sugar in the dog days, which made people feel terrified.

After Zhou left, Christine stopped thinking about dissuading Kent, and sat down to watch everything happen in front of her.

Anyway, Kent is just a relative he can't touch, just a nephew, so he can't afford to tear himself apart with Zhou Li.

"Are you sure?"

Zhou Li didn't agree, nor did he refuse. On the contrary, he persuaded Kent earnestly: "Think again? You are a platinum, your brain is not good, and you have some Down's factors. Now you are challenging me and Speedway." Your life is no different, do you think about it again?"

It’s over.

The people present immediately realized Zhou Li's danger. After saying this sentence, Kent would have to be pointed out for the rest of his life if he didn't fight.Sure enough, after hearing Zhou Li's words, Kent blushed immediately, and his temperature rose sharply.

"How dare you slander a noble like this!"

Throwing his family medal in front of Zhou Li, Kent drew out his long sword and pointed it at Zhou Li, saying in a loud voice: "I challenge you with the glory of the family, how dare you not..."

"I took it."


Seeing Zhou Li who accepted the challenge very calmly, Kent held back half of his harsh words.

"Just here."

Zhou Li adjusted his bow tie, his voice was calm, without the smile just now.Kent stood up, and the last reason made him take off his tie, take off his suit jacket, and then draw out the long sword at his waist.

In fact, dueling is an authentic tradition in Yingnan.Old Englishmen often relied on dueling to settle disputes with others.There are many types of duels, among which the duel with family glory as the bet is the most expensive and the most ruthless.Once someone said to fight for family glory, if the other party's strength was not inferior to the other party's or was seriously injured, he had to accept this kind of duel, otherwise he had to make an apology.

This kind of duel can be held on any occasion, and the referee will be served by a respected person present.The nobles in southern England needed to perform the necessary etiquette, and then began to fight.In the duel of glory, if one party loses the ability to resist or dies, the duel will end.

"Are you sure?"

Although I haven't seen Zhou Li make a move, the noise Zhou Li made in Muqi is really shocking.Christine looked at Kent, who was already on the top, and reluctantly made a final dissuasion: "I can guarantee for you that this duel never started. If you apologize to Mr. Zhou Li now, everything will be over."


Kent felt the gradually rising temperature in his body, his eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled in a low voice:
"The duel must take place."

(End of this chapter)

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