This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 210 The Righteous Letting Down the Arrow

Chapter 210 The Righteous Letting Down the Arrow
Violence is the most primitive way for human beings to solve a problem.

The table was moved out quickly, leaving a large blank space for the two to duel.Everyone watched every move in the arena not far away.Some people want to see the opportunity to prevent the two from killing people, such as Christine.Some people want to see if Zhou Li's strength can convince the public, this is a force that Zhou Li has never been to.

There are also some people who are relatively simple, pure fun people, just want to see how Kent was beaten, such as the berserker Noxxa.

"It's just Kent's brain, it's like this in this life."

Among the crowd, the berserker Noxxa, with his arms folded, whispered to Roja who was beside him. Although he hated the Yingnan officials, he had a good impression of Roja, a knight who had reached a certain level.

"It's really not wise to gamble on family glory."

Roja, who had seen Zhou Li's feat of resisting a car and smashing a werewolf, agreed with Noxa's words. He nodded and said with a little regret: "The glory of the Kent family itself is not good enough. It's a pity. Mr. Zhou Li obviously doesn't need to take this. not worth it."

"Huh? Uh uh."

Noxxa didn't know what to say for a while, if it wasn't for Roja always discussing with him about berserkers and government troops, Noxxa knew that Roja's character was upright and didn't like to tell lies, so he thought it was Roja who wanted to Going to fight Kent hard.

"Who do you think will win?"

The president of the Hunter's Guild walked to Noxxa's side, and asked Noxxa and Roja with his usual expression.

"Salute to you."

When Noxa saw this respectable old man, a respectful look appeared on his face.The same was true for Roja, who saluted the president of the Hunter Guild.

"No need to salute, I'm here to talk about things, just like you."

Alpha faintly stated his intentions, and Noksa instantly understood what he meant.

Like you, the Hunter Guild fully supports Zhou Li.

"If it's a pure victory, I don't know."

Roja is also upright, not afraid of offending anyone, and said bluntly: "The fiery blood of the Kent family is indeed powerful, and it can also display the power of a brilliant intermediate level when it fully explodes at the platinum level. I don't know much about Mr. Zhou Li's strength, so I can't Make a decision."

"Then what if it's a life-and-death struggle?"

After hearing Alpha's inquiry, Roja didn't think about anything, and replied without thinking: "Zhou Li must win."


Erwin chuckled, looked at Kent who was about to salute, and asked curiously: "Are you so sure? You said it yourself, Kent's fiery blood is very powerful."

"But he can't use it."

As soon as the words fell, the crowd burst into exclamations.

"Please, you are weak."

Just now, Kent suppressed the impulse in his heart, and the moment he bent down to salute, Zhou Li turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of him in an instant. The next second, Kent's head made an extremely intimate contact with the ground.

Looking at Kent embedded in the ground in the circular pit, a look of horror appeared in the eyes of most people. They did not believe that Kent could survive this attack.But at this moment, there was no anger in Christine's eyes, only solemn emotions.The same is true, and there are powerful people such as Roja, Alpha, and Noxxa.

because they know...

"Cough cough...cough cough cough."

Struggling, Kent with disheveled hair pulled his head out of the ground.He wiped the dust off his face, and there was deep fear in his eyes besides anger.

"You, despicable!"

Even if he knew that Zhou Li's strength was far beyond his imagination, Kent still shouted angrily: "You shouldn't have such indecent means in a duel of honor, you didn't salute at all."

"Are you going to the New York Tower and the Plague Knight in the cocoon to set a table of tea, salute and bow, and then take out arms and have a glorious battle with each other?"

Zhou Li looked at Kent, his eyes were emotionless, as cold as ice, "The Battle of the New York Tower does not require etiquette or rules. The only thing we have to do is to abandon the so-called dignity and personality of human beings, and everything else." Civilization, go fight the Plague Knight."


With a slight movement of his thoughts, the gorgeous long sword at his feet flew out in an instant, and was precisely inserted into the gap between Kent's legs.Zhou Li stretched out his hand and slightly bent it, "I'll give you a chance."

Kent looked at the long sword between his legs, his blood suddenly used his brainstem, and he completely lost his mind.His uncle, Duke Mintz, was sent to prison by this man, cutting off his future.His aunt, Mrs. Maya, whom he admired, also died at his hands.Coupled with the humiliation in public, Kent forgot everything.

Pulling out the long sword, crimson lines gradually appeared all over Kent's body.His eyes were dyed the color of a blood moon, and a fiery breath began to spread from his whole body.This kind of standard boss battle stage two transformation link, if placed in the original, Zhou Li might have kicked up Kent as early as when Kent drew out the long sword, but this time, he still needs Kent to assist him in the performance .

"He let Kent just like that?"

Noxa looked at Kent, who was getting stronger and stronger, and asked with some doubts: "Is this kid so convinced that he can defeat the fiery Kent?"

"Heh, Noxxa, that's what I always say about you. You have little wit but no great plan."

Erwin on the side chuckled, seeing the puzzled expression on Noxxa's face, he instead asked Roja on the side: "Roja, let me ask you, now that Kent has activated the fiery blood, what do you think of the outcome?" ?”

"Zhou Li must win."

What Noxa didn't expect was that Roja gave the answer that Zhou Li must win without hesitation in the face of Kent who had activated his fiery blood.

"Isn't that conflicting?"

Noxa asked with some incomprehension, "Didn't you just say that if Kent activates the blazing blood, you can't make a judgment? Now that Kent has become a warrior of the brilliant level, how can you still say that Zhou Li must win?" Woolen cloth?"

"It's simple."

Looking at Kent who has completely become a Pyroman, exuding a terrifying heat all over his body, Roja replied indifferently: "If Kent can successfully open the fiery blood, he will lose."

"Zhou Li never gives anyone a chance to defeat him. If he is given, it is not a chance."

Burning fire stood on the long sword, accompanied by a hell-like hum, Kent turned into a sky fire and leaped into the air, and then smashed towards Zhouli with great force like a burning meteorite.

Then, the silver crossbow pierced through his leg bones, nailing him to the ground.

"I've said it all, the Battle of the Jordan Tower is to abandon my dignity and glory."

Zhou Li walked up to Kent, who was looking miserable and ashamed, patted his face, and said regretfully, "You don't even guard against cold arrows, you deserve to lose."

(End of this chapter)

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