This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 212 Zhou Li's Big Hand Holds You Firmly

Chapter 212 Zhou Li's Big Hand Holds You Firmly

Yingnan and Jordan owe Gerost forever.

The grotesque disaster that almost destroyed Jordan that year, it can be said that Gerost alone turned the tide and saved Jordan and Yingnan in the apocalypse.Everyone knows that the mighty Battle of Jordan dealt a fatal blow to Weird, but few people noticed that the end of Weird disaster was in a snow-capped mountain.

In fact, after the Battle of Jordan, Gerost has already located the specific location of the Gospel, and is preparing for the final hunt.But at a critical moment, the spiritual wisdom of the Gospel appeared in the meeting room, which was the government meeting room where Zhou Li and the others were now.

At that time, various forces represented by the Jordanian government were negotiating post-war reconstruction, and the Gospel appeared in the meeting that was about to end.At that time, Jerost had just set off for the snow-capped Alps, so he did not participate in the meeting that decided countless lives.

The specific content of that meeting is unknown, but in the end, the Gospels established their own church and preserved themselves.As the savior Gerost, who should have been hyped, has not been heard from since that day, and has disappeared.

"I'm so relieved to be able to see everyone's faces."

Walking to the front of the long table, he took a random chair and sat beside Zhou Li.Geralst raised his legs, glanced across the aged representatives of power, and finally fixed on the gray-haired Erwin's face.

"Gerost... we thought..."

An older power representative was about to say something, but Gerost interrupted him directly, "Think I'm dead? Or do you think you're doing the right thing?"

"I know we're sorry for you."

Another representative spoke, his eyes a little dodged, "However, there is nothing we can do, the disasters suffered by Jordan and Yingnan are too great, we..."

The silver crossbow shot across the representative's cheek, and a bloodstain appeared on his left ear.Gerald raised his crossbow flatly, his voice was indifferent: "I didn't come here to get your apology and compensation, nor to listen to your noisy explanations. My purpose of coming here is the same as before."

"Save the people you have habitually abandoned, that's all."

Facing Gerost, who spoke like a sharp knife, most of the people present were unable to refute.They know how shameless the decisions made by themselves or their previous presidents are. Once exposed, they will be cast aside by the whole world.Although they signed a confidentiality contract, Gerost, who should have been kept secret forever, appeared in front of them.

Guilt, helplessness, and deep fear.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to participate in your past events."

In the almost frozen atmosphere, Zhou Li clapped his hands, breaking the stiff air, "Now we should let the professionals explain to you the super-evolved Pokémon Plague Knight."

"Don't be restrained, just treat me as a corpse, and come to popularize science for everyone."

Gerost made a darkly humorous joke, and then said seriously: "Next, what I'm going to say is the key point."

Suppressing the complicated emotions in his heart, the attention of the representatives of various forces was hit.

"The first thing I can tell you is that the existence in the Jordan Tower is a monster that completely surpasses the Plague Knight."

What Geralst said was pure gold. If Zhou Li said that the Plague Knight had evolved before, and this group of people were dubious, then everyone believed [-]% of what Gerald said.

"The next thing we have to face is a monster that can spread the plague that contains destined death, and can control the breath of death within a certain range. The plague is an ominous omen."

"Destined to die?"

Noxa, who was one of the few who abstained from voting and did not choose to cooperate with Gospel, asked, "What is that?"

"Destiny is a concept."

After organizing the language, Gerost replied: "If the original plague is a disease that kills the human body, then the destined death is to kill the existence of a person's destiny."

"for example."

Gerost stretched out his hand, and a blue ball appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and then stretched out countless thin lines of colors.

"These are the fate of an ordinary person. There are pink for love, blood red for war, green for disease, light green for life, etc. These are the fates that a person will experience."

With a pause in his right hand, a smear of dead black floated from the side, covering the scattered thin lines, and then solidified those thin lines into a thick line, and then infected it into black.

"Destined death is to change all of a person's destiny into the black color of death. That is to say, when a person is infected with destined death, everything that originally constituted him is the murderer who killed him."

"Is there no cure?"

Facing Neil's question, Gerost shook his head, and said calmly: "Destined death is not a disease, nor is it a curse. It cannot be cured, nor can it be lifted, unless there is a god who tampers with fate for you, but that chance Insignificant."

Hearing this sentence, everyone fell silent.Destiny is such a mysterious thing that even the gods can't control it.

Because the gods are also in the fate of the movement.

"So, are we going to challenge a monster that can kill us at will?"

At this time, people have no energy to miss the past.A strength representative turned pale, and asked Jerost and Zhou Li, "Can we win?"

"Yes, and with great confidence."

This time, Zhou Li said, "Destined death is terrifying, but it's not without solutions."

"any solution?"

Faced with other people's inquiries, Zhou Li stood up slowly, looked at everyone, and said firmly:
"As long as you kill him before he casts his destined death, won't it be solved?"

Oh, are you really good at talking nonsense?

The excitement of the people suddenly cooled down.They all knew that what Zhou Li said was nonsense.The biggest problem now is that the cocoon of the plague omen is very strong, and the plague omen itself has strong resistance. The explosion or attack that can destroy the plague omen can also destroy the entire Jordan.

"I know what you guys are thinking."

A smile appeared on Zhou Li's face. He didn't explain or guarantee, but just said something that seemed irrelevant, "Before that, I need you to do something for me."

"The Yingnan Daily will upload a piece of news in a while. What I need everyone to do is to spread this news to all regions."

In a residential building next to the Jordan Tower, a handsome young man took the newspaper and said goodbye to the deliverer with a smile.He carried the bread bag and newspaper back to the clean and tidy house.

After a while, the boy who washed his hands picked up the newspaper on the table and spread it out.When he saw the newspaper headlines, the boy's eyes suddenly froze.

"Shocking Flip: Folders Turned Out to Be Behind the Plague"

The boy looked at the water stains on the newspaper and the photo he had no intention of, and frowned, as if he was thinking about something.After a while, he took out an ordinary-looking book, opened it, and turned to the last page.Then he took out a pen and wrote a line on it.

"Most sees the news through the eyes of a reporter through the Gospels."

As soon as the characters fell, Moster's eyes were suddenly occupied by darkness.Soon, he fell into a state of "reading other people's memories".

From the perspective of the reporter, he saw the information provided by the Shadow Union for the Yingnan Daily, which stated that there were loopholes and discrepancies in Folders' identity.

Then, the reporter saw Zhou Li unscrupulously walking on the plague-ridden streets with his companions. The masks on his face were just decorations and had no effect.

Then, the reporter saw that Zhou Li came into contact with a civilian infected with the plague. A layer of black mist emerged from the hand he put on the civilian's back, and penetrated into the civilian's body.

Finally, in the studio of Yingnan Daily, the reporter connected all kinds of evidence together and finally came to a conclusion.

Folders, is the driving force behind the plague.

After finishing the investigation of the memory of the person who reported the news, Most fell into a long silence.Then, he turned around and pulled down the curtain behind him.

One wall is covered with countless photos cut out from newspapers.Roja, Fulders, Alma, Christine, all kinds of chaos in the slums are all there.These are all the information collected by Most after he forgot himself and checked the vacancies in his memory.

After stopping for a long time, Most took out a pen and erased the X next to Folders' photo, and then put a question mark on it.

(End of this chapter)

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