This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 213 The meeting is over

Chapter 213 The meeting is over
At the end of the meeting, most of the power representatives left the meeting room immediately after saying hello.In addition to the shocking news they received, there was another point that most of them were ashamed to face the smiling Gerost.

The huge conference room was soon more than half empty, leaving only a few people.At this moment, Roja came forward, looked at Gerost with a complicated expression, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Why are you looking at me with a guilty face?"

Obviously, Gerost didn't have any dissatisfaction with his only disciple.He stood up and said with a hearty smile: "We meet again after a long absence, can you please be happier?"

After hearing Gerost's kind greeting, Roja's lips trembled a little, his nose was sore, he clenched his fists tightly, and his voice was full of guilt, "Teacher, I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for me?"

"I... I couldn't stop them."

Roja lowered his head, clenched his hands hanging by his sides, as if he had used a lot of strength.His mood was very depressed, but mixed with excitement because of Gerost's survival, "I... I really don't know the content of their memories. If I didn't choose disaster relief at that time, I would definitely..."

Looking at the guilty Roja, Gerost raised his eyebrows, leaned against the wall and asked with interest, "What's the use of you going?"


Roja was dumbfounded for a moment. He knew that it wasn't Gerost mocking him. On the contrary, he knew that even if he attended the meeting that day, the result would not change.

"On the contrary, I'm glad you didn't attend that meeting."

Gerost, who completely ignored the no-smoking sign beside him, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, shook his head and said with a chuckle: "Your boy has always accepted death since he was a child, and his temper is still straight, and his brain is straight to the end. If that got you to that meeting, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to wear this dress now."

Stretching out his hand, Gerost straightened Roja's collar.Seeing Roja in his military uniform, Gerost nodded in satisfaction, patted him on the shoulder and raised his cigarette.Almost instinctively, Roja stretched out his hand, and a flame lit the cigarette.

"Okay, the ability to control is getting more and more proficient."

After taking a deep breath of smoke and exhaling it, Gerost looked at Christine who was beside him, and said to him, "How is it? Back then you looked down on this kid, why don't you let him be the captain now?"

"His potential surpasses you and me."

Christine looked at Gerost, with a rare and gentle expression on his calm face, "I'm glad you're still alive, Gerost."

"What's the use of being happy? Those things behind you are not happy."

Gerost smiled, flicked the cigarette ash, and said meaningfully: "This time the Gospel ran amok, you know how many Yingnan problems there are."

"Ok, I know."

Nodding helplessly, Christine did not refute.Greed has always been a hurdle that people can't get over. The rampage of the Gospel is largely due to the signing of the agreement that year.Although he strongly opposed the agreement back then, thus offending most of the aristocracy, he has not stopped humans from compromising the Gospel for a long time.

"Mr. Zhou Li."

At this time, Neil walked up to Zhou Li. She glanced curiously at Gerost, the living legend, and then said to Zhou Li, "I have collected all the things you want and put them in the third place on Cullen Street." Warehouse."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Li nodded, then glanced at Christine, and said to Neil, "You make a list and give it to Christine later, so that the government can reimburse you."

"It's not necessary, the price of fireworks and firecrackers is not expensive."

Neil shook her head. Obviously, she wasn't going to ask the Jordanian government to reimburse her for such a large expense.It's not because of distress, but because she simply doesn't like the Jordanian government.

"it is good."

Zhou Li nodded, he admired Neil's vigorous and decisive character very much.He looked at Noxa at the side, and asked, "Has the person I asked you to contact found?"

"The people who bombarded the church?"

Although Noxa was a little puzzled, he still replied honestly: "I found twelve of them, but they are all weak, none exceeding the platinum level."

"No, strength doesn't matter."

Obviously, these people left now are the most important core force in the Battle of Jordan Tower planned by Zhou Li.The other forces are just superficial, not opposing or making trouble is the greatest expectation for them.

"So, what exactly is your plan?"

Gerost, who was at the side, stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, and asked Zhou Li curiously: "You haven't come up with a specific plan until now."

"I can't tell at the moment."

Zhou Li shook his head and pointed to the top of his head.Seeing Zhou Li's action, Gerost immediately understood, nodded, and responded to Zhou Li by tapping the broken medal on his chest.

"How's the situation at the Great End?"

Zhou Li looked at the Shadow Assassin beside him, and after a moment of silence, the Shadow Assassin replied faintly:
"It is still stable in reality, but the boundary in the void has gradually weakened. If according to what you said, there will be a violent space shock in two days, and the void world can be connected to the outside world through the anchor point."

"Okay, get ready. Once the barrier in the void dissipates, set up anchor points immediately to attract the attention of the outside world."

After hearing Zhou Li's arrangement, Christine asked, "Mr. Zhou Li, have you asked the outside world for help?"

Ever since the plague spread and Yingnan activated the Great Barrier, the entire Jordan has been completely isolated from the world.At the same time, because of the interference of the Gospel, Jordan also lost contact with the outside world.The communicator will be interfered, and the sound cannot penetrate the barrier. The whole Jordan seems to be isolated from the world, and there is nothing.

"On the bright side, Jordan is actually isolating everyone."

Facing Christine's inquiry, Zhou left as a joke, and then said seriously: "I have no way to contact the outside world."


Christine was a little dazed. Locating the Void Anchor had high requirements for professionals and took a lot of effort.If the Shadow Guild were to locate the Void Anchor Point, it would be equivalent to letting this extremely powerful combat force completely withdraw from this battle.

"Void anchor points are two-way. If the outside world does not scan synchronously after we turn on the anchor point, the anchor point will be missed. If you want to locate it again, you need to prepare again. Mr. Zhou Li, if you don't have external contact information, how can you Are you sure your reinforcements can scan simultaneously?"

After hearing Christine's question, Zhou Li looked at the towering Jordan Tower not far away, raised the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "Who said I have no way to contact the outside world?"

"A one-time connection is also a connection."

(End of this chapter)

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