This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 215 Final Preparations

Chapter 215 Final Preparations
On August 8, the final stage of the Jordan Tower project.

"The expected awakening time is 03:30 pm, and the final confirmation will be made half an hour in advance."

Taking out the precisely calibrated pocket watch, Zhou Li pressed the button, and the hour hand began to turn with a click.

"it is good."

Roja on the side nodded, and began to give Zhou Li's order to the musician who was in charge of broadcasting.At this moment, Neil, who was in charge of commanding the mages of the earth and wood elements, came to Zhou Li's side, took off his straw hat and let out a long sigh of relief, and said to him:
"The confirmation is over, you go to check and accept it."


Hearing this, Zhou Li nodded, then stood up and followed behind Neil.It takes about 10 minutes from the temporary command center to the Jordan Tower. On this road, the white car driven by Neil kept passing by many heavy trucks.Zhou Li knew that those heavy trucks were loaded by residents near the Jordan Tower.But he ignored it, because soon, he was going to face the monster in the Jordan Tower.

"Mr. Zhou Li, why did you come to Jordan?"

At a crossroads, Neil glanced at Zhou Li beside him, and then hesitantly asked Zhou Li, "Is it for Miss Alma?"


Zhou Li didn't deny it, he raised his eyebrows and asked calmly, "How did you know that?"

"A woman's intuition."

Neil, who was holding the steering wheel, smiled, maybe she was not satisfied with her not rigorous answer. After thinking about it, she said: "Everyone likes Miss Alma very much."

"Yeah, she's really attractive."

Speaking of this, Cai Cai lost a little sense of dignity just now, and a faint smile appeared on Zhou Li's face, "This is her talent, a talent that no one can learn."

"So, you're going to make it, right?"

Neil's hand holding the steering wheel seemed to be a little stronger. She watched the approaching Jordan Tower, and said softly to Zhou Li: "Not for this city, nor for the so-called people. It's just for Miss Alma, You must win."

Zhou Li was stunned, then he smiled.

"You are a wise man."

He looked at Neil and praised from the bottom of his heart: "A thoroughly smart man."

In just one day, this tower known as the Star of Jordan has undergone earth-shaking changes.At this time, the main body of the Jordan Tower can no longer be seen at all, and the outside of the entire tower is wrapped by a thick layer of soil and metal pouring "enclosure".Countless messy lines and magic circles are spread all over the wall of the wall, which seems to be some kind of cult token.

"One day..."

Seeing the two-story hollow wall surrounding the tower in front of him, Zhou Li expressed emotion.It took less than a day for the whole wall from the handing over of the plan to the completion of the construction.Just when Zhou Li was feeling emotional, an old man wearing brown and green staggered robes appeared from the side, and greeted Zhou Li with a smile.

"How? Is Mister Brave satisfied with this building?"

The oncoming mage was called Jack, a standard British name, but he had a very impressive identity—a civil mage.

In this world, as long as the money and people are in place, "tall buildings rise from the ground" can be truly achieved, and it is the civil engineering master who has already seen these wonders.

If civil engineering on earth is inferior to horses and cows, then civil engineering mages in this world are superior to others, and they are the most popular profession among elemental mages.These civil war gods can often unleash amazing construction abilities in an environment with abundant elemental conditions.Once upon a time, there was a demigod-level civil mage who built twelve fortresses in two days in the war of the void by himself, blocking the footsteps of the void army.If he hadn't died from overwork and overwork later, Void would not have captured the City of Silver so easily.

"very satisfied."

Zhou Li greeted this kind-hearted old man with a warm heart, and said kindly, "You are the famous Jack."

"Haha, it's just a false name."

As the builder of the Jordan Tower, Jack regards this building as his own.After getting the information that the Plague Knights had invaded the Jordan Tower, he came directly and said that he would contribute to this plan for free, which shows his cherishment of the Jordan Tower.

"By the way, I don't know what you are going to do to build this building, Mr. Brave?"

Jack glanced at the wall surrounding the New York Tower, and asked Zhou Li curiously.

"Mr. Jack, because of some mysterious power, I can't tell you directly."

Zhou Li shook his head, and replied in an apologetic tone: "I am responsible for the people of Jordan, so I have to keep this secret, I am really sorry."

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay, I was the one who was abrupt, don't take it to heart, Mister Brave."

"Don't worry, I'm not a stingy person."

Zhou Li smiled freely, and then whispered to Jack: "Don't worry, you have made a great contribution to our Jordan Tower project, and I will remember it in my heart."

"Where it is, it should be."

Jack replied habitually, and then he seemed to have discovered something, and looked at Zhou Li in surprise.The two looked at each other, showing a fox-like sly smile together.

"15 minutes left!"

The voice of the Rhythmist entered Zhou Li's ears, and the frequency of this special sound would not wake up the monsters in the tower.After getting the news, Jack also greeted Zhou Li, and immediately went to the refuge area.

"Is the evacuation over?"

Looking at Roja who was walking towards him, Zhou Li didn't feel nervous about the upcoming battle at all.He glanced at the surrounding residential areas and commercial streets, and asked Roja.

"Evacuation complete."

Roja nodded, and replied meticulously: "A total of 460 civilians have been evacuated. According to your deployment, the 24 detonators in the tower are on standby at any time. Teacher... Mr. Gerost has arrived in the tower." By the end, Monsieur Christine and the other Templars are in place."

"What about other forces?"

Zhou Li put on special silver silk leather gloves, this is Gerald's ability, which can endow the gloves with the power to break demons.

"The Shadow Guild is already on standby in the void. As long as it receives a signal, it will immediately locate the anchor point. The three most elite hunters of the Hunter Guild will follow Mr. Gerost. According to what you said, they will only conduct the first round of hunting."

"Mr. Noxa is also on standby at the bottom of the tower. He has taken the Berserker blood wine and is currently stimulating his veins to stimulate his will. We will make a final confirmation in 5 minutes to ensure that there will be no mistakes in personnel."

"it is good."

Zhou Li nodded, and he stuck the Brave Exclusive on his waist.The right hand is raised, the black mist surges, and the crown and the sword of power emerge from nothingness.

"Let's go."

The Tower of Jordan soared into the sky, but it brought no favor to mankind.Zhou Li picked up the sword of power and took a step forward with a calm expression.

"I'm here to welcome you."


(End of this chapter)

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