This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 216 Chapter 64

Chapter 216 No.60
There was only one main entrance, and when Zhou Li's figure appeared at the entrance, the restless hearts began to calm down.They were appeased by Zhou Li's calm demeanor, but they were surprised by Zhou Li's youth.But no one dared to question him, because at this moment, Zhou Li was their savior.

"Are you ready?"

There are no impassioned speeches, and no tragic declarations.Zhou Li just looked around at everyone present, and spoke the most calm words with the most indifferent expression.

No one answered with words, they stared at Zhou Li without any shyness, and there have been many people who dare to sacrifice their lives to serve the country and save the people since ancient times.They may have different occupations, different ideas, or even opposing beliefs.But they gathered here, ready to face the doomed tragic war.

Zhou Li stepped forward, and the crowd automatically separated into a path.He came to the gate of the Jordan Tower. At this time, the place was full of miasma and death.On the opposite side of this glass door are jagged bones and a hell of blood and flesh.

Pulling out the long sword, the black mist left a line of characters on the door.

"There are vicious enemies ahead, and we need to fight to the death."

After engraving this line of characters, Zhou Li stretched out his hand, and the silver glove touched the doorknob covered with green poison, and a sizzle sounded from the palm of his hand.Zhou Li turned a blind eye, exerted strength with his right arm, and the door opened instantly.

Lifting his footsteps, Zhou Li felt the sight behind him.He knew that that fiery gaze was Elma's hope for him.Zhou Li didn't look back, he just stretched out his hand, shook it, and then stepped into the Jordan Tower.

"Jordan Tower plan, start."

After three days of brewing, the omen of the plague completely corrupted the Jordan Tower into a plague purgatory.Those who did not have time to escape are all buried here. Under the pollution of the plague, the bones and flesh of these people are not just disgusting corpses, they are also monsters carrying the plague.

The first floor - Custer's office hall.

"Six silver, one gold, and one platinum."

Through the cooperation of the two professions of Rhythmist and Vision Master, the number and strength of monsters in this building have been fully detected, and everyone has memorized the distribution and strength of monsters.On the day of the accident, the Custer employees on the first floor of the building were the fastest to evacuate. Those who stayed here were all people from the higher floors, and they didn't have time to push open the door that blocked life.

The moment he entered the office hall, six rotten frog-like monsters burst out from the shadows and pierced Zhou Li in front of him.Facing the sudden attack, Zhou Li walked forward as if nothing happened.The moment the rotten frog was about to touch Zhou Li, two rays of light burst out instantly, and the sword energy of the paladin directly tore the frog into pieces.

The third office, gold.

The well-known distribution map appeared in Zhou Li's mind, and when the third office appeared in Zhou Li's eyes, there was a sound of bowstrings bursting behind him.A silver crossbow arrow containing magic-breaking power passed by Zhou Li's ear, nailing the Skeleton Wolf trapped in the black mist to the wall.

On the left, Platinum.

The blood-red hand ax was thrown from Noxa's hand, Alpha raised his right hand, and a vine broke through the ground and entangled the dodging stone ghost.Accompanied by the sound of the stone breaking, the ferocious head of the stone statue fell to the ground and was crushed by Zhou Li.


The evil omen of the plague has spiritual intelligence, and the magic shuttle that can reach the thirteenth floor the fastest has long been infected by the plague that cannot be eliminated, so it seems that they can only go to the thirteenth floor through the stairs.

However, Zhou Li did not obediently walk up the stairs.He gestured, and a civil engineering mage walked out from the side, raised his head as if observing something, after a while, he pointed to a ceiling, and nodded to Zhou Li.


Zhou Li made a gesture, and according to the previous regulations, everyone quickly dispersed around.An elemental mage stepped out from the side and put his hands on the ground. With a bang, a huge stone pillar shot out from the ground and pierced the ceiling directly at the position delineated by the civil mage. Suddenly, the whole building resounded. ring.

After a while, the elemental mage stopped casting spells.He looked at Zhou Li and made a gesture of six.

Six floors?
Zhou Li narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment.Then he gestured to the shaping mages beside him, and the civil mages immediately understood, stepped forward, and put their hands on the stone pillars.

From the second floor to the sixth floor, there are sixteen silver, nine gold, and four platinum.

A distorted sound sounded, and after a while, the bottom of the stone pillar began to dissolve like mercury.Those monsters who kept attacking the stone pillars that made abnormal noises were all stuck in the muddy stones. Before most of the monsters could break free, the civil mages and elemental mages unleashed their power together, and the stones were completely dissolved, creating a huge "cement pool" "It was formed in an instant, and those lower monsters were immediately wrapped in cement into the first floor.

After feeling the breath of the living, the group of monsters instantly became excited and began to sprint out of the cement.At this moment, the six plastic mages directly pressed their hands on the ground and activated their power. The cement immediately turned into sharp thorns, directly tearing open the stomachs of the monsters in midair.

There were still some monsters that survived the ground thorns and wanted to continue to attack, and the Templars and those elite hunters directly took action to eliminate them.After finishing this batch of monsters, Zhou Li said:
"Go directly to the sixth floor from the main staircase."

The staircase of the Jordan Tower is quite unique. Except for the two side staircases, the most important main staircase is a nearly vertical staircase that runs through a New York tower.Because of the magic of gravity and safety protection attached to it, this staircase has always been a landscape of the Jordan Tower.But until now, the main staircase has become their biggest obstacle.

In order to save magic power, the main staircase of the Jordan Tower is divided into two parts, each of which has a machine that operates independently.Therefore, Zhou Li and the others needed to go to the sixth floor to activate the main energy of the Jordan Tower and open the passage on the thirteenth floor.

During the operation on the main staircase, due to a lack of information, a Templar was dragged into the thoroughly polluted shuttle room in order to protect an elemental mage from being swallowed by ghouls.Although the ghoul was shattered by the subsequent arrows, the Templar was completely lost.

In front of the gate on the sixth floor, a mechanic in charge of magic power stepped forward and began to crack the gate's access control.After a skillful operation, the door slowly opened, revealing the twisted and terrifying monster.

An evil ghost made of corpses, holding chains connected by spines in its hands, and countless desperate faces on its deformed head.Their eyeballs kept rolling, and finally concentrated on Zhou Li, and smiles appeared on the dozens of mourning faces.

Demigod - the disaster of receiving the corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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