This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 219 Reunion

Chapter 219 Reunion
Not destiny at all.

Lying on the cold floor, without the joy of surviving after a catastrophe, Zhou Li's mind is extremely clear at this time, and the "destiny" that is gradually returning makes him feel that his soul is gradually enriched.


After a while, Zhou Li suddenly laughed. He slowly sat up straight, leaning against a collapsed wall, looking at the shattered giant cocoon, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Omen of plague?Why do you control fate?
That's right, it's never been destiny that the plague omen controls, and he doesn't deserve it at all.

"Even the twelve righteous gods can't interfere. You, a fantasy creature, are also trying to get your hands on fate?"

From the very beginning, when Gerost explained to Zhou Li that Fated Death was interfering with fate, Zhou Li became suspicious.Because he clearly remembered that in the previous life, the twelve righteous gods showed their desire to control their destiny.How could a creature conceived in the Gospel easily touch something that even the twelve righteous gods could not control?

Although the twelve righteous gods were unable to directly interfere with human society due to some reasons.But it is undeniable that this world is still based on the "God-given Law" controlled by the twelve righteous gods. These gods who hold the original authority have absolute rights and power in this world.They are always supreme.

But even such an existence cannot control the flow of fate.As long as there is one of them who can control fate, Zhou Li will never be able to get rid of the spiritual cage of the gods, and it is even more impossible to detect the malice of the gods and start reincarnation again.The gods are still engulfed by the vortex of fate, not to mention a mere plague of death.As early as when Zhou Li's first "destiny" was devoured by the evil omen of the plague, Zhou Li understood what the real power of the evil omen was.

Not fate, but connection.

What the plague omen devours is the invisible connection between things.This kind of power seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is a simple and rude deprivation.To completely deprive a person of all memories, emotions, and desires for one thing, or even directly deprive this person of the connection with the world, and let him die is the so-called "destined death".

strong?very strong.However, this is flawed.

Therefore, Zhou Li made a bold decision.When he learned that the evil omen of the plague would devour the "destiny" of others, Zhou Li naturally thought of a person, a person who was completely killed by death.

Mr. Mookie.

Mr. Muqi is the biggest loophole.

Mr. Muqi's death was not caused by the existence in reality. No one killed him, nor did he commit suicide.Mr. Muqi's death was simply the concept of "death" that came to him.Death at the conceptual level is unavoidable, and at the same time a death of a complete nature.Not only his body and soul, but also all traces left by Mr. Mu Qi in this world died at the same time.

As it should be.

But Death did not expect that Zhou Li was a different kind, a different kind in this world, and even he was helpless.Because Zhou Li never belonged to this world from beginning to end, he will always be a citizen named Earth.Therefore, death cannot erase Zhou Li's memory of Mr. Mu Qi.

Just like in a computer, a software is infected with a virus, but because it is foreign software, the computer has no right to kill the virus in his body.Zhou Li noticed the memory of being treated as a virus by death in his body, and began to plan a gamble to kill the ominous omen of the plague.

Yes, Zhou Li was betting that the ominous omen of the plague would swallow his own fate and his memory of Mr. Mu Qi.At that time, no matter what power the plague omen possesses, death will not let him go.

It would be best if he could kill it directly, but if he couldn't kill it, Zhou Li also had a second opponent.


In fact, the rampart that encloses the Jordan Tower is not a so-called fortification at all.Its real function is an altar for offering sacrifices.The object of the sacrifice was Zhou Li's only ally in the God Realm - the God of Chaos.

At first Zhou Li wanted to summon the giant lava beast to meet the omen of the plague, but he rejected it in the end.The gods also operate under the law. Without enough sacrifices, the power of the lava monster is difficult to compete with the evil omen of the plague.So after weighing the pros and cons, Zhou Li found an ingenious solution.

Sacrifice the plague omen to the god of chaos.


Thinking of the despair he felt after being deprived of most of his contacts, Zhou Li felt a little palpitating.Although he held back and planned to use the huge amount of information in his past and present lives to attack the weakness of the plague, it could only be a desperate fight.He stood up slowly, the flames in the sky gradually dissipated, and the foggy appearance returned.

Zhou Li looked in the direction of Mu Qi, and bowed to pay his respects.After a while, a loud voice came from the bottom of the tower. After hearing the familiar voice, Zhou Li breathed a sigh of relief and walked forward.

In the blink of an eye, a beautiful blue figure immediately hugged Zhou Li into his arms.Elma didn't speak, but hugged Zhou Li tightly, leaning her cheek against his chest, feeling the heartbeat that reassured her.

"I won."

After a moment of silence, Zhou Li closed his eyes, rested his forehead on Elma's shoulder, and said softly, "My destined death is not here, don't worry."

"I know…"

Elma's voice trembled a little, and there were crystal tears on her long eyelashes.She raised her head, her eyes were as gentle as a deer in the forest.

"I'll always know."

"Look, here's his anchor."

Caught off guard, Gerost, who seemed to have been kicked, stood on the stairs and pointed, "Noxxa, do you understand now?"


Noxa, who had to squat on the steps because of his huge body, touched his head with a puzzled look on his face: "What's wrong? What did I understand?"

"never mind."

Glancing at Noxxa with pity, Gerost grinned and tossed the cigarette butt aside.He got up and walked towards Zhou Li and the two of them.

"excuse me."

Gerost walked in front of Zhou Li, at this time the two had ended their long embrace.He looked at the two of them and said to them with a faint smile, "Your friends are here."

As soon as the words were finished, a door to the void opened from behind Zhou Li. In an instant, Ah Zi's figure appeared from behind the door, and he jumped and hacked with a smirk on his face.

Nothing works.

Ah Zi, who was thrown into Ling Hai's arms, scratched her head, jumped down, pinched her waist and said to Zhou Li: "This is your punishment for not calling for more than 30 days!"

"Little girl movie."

Faced with the concern that he didn't want to be frank, so he chose to be insincere, Zhou Li knocked on her forehead with a smile, and then asked Linghai who was leaning on the door frame with his arms folded: "Who is here?"

"It's all here."

Linghai shrugged, and then gave up the space behind him.Kaya excitedly jumped up and waved her hands to greet Zhou Li. Aiwei and Ain stood side by side in the void, nodding to Zhou Li and Erma with faint smiles.Liya Ke gently waved the palm attached to the vine, and the green shoot greeted Zhou Li instead of her.

Don Quixote gave a standard knight's salute, and at the same time, the guardian's shield also saluted Zhou Li.The two priests in green-patterned white-bottomed robes glanced at Zhou Li, as if they were a little afraid of him, they just gestured and stopped talking.

Among them, what Zhou Li cares most about is the white figure who has been trying hard to hide his sense of existence, but still stands out from the crowd.

"You're worried."

This time, Zhou Li did not ridicule or disgust Torea, he just glanced at her, and then said to everyone: "I will leave the aftermath work to you."

The ice-snow-smart Ah Zi understood Zhou Li's meaning as soon as she heard "my aftermath". She nodded, patted her chest and let out a hollow echo, and said confidently, "Don't worry, leave it to us."

"The Grand Junction will be closed in fifteen days. Before we came, the Yingnan government provided a lot of relief supplies. Two cardinals from the Church of Life followed us here."

Ain, who was on the side, stepped forward and reported meticulously: "The British South government hopes to sign a temporary agreement with you, allowing you to continue to serve as the Grand Consul for the next fifteen days and help stabilize the situation in Jordan. They are willing to Pay 15 gold coins as a bride price, and I will agree to one of your conditions."


Zhou Li raised his eyes with great interest, and a playful expression flashed across his face, "Ten thousand a day? There is no such treatment given by God."

"This proves that the Anglo-South government still attaches great importance to Jordan and does not want to lose too much."

At this time, Gerost on the side lit another cigarette. He glanced curiously at Linghai who opened the door to the void, and then said to everyone: "They should also know how catastrophic they are in this disaster. Let alone popular support, the entire upper echelons of Jordan may have criticisms about the government in the future. One of their purposes is to show you goodwill, and the other..."

"I want to salvage my reputation."

Ivy walked out of the void, looked around the devastated Jordan Tower, and then added: "Their best choice now is to make Zhou Li a hero, a hero who saved Jordan. And this hero must be related to Yingnan The closer the relationship, the better, and it is best to let you become the rescuer sent by the British-South government."

"oh, I understand now."

Zhou Li, who was already too lazy to use his brain, nodded, then he looked around the crowd, heaved a long sigh of relief, waved his hands, and said to them, "But, I won't talk about that today."

"Go back first, I'm tired."

"Isn't it a waste for you two to live in such a big house?"

Although before that, Zhou Li and Elma had been in an endless loop (respective bedroom-dining room-living room-respective bedroom), but this does not mean that the rented house by Zhou Li is very small.On the contrary, Zhou Li rented a whole villa.

There are seven guest bedrooms, two master bedrooms, three living rooms of the same size, an entertainment room, a magic movie theater, two large kitchens with complete facilities, and a dining room that can accommodate a giant round table.The most important thing is that in the backyard of this villa, a swimming pool engraved with a magic circle of flowing water is shining brightly in the sun.

Some people may ask why Jordan, which is not only an orphan but also a city of smog, has sunshine. The answer is pure money-making ability.

"Use three golden magic circles to simulate sunlight, right?"

After flipping the remote control of the magic circle, looking at the flickering sunlight, Ah Zi, who was born as a young lady, was also a little speechless, "You are really willing to spend money."


After spending money to rent out a row of townhouses on the opposite side of the street for Don Quixote's Guardian Shield to live in, Zhou Li turned around and said to Ah Zi, who was happily playing with the sun: "Anyway, someone paid for it. "


A'Zi was stunned for a moment, and then asked a little puzzled: "Yingnan will reimburse you for this?"

"I didn't know before, but now I should be reimbursed."

Zhou Li answered Ah Zi's question with a smile.But Ah Zi was still a little puzzled, after all Zhou Li didn't care about this when he was renting a house, could he have the ability to predict.

At this moment, A Zifu was deeply moved, and suddenly remembered Torea's words "think about the problem from his point of view", and then she closed her eyes and thought about it carefully.

"you will not…"

Suddenly, Ah Zi opened his eyes, and asked Zhou Li with an expression of disbelief, "I want Magnum III to reimburse you."


Not surprisingly, Zhou Li responded shamelessly.He looked at his luxurious single-family villa, and said in a low tone: "At first, I thought I would make some big news during this trip to Yingnan, and I was ready to ask Magnum III for funds as a spy behind the enemy's rear. Are there more valid reasons for me to go to the female ticket?"

You also know that the reason you asked for money was wrong!

After complaining silently in her heart, Ah Zi put down the remote control in her hand and said to Zhou Li, "What's next? What are you going to do?"

"It's not over yet."

Catching the apple thrown by Linghai in the kitchen, Zhou Li broke open half of it and took a bite, then said to Ah Zi: "The Gospel still hasn't revealed its location, Moster didn't grab it, and I don't have a clue about what's behind him. I see, I will indeed be busy in the next half month."

"Then are you going to take over the position of Grand Consul?"

Ah Zi took the other half of the apple from Zhou Li, took a bite, stuck out her tongue sourly, and asked after a while: "The Yingnan government gave us the official contract of the consul, and said that we only need to sign it. , the money will be paid in half a month later.”

"Of course it will be next."

Zhou Li didn't dislike Yingnan's use of him as a propaganda tool. After all, what he was going to do next also needed the status of the Grand Consul. "The status of the Grand Consul is very useful. In this closed Under the circumstances, I, who just killed the evil omen of the plague, will have unprecedented prestige. If I am not a brave man, I am afraid that the Yingnan government has already tried its best to kill me."

"Understood, if you rise up, the princes and generals will be kind to each other, right?"

After saying something that Zhou Li once shouted loudly at the gate of the Magnum Palace every day, after hearing Elma's voice, Ah Zi stood up and said excitedly: "Let's go, the meal is ready."


"I failed."

In the shadows, Most stood where he was, and said softly: "He is stronger than I imagined, and the Omen of the Plague has lost."

"No, you succeeded."

In the invisible halo, a man's voice sounded, and Most raised his head in amazement, with a deep puzzlement on his face.

"I never wanted to kill him."

There was some emotion in the man's tone, and then, like a distorted tape, he spoke again.

"What I want is a hero."

"A human hero."

(End of this chapter)

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