This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 220 The Law

Chapter 220 The Law
Is it difficult to be a good official in Yingnan?

The answer is, it's difficult.

If a person wants to become a good official, the most difficult thing is how to resist the temptation of the world.When you step into the noble class in Yingnan, it means that you are qualified to witness the extravagant life of the nobility.You can observe the life of the rich in detail and see the enjoyment they bring with their wealth.

Hold on, need to be reminded that this opportunity is rare.Just like the classic allusion of the emperor using a golden hoe, the vast majority of ordinary people are not qualified to truly see how rich people are rich, they can only guess with their limited experience.They only think that being rich means that the house is bigger, the money is more, the food is better every day, and the life is easier.

But, you are different, you become an official, you can observe the life of this group of nobles living under capitalism in detail.You can see that they use expensive silks and satins as toilet paper, and throw away delicacies after a little taste. Insane squandering is just a part of daily life.In their eyes, wealth is just a number, and the so-called extravagant life is just an ordinary item that they have always had since birth, which is not worth mentioning at all.

At this time, your outlook on life will change slightly, and you will find that you have worked hard to become the so-called "noble class", but in the end you can only look up at the real rich who were born with diamond spoons in their mouths.At the same time, these dignitaries discovered that you, a person with a certain amount of power, don't seem to be living so well.

Next, you will unlock the following advanced occupations.

First, purely corrupt officials.

When you unlock this career, you enter a vortex called money.When you collect the first money to help the first person, you can't break free.Those rich and powerful who have been soaked in the pot of power since childhood will use various reasons that you cannot refuse to stuff fortune after fortune into your pocket.You may struggle at first, but slowly, you will sink in.

This kind of corrupt officials is a kind of performance that is very hip, and most of them will go to jail, because there are too many handles, and they will be thrown into the garbage dump after losing their use value in the end.Some corrupt officials are even more hilarious. They have been greedy for money for a lifetime, but because they are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, they dare not spend it. In the end, they can only say stupid things like "I didn't dare to spend a penny" with tears in their eyes.

Well, some people may have bypassed the career of corrupt officials and were lucky enough to unlock the second career.

dog officer.

Yes, dog officer.The word dog also has another homonym, Gou.

What this kind of dog official is best at is making money from both sides.They will rely on a certain backer to make money, and they will be dogs of big shots, but they will live countless times better than ordinary people.This kind of dog official is an evolved version of corrupt officials. They will continue to walk on the edge of the law. They collect money with a purpose and a limit. They know who can take money and who can't.

Of course, dog official dog official, the life span of a dog is limited.Once there is a problem with the big man on your head, or the dog officer has moved other people's interests, it is just a dog, and the thing that admits to killing is not of much value.Therefore, it's not that the dog officer cannot die, but he dies more slowly.

Since neither a dog official nor a corrupt official can accomplish anything, the question arises, what kind of official does Zhou Li want to be?

"I fucking want it all."

Facing everyone's eyes, Zhou Li stood up arrogantly, stretched out his hand, and clenched it tightly, "I want to be a good corrupt official!"

"What the hell?"

Faced with such heaven-defying words from Zhou Li, Ah Zi's face was distorted, and he blurted out, "Your rich imagination really exceeds the bottom line of human understanding, save me!"


Zhou Li returned to his seat and calmly explained: "A good dog's corrupt official means that I not only want to be greedy, but also want to be greedy, and I want to be greedy to death."


Regarding Zhou Li's explanation, everyone present expressed their emotional stability.

"Aren't you surprised?"

Zhou Li looked at the crowd with a slightly surprised tone: "Are you all so indifferent now?"

"'s like this."

At this time, Ain on the side gestured and explained to Zhou Li: "Didn't our memory about you be deleted before?"

"hold head high."

Zhou Li nodded.

"And then didn't we come into Jordan?"


Zhou Li nodded again.

"The effect of that deletion ends."

"Oh, and then what?"

Zhou Li asked impatiently.

"Then we were forced to look at all your memories for three days."

"Is it kindness, integrity, friendliness, and responsibility?"

Zhou Li asked with great interest.

"Cunning, insidious, unscrupulous."


long silence.

"I'm ready to tear the tiger's skin off."

Zhou Li opened his mouth and said firmly: "Tomorrow is the official acceptance ceremony. The families in Jordan will definitely take action. We need to hurry up."

Quickly change the subject.

"it is good."

After complaining about Zhou Li's thick skin, Ah Zi shook her calf as usual, and said, "Let's assign tasks."

"Ah Zi, I need you to go to the newly established plague isolation point later, and I will send a reporter to follow you. You understand what to do."

"it is good."

A'Zi understood immediately, and after saying hello, she took Linghai and began to prepare for the next action.

"Ain, I will give you the contact information of the military in a moment, and invite General Christine to have a meeting in the name of Zisha and the Ayer United Chamber of Commerce. Remember, it must be in your capacity."

"Will he agree?"

Ain complied, and then asked with some hesitation: "I have checked the information of General Christine, and he is relatively close to the local nobles in Jordan."

Zhou Li knew what Ain was worried about.If Zhou Li invites Christine in his own name, even if Christine goes to the appointment willingly, he can always use "meet the hero who saved Yingnan" as a prevarication and continue to be an intermediary.But if Christine accepts the invitation from Zhou Li's faction, it means that he fully supports Zhou Li and belongs to the direct team.

"do not worry."

Zhou Li shook his head, and said firmly: "Although Christine is close to the local nobles, he is even more intelligent. He knows what he should do when the city is closed."


Ain nodded, and then began to arrange related matters.Zhou Li thought for a while, and said to the drowsy Don Quixote beside him, "Don Quixote!"


Subconsciously, Don Quixote stood up and gave a standard military salute, then asked in a calm voice, "What instructions do you have?"

"No need no need."

Zhou Li waved his hand. Yesterday, Don Quixote was in charge of connecting with the military and integrating the Guardian Shield. He didn't close his eyes all night, so he was very sleepy. "I need the Guardian Shield as my guard for tomorrow's ceremony. , protect me to complete the entire ceremony."

"Understood, I will notify them now."

Don Quixote has always acted vigorously and quickly left the villa after receiving Zhou Li's order.

"How sleepy is this?"

Looking at Don Quixote who was leaning on the edge of the pool with both hands, going the wrong way and almost falling into the water, Zhou Li couldn't laugh or cry.

"Lia, you recently..."

Zhou Li looked at Li Ya who was on the side, and after hesitating for a moment, he said to her, "Where is Torreya?"

"She found a hotel by herself to live in."

Liya thought for a while and added, "She asked for it herself."


Zhou Li nodded. At this time, his emotions towards Torreia were more complicated. Because of the reasons of the gods, he could not solve this problem straightforwardly, so he was still a little tricky with Torreia.

"Please stay with her recently and tell her that I don't care about her in Jordan."

Sighing, Zhou Li made this arrangement.Lia Ke told him yesterday that Torreya helped them. Without Torreia, it would be difficult to find the disguised Jordan, and it would be difficult for Ah Zi and the others to use fireworks to communicate.Although in the end Zhou Li came up with the idea of ​​blowing up the Jordan Tower as fireworks, Ah Zi and the others' fireworks did not have any effect, but it is undeniable that Torreia did help him.


Liya is indeed the one who has the best relationship with Torea in this team besides Elma, and Liya still likes that woman who is like a bright moon.

"Let's do it first."

Zhou Li was about to get up and leave when Kaya, who had been eating with her head buried, suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhou Li in disbelief.

"And me?"


Zhou Li, who forgot about Kaya and knew he was wrong, was silent for a moment, and then said quietly: "There is nothing to do, you can follow your sister Ain tomorrow."

"it is good."

Although the simple-minded Kaya was not assigned a task, she still agreed and obediently went to find Sister Ain.

"You're still the same."

Looking at Elma, who was studying the air magic fryer, Zhou Li had a faint smile on his face, "You will accompany me during the inauguration ceremony."


Elma, whose hands were trapped, blinked to indicate that she received it, and then continued to study the air fryer in her hand.

Looking at Elma who was fascinated by the magical kitchen utensils, Zhou Li smiled helplessly. He stood up, touched the dog's head twice with a smile, and returned to his room.He closed the door, sat on a chair, and spread out the blank book on the table.

No, it now has a title page—Lady Rose.

Zhou Li's right hand moved slightly, and a sterling silver dagger appeared in his hand, and then pierced through the title page that said Mrs. Rose.In the next second, the alluring figure of Mrs. Rose slowly condensed from the pages of the book and appeared in front of Zhou Li.

"Oh yo?"

Seeing Zhou Li's face, Madam Rose let out an oh, and said with a little surprise: "You still summoned me out, I thought you would think I was sowing discord."

"How did you see it?"

Zhou Li squinted his eyes and asked Mrs. Rose.Mrs. Rose folded her arms, the turbulence on her chest trembled slightly, she looked at Zhou Li, a little cunning appeared on her pretty face.

"What did you see? My little girl doesn't know~~"

"How do you know I'm not human?"

Under the surprised gaze of Mrs. Rose, Zhou Li calmly expressed his feelings.

"Huh? I thought you would care about your identity as a human being." Madam Rose tapped her red lips with her finger. Now she is coquettish and beautiful, without the stupid cuteness she had in front of Alma back then.She tilted her head, pretending to be cute but actually she was really cute and said to Zhou Li: "Actually, I didn't see that you are not human."

"Actually, the one who is not human is your female companion."


Zhou Li raised his eyebrows, his expression was calm, "She is a demigod, of course she is not human."

"No no no no."

Hearing Zhou Li's remarks, Madam Rose shook her head again and again, rejecting his statement: "It's not what you think."

"Do you know the golden law?"

"do not know."

Zhou Li shook his head, he wanted to set up Mrs. Rose's words.

"You don't look so stupid."

After making a naughty joke, Mrs. Rose said: "The ancient gods created the golden law, and the world lives in the bright and shining law. However, the ancient gods went crazy in the end, the golden law was polluted, and everything in the world was destroyed." Chaos and disorder are troubled. When all beings are in despair, new gods are born, and the twelve righteous gods establish the law of divine choice, ending the period of chaos."

After explaining to Zhou Li, Mrs. Rose slowly floated to Zhou Li's side, and said softly to Zhou Li: "Your little girlfriend is probably not from the God's Choice Era."


Zhou Li glanced at Mrs. Rose's turbulent waves, and then asked seriously, "What do you want to say?"

"I want to see more, my sister will not suffer."

After giggling twice, Mrs. Rose floated above the blank book. She pointed to the empty book and said slowly, "Do you know the origin of this book?"

There is no Riddler, and there is no trickery, Mrs. Rose said bluntly.

"This book is called "Gaia""

"The first golden law was born on her body."

There are few stars on the moon, and there are no black magpies.

On the bell tower of a church, Torea, who seemed to have captured the moonlight from the sky, stood quietly on the top of the bell tower.She looked down at the entire Jordan, but there was no ups and downs in her eyes.

God...hasn't contacted her yet.

Torreya still remembered that the God of Life told her before leaving that if what she said and did did not meet their expectations, they would give them orders.And this time, Toreya was ready to be warned by the gods, but what she didn't expect was that the gods were indifferent to her rescue of Zhou Li, and seemed to have no concern.

This made Toreya feel a little weird. She knew that for herself who wanted to save her hometown, the gods planned far more than her.Moreover, the Goddess of Life also expressed her hostility towards Zhou Li.But now, the indifference of the gods to herself and Zhou Li made Torreya start to worry,
She didn't know what she was worrying about, or even why she was worrying.Looking at Jordan who was gradually falling asleep, Torreya sighed softly, turned around, and her figure was hidden in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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