This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 221 Ancient Secrets

Chapter 221 Ancient Secrets

When Zhou Li heard this name for the first time, an inexplicable sense of familiarity was fleeting in his heart.Suppressing the doubts and restlessness in his heart, Zhou Li asked with some doubts on his face:
"The first golden law?"

"That's right~"

Mrs. Rose's wrist trembled, and a pure golden rose was caught between her fingers. She looked at Zhou Li and said in a voice like honey, "The first golden law: everything has its own role, and it was born in this book." superior."


Zhou Li nodded, then he took the rose, crushed it under Madam Rose's resentful gaze, and said calmly, "So, who are you?"

"Oh, yo~~ I found it."

Madam Rose smiled charmingly, with a hint of cunning in her rose-colored eyes, "How did you find out? Dear Mr. Brave."

"Oh, I didn't find out, I just lied to you."

After hearing Zhou Li's answer, Madam Rose's expression froze.After a while, she rubbed her cheeks, and then said resentfully: "You really know how to joke, people almost believed it, but luckily I was just defrauding Mr. Brave."

Zhou Li didn't respond to her, nor did he make any expression.He just looked at Mrs. Rose indifferently, without saying a word.

"Hey, you should give me some reaction!"

Feeling really stupid, "Madame Rose" puffed her cheeks and said to Zhou Li angrily like a puffer fish: "Master Brave, don't talk to me properly! I'm going back."


Zhou Li nodded, his calm face was like a lake without waves.Seeing Zhou Li's appearance, Mrs. Rose turned her head angrily, she looked really cute as if she didn't want to talk to you.

1 minutes, 2 minutes.

Madam Rose's closed eyes opened a slit, and she secretly glanced at Zhou Li at the side.When she saw that Zhou Li had picked up the exclusive item for the brave man and looked at it with relish, she was embarrassed.

"Aren't you going to ask me who I am?"

Madam Rose floated to Zhou Li's side, and said cautiously, "Go back if you don't ask me."

"I'll send it to you."

Without saying a word, Zhou Li grabbed the silver dagger beside him and prepared to send Mrs. Rose back.Seeing this, Madam Rose immediately shook her head like a frightened deer, and hurriedly said, "Don't! I'll say it!"

"I'm actually Gaia."

For this answer, Zhou Li was not too surprised, after all, he did not completely believe the words of the woman in front of him.He put down the dagger and asked, "Evidence."


Mrs. Rose clicked her tongue, and then she stretched out her hand and raised it slightly, and the book named Gaia also started to turn the pages by itself. When the book turned to the first page, Mrs. Rose held it lightly, The book of Gaia suddenly shone with light, and a line of dark golden words slowly appeared in front of Zhou Li, frozen in the air.

"The First Law: Each has its own role"

"Note [-] (compiled by Shanshen): No, why can't we get together if we all perform our duties?"

"Note [-] (compiled by Sea God): Yes, yes, why can't we meet?"

"Note [-] (compiled by the Fire Spirit): Same as above."


"Note 27 (compiled by Jinshu): Aren't you chatting happily?"

"Note 28 (compiled by the Golden Rule): Because we are all mortal beings too."

There are also many annotations left by different gods.They seem to regret not being able to have a "party", but prefer Note 27's explanation.

Seeing the words left by the ancient gods under this dark golden law, Zhou Li fell silent.After a long time, he raised his head and looked at Gaia floating in midair, "What exactly is the Golden Law?"

"is love."

Gaia nodded slightly between her brows, and in the next second, the rosy color faded from her body, and a layer of deep blue tulle like a starry sky enveloped her.

"The ancient gods' unchanging love for thousands of creatures."

The charming temperament was swept away, and the ethereal and holy girl stared at the countless gazes under the golden law in front of her. Her eyebrows and eyes were full of memories, "Spirits are like a group of fragile children to the ancient gods. Before the creatures in this world were born, the ancient gods could act wantonly in this vast world. Reshaping the mountains today and reversing the river tomorrow, this is their happiness."

"But after the creatures were born, the ancient gods found that their usual actions were a fatal injury to these fragile lives. Landslides easily destroyed villages, flooded rivers drowned countless lives, and random eruptions of volcanoes were easy destroyed a race."

Speaking of this, Gaia's eyes showed an unforgettable sadness. She paused for a moment, and then continued: "After realizing this, all the ancient gods began to gradually reduce their activities. However, the ancient gods are also part of the living beings. , their instincts make their unintentional sleep talking a disaster."

"Just when all the ancient gods were at a loss, Mr. Golden Tree, the only one among the ancient gods who could create a "connection", decided to create a golden law to bind all the ancient gods in this eternal law. So far Afterwards, thousands of creatures will live in a world that shines like gold."

"What about the price?"

Zhou Li's eyes turned to the gazes left by those different ancient gods, and he could see their regret for not being able to gather together, as well as an invisible sadness from these sporadic words.

"They are no longer free."

Closing her eyes, Gaia sighed like the wind, "The golden law suppressed their instincts, and they deprived themselves of their freedom. After the law was revised, the ancient gods began to fall asleep gradually, and they didn't want to be killed one day. The temptation of freedom destroyed the golden law. Therefore, most of the ancient gods chose to sleep after creating the self-operating golden law."

"So, what's your purpose?"

Very touching story, unfortunately, met Zhou Li.After listening to Gaia's explanation, Zhou Li leaned back on the chair and asked calmly, "You told me so much, why?"

"You are really unique, no wonder she bet all on you."

Reach out and put that golden rule back in the book.Gaia looked at Zhou Li with bright moon-like eyes and smiled slightly, "My purpose is very simple."

"I hope you will change the era of God's Choice."


Hearing this, Zhou Li became interested.He snapped his fingers, and the barrier covering the gods slowly unfolded, enveloping the two of them, "You want me to rebuild the golden age?"

"Do not."

Gaia shook her head and vetoed Zhou Li's conjecture, "The Golden Age has proven that it cannot last long, but what I am sure of is that the Age of God's Choice should never exist."

"Why do you say that?"

Even if he and the gods had a little unhappiness directly, and it seemed that the gods were not very friendly, Zhou Li retorted, "I don't think there is any problem in the era of God's Choice, and the gods didn't call for war every day, and they didn't slaughter Creatures. They need to pay a price even if they want to come to the world, what is your basis for saying that?"

"You already had a guess, didn't you?"

Staring at Zhou Li's eyes, the corners of Gaia's mouth curled up slightly, and she said softly, "What I want to tell you now is that you guessed right."

After hearing Gaia's vague words, Zhou Li was silent, and then he seemed to understand something, and laughed at himself.

"It really is."

Looking at the hero exclusive at the side, Zhou Li's voice was a little heavy, "Calamity, isn't it?"

"You're smarter than I thought."

With a peaceful smile on her face, Gaia nodded, "That's right, the cancer in the age of God's Choice is disaster."

"Is it a disaster caused by the gods?"

Facing Zhou Li's inquiry, Gaia's eyes showed a mysterious light, she seemed to be looking at something, staring at something.After a long time, she slowly opened her mouth and said:
"They did not create disasters, but disasters were born because of them."

"Disaster is the resistance of the will of the world."

After hearing this unexpected answer, Zhou Li fell silent.He knew that the disaster might not be simple, but he never thought that the nature of the disaster would be like this.

"The golden tree has withered, the golden law has collapsed, and the golden age has died."

Facing Zhou Li who had been silent for a long time, Gaia seemed to understand the excitement in his heart at this time, and said softly: "I never thought of going back to that era. I will miss it and commemorate it, but that's all. I will Pick up their bones, and let these dusty laws shine their last light for you."

"Mr. Brave, I will dedicate everything to you. I only hope that in a future dusk, you can personally end the era called God's Choice. At that time, no matter where you bring human beings and thousands of creatures in this world , that’s just your human choice.”

It seems that she is about to fall into a deep sleep, and it seems that the Golden Law cannot survive in the Age of God's Choice, and Gaia's figure begins to slowly dissipate.She stared at Zhou Li, her voice was erratic and ethereal.

"There will be the answer you want in the Three Courts of the East."

He stretched out his hand, but couldn't touch Zhou Li's cheek.Gaia stared at Zhou Li's face, the corners of her mouth curved into a perfect arc.

"We shall meet again when you find the Golden Law again."


The rhythmic knock on the door woke Zhou Li from his contemplation. Zhou Li put the dagger back in the drawer, and then responded.

"What are you doing?"

It was Elma who opened the door. She walked into the room with a cup of honey black tea, put it in front of Zhou Li, and then asked curiously.

"Mrs. Rose has become a spirit."


cough cough.

Zhou Li blurted out subconsciously, and it took him 3 minutes to explain what it means to be a spirit, and then he handed the book to Elma, and said to her: "The lady Rose in it was just taken away by someone, and the person who took it away is called Mei. Lina... No, it's Gaia. She showed me the origin of this book, then told me a standard story background, and finally released an epic mission to me."

"Uh uh."

Elma tapped her head, thought about it, then nodded and said, "I don't understand at all."

"It's just that we have to open the next map after we have settled the matter in Jordan - the Three Courts of the East."

"Oh oh oh."

With such an explanation, Elma understood Zhou Li's meaning.As soon as she heard that she was going to the Three Eastern Courts, Elma became a little excited, "Are we going to the Three Eastern Courts?"

In fact, among the four major countries in the entire world, the Three Courts of the East is a relatively mysterious country.Except for a profession called "Xia Ke" who often travels abroad, very few of their professions leave their homeland.It's not that they restrict personal freedom, the main reason is that the Eastern Continent where the Three Eastern Courts are located is too vast, and they don't have much energy to expand overseas.

Therefore, the three eastern courts are the countries that are least dependent on imports, or in other words, they are purely export-oriented countries.Xianting's unique equipment "Pinware", Human Court's spiritual tea and Yunling porcelain, Yaoting's... Shitu or cultural publishing are all excellent foreign trade commodities. Therefore, in this world, you can see them everywhere. I went to the things in the three courts of the East, but I couldn't see the people in the three courts of the East.

"Going is definitely going to go, but it's not certain when to go."

Whether it was the change of mind after he went to the Three Courts in his previous life, or the clues left by Gaia, they all drove Zhou Li to that familiar yet unfamiliar country.But the priority right now is the Gospel.

"By the way, how about your clothes?"

Zhou Li thought of a Noble Phantasm to divert the topic of women, and the effect is outstanding.

"Hey hey, it's still the one you said was pretty last time."

Elma touched her head, stuck out her tongue and said in a low voice, "I brought such a dress this time, even if you are not satisfied now, you can't change it~"

"That set is fine too, it's pretty nice."

It's not perfunctory, as a demigod, Elma really looks good in anything.Zhou Li glanced at the clock, and then said to Elma: "It's almost time."


Elma froze for a moment, then the doorbell rang.

"Get some tea, Christine is here."

Zhou Li stood up and walked slowly towards the door.Alma, who came back to her senses, nodded at Zhou Li, and happily went to make tea.


Pushing open the door, as expected, it was a combination of mindless and unhappy.Christine and Roja greeted Zhou Li, and then changed their shoes with ease and came to the reception room.

"Mr. Zhou Li, you really put me on fire this time."

After sitting down, Christine smiled wryly and got straight to the point: "When I rang your doorbell, my communicator was called by no less than a dozen nobles. Now the news that I entered your house should have already been heard." It has spread throughout southern England."

"I was beaten by nine nobles."

Roja on the side felt that he should also say something, and added a sentence.

"First of all, General Christine, I'm glad you can attend the appointment."

After a standard polite remark, Zhou Li said bluntly: "Secondly, I must remind you."

"The Gospels are still out."

"Do you think the nobles and those insects are capable of solving the Gospel for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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