This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 246 Overturning the Chessboard

Chapter 246 Overturning the Chessboard

"Nonsense, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Christine was at a loss, he had no idea what was going on with Istar in front of him.However, Gerost on the side reacted, and his pupils constricted immediately.

"Roja is dead! That monster isn't a worm at all, it's a cocoon!"

The hysterical roar made Christine suddenly feel struck by lightning. At this time, Istar clenched his fists, his eyes were bloodshot, and it was the first time that he, who was always cynical, showed such a groggy expression in front of outsiders.The main reason why he was so angry because of Roja was that Roja had saved his life.

He will never forget that in that grotesque disaster, it was Roja who resisted the fatal knife for himself and saved his life.In the following days, in order to avoid the suspicion of the nobles, Istar always treated Roja with a look of indifference, but secretly helped the straightforward Roja to smooth out other people's dissatisfaction more than once.

But now, Roja died in front of him because of his own negligence, and all kinds of evidence point to this Roja's most trusted teacher—Christine.

But now, Christine was more shocked than Ishtar, her mind went blank, and the drowsiness left by alcohol was swept away in an instant.

" is it possible..."

He couldn't believe this fact, his eyes were blank, and he murmured: "Roja... Roja obviously has..."

At this time, Istar could not suppress the anger in his heart at all. He looked at the bewildered Christine in front of him, and subconsciously thought that he was disguising himself.Istar yelled angrily, and the water wave immediately appeared behind him. Just as he was controlling the water wave and was about to attack the dazed Christine, Zhou Li opened his mouth.


The short words seemed to have convincing magic power. Istar subconsciously withdrew the water element. Just as he was about to say something, Zhou Li suddenly rose up and punched him with a black mist. The back of the dazed Christine's head, this punch was earth-shattering, directly embedded Christine into the ground, and passed out.

"I come."

After blowing his fist, Zhou Li glanced at the fainted Christine, and then said to Istar, "What did you just say?"

"I...I said that Roja was killed by Christine..."


At this time, Gerost on the side came back to his senses, and shouted angrily: "Kristen is definitely not this kind of person, he fucking likes this disciple more than you, Ishtar, you have lost your mind and came here to play wild is it?"

"See for yourself."

With a gloomy face, Istar opened the package and threw out a document to Gerost.Gerost took the file, opened it, and saw the bolded and emphasized data at a glance.

"This is…"

Obviously, Gerost saw the problem with the data at a glance.His pupils constricted, his face changed in shock, and there was deep horror in doubt.

"The Grand End was not put down by the Yingnan government at all. It was Christine who used his authority in advance to let go of the End, and let tens of thousands of people die in vain. After I got this document, I was attacked immediately on the way here. Now, there are Templars at the gate of the government building, you tell me that none of this has anything to do with Christine?"

Facing Istar's questioning, Gerost's face was serious, and he didn't immediately refute, nor did he accept it completely.He repeatedly compared the above data, and finally lowered his hands weakly, looking at Christine at his feet with a complicated expression.

"I still don't believe it."

After a while, Gerost said in a hoarse voice, "He has no reason to..."

"Do you really know or don't you know the country's prejudice against him? Do you know how many military exploits he has been devoured? Do you know how many nobles sent assassins to kill this impure person? Do you know , the humiliation and pain he has received in the past ten years?"

"Okay, no more words."

At this moment, Zhou Li opened his mouth, and the two of them immediately became quiet, and looked at Zhou Li together.Facing the eyes of the two, Zhou Li looked as usual, and said calmly: "Istar, you will continue to serve as the Grand Consul, and temporarily command the Templars and the army in the city."

"Gerost, you go first."

Facing Zhou Li's decision, both of them felt inappropriate.Yista frowned, suppressing the anger in his heart and said to Zhou Li: "Roja's bones are still cold, you..."

"Then don't care about Jordan? Gospel killed Roja, so he just let it go?"

Zhou Li snorted coldly, manipulated the black mist to roll up Christine, threw it aside, and said to the two of them, "Now Christine is the most suspect, and I will personally interrogate him. Gerost, go get Roja's body Concentrate well, remember, restrain well."


Gerost, who had calmed down, glanced at Istar at the side, and then took a deep look at Christine on the ground.Then he got up directly and left here without looking back.

With a cold snort, Istar left directly through the hole he made.This time, Zhou Li didn't yell at him to make compensation like before, nor did he take any action.He just sat on the chair blankly, looking at the mess in front of him.

"The fog does not dissipate..."

Closing his eyes, Zhou Li slumped on the chair, under the haze in the sky, he let out a long sigh.

There was a noisy sound behind him, and after the black mist cleared, Ai Wei and others noticed a change in the courtyard.

The next day, a shocking news spread through all walks of life in Jordan.

Major General Jordan, Commander of the Knights Templar, Christine is imprisoned.

The reason for imprisonment is grotesque collusion.

This news is tantamount to dropping a nuclear bomb on Jordan.Who is Christine?He is the patron saint of Jordanians.Whether it is various battles or horrible and grotesque disasters, Christine will always use his wisdom and courage to make Jordan tide over the difficulties and save the people of Jordan.

But now, the people of Jordan are being imprisoned for the bizarre reason of collusion.

This time, not only ordinary people in Jordan, but even those nobles who were very dissatisfied with Christine's contact with Zhou Li made a voice of protest.Because Christine is the spiritual pillar of the Jordanians, they may alienate Christine politically, but they will always trust and look up to Christine militaryly.

His collusion grotesque?Who will believe it? !
Christine's news was so shocking that the death of a not-so-famous Templar was covered up.Except for a few Roja's comrades-in-arms, almost no one paid attention to this matter, and even few people knew about it.

However, Istar remembered, and Gerost also remembered, that even Christine in prison didn't avenge herself after waking up, but cried bitterly for Roja.

"Are you sure?"

Standing in front of the morgue, looking at the corpse covered in white cloth, Zhou Li asked the healer beside him in a deep voice.

"It's confirmed. After comparing a series of data such as blood type, fingerprints, and muscle texture, this is Mr. Roja's body. It's a pity."

When Zhou Li heard this, his expression darkened.He didn't say much, just took a deep look at Roja's body, then turned around and left the morgue.

"How's it going?"

Elma was waiting for him outside, and when she saw Zhou Li coming out, Elma rushed to greet him, with a flash of unbearable eyes.

"Confirmed, it's Roja."

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Li completely shattered all his illusions and accepted the fact.After hearing the news, Elma pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, and a sad look flashed across her face.

"The Gospel is about to begin."

Zhou Li clenched his fists tightly, and then slowly released them. The black mist that had boiled in his hands slowly calmed down and absorbed into his body.Elma on the side held his hand, calming Zhou Li's restless mood.

"Let's go."

Elma looked at Zhou Li and said softly, "We will defeat it."


Zhou Li nodded, and then walked out of the Knights Templar's quarters with Alma.Here, every Templar would salute Zhou Li deeply after seeing him. They gritted their teeth, their eyes were full of grief and pain, as well as the flames of revenge.

They hope that Zhou Li can lead them to avenge their comrades.

Zhou Li didn't respond to them, he just walked slowly with Elma in sight.When he reached the gate, Zhou Li stretched out his hand and held the doorknob. With his back to the hundreds of Templars watching him, Zhou Li spoke slowly:
"In three days, follow me to revenge."

There is no letter from the general, nor any token.The Templars, who have always been known for their loyalty, did not hesitate. They raised their right hands to the center of their eyebrows, and their voices were full of burning flames.


Walking out of the Knights Templar, Zhou Li brought Alma to the government building.In this building, people's sights have changed. They stared at Zhou Li with longing eyes. They hoped that Zhou Li could clear up General Christine's grievances and make Istar, who had once opposed Christine, Step down and no longer interfere in politics.

Zhou Li greeted everyone as usual, but he didn't mention anything.He got on the shuttle and came to the floor of the consul's office.

At this time, this floor was already guarded by Istar's personal guards. They didn't believe that their general would harm Christine, and they chose to protect the general and prevent the actions of radicals.When they saw Zhou Li, facing the "culprit" who caused the general to bear a lot of pressure for no reason, these soldiers were not at all annoyed. They just saluted neatly and then gave way out of the way.

Walking to the door, he knocked on the door, and without waiting for Istar inside the door to respond, Zhou Li pushed the door open with ease, and took Elma to sit in front of him.


Zhou Li picked up the document in front of Ista. At this time, Ista looked tired. He was under the pressure of sleepiness and sadness after not sleeping all night. At this time, Ista was in a very low state.He raised his head and glanced at Zhou Li, his face full of exhaustion.

"Is there a problem?"

"help me."

Without any foreplay, Zhou Li got straight to the point: "This matter is not as simple as you think, I need help."

"How can I help you?"

With a sneer, Istar spread his hands, full of unprocessed documents in front of him, "You forced me into this position, and made me here like a clown for your entertainment. My favorite soldier died in I can't do anything in front of me, I can't even interrogate the suspect, what use can I do, can I help you Zhou Li?"

"I made you the Consul, not on a whim, let alone trying to entrap you."

Zhou Li's expression was calm, without the anger of being overwhelmed by yin and yang, "In Jordan, only you can sit in this position. I observed everyone, and only you can do this."

Istar was silent, he knew what Zhou Li meant, but he still asked in puzzlement: "You want me to maintain the balance between nobles and commoners, but why do you want to abdicate? It's impossible that you can't do it with your means and strength. Balance, why push these to me."

"Because this position is a trap for me."

Facing the puzzled Istar, Zhou Li tapped on the table with no fluctuations in his tone: "A trap that is aimed at me and only works on me."

Ista frowned, he wanted to ask something, but Zhou Li seemed to see his intention, put his palm on the table, and shook his head facing Ista.

"what should I do?"

After a long time, Istar compromised.He looked at Zhou Li, and said in a cold voice, "You have to know, now almost everyone thinks that I wronged Christine, and I almost have no credibility in everyone's heart."

"This is my dereliction of duty."

Faced with this problem, Zhou Li admitted it openly.Originally, he put Istar in this position to downplay his image, and he didn't want the people to regard him as a personal hero through and through.However, Gospel directly collapsed the image of Istar through an assassination, and Zhou Li's subsequent plan was completely blocked, which can be said to have failed directly.

"However, there is still help."

Zhou Li turned his head and looked at the mist outside the window.Then, he said faintly: "Christine will be murdered at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the murderer is a person who uses a silver crossbow."

"What are you going to do?"

Frowning tightly, Istar seemed to be aware of Zhou Li's thoughts, but he didn't dare to think about it because it was too crazy.

"And then you."

Zhou Li pointed to Istar with a cold voice, "You will have your throat crushed at five o'clock. According to the detective's analysis, the one who killed you was a 1.8-meter-five, well-proportioned man. And, with you There was close contact."

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Facing these words, which were like a declaration of death, Ishtar felt a chill in his heart.He stood up and said vigilantly: "Zhou Li, think clearly, you..."

"I have been playing a game with Gospel. The rules were set by him before, then by me, and now they are in his hands."

Zhou Li opened his mouth and suddenly talked about something that seemed irrelevant.

"But I'm very upset. What I hate the most is being ruled by others."

"So, I'm going to play a big game with it."

Standing up, Zhou Li comforted the black mist surging in his body, and said, "Now, I decide this rule, no one else can decide."

"I want to completely overturn the chessboard of this game."

(End of this chapter)

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