This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 247 Zhou Li, the Black Emperor

Chapter 247 Zhou Li, the Black Emperor
On this day, the Yingnan people felt the fear of being dominated by Zhou Li.

If Yingnan's live broadcast could be broadcast live, no one would doubt that Magnum III would be very happy, toast for three days and three nights, and set this day as National Day and give everyone a three-day holiday.

Leading the villain Zhou Li to harm Yingnan, the mortal enemy of Magnum's era, what a happy start, what a wonderful start!

Unfortunately, this matter cannot be broadcast live.

"I have sad news for you all."

Zhou Li rarely used an online meeting, notifying Jordanian nobles, wealthy businessmen, and officials at all levels to attend the meeting.And when everyone turned on the camera and was about to listen to Zhou Ligao's speech, Zhou Li spoke.

"Christine is dead. She was stabbed twelve times in the back and committed suicide. She has been cremated."

This sentence is like an atomic bomb dropped into the Qiantang River, stirring up waves.Immediately, the entire meeting room was extremely noisy, with some loudly reprimanding, some speaking generously, and some taking the opportunity to insult. For a while, the meeting room was filled with laughter and joy.

"You fart!"

After gradually quieting down, a more prestigious nobleman stood up and shouted angrily: "How could Lord Christine be killed? Are you crazy?!"

"I said it was suicide."

Zhou Li shrugged, and said as a matter of course: "Suicide is definitely not being killed by others, it is him killing himself."

"You have to lie like a normal person. Who's suicide club got eighteen knives in the back? Is Your Excellency Christine a gibbon, can you cut yourself in the back?"

"Yeah, don't lie!"

"Your Excellency Zhou Li, this is a joke, don't you understand the weight of General Christine?"

Noisy discussions and reprimands sounded, and Zhou Li, who was sitting in the center of the venue, plucked his ears boredly, then leaned on the recliner and looked at the non-stop chattering crowd with a smile on his face.

After a while, the crowd gradually calmed down, and they began to notice that Zhou Li, who was smiling, no longer refuted, but just nodded frequently.After a while, looking at the silent crowd, Zhou Li spread his hands and spoke again:
"I said he committed suicide."

The Medal of the Consul and the Medal of the Knights Templar were placed on the table, Zhou Li slapped the table heavily, and asked in a deep voice, "Anyone object?"

Yeah, it seems like we really can't hold back against him.

When this group of "Jordanian elites" saw the Medal of the Consul representing politics and the Medal of the Knights Templar representing military power, they immediately realized that they had no capital to contend with Zhou Li.

Wait a moment.

Suddenly, these people realized something.

"Where did you get the Consul Medal?"

Facing everyone's questioning, Zhou Li smiled mysteriously, pointed to the office behind him, and responded unhurriedly: "This is the second bad news I want to tell you."

"Our great General Istar was assassinated at two o'clock this afternoon and suffered a small injury. General Istar knew that he could not work while sick, so he returned this medal to me. Do you have any objections?"

"Since it's a minor injury, why don't you go back to your mansion and don't let us contact you? What's your plan?"

"The minor injuries I'm talking about mean that the throat and trachea were all cut off, the central nervous system was severely injured, and the brain stem was stabbed. The only thing that can move now is his heart. Of course, the number of movements is not very frequent, about once a minute. .”

Just say he's dead.

"And what about the Order of the Templars?"

A person stood up, and the appearance of defying power made the others very gratified, "Why is the medal for mobilizing the three major Jordanian armies in your hand?"

"General Christine entrusted him to me before committing suicide. In order to benefit the Jordanian people and return Jordan to a bright future, I can only accept the badge with tears and take over the post of major general. Do you have any comments?"

Facing Zhou Li's remarks, everyone of course scoffed. Your forced words are as convincing as his forced suicide with [-] stabs in the back. Whoever believes him is stupid.

"What about the corpse?"

The wealthy businessman who raised objections and pressed forward stepped forward and asked again: "We want to see the body of General Christine."


The three words directly blocked the mouths of this group of people. Before they could speak again, Zhou Li sneered and said, "If you don't believe me, I'll let you chat with him."

"In the form of ashes."

Silence pervaded the entire meeting room.Seeing that everyone was speechless, Zhou Li knocked on the table, crossed his hands under his chin, and his voice was heavy and full of strength.

"I, Zhou Li, are temporarily serving as the consul of the Jordan City University in the Southern Kingdom of England, the first general, the major general, the commander of the city defense army, and the commander of the Knights Templar."

"Who has an objection?"

Everyone looked at each other, even though they all appeared in the meeting room in the form of projection or video, they all saw the helplessness and fear in each other's eyes.

Before today, they always thought that Zhou Li, who kept harassing, confining, and disgusting himself, was extremely shameless. He was like a vampire greedily sucking the blood of everyone in the dark, which was annoying.

But now, they found that they seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding.They used to think that Zhou Li had been going all out to deal with high-class people like himself, and that he was able to make himself and others give up attacking was already an achievement to be proud of.

But now, these once aloof people found that they were wrong.

Big mistakes.

Before that, Zhou Li was just teasing himself and others with the mentality of entertainment.He wasn't some ravenous vampire at all, nor was he a shadowy hawk.Only now did they remember Zhou Li's title in Magnum.

Black Emperor.

A total tyrant.

Now, he doesn't want to play.He seemed to be tired of this back-and-forth fight, and was bored with his own toys.Now Zhou Li has lost his previous disguise, and a tyrannical and unreasonable black emperor appeared in front of himself and others.Appeared in front of a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Military power, executive power, legislative power.

The appointment of the Yingnan government, the army that Christine and Istar handed over to him, and the twelve moments behind the hero.

What's even more frightening is that Zhou Li has only been in Jordan for less than two months, and several heinously powerful forces such as the Berserkers' Union, the Hunters' Guild, the Shadow Union, and the Neal Chamber of Commerce have also been brought under his command. He has never mobilized these forces, making these nobles think that he has no ability to control them at all. The previous battle was just an ordinary cooperation.

Stupid idea.

This time, almost all the forces participated in the meeting, and they were the only ones standing behind Zhou Li.

It is a gift for Zhou Li to play chess with people like himself.Now, if he doesn't want to play anymore, he can easily overturn the game.

And all they can do is smile.

(End of this chapter)

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