Chapter 248
Without any suspense, Zhou Li's proposal to serve as the first general, major general, city defense army commander, and Templar Knights commander at the same time as the Grand Consul of Jordan was approved unanimously.

After all, no one wants to be forced to commit suicide after being slashed eighteen times in the back, or suffer "minor injuries" at the level of a vegetable.They could see now that Zhou Li didn't have the patience to entertain people like himself at this time, so they didn't have the idea of ​​dancing on the tip of their knives.

"Since that's the case, I won't bother you all. Today's meeting is over."

Zhou Li stopped speaking suddenly, glanced over the crowd, and then continued: "However, I want to remind everyone here."

"At least I'm a human being, and I still have a bottom line."

Afterwards, Zhou Li closed the meeting.


Ista, who was holding a coffee cup, came out of the door at the side. Seeing that he looked alive and well, don't say he was injured, you said he just caused someone to be slightly injured.

"The power is gathered."

Zhou Li poured coins from his underwear pocket like "Silver Thorn Vine", "Knights Templar Medal", "General Istar Order", "Grand Consul Medal", "Shadow Breath", "Berserker Blood Wine", "Ni Medal of Ernest" fell on the table, then put them together, and said to Istar: "Now, the plan can begin."

"Are you serious?"

Ishta, who had given up all illusions and was thoroughly prepared to confront the Gospel, still felt a little uneasy.Zhou Li's plan was so crazy that even the irritable him was startled.

"if not?"

Zhou Li glanced at him and asked lightly, "Do you think I'm crazy?"

He opened his palm and clenched it tightly, and the black mist walked around Zhou Li's hand as if consciously.Looking at Zhou Li who was as calm as water in front of him, Ishtar felt a chill.He knew that Zhou Li was not crazy, but the Black Emperor.

"Tomorrow I will give a speech at the Center Square."

Suddenly, Zhou Li opened his mouth, and he looked at his side. After realizing that there was only a ray of light left in the familiar place, Zhou Li's eyes were dimmed. He turned his head and said to Ista: "Tell them, I'm going to continue what I didn't finish on the TV before."

"At that time, all Jordanian media must put down everything in their hands and make sure to broadcast live."


After learning about part of Zhou Li's plan and surrendering to it, Istar nodded. With a hot temper, he was willing to help Zhou Li go.

Because it was Roja who helped Zhou Li before.

After Istar left, only Zhou Li was left in the empty conference room.This time, he didn't let Alma come with him.

"I won't hold back this time."

Closing his eyes and leaning against the headrest, Zhou Li's mind recalled the past scene.

The woman holds a sword of power, wears a crown, and wears a black and gold skirt.She holds a sword and proudly looks around the world, like a king patrolling.Her voice spread all over the world and reached Zhou Li's ears.

Zhou Li clenched his fists, recalled her words, and murmured softly: "I will swallow all creatures like an abyss, and conquer all things with tyranny."

"When creatures fall into the abyss and everything surrenders."

"Eternal life, this is me."

"Zhou Li didn't let you follow?"

After helping Zhou Li deal with Gerost and Christine last night, with his acquiescence, Toreya stayed in the room next to Elma for the time being.When she returned to the room to meditate, she suddenly heard the sound of Zhou Li leaving.At the same time, there were still the sound of Erma's footsteps next door.

As if sensing something, Torea finished her meditation and came to Elma's room.

Seeing Erma sitting on the recliner and quietly flipping through the books in her hands, Torea understood what had just happened.Facing Elma's gaze, Torea asked indifferently: "He went to the government building?"


Nodding slightly, Elma said softly, "He said he doesn't want me to follow him this time."

"You know what that means."

Without hesitation, Torea said directly: "I don't want you to face what he is going to do next."

"I see."

Elma nodded, she understood what Torea meant.Usually Zhou Li seldom took her with him when he went to the government building, she just went to see Zhou Li with food when he was not busy.But since Roja's death, Gerost's whereabouts are unknown, and Christine was arrested and imprisoned, Elma has never left Zhou Li's side.

Only she knew that Zhou Li, who had never shed a single tear for Roja, had already built a terrifying active volcano in his heart.Boil calmly until the devastating eruption arrives.

And now, an outbreak seems to be coming.

"do you want to go?"

Toreya looked at Alma who was flustered in front of her, and asked, "If you want to go, I will accompany you."

Hearing this, Elma shook her head and rejected Torea's words without any hesitation.Facing the rare Torea who showed a shocked expression, Erma smiled and said softly, "I'm worried about him."

"Zhou Li has always taken a fancy to every partner, Ah Zi, Xiao Hai, and Ain, Zhou Li never regarded them as servants, but regarded them as his friends."

"The same is true for Roja. He complained to me more than once about Roja. He said that he is straightforward, stupid, and indestructible. He will be a captain in this life. But I saw that when Zhou Li said these words, It's smiling."

"He has long made Roja his friend, and Roja is the same."

"When the news of Roja's death came, I saw the astonishment in Zhou Li's eyes, and the anger that quickly surfaced."

Zhou Li's silent anger that night appeared in his eyes, a kind of anger that made people feel the soul tremble.Elma knew that Zhou Li was really angry.

"He doesn't want me to follow him, because what Zhou Li is going to do later doesn't belong to me. It belongs to a man's revenge for his friend, and I don't want to interfere with him."

Elma blinked, a faint smile appeared on her cheeks, her voice was as refreshing as a spring, "I won't worry about him. Zhou Li won't be hysterical, and he won't burn Jordan to ruins, don't worry .”

"Why are you so sure?"

Toreya frowned slightly, she was a little puzzled, why Elma believed so much that Zhou Li would not retaliate against everything crazily.Zhou Li is not an ordinary person, he possesses the strength and wisdom enough to burn the city to ashes, and he is able to retreat completely.

contract?Or did she manipulate me around?
"The reason is very simple."

What Toreya didn't expect was that Elma didn't give any specific reasons to convince herself.She put down the book, stretched out her hand, and pointed gently at herself.

"Because I'm here."

As long as the anchor is still there, the huge waves cannot carry the ship away.

(End of this chapter)

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