This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 252 The decisive battle will begin

Chapter 252 The decisive battle will begin
Downstream of the Jordan dam, 110 three people died.

According to subsequent investigations, 10 minutes before the flood discharge, the telephone lines and communication lines of the farm named "Wooden Tower" were all naturally aging, so no news of flood discharge was received.According to the judgment, this is a natural accident and no one is responsible.

But only Zhou Li knew that the grotesqueness that had gradually surfaced before was just a temptation, and the death of the three 110 people was the signal to start the war.

"Elma, are you there?"

It was raining heavily outside the window, and the raindrops fell on the window sill with a burst of sound.Facing the apocalyptic scene outside, Zhou Li did not show any fluctuations in expression.

"I'm here."

Walking to Zhou Li's side, gently holding Zhou Li's hand, the warm and delicate touch made Zhou Li's heart feel a little warm.The eternal ice in his eyes melted a little, but it was still as chilling as a blade.

At exactly twelve o'clock, Zhou Li returned to his villa.He took the contact information to his home and left the government building.

Just now, he learned of the destruction of the farm, and he also knew that the Gospel was not satisfied with just manipulating the grotesque to attack itself.Now the Gospel, begins to unleash his true power.

natural disaster.

This is a terrible ability. Since ancient times, no matter how human beings develop their own civilization, they have always been unable to hide from an eternal theme - fighting against natural disasters.

The level division of professionals, starting from the brilliant level, is no longer the previous "how many enemies can be defeated", but "how many levels of natural disasters can be dealt with" to determine whether this person has become a demigod or evolved into a godsend.

The Brilliant level can barely save himself from natural disasters, he can't shelter others, he can only seek self-protection.

Demigod-level professionals can start to protect others. Depending on the strength of their strength, demigod-level professionals can let others live under shelter on a small scale to survive terrible natural disasters.

Professionals at the god-given level can fight against natural disasters.

Of course, confrontation does not necessarily mean victory.In the long history of mankind, only a handful of god-givers have truly repelled natural disasters.When facing natural disasters, most of the god-given professionals try their best to make the human beings within the coverage of the disaster survive. As for buildings or property, they can only resign themselves to fate.

Therefore, in this world, almost no one can control natural disasters.Most of the so-called natural disaster makers use tricks to trigger disasters, and finally achieve the effect of natural disasters.

"Can it control natural disasters..."

Looking at the gathering dark clouds and the dripping rain outside the window, Elma had a worried look on her face.Zhou Li on the side nodded and said softly:
"Yes, this is a natural disaster."

"It has such power, why use it now?"

Elma asked, "The Gospel...what is it going to do?"

"It's simple."

Watching the increasingly violent rainstorm, Zhou Li smiled ironically.He opened the window, and the strong wind and heavy rain were drawn into the black mist. Feeling the tyranny in it, Zhou Li sneered.

"It's scared."

"I was supposed to be a hero, but I turned into a tyrant. It started to get scared, and the script that was originally planned was different, and the person who played the hero became a devil. You said, as a director who always wanted to be , what will be the reaction?"

"It wants you to keep going with the script."

Faced with Elma's answer, Zhou Li nodded and said appreciatively, "That's right, it's exactly what you think."

"He wants to use natural disasters to warn me, so that I can continue to cooperate with his rules."

Picking up the casualty report in his hand, Zhou Li looked at the numbers on it, and said in a cold voice, "He is warning me, if I continue to go my own way, the dead will not be the only ones."

"He wanted me to be scared, to make me feel guilty. He wanted me to feel that these people died because of my toughness, because I broke his rules."

Zhou Li sneered, and put down the paper. He seemed to be talking to himself, or talking to someone, and mockingly said, "You really think too well of me."

There are 1000 million people in Jordan, 110 three, how much is it?

He didn't say these words, but Elma who was on the side knew that Zhou Li didn't have any emotional fluctuations at all because of the deaths of these people.Not to mention guilt, Zhou Li was very indifferent to the news of these people's deaths.Even, don't care.

However, Elma showed no emotion of blame or anger.At this time, Elma was as calm as Zhou Li. She knew that once Zhou Li was restrained by this number of deaths and began to feel fear, the number of people who died would be far more than this number.

"It's not over yet."

Putting down the paper in his hand, Zhou Li closed his eyes, and the various instructions that had been arranged in advance were continuously arranged and combined in his mind. He knew that today was the final duel between himself and the Gospel.

Of course, no matter who the winner is, Jordan will experience unprecedented disaster.

But this doesn't make Zhou Li shrink back, on the contrary, he only thinks that he is saving the city.What does it matter to me that it is your Gospel that kills the common people or those of the upper classes?
"I made a natural disaster warning ten days ago. The effect of the earthquake will not be very good. If my estimation is correct, the formation of this natural disaster will consume the power of the Gospel."

Stacking up the other grotesque papers in his hand, Zhou Li said: "He spread these grotesques on a large scale to create difficulties for me, and the main purpose is to recover his power. The scale of these grotesques cannot give me Dealing a real blow, so he wanted to hit the Scourge with all his force, to get me straight to the ground."

"He miscalculated."

"Yes, he miscalculated."

Rubbing Elma's long hair, Zhou Li put the papers aside, and said playfully, "Weird, weird. He thinks these weird deaths will only trouble me, and I have to devote energy and manpower to deal with them." stuff, and ended up with nothing.”

"Unfortunately, he didn't guess this thing."

The dagger in his hand appeared on the table, Zhou Li closed his eyes and let out a long breath.Zhou Li had some guesses about the origin of this dagger that could summon "Kindness and Grotesque".Although he didn't thoroughly verify his guess, Zhou Li understood that this dagger would definitely play a vital role.

Gospel didn't know the existence of the dagger, and it didn't know that his mocking behavior allowed Zhou Li to harvest these "good grotesques" that could be summoned at any time.These grotesques may not be able to help him in battle, but they can give Zhou Li unexpected surprises.

Intelligence, intelligence about the man behind the scenes who really manipulated the Gospels.

 Thank you Chuanhuo for the 5000 coins
(End of this chapter)

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