This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 253 Jordan Doesn't Need the Gospel

Chapter 253 Jordan Doesn't Need the Gospel

"The large dam Jordan Dam, the medium-sized dams Aswan Dam, Kamin Dam, and Tula Dam all suffered damage to varying degrees. The reason is that the heavy pressure brought by high-intensity precipitation exceeded expectations. Request flood release!"

"The water level on the coastline of Lianke has risen sharply, and three surrounding farms and a factory have been submerged to varying degrees. The Third City Defense Force is rushing to prepare for disaster relief!"

"There is a rejection reaction in the drainage system in the city, and the water level in six streets has risen too fast and cannot be ruled out."

"The third floor of the standard floor of Minke Street is submerged, and the water level continues to rise. The surrounding water control engineers have gone to help with drainage, but with little success!"

"Water pollution has occurred in Luma Street, and unknown germs have invaded. Please help medical professionals!"

"Water level rising due to damaged drainage in Murik Street."

"Floods! Floods! Floods have occurred on Minke Street! Please help, please help!"

In 10 minutes, countless bad news about the flood came one after another.Some Zhou Li answered, but more, Zhou Li remained silent.

Gradually, the voices reporting the disaster subsided a lot.A feeling of despair began to spread in the city.The rising water level, the cloudy sky, and the cries of despair, in this former Yingnan Pearl, people gradually realize that their brave man is not omnipotent, and he seems powerless to resist natural disasters.

Those officials and soldiers also gradually became disappointed. Some of them chose to give up their positions and began to prepare to go to the refuge area with their families.Some people still stick to their posts and are ready to sacrifice.

However, there were only two armies without any changes.The Knights Templar Legion and the City Defense Army disappeared when the flood broke out. People have no energy to guess whether the two armies are alive or dead, fleeing or losing contact.Even Ah Zi didn't know what the two direct troops under Zhou Li were doing.

The wind was howling outside the window, the rain was pouring down, and the dense rain curtain was so tight that it was hard to breathe.Zhou Li stared at the soldiers and civilians shouting on the street with a calm expression.

"what are you waiting for?"

Torreya pushed open the door, her voice was cold, "Wait for this city to be destroyed by this rainstorm?"

"You never took the initiative to come to me before."

Zhou Li didn't answer directly, he withdrew his gaze, turned his head, and said indifferently: "It's rare for you to come to me on your own initiative."

"You promised these people."

Torreya's expression was frosty. She stood in front of Zhou Li without hesitation or hesitation before, "You told them that you would bring happiness and equality to these people."

"Yes, I promised."

Zhou Li nodded, not hiding his promise, "I said, I will let them get through this plague safely."

"Oh, a word game?"

Hearing this, Toreya seemed to understand something. She smiled disappointedly. It was rare, and her expression showed a mocking look, "Are they worthy of you as a brave man to play word games? Indeed, floods are not plagues. .”

Zhou Li heard Torreya's mocking meaning, he smiled, and did not sneer at Torreia or directly spray him like in the past, this time, he was surprisingly gentle.

"Remember the magic car problem?"

The rain didn't stop, Zhou Li stood in the dark room, and asked calmly: "Kill one person, save the other six people. And let the magic car run over six people to death, let the one person who shouldn't die survive, How would you choose?"

"You said that when human life is on the balance of the transaction, no matter what you choose, you can't use justice to cover up this behavior."

Staring at Zhou Li's eyes, Toreya's voice trembled a little, "Is what you are doing right now what you want?"

"I'll ask you again."

Without answering Torreya's question, Zhou Li wanted to smoke a cigarette very much at this time, but he didn't know how to smoke. He just squeezed the space between his brows, and then said to Torreia behind him: "If the magic car problem is not a The choice between one person and six people, but a city, a country, or even a world, how would you choose?"

"Will you save this city, and then watch the world collapse, and the saved city will not survive in the end. Or will you choose to abandon this city and save this vast world?"

When Zhou Li uttered this question, Toreya suddenly felt suffocated.She felt that her chest seemed to be tightly pressed by a boulder, and her heart was held tightly by an invisible hand. An enormous pressure was constantly eroding her nerves.

Between one person and six people, Torreya can easily make a choice.She would think that that person was not the target of death. If she changed the trajectory of the vehicle and crushed him to death with her own hands, she would be killing him.

However, when one person and six people become one city and this world, everything is different.

A city and the world cannot be compared, because the city is surrounded by the world. If the world collapses, even if the city escapes the first catastrophe, it will die together when the world collapses.But if the death of the city is going to save the world, Torea can't solve it with the answer to the magic car puzzle.

"Is there no way?"

Time seems to be elongated, very slow, very slow.Torreya's voice was a little hoarse, and she asked helplessly, "Can we just watch Jordan be destroyed?"

"Why do you care so much about this city?"

Casting his eyes on Torreia's face, Zhou Li asked with doubts: "You are not from this city-state at all, you are not even a creature of this world. Why do you care about them so much? It has nothing to do with you. Related people?"


Torreya was stunned, yes, why would she care about these people and this city-state?From the first day she came to this world, she was ready to destroy the world.She has never been a messenger of justice, and she deeply remembers what the Goddess of Life said to her when she appeared on the border of Magnum.

"You are a should protect them."

After saying this, a self-deprecating look appeared on Torea's face.She knew how weak her words were.But she didn't know what to say anymore, a ghost from another world, a wandering ghost who was given a "disaster" by the gods and then temporarily changed, what qualifications does another person have for a person who has nothing to do with him? Cities pay with their lives.

You are the devil, why should you care about them?
Without saying this, Zhou Li just silently watched the heavy rain outside the window.A dignified atmosphere filled the room where there were only two people. Toreya wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything.She could only stare blankly at Zhou Li's back, feeling the heavy weight of time on her shoulders.

Suddenly, Zhou Li spoke.

"If I'm just a brave man, I don't care about the life and death of these people at all. Because I know that the gods who gave me this identity are a bunch of Wang Bari's mentally handicapped, with bad intentions tattooed on their foreheads. I didn't blackmail them Awareness of work."

Stretching out his hand, the black mist gradually dispersed in Zhou Li's hand. He closed his eyes, feeling the heartbeat and pulse of the city.

"But, here I am, not just a brave man."

With his right hand clenched tightly, the sharp sword condensed, Zhou Li opened his eyes, he spoke, and the sound was like a bell, resounding over the entire city-state.

"The people of Jordan have not yet reached the point of despair."

The relief soldiers heard it, the civilians heard it, the aristocratic bureaucrats who went to the refuge heard it.

Jordan, too.

"You call for the king, he is not here."

"You call out to the gods, and they never answer."

How did his words reach everyone's ears?

Soon, Torea got the answer.

On the day when Zhou Li took office as Grand Consul, he forcefully distributed a kind of black paper to every family.This piece of paper is regarded as a voucher for obtaining relief supplies.

Now, it is still a voucher, but it is no longer a voucher for disaster relief supplies.

This is the proof of becoming a subject of the Black Emperor.

"Now, you are calling me, and I hear you."

It was like a miraculous voice that filled every inch of Jordan, and everyone, everyone with black paper heard his voice.

That is the voice of a tyrant who walks in the dark.

But now, although the voice was full of conquest and tyranny, the people who heard it felt an inexplicable sense of stability.They don't need consolation, blessings, and love right now.Now they need a monarch who can lead them to break through this natural disaster.

Moreover, they can feel the tenderness contained in the darkness.It is a kind of azure blue, which makes people feel the tenderness of life in joy.It was free, blissful tenderness.

"Pick up the contract that represents life."

The voice sounded again, and people seemed to have obtained some magical power, and put down their work.They stretched out their hands, picked up the black paper beside them, and gathered together.

"Then, read it aloud."

The thunder roared, and countless thunder lights in the black clouds began to rage. The moment the sound sounded again, the torrential rain became even more terrifying. In an instant, every inch of the city was filled with water and thunder, making it suffocating.

But it was such suffocating despair that made those people whose nerves had already been tensed and whose eyes were gradually occupied by black completely give up their reason.They reached out and grasped at the last straw.

Thunder roared and rain fell.The short characters on the black paper are like the key to this disaster, constantly releasing terrifying floods.It seems that even natural disasters want the black paper to be completely blackened, so that people will stay away from this disaster-bearing paper.However, the natural disaster failed, and he underestimated people's desire to survive.Also underestimated, Dark Emperor.

Finally, the voice of reading aloud sounded.

"A great sovereign descends from the abyss."

"He is the ruler of calamity, tyranny, fear, and darkness. He is the conqueror of fear in the world. He is the supreme black emperor."

"I don't believe in gods, heaven and earth, and the past. We would like to light the torch in the eternal night, and follow the black emperor who is in charge of the abyss to the foggy future."

"I will submit to the supreme Black Emperor, and I will become the most loyal subject of the Black Emperor."

The thunder stopped, and the rain screen also stagnated.

As if time had stopped, Jordan's pulse stopped beating.

Toreya, who had witnessed everything, stared blankly at Zhou Li in front of her.Obviously he was just standing in front of a glass window, but at this time Zhou Li was like a king patrolling the territory, with supreme majesty.

Elma stepped out from the side, holding the Book of Heroes and Gaia in her arms.The former is the source of Zhou Li's power, while the latter is the source of the black paper.

That's right, those papers that contain the laws of the Black Emperor come from the Book of Gaia.

"my king."

Walking slowly and gracefully to Zhou Li's side, Elma put down the two books, and gently held Zhou Li's left hand with her right hand.She stared at Zhou Li's side face, her voice was as gentle as water: "It's time to do what we should do."

What are the things to do?
Torreya was a little confused at this time, but soon, she understood.

The monarch should save his people, which is what he should do.

So, how to save it?
"The monarch naturally wants to give gifts to his subjects who are struggling to survive."

The sincere faith of thousands of people in a desperate situation is enough to make Zhou Li a god-given existence.However, Zhou Li did not absorb this power.

He chose to give these powers to his subjects.

"But the subjects of the Black Emperor should not expect others to save them."

Power spreads from the network called "faith" and spreads in every Jordanian who prays to Zhouli.Soon, these powers condensed by faith were rewarded by the monarch to the subjects.

"Go and save yourself."

"Hope after despair is what you deserve."

The people who finished praying stood up, but as professionals, they have been trapped in this city. People who almost forgot their professions found that they were no longer weak.The torrential rain in the sky was like a powerless wailing, and the thunder was just a bluffing cry.

We are the subjects of the Black Emperor, what are you guys?
"You bestowed your power on them?"

Facing the inquiry from Torea behind him, Zhou Li hung the sword of power on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "If there is only strength, it is not enough."

"What I really bestow on them is dignity and courage."

"Don't forget, 80.00% of the people in the city under your feet have occupations. Their spines have long been bent due to the oppression of life. They just mechanically manipulate the power in their bodies and repeat the work of occupations non-stop. .”

Clenching his hands tightly and releasing them slowly, Zhou Li's voice was convincingly firm.

"What they need is never power. What they want is someone who is truly willing to give them dignity and let them save themselves."

When the first builder picked up the hammer, pushed open the locked door, came to the end of the street, raised the hammer, and struck the first hammer on the flood control device that was about to be abandoned, making a crisp buzzing sound, Thunder The sound seemed to have diminished.Immediately afterwards, the cries for help and prayers began to dissipate, but instead, people's roars of hope pierced through the sky.

"Jordan, you don't need the gospel."

(End of this chapter)

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