This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 260 The God of Literature...?

Chapter 260 The God of Literature?

Leave her to me.

When this line of characters was written by the God of Literature, time seemed to freeze.


Lin Zi subconsciously wanted to say something, but after looking at the line of text again, she sat back on the sofa weakly and remained silent.She knew that the moment the God of Literature asked Zhou Li to hand over Elma, the negotiation broke down completely.

There is no room for an outright rupture.

Toreya on the side did not have Lin Zi's "clear understanding". When she saw that line of text, Toreya's emotions suddenly experienced rare ups and downs. Her white palms were unconsciously clenched, with a worried look on her face. Look at Zhou Li.

Elma still held Zhou Li's hand tightly, and at the same time leaned against Zhou Li's side.She gently kneaded Zhou Li's palm, and this small gesture restored a little clarity to Zhou Li's eyes that had been engulfed by the black mist.


At this time, Zhou Li was no longer as relaxed and free-spirited as before, his face was as calm as ever, but those dark eyes made people shudder.Everyone knew that when Zhou Li was angry, the black mist would rise in his eyes, but no one had seen it. The black mist was completely solidified, turning into a pair of abyss.

(Don't worry, I don't want to kill her)

As if knowing that Zhou Li's emotions had reached the extreme at this time, the God of Literature quickly explained: (I just need her to cooperate with me to complete an experiment)
"What experiment?"

Zhou Li crossed his hands, sat on the sofa, and tilted his head slightly forward.His tone was very flat, without any ups and downs, as if he was just talking about something that didn't matter to him.

(Experiment of stripping the soul)

When seeing this line of text, Elma clearly felt the sudden clenching of Zhou Li's palm.Although she was going to be experimented by the God of Literature at this time, Elma didn't hesitate because of herself for the first time, she gently stretched out her other hand to cover the back of Zhou Li's hand, the warm touch made Zhou Li Zhou Li calmed down slightly and calmed down.

Knowing how easy it is for people to misunderstand what he said, the God of Literature continued to explain:
(Don't worry, it won't hurt her life, I won't hurt her except it will take a little time)
(She is a wonderful sample, a soul body that I have never seen before, as long as I can research how her soul is perfectly stripped, I can save everyone in this world)

"What you said was your previous plan?"

Facing Zhou Li's inquiry, the God of Literature seemed to sense his gradually cooperating emotions, and wrote the words in admiration:
(That's right, although the changes I made on Gerost failed, I still got some experience that can be used)
(What I need now is to get a perfect way to strip the soul, as long as I can get it, I will delay the final moment and save the souls of everyone in this world)
(Save the world, isn't that what you really want?)
He stopped writing, wanting to give Zhou Li room to think.

"What I really want..."

After hearing Zhou Li's unintentional murmur, Toreya felt a little panicked, she was afraid that Zhou Li would really be persuaded to hand over Elma.But she noticed that after hearing Zhou Li's words, Lin Zi, who was nervous at the side, suddenly relaxed, with a look of surprise on her face.

Looking at Zhou Li who lowered his head in thought, the God of Literature, who thought he had received a positive answer, continued to write with satisfaction: (Okay, I am very glad that you can...)
"I understand."

The sudden opening made the words written by the God of Literature pause for a moment.I saw Zhou Li raised his head, his black jade-like pupils carried a sense of relief that puzzled the God of Literature, and that kind of relief was not the kind of relief that handed over Elma.At this time, Zhou Li seemed to have figured out a doubt that had been troubling him for a long time.


"Do you know how to perfectly strip a soul?"

Zhou Li did not answer the God of Literature, but instead asked a seemingly meaningless question.

(this is exactly what I'm looking into)
"No, no, now I can tell you what the real answer is."

Zhou Li smiled. At this time, he was like a teacher facing his students. Facing the God of Literature who was humbly asking for advice, Zhou Li gave the answer unabashedly.

"Gaia stripped half of her soul and created Elma, at the cost of the destruction of the Golden Age."

Looking at the ubiquitous words and books in front of him, the corners of Zhou Li's mouth curled up, he raised his chin, and said kindly: "If you want to perfectly strip the soul, just imitate Gaia's method."

Finally, Zhou Li gave the answer.

"You twelve righteous gods all die once, isn't that enough?"

(Zhou Li, you actually have no choice)

After understanding Zhou Li's meaning, the God of Literature didn't feel any anger, he just calmly continued to write on the huge white paper of the world: (Although this time my action didn't follow the plan that should be done in twelve quarters , but don't forget, I'm a righteous god)
(I am not an empty shell sitting on the throne right now, believe me, if I want to, neither you nor Elma can escape)

Facing the blatant threat from the God of Literature, no, it was a sincere persuasion rather than a threat. Zhou Li didn't have any intention of panic. On the contrary, he smiled even brighter.

"I know." He said, "Even if you don't want to kill me now, with your power, it's easy to completely imprison me and Elma, and it will take no effort at all."

(I can tell you that because of Jordan's particularity, I can't kill you)

(However, I can rely on my ability to modify reality and create a prison that you cannot escape. Believe me, maybe literature cannot have the power to destroy the world, but for human beings, literature is the most terrifying poison)

"Yes, it is so."

Nodding his head and holding Elma's hand tightly, Zhou Li replied with a half-smile: "You are indeed scary, the goddesses of life are at least upright and shameless, they are really villains. Although they are not good things, But at least the evil is so clear, it makes people feel refreshed."

"You are different."

Zhou Li narrowed his eyes, looked at the ubiquitous words and books in front of him, and slowly said to the God of Literature in a mocking tone: "You really deserve the title of God of Literature, you may not be able to write the purest Words, but you are really good at playing with words. You can raise your own selfish desires to save the world, you are a hypocrite, and I am even more disgusted."

(Why do you say that?)
Facing Zhou Li's behavior of almost pointing his nose and cursing, the God of Literature did not get angry, but asked curiously.

"I've been thinking, you play the Gospel, put the grotesque in the Gospel and put the human soul in Jordan, and then experiment after experiment. I don't understand what you're doing."

"I know that you want to save half of human souls and let them live in a virtual world."

Making a stop gesture, Zhou Li looked at the god of literature who had been robbed of his words, and asked mockingly: "You don't think that I really believe your rhetoric, do you?"

"A rhetoric full of loopholes and inconsistencies, trying to gain trust from me..."

Stretching out his finger to himself, and then pointing to the book in front of him, Zhou Li jokingly asked, "Is it because I look so easy to deceive, or is it that your intelligence is not fully developed?"

(what did you notice?)

Without denying Zhou Li's words, the God of Literature didn't care about Zhou Li's accusation, and wrote a new text: (Why is it inconsistent to say that I want to save mankind?)


Zhou Li raised his eyebrows, a little helpless, and replied with a little sarcasm: "You have been talking about putting human beings into the virtual world from the beginning to the end, so that they can avoid your so-called end in the world of the Gospel. time."

"However, you never said what will happen to these human beings who have entered the Gospel world after the end of the hour."

Reflecting the words of the book in his eyes, Zhou Li felt the coldness on his wrist, and his voice was cold: "You have never given me the feeling of a so-called loving god from the beginning to the end."

"You're more like a toddler trying to find a bowl of goldfish to play with."

A god who has always arranged human beings in countless "dramas", a literary collection composed of countless literatures, a "god" piled up with countless scar literature and black literature.You literary god has been showing your kindness and kindness, is this normal?
Don't you feel sorry that you have read all the books in the world but don't have a single book of your own?

You are the god of literature, you must disdain to write boring articles and poems like human beings, and the things made of ordinary pen and ink will be rare treasures if you write them casually, which is meaningless to you .

Therefore, the "literature" you want to write must have high-quality raw materials.

If the brilliant soul of human beings can use this wonderful substance to compose a book, it will definitely be your eternal treasure and the true treasure of your literary god.

"When you put the shining souls of human beings into the Gospel and help them through their final moments, what will happen to them?"

This time, facing Zhou Li's question, the God of Literature did not answer as quickly as before.This time, he answered very slowly, very slowly.

(At least, they're still alive)

This sentence confirmed Zhou Li's conjecture.

The so-called saving mankind and allowing mankind to keep the fire is all false.

The reason why the god of literature does this is only so that he can compose the most perfect book, plant and cultivate the most perfect material.When he writes a book that bears the soul of a world, I am afraid that the god of literature has become a real "he".

"The livestock are alive too, but they don't like that ending."

(But I saved them in the end! I let them survive, I let them participate in a beautiful drama constructed by a great god, I let them have a wonderful Zoron fate even after the end, why do you still slander me ?)
"You're in a hurry."

This time, Zhou Li smiled from the bottom of his heart, "But, you're just pretending."

"Literature, the literature constructed by human beings has never been separated from lies. This god, until now, I have not believed every word you said, because literature is good at constructing perfect lies."

"The most perfect lie is to keep the core part, erase the irrelevant part, and fill in the plausible part. In this way, the most perfect lie is born."

"You're not a literary god at all, are you?"

Looking at the book in front of him that attracts power and hides his figure invisible, Zhou Li raised the corner of his mouth, his gaze seemed to have crossed the dimensions of time and space, and landed in a space that does not belong to this world, which made the "God of Literature" appear Flustered emotions.

"You have the appearance and power of a god of literature. You can manipulate words and books and let them affect reality. However, you are not a god of literature."

"You have been rigidly following the tasks left to you by the God of Literature. Your biggest loophole is to ask me to hand over Elma in the name of saving the common people."

The mocking and sarcastic words were slowly spoken by Zhou Li: "Please, all the gods know that I'm here to enjoy my mother's pleasure."

"The common people have a fart relationship with me?"

"You are not the god of literature at all!"

Zhou Li raised his eyes, looked at the "God of Literature" who didn't know how to speak, and slowly said a name.

"The orphan of the ancient god, the false god."

(How could you possibly know!!!!!!)
"Why do you have the illusion that I don't know?"

Feeling the breath of Elma beside him and the Ouroboros bracelet on his wrist, which symbolizes "falseness" and "infinite loop", Zhou Li said in a deep voice: "Literature is a false world constructed by human beings, regardless of writing style. How wonderful, no matter how realistic the description is, literature will always be false."

"You have never told the world your name, and you have not concealed it on purpose, but you are doing things closely related to "literature", making people subconsciously think that you are the god in charge of literature. You read books, you create scripts, You give believers perfect imagination, you never tell a single lie, but you complete the most perfect lie."

"You, pretending to be a god."

(I am the god of literature!)
Faced with the sudden appearance of hideous words, Zhou Li did not have any intention of panic. On the contrary, he knew that he had won.

"Yes, if you obtain the power of Gaia in Elma's body and write the most perfect "Gospel", you will really be a god of literature."


Zhou Li stood up, looked at the surging books and distorted words in front of him, and said softly: "Fakes will always be fakes."

As the voice fell, the rain in the sky suddenly seemed to be untied, rumbling and pouring stormy waves towards Jordan.The natural disaster-like scene made Lin Zi feel suffocated as an ordinary person, but soon, the black mist curtain arranged by Zhou Li gave her breathing space.


(Rest assured, when your soul is imprisoned by me, when her soul is dissected by me, you will be the most false existence)

(You are too arrogant, if you hide these things and report them to the twelve righteous gods, I might really fail)

(However, your arrogance hurt yourself and everyone else)

(Just like the god of literature, for the sake of these human beings who are just materials, he is willing to turn into a mortal and step into this dead land to create creatures, find a way to replace human beings, and finally be deceived by me to die of grotesque bites, dignified The Twelve Righteous Gods just died so quietly, and I deprived them of their status and power)

(He is so, so are you)
(He is too kind, you are too arrogant, rest assured, I will give you the same ending)

(I am the real god!!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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