This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 261 Chapter 109 False

Chapter 261 Chapter [-] False
Regarding the gods, Zhou Li once obtained an important piece of information from the God of Chaos.

The gods are connected through twelve quarters.

Yes, in this world, the twelve gods seldom gather, and they often pass messages to other gods through their followers.According to Hong Luan, except for him and Wenxue who have their own "worldly gods", the other gods live in different extraterrestrial gods, independent of each other.

Because the connection between the gods is indirect, although they are very sensitive to changes in reality, they are extremely dull to changes in other gods.Even the death of the God of Nether Death is a heavyweight event, and it has been nearly a month since the other gods got the news.

So here comes the question, since the connection of these gods is so late, is there a way to replace a god?
The answer is, yes.

"False", did just that.

As a special existence in the golden age, the ancient god named "false" has been hiding himself. He has no entity, but turns himself into "lies" spoken by people one after another to maintain his own survival.As the ancient god who is best at detecting lies and loopholes, he noticed the hidden dangers contained in the golden law, but he didn't tell anyone, because he knew that once the gods died, he could replace them and become the true supreme will .

Therefore, he chose to continue hiding, completely burying the hidden dangers in the Golden Law in his memory.What he thought was that once the changes in the law weakened the gods, he could take advantage of the situation, deprive the authority of the powerful ancient gods, and finally establish a brand new law that only belonged to "false" gods, and establish his own era.

However, the "false" still failed in the end. He did not expect that the golden law signed by countless ancient gods had become a rule.Although he did not sign the law, because his essence is also an ancient god, he was seriously affected in the twilight of the gods. In addition to having a fairly clear will, the existence of "false" was fragmented, and once reached the verge of the point of death.

When the "false" was about to collapse completely, he thought of the land abandoned by gods. "False" drilled into the Land Abandoned by God along the fog, and barely escaped the last big collapse of the Golden Law.Although he managed to keep himself, the "false" authority and soul have been completely broken, and only a few fragments remain.

After hundreds of years of slumber, the "false" wakes up relying on the gradually flourishing "lie" and "deceit".Although it is still incomplete, the "false" consciousness has recovered a lot. He began to wander in this foggy continent, seeking to reshape his authority and take the authority of those dead ancient gods into his hands. In the bag, become the supreme will.

Soon, "fake" found the existence of "consciousness".But he discovered that those consciousnesses were not the human and sub-human beings he was familiar with at all. On the contrary, the masters of these consciousnesses were a group of grotesque "monsters".They have a high degree of intelligence, but they have no human shape at all, more like chaotic monsters.

To the chagrin of "false", although these monsters have the same intelligence as humans, they have no concept of "deception", "disguise" and "lie" among each other.They are as transparent as each other, even more transparent than Trisolarans.

Without "falsehood", one cannot reshape one's own authority, let alone leave this land shrouded in fog.Just when "false" was at a loss, he thought of a way.

If not, create it.

Soon, "false" used his last strength to shape himself into an ordinary "human being".When he appeared in front of those monsters with a human body, those monsters with good nature accepted his existence after novelty.Soon, "False" merged into the group of those monsters, and slowly, "False" learned about the origin of these monsters.


"False" did not explore what the "crack" is, he only knew that these monsters were monsters born from the space called the crack.They are pure in nature and thorough in mind. In addition to relying on instinct to live, they use wisdom to form groups and live together.

After a period of time, the "falseness" of human appearance was completely integrated into the group of these monsters, that is, at that moment, the monster possessed "falseness".

Provocation, deception, temptation, contempt, flattery, praise...

In less than ten years, these monsters have completely become the source of "fake".Madame Rose, who originally liked flowers and ate honeydew, learned to seduce. After tasting praise, she learned the essence and began to use her body to seduce others.After tasting the blood brought by the violence, the once calm blood wolf fell into madness and began to hunt and kill other creatures continuously.

Slowly, the monsters are no longer friendly, and they who have never been polluted are as innocent as young children in front of the "evil" aggregate "false". In the end, these monsters have become grotesques.

Just when "False" was about to harvest the ""False"" spawned by these monsters, a ferry caught his attention.Only then did he realize that the thick fog had lightened.

After approaching the coast, False boarded the unassuming ferry.Then he was surprised to find that there was only one middle-aged man in a white robe and unilateral glasses with a gentle demeanor on the ferry.He held a pen in his left hand and a book in his right. When he saw the "false", the man who called himself "Tomazhen" was also surprised, but soon, the surprise turned into surprise.

"Humanity is saved."

"False" still remembers that the ferry at that time was coated with a layer of warm light under the rare sun.The man stood under the sail, with a pure smile and a halo of hope in his eyes.

However, "false" felt something different.

This person is a god.

But he is not an ancient god.

Knowing that the unfathomable "falseness" of the man in front of him has not been exposed, he is naturally good at deceiving, and he quickly arranged for himself a watertight identity "the grotesque that must abide by the agreement".The real god named Thomas does not doubt him, because before the thick fog dissipates, no one else can enter the island except for those grotesques on the island, so Thomas really believes in the "false" identity.

At the same time, because of his "false" human appearance, Thomas really felt kind to him from the moment they met. "False" told Thomas really that he was a human remnant soul being drawn by a grotesque, and finally the two merged into one.After hearing this explanation, Thomas really became more excited. He seemed to have found the answer to the question that had troubled him for a long time, and he was more friendly to "false".

From here, "False" realized Thomas's real intention - to find a way to cut the soul.After getting this information, the quick-witted "false" directly set his mind on Thomas really. As long as he seized his authority, he could leave here and gain more powerful power.

But how to seize the real power of Thomas?

At this time, "False" remembered something.

Golden Law.

The reason why the golden law drove those ancient gods crazy was that in order to control the bodies of the ancient gods, the golden law deliberately extended the time their consciousness experienced countless times.But the problem is that the bodies of these ancient gods are exposed to the outside world, which is the normal passage of time.It's like a person's physical body lives peacefully, but the time experienced by his "consciousness" has been extended countless times.

The moment the law was enforced, these ancient gods were horrified to find that the short time for them had been stretched into an endless river of time that they could not see.The original second seemed as long as a hundred years in their consciousness.

Time is the most terrifying weapon.

The ancient gods who used to have different personalities, but all liked to communicate and observe, collapsed.They used to talk to other ancient gods in their consciousness, they would talk about the development of humans in their territory, and they would say that there was a golden fish in the river yesterday.They will share every move of human beings and the beauty brought to them by thousands of creatures.

However, they cannot communicate in the golden law, they can't see each other, they can only look at everything in their territory whose time is slowed down.Humans lifted a leg, and a whole month passed in their eyes.

These good things and expectations have become the source of pain.

In the eyes of humans, the golden law collapsed after a hundred years of operation.But for those ancient gods who were trapped in a long time, hundreds of billions of years have passed.

In the end, they couldn't hold on anymore.

The first one to collapse was the most honest and kind-hearted mountain god.

He was crazy. The long time of hundreds of billions of years made this mountain god who loved thousands of creatures and slept for several years because of a small deer, completely crazy.

He lost all consciousness, he forgot the love for living beings, he just wanted to destroy, destroy those rules that bound him, and destroy all the sources of pain that made him suffer.

The change of the mountain god is just the beginning, just him, the golden law will not be affected at all.But soon, the spirits of countless gods such as the god of fire element, sea god, and tree god also collapsed one after another. In the end, the golden tree went crazy.

The golden law is the rule condensed by many ancient gods. When the will of these ancient gods completely collapsed, the golden law was also polluted.

Protection has become destruction.

After finishing the memory, "False" thought of a wonderful way to kill the god of literature.

He started to get in touch with Thomas, and he led Thomas to secretly observe these grotesques under the pretext of "everything is evil".Although Thomas is one of the twelve righteous gods, he has been engaged in the research of "retaining human fire" and he doesn't like to fight, so he also agreed to the plan of secretly observing.

In the process, "False" cleverly arranges every observation at those weirdest and craziest times.Soon, Thomas regretted that the grotesque intelligence was too low to be a container for the human soul.

At this time, "False" Dayi made a proposal awe-inspiringly.

"Use my body and soul to conduct an experiment."

He said that for some ingenious reason, this grotesque body matched his own soul very well, and in order to save mankind, he volunteered to let Thomas Zhen conduct experiments.

Thomas, who is simple-minded and full of romanticism, was quickly deceived by "False"'s perfect performance. He was very moved and promised that as long as he succeeded, he would free "False" from this grotesque body and go to his place. Kingdom of God.

Then Thomas started his experiment.

Everything went very smoothly. Thomas really observed the "false" body and observed his soul.Although he perfectly analyzed the matching degree between the composition of the body and the soul, he still couldn't figure out how the "falseness" perfectly embedded his soul into the body.

During this process, Thomas really used his two divine tools—the Ethereal Pen and the Book of Reality.The two are not very useful separately, but when used together, Thomas can inject his soul into the ethereal pen, and quickly achieve countless "miracles" through the book of reality.

When he asked the question of "False", "False" said with "regret" that the fusion of body and soul made him lose a lot of memory, or in other words, he couldn't remember some memories at all, so he couldn't help Thomas really. .

Just when he was distressed by this matter, Thomas really reacted under the reminder of "false", as long as he enters the mind of "false" through the ethereal pen and book of reality in his hand, looking for the lost memory, he will You can get the answer you have been looking for for a long time.

This is the "false" plan.

When Thomas really found the "false" and "lost" memory, he was horrified to find that the memory was not how to put the soul into the body at all, but a death memory like an abyss.

Just as Thomas was about to drive his pen and book out of memory, he had already been trusted by Thomas, so the "falseness" of having access to the pen and book completely crushed his authority, and he forcibly seized the short-lived pen and book. The right to use the book, then, completely sealed Thomas's true soul at the moment of "the collapse of the golden age", infinite reincarnation.

Facts have proved that the twelve righteous gods cannot resist the long time.Three years later, Thomas really disappeared, and the authority called the God of Literature was in the hands of "False", and the paper and pen were completely controlled by him.

But soon "False" discovered that he did not fully control the authority of the God of Literature.On the contrary, because of the trace left by the death of the God of Literature, "false" was bound to this land, and he could never leave Jordan until he could not fully control the authority of the God of Literature.

But fortunately, before the God of Literature went to Jordan, he was afraid that the believers would not be able to find him and panicked, leaving an empty shell of automatic response in the court of God, which also gave the "false" enough time to study the God of Literature authority.Soon, he found a way to digest authority

Create a perfect literature.

Before that, Thomas had written the perfect literary work "Professional Code" and became the true god of literature.The same is true for "False". He must write a perfect literary work to completely gain the approval of authority and obtain all the power of the God of Literature.

"False" soon found a nearly perfect solution after realizing this method.Because he still remembers that in a previous discussion, the God of Literature once said to him in an exclamation tone:
"The human soul is the most perfect existence."

(End of this chapter)

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