This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 269 Reality

Chapter 269 Reality
Zhou Li went crazy.

Totally crazy.

When everyone witnessed this concise and clear "coronation ceremony", everyone who saw this scene was shocked.Even Magnum III, who has always been indifferent to emotions, showed a genuinely horrified expression.

Because what Zhou Li did was truly shocking.


In the empty palace, Magnum III opened his mouth and muttered to himself in astonishment: "This kid really dares to rebel against himself? Is he crazy?"

Anyone who knows Zhou Li well knows what the words "Black Emperor" really mean.In this world, professions are also divided into grades, and the "leader" of Magnum III is one of the top professions.However, the Black Emperor is not included in these rules, and the same is true for the Chonghuang. The so-called "three, six, nine, etc." are not worthy of summarizing the three words of the Black Emperor.

The level of the Black Emperor is "Supreme".Only one person can have this kind of occupation in the same era, and it is the "supreme" in the true sense.

Rather than being a profession, the Black Emperor is more like a flawless "destiny".When a person obtains this profession, he will naturally obtain the fate of the Dark Emperor - a unique fate with almost no shortcomings.Therefore, even among the many supreme professions, the Black Emperor is the most advanced one.

It can be called a universal black mist, with the power to erode people's hearts, extremely powerful vitality, flexible and controllable energy, and two outrageous and shameless abilities of "conquest" and "resurrection".These factors that can be called supermodels are stacked together to create a black emperor who controls the darkness and fights against the emperor.If converted according to the standard of Magnum III, the value of a Black Emperor who has not yet grown up is comparable to half a Magnum.


Frowning tightly, the thoughtful Magnum III tapped his fingers on the armrest of the throne unconsciously.After calming down, he was no longer surprised by Zhou Li handing over his authority as the Dark Emperor, and now he began to think about the meaning of Zhou Li's doing so.

During the loving contact with Zhou Li, Magnum III knew that this seemingly insidious and cunning young man, who was actually despicable and shameless, had always had a target.He threw out a gold coin, and he was bound to scrape ten gold coins off Magnum.Magnum III couldn't imagine what an amazing return it would be to make Zhou Li use the Black Emperor as a price.

He is going to become a god?
"Torya, why are you..."

Subconsciously, Magnum III, who was used to talking with Torreya, opened his mouth to say something, but interrupted himself halfway through.Only then did he remember that Torreia asked him for a three-day vacation and said that he would go out for a trip.

Although more than a month has passed, Magnum III is not in a hurry to let Torreia return to Magnum.If he wants to cultivate an artificial hero, it is impossible to imprison Toreya in a small Magnum.It was in Magnum's plan to let Torea see the outside world, so he didn't feel anxious.


A trace of loneliness flashed across the aging face of Magnum III, who had been a loner for decades, and Torreia was a good listener, and she would listen carefully to every word Magnum III said.She will not be as humble as those ministers or nobles, nor does she have the arrogance of a literati or a high-level professional.Over time, Magnum III also got used to having someone he could talk to, and got used to the existence of Torea.

Forget it, let her go out and have a look.

As long as you stay away from Zhou, you should be fine.

By the way, where is she going?

At this moment, the black mist dissipated.

Zhou Li felt the crazily pouring power in his body, as well as the constant feeling of weakness, without any discomfort.He just stared at Elma silently, staring at the pair of jewel eyes that were forever in his heart.

Roaring falsely, roaring madly.He kept urging every part of his body that could be used to attack, frantically pouring those filthy powers towards the two surrounded by black mist.He was completely insane. After Zhou Li saw through the truth, the falsehood was already insane.

In fact, he had already gone mad.

"I want you to die!!!"

The filthy calamity had already appeared behind Zhou Li, and the sharp sound of piercing the air made people terrified.The dark, distorted, and maddening substances covered the sky, rushing towards Zhouli as if to destroy everything.

Zhou Li ignored it and did not take any action.He just turned his back to the horrible disaster, motionless, as if he gave up struggling, and stood quietly in place.


It is as clear as a clear spring in the mountains, but with an insurmountable majesty.When short syllables appeared in this dead city, everything fell silent.

The huge monster standing side by side with the building has mouthparts, and its jagged sharp teeth are exposed in the air.Falseness seems to be calling for something, but there is no sound. In this world where even the drop of a needle can be heard clearly, falsehood has lost its words.

Ferocious grotesques are all over the sky, and they besiege the defenseless two.Sharp sickles, sharp joints, and mouthparts covered with dark red marks, the grotesques that surrounded Zhouli and Elma like locusts seemed to be vibrating their wings, but they could only stay in place.

Everything fell silent.

"The false is always afraid of the truth."

Zhou Li broke the eerie silence.

"Just like what you said at the time, you underestimated twelve quarters, the god of literature."

Turning around slowly, looking at the false and horrified face, Zhou Li said indifferently: "I underestimated him too, I never thought that Thomas, who left the court without permission and lost his strength, could still cause such a fatal blow to you. Hurt, to be honest, I have a lot of respect for him now.”

"No, that's not right either."

Shaking his head, Zhou Li said a fact that he couldn't think about under the fake shocked gaze.

"If I'm right, Thomas, you killed him on purpose."

"I don't know how you deceived Thomas, and I don't know how you killed him. But what I know is that you must have let Thomas touch your soul, the soul of your essence."

False was stunned, and then he realized that the real way to kill Thomas was to trick him into his memory, into the moment when the golden law collapsed, and then let Thomas really be trapped in that period forever. in memory.In this course of action, it is inevitable that I have to show my soul to Thomas, which is a necessary link.

But it is this link that makes false regrets for life.He still underestimated Thomas, the god who had lost his authority.In any case, he never expected that Thomas, who was completely sealed in the "memory" that he was about to go crazy just by glancing at it, could resist it for a whole year.You know, in that memory, Thomas was really tortured for dozens of centuries.

For dozens of centuries, Thomasina's slowed-down soul was trapped in a false soul.It takes a year to pick up a pen there, and it took him 50 years to write the first character.Centuries later, Thomajn wrote a crucial line in the false soul.

Literature cannot deceive the world.

It was this short line of words that caused False to lose his most proud ability "deception".

"You, here you are, looking for your own death!"

Gathering up his strength, he let out a piercing buzzing sound, and broke free from the tranquility of Elma.He is proud that he killed a god, but he is extremely afraid of Thomas Zhen's changes to his soul.But now, a more terrifying truth is gradually being discovered by Zhou Li, and even the false self is not aware of it. At that time, Thomas really didn't seem to care about his own death.

Like a corpse, one tentacle of False held the other sharp thorn, and with the splash of black blood, False held a thick, long and sharp thorn blade like a dragon's tail in the hands.In the next second, the stabbing blade easily cut through the tall building and slashed towards Zhou Li's waist.


Elma took a step forward, subconsciously protecting Zhou Li behind her.She stretched out her hand, and a ghostly black mist suddenly appeared on the white palm. The black mist seemed to have its own consciousness, and instantly wrapped around the thorn blade, and then smashed it hard, embedding the thorn blade into the ground.

All of these are actions of Elma's subconscious, as if she has done the same action thousands of times.Elma felt a little dazed, but she was extremely sober.Any force would be nostalgic for the original owner and reject the newcomer, so Elma was already prepared to fight the black mist.

But for some reason, when Elma took over the authority of the Black Emperor, the tyrannical black mist did not change at all.In this way, they accepted the new master as they should, and there was no objection.


False didn't hesitate at all, the tentacle holding the thorn blade fell down forcefully, the tooth-piercing sound of bone tearing continued to resound, False pulled hard, the original tentacles fell off the ground, replaced by a ridge covered with jagged spikes. Spiked bone whip.

"Weird, devour them!!!"

The bone whip was raised high, and then it smashed heavily towards Zhou Li with the filthy substance.Elma's expression didn't change at all, she raised her right hand with tenderness and determination, and a barrier of black mist rose from the ground.When the bone whip hit it, it only caused ripples.

But the blow of the bone whip was not a false purpose, his real backhands were those grotesques that overshadowed the sky.These grotesques are carefully concocted by him, and the human soul is sewn into grotesques that only know killing. This is his most perfect work.Even if Elma could block false attacks, she definitely couldn't stop those grotesque erosions.

However, Elma's actions made the uneasiness in her false heart a reality.

She took out the Book of Gaia.

Zhou Li can use the Book of Gaia, can threaten the grotesque, can deceive them, and can forcefully control them with the black mist.But only Zhou Li couldn't use the Book of Gaia to control these grotesques.

Because Zhou Li is even more grotesque than grotesque, and grotesque is really afraid of him.

However, Elma was different.

Like the ancient god who voluntarily established the golden law for the world, Elma's gentleness is a gift from heaven.Being herself connected to Gaia, she can naturally manipulate the grotesqueness in the Book of Gaia.But because the previous Elma didn't have enough power to bear the pressure that Weird brought her, the control of Weird was gone.

Now, it's different.

The current Elma is the supreme black queen.In Zhou Li's eyes, she is the complete opposite of "Elma" who appeared that night.Although Elma also had the authority of the Black Emperor at this time, the black mist that was originally tyrannical and dictatorial, in Elma's hands, was as powerful and gentle as a taciturn black knight.

There was no ceremony of summoning, nor any words.Elma just opened the book of Gaia, and the black mist entered the book with her will.

When the rose petals emerged from the book, condensing the graceful figure of a girl, those crazy evil grotesques were stunned.Contained in the petals is a power that is completely different from them but extremely similar, which makes these evil grotesques who like to think subconsciously unable to think, and their brains stagnate.

Before falsely controlling these monsters, the Book of Gaia suddenly appeared in midair.Accompanied by countless strange words, sheets of paper with names written on them scattered around.

The pure Mrs. Rose held a piece of paper with blood wolf in her hand, and then unfolded it gently.She joyfully hugged the helpless blood wolf's neck, and rubbed the furry blood wolf with her tender cheeks.The Earl of the Blood Race slowly walked out from the side, Frankenstein smiled at him honestly, and the Stitch Monster on the side patted his belly, as if celebrating this reunion.

A thousand grotesques, a thousand whimsical ideas in the night.

Those ferocious grotesques stared blankly at those grotesques with completely different appearances but very similar origins, and their minds went blank.They seemed to be timid, at a loss, and began to move back slowly.

"What are you doing?!"

False looked at the retreating grotesque, and roared angrily: "You are my perfect creation! Why are you afraid? Why are you afraid!"

"Because they saw something they hadn't seen."

Elma raised her hand and lightly caught the falling blue elf.At this time, she has become the queen of these grotesques and the "soul" of the fantasy world.She who controls the Book of Gaia feels the purest beauty in the hearts of those grotesques.Joy, bravery, kindness, justice, and most importantly, things that make those evil people feel fear and inferiority.


Falseness created Xanyan, creating these monsters with extremely strong combat effectiveness.He gave them a strong body, strong strength and tenacity of spirit.But no matter what he does and how he improves, he cannot escape the fact.

These evil stories are false.

When a shadow sees its master, it will feel frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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