This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 270 Thomas True

Chapter 270 Thomas True


When Mrs. Rose really touched the petals, the blood wolf's sharp claws cut through the masonry, and the falsehood was suddenly struck by lightning.He looked at those real grotesques that don't need to be attached to human beings, and his mind went blank.

how is this possible?how is this possible? !
"You destroyed their bodies long ago, didn't you?"

Seeing the vivid expression of "horror" with a sheep's head in front of her, Elma tilted the scepter slightly, and a bright black light appeared in her jewel-like eyes.

"You pretended to be Thomasin after gaining the authority of the god of literature, and deceived and killed all the grotesques, and imprisoned their souls in the Gospel."

After mastering the Book of Gaia thoroughly, Elma got the dusty truth. She looked at the falsehood, and a kind of pure anger and sorrow appeared in her eyes.

"Those who lost their bodies also lost their own will, and their memories were forever frozen at the moment you deceived them. Until the end, they still thought that Thomas really wanted to put humans into the sanctuary, and then they would wake up Sleeping them."

Yes, until the end, those grotesques sealed in the Gospels naively thought that Thomas really wanted to help them, to help mankind get a bright future.But what they didn't know was that the man who was always gentle and refined, with a smile like the sunshine in winter, had already died.

Pretending to be his is false.

The grotesque and the grotesque clash, and it's bound to be an unfair battle.Xie Sheng's body is condensed by countless evil thoughts, and every inch of his body is born for fighting.Their souls are full of corrosiveness, and every attack seems to be solidified in illusion, making it difficult to guard against.

The blood wolf and the bone wolf wrestled together, and the blood wolf manipulated the blood in the body to condense into a sharp blade that kept cutting towards the bone wolf whose bones had turned outward.But the bone wolf's hard armor easily blocked the blood, and continued to fight back with spikes.

When a sharp thorn passed by the silent false side and penetrated the stitched monster's face, Roshan, who was full of rancid smell, slashed heavily on the monster's shoulder with a butcher knife.Before the strange man could react, an illusory shadow ghost emerged from the air, and the sickle cut off the monster's head.

"My creation is perfect."

Falsely opening his mouth, the sound was like the harsh humming of iron knocking, he raised his head, and hit Elma with cold eyes, "The ones who have obtained the flesh are the most real."

"Is it?"

The corners of Elma's mouth curled up slightly, and a confident smile appeared on her face.The Book of Gaia floated in front of her. Elma stretched out her hand, and the black mist covered the book. In the next second, a scene that made people dumbfounded happened.

As the Book of Gaia was covered by black mist, in an instant, black lines appeared on the grotesques who were beaten back and forth.They who were originally soft in appearance suddenly became strange.The power under the blessing of the Black Emperor made these grotesques feel unprecedented strength. With the roar of the blood wolf, the grotesque counterattack began to make Xielan a little overwhelmed.

Dark Emperor?Black Emperor!
False stared at the elegant girl, its brain was full of chaos, unable to understand why this woman could manipulate the Black Emperor so easily.Any unique profession has its own soul, and recklessly transferring it to others is undoubtedly harmful, let alone manipulating it at will.

At first, False only thought that Zhou Li was fighting to the death, and after brutally handing the Black Emperor to Elma, she gained pure power, and used it to activate the Book of Gaia to fight against herself.Although these grotesques will be summoned in this way, they are only summons, and those grotesques that were not born for war will soon be defeated.

But why?Why can this woman manipulate the power of the Black Emperor so easily?Are you, the black emperor, so shameless, to be used casually? !

For some reason, it feels falsely that Elma's manipulation of the Black Emperor is not as meticulous as Zhou Li's, but he is generally more experienced than Zhou Li.At this time, the falsehood has been confused, and I can't figure out what is going on.

Can I really... beat them?

At this moment, False felt fear for the first time.

For him, being strong is not scary, because what False is best at is to defeat powerful enemies through tactics and the characteristics of no bottom line, which will also give him a sense of accomplishment.But in the face of these two people, False felt powerless for a while.

That man named Zhou Li seems to have no bottom line than him, and his schemes are far above his own.But at this time, falsehood is a powerful enemy, and he can completely defeat Zhou Li by crushing him in strength.

But falsely never thought that Zhou Li would give up the power of the Black Emperor so resolutely and give it to Elma without reservation, allowing her to manipulate the power of the Black Emperor to activate the Book of Gaia.This time, his original power advantage was greatly reduced, Xie Qi, who could have been used for massacre wantonly, was restrained by Wei Wei, and he had to allocate a large part of his power to maintain the existence of Xie Qi, which made him fall into a trap. Dilemma.

Strength, resourcefulness, and even the lower limit, falsely feeling that he was completely killed by the two people in front of him.At this time, the hypocrisy fell into extreme self-confidence, and he began to doubt whether he could defeat these two people.

Just when falseness fell into self-doubt, the war between grotesque and evil on the field was coming to an end.Of course, it's not that the weirdness boosted by the black emperor is about to defeat the evil, but that the war between the two has entered a stalemate, and neither can defeat the other.

No, not right!

False came back to his senses, he suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

Zhou Li's power itself is limited, and when he crowned Elma the Black Emperor, it was only brilliant. Even if Eluma strengthened it with the Book of Gaia, it would not be able to break through the divine gift.Although the power of the Black Emperor is very strong, Elma's energy reserves are not enough. As long as this tug-of-war starts, he must be the victor.

Thinking of this, False suddenly felt at ease as if he had taken a reassurance.The authority of the god of literature and the body of the ancient god allow False to have a huge energy reserve.It is impossible for fakes to lose this kind of battle of consumption.

However, what False doesn't know is that when he starts to give up tricks and deceit and fight head-on, he has already lost.


In just a few minutes, Elma's temperament began to change.If in the past she was a gentle and charming girl, the determination and will of the current Elma are enough to make the rebellious black mist submit to this gentle "tyrant".

Accompanied by a cold snort, Elma tilted the gem scepter in front of her face, black mist and blue halo entangled together, Gaia's book erupted into a bright halo, and in an instant, the dazzling light covered the false eyes , in a burst of stinging pain, False Manipulation Filth thought of the light, dispelling the short-term blinding.


False's heart sank, he knew that in this kind of battle, short-term control would bring him huge damage.The moment the light was dispelled, False immediately withdrew part of his own power from Xie Nao's body to deal with the next attack from Elma.


However, the expected attack did not come. After completely recovering his vision, the false vigilance who had been preparing to go out stared around with compound eyes, but there was no attack.

What is she going to do?
Suddenly, the alarm bells rang in False's heart, because he noticed that beside Erma, a figure that should have appeared had disappeared.

What about Zhou Li? !

"Listen to me, don't worry."

The voice behind made every inch of False's nerves explode with unprecedented horror, and he mobilized all the power he could mobilize to blast behind him.However, when he turned around, he realized that there was nothing behind him, not even a single person.

"I said that…"

Elma let go of the scepter, and then slowly clenched her right hand.The black mist in the palm of his hand immediately dissipated, and the grotesques who had been entangled with Xie Xan burst out with unprecedented speed and strength, broke free from Xie Xan in an instant, and rushed forward one after another to the huge falsehood in front of them.

"Don't worry."

At the moment when the false manipulative tentacles and Xiesheng repelled those grotesques, Zhou Li's voice sounded again, and this time, Zhou Li appeared on his head.

What is he doing?
He, an ordinary person who has lost the power of the Black Emperor, is so close to me, is he trying to commit suicide?
Wearing a witcher trench coat and Martin boots, Zhou Li stepped on the huge monster under his feet, his handsome face was full of solemnity and dignity.This opportunity created for him by a thousand grotesques and Elma was completed at the most correct time. Only after he lost the power of the Black Emperor and his aura was hidden, this opportunity could be grasped by him.

The silver dagger was held up high by Zhou Li.This mithril dagger, which can peel off and preserve the grotesque soul, reflects a faint light under the dark sky.

The right hand fell, and the dagger pierced into the false body.In fact, this can only pierce the fake skin, and cannot even penetrate into the fake flesh and blood.

"Are... are you kidding me?"

The false mocking sound just sounded, and then he was firmly nailed to the spot, and suddenly froze.


What am I?
"Ouroboros means repeated reincarnation."

The Ouroboros bracelet on his wrist was stained with fake black blood, Zhou Li pulled out his dagger and interlaced the two.A terrifying figure like a mountain was reflected in his eyes, and he said calmly, "Your reincarnation is me."

The soul within you, no less.

Can literally kill your soul, and more.

Your soul can kill the god of literature, and drive a righteous god of [-] quarters crazy.So why can't he kill you?
At this moment, Zhou Li established contact with the false soul.

In an instant, countless crazy ravings and incomprehensible voices appeared in Zhou Li's mind.An indescribable existence appeared in front of his eyes, laughing mountains, bloody rivers, corpse-hungry stones, those souls that people could not bear with thinking appeared in front of Zhou Li.


Without closing his eyes, Zhou Li braced himself and asked softly, "Are you there?"

"I'm here."

A familiar voice that reassured Zhou Li sounded from the bottom of his heart.With the clear answer, the scene in front of Zhou Li began to settle down.This gave him the energy to look around and look at the false soul world.

The world of false souls is more like the world after the golden law collapsed, and everything went completely crazy.Zhou Li clearly felt that in this world, everything except him was slowed down countless times.It takes a year for a drop of blood to flow from flow to splash, and the rushing river is extremely viscous at this time, as if it is gelatinous, making people uncomfortable.

Zhou Li stared at this crazy world, he knew that the person he was looking for must be here.He doesn't have much time, or in other words, the blessing that Elma can give him is limited in time.Once Elma disappears or loses contact with him, Zhou Li will be trapped in this world, going crazy in endless time like a god of literature.

Blood, stones, corpses, people, monsters, laughter, fear, rivers, mountains, ice, blades, knives, dead bones, weeping lips, bleeding trees, silver gold...

Countless incomprehensible things that existed in reality kept passing by Zhou Li's sight.

No, no, no.

1 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes.

Time passed long but fast, Zhou Li forced himself to calm down and continue to look for his goal.

No, where is it?


Out of habit, Zhou Li called out to Elma again.But he quickly gave a wry smile, and Elma could only respond to him once, to protect him once, this kind of calling was meaningless.

However, he got a response.

"A book can write down all words."

A gentle voice sounded, and Zhou Li was taken aback.Then, as if he understood something, he suddenly closed his eyes and withdrew his senses.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a faint smile appeared on Zhou Li's face.There was darkness in front of his eyes, but he knew that he had gone into a misunderstanding before, and now he was on the right path.

Because literature can carry many things, including…

"this world."

So something opened up.

"So, what do you want?"

He appeared, looked at Zhou Li, and asked with a chuckle, "My power? Or my god?"

The indescribable mental oppression disappeared, and those crazy ravings also stopped.Raising his head, Zhou Li stared at the gentle man in front of him who was composed of countless words, heaved a long sigh of relief, and then replied: "I want you to help me."

"Let me see…"

Flipping through the books in his hand, Thomas really fixed his eyes on a page full of strange characters. After a while, he looked at Zhou Li with a thoughtful look on his face.

"How did you notice it?"

While flipping through the books, Thomas really didn't look up, and asked Zhou Li a question: "Apart from Gaia and I sending books and daggers to your Elma, how did you find out that I didn't die? "

"Simple, because your plan didn't work out."

Zhou Li looked at Thomas really. He didn't have any hatred or contempt for the gods. In his eyes, there was only respect.


Thomas really raised his eyebrows, and asked with interest: "What plan?"

"Liberating Literature."

Connecting the cause and effect together, Zhou Li, who finally came up with the answer, reflected Thomas's gentle smile in his eyes, and said, "Kill the god of literature, and completely hand over literature to human beings."

"You haven't completed the plan, so you can't die."

(End of this chapter)

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