This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 271 I'm Just a Writer

Chapter 271 I'm Just a Writer

"You see it?"

A faint smile appeared on the gentle and refined man's face, and he slowly closed the book in his hand that could not write "things in this world" long ago, no longer prepared to perfunctory Zhou Li.He raised his hand and paused lightly in front of Zhou Li. In an instant, the "stickiness" from all parts of Zhou Li's body disappeared, and those purgatory-like scenery also slowly faded away.

Paper, ink, pen.

There are thousands of characters in different languages ​​under the feet of the god of literature, and the sun and moon are reflected on the mountain peaks where pens and paper intersect.Thomas really looked at Zhou Li, and asked calmly, "So, who are you?"

"You really lost your authority."

After sighing with emotion, Zhou Li sat on the stool that Thomas had "placed" behind him. He raised his head and replied, "You can no longer perceive the outside world, right?"


It seems that there is no need to hide it, or it may be due to his personality. Thomas nodded and replied directly: "After I was swallowed into the false soul world, I can no longer perceive the outside world."

"The God of Nether Death is dead."

Zhou Li was also straightforward. After hearing this sentence, Thomas, who had been expressing "everything is under control", was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.Zhou Li didn't say much, just looked at him silently, after a while, Thomas really seemed to understand something, and let out a long sigh of relief.


Some gratifying, but also some lonely words made Zhou Li aware of something.Thomas smiled complicatedly, and then said to Zhou Li, "How did he die?"

"He violated the rules and forcibly viewed a memory containing the soul of a country, then was deprived of authority by the rules, and was finally killed by two races."

"Did you do it?"

Faced with the real inquiry of Thomas, one of the twelve gods, Zhou Li did not hesitate, and replied, "It's a person named..."

Wait a minute, what's Mr. Mookie's name?

Zhou Li was stunned suddenly. This question hit the depths of his soul, because he didn't know Mr. Mu Qi's name until now, and before he had time to think about it, Zhou Li changed his words: "It was the leader of that country who killed him, and the void family."


Thomas really nodded, then he pondered for a moment, and asked Zhou Li: "You also participated in the action of killing him, right?"

Without denying it, Zhou Li looked at Thomas Zhen silently.

"No wonder you found out about my plan."

A complex smile appeared on Thomas's real face, he looked up at the surrounding text and books, sighed and said to Zhou Li: "You are right, I did enter the false soul world by myself, want to kill myself."

"I want to leave a little hope for mankind."

False underestimated the god of literature, or in other words, he underestimated the creativity of modern humans.

His own self-satisfied plots and strategies are all based on the human civilization in the golden age of ancient times.Human beings under the golden law can be said to live in heaven. They are like newborn children, loved by the ancient gods, and they are not allowed to suffer any harm or malice.

Falsehood was born in this era, but the problem is that the source of the power of the ancient gods is "existence". Although humans in the golden age also have deception and evil thoughts, their imagination is not very rich.In their eyes, pushing people into the cesspit is a common and common behavior in Zhou Li's eyes, which can be said to be a heinous crime.

In fact, if he falsely knew what Zhou Li had done in Magnum and Mu Qi, he would have knelt down on his knees and offered the Gospel on the first day Zhou Li came to Yingnan, and hastened to send the old man away. .Anyway, after Zhou Li left, singing and dancing continued, at most it was a little troublesome to harvest souls, and it would not delay the overall situation.

It is a pity that Zhou Li made a fatal mistake due to the blocked information and the contempt of Zhou Li from Yingnan people.Although he has absorbed a lot of human malice in modern civilization, such as businessmen who dared to resell food during the famine, officials who collected money so hard that the falsehoods were silenced, and "noble" etiquette that made the falsehoods feel so false , which made the falsehood grow a lot.

However, thousands of years ago, the ignorant hypocrisy was as innocent as a child in front of the god of literature.In fact, the god of literature knew what it was from the first time he saw it.

A joke, not to mention fantasy literature, even the "villains" and "villains" in real literature are more fake than you, so you want to hide it from the god of literature?

"He thought he was pretending well, but in fact, from his inexplicable enthusiasm at the beginning, I have already noticed his purpose."

Sitting in front of Zhou Li, Thomas waved his hand, and two cups appeared in their hands.Thomas really took a sip of the malt wine, and then said to Zhou Li: "Think about what you want to drink, and you will have it after thinking about it."

Zhou Li was stunned, and then he began to think about it in his mind. After a while, a glass of black liquid with bubbles appeared in his hand.Zhou Li looked intently at the black liquid in his hand, thought for a while, and drank it.

A bit bitter.

It doesn't seem like the smell in memory anymore, or rather, Zhou Li has almost forgotten that smell a long time ago.He smiled, put the cup aside and said to Thomas: "I don't quite understand why you want to commit suicide."

"As you say, I want to hand over literature to humans."

After a pause, Thomas really stared at Zhou Li, and said slowly: "Gods will never die, but gods will die."

In an instant, Zhou Li understood what Thomas really meant, which also confirmed his conjecture.

God is indeed composed of soul and authority.

Just like the god of literature is composed of two different things, Thomas and literary authority.All gods are a combination of soul and authority.The soul can die, but the authority representing the rules will not die.Just like Katz will die, but Reaper will not die, the rules are eternal.

"As for me, I'm not the same as some gods."

Turning over the palm of his hand, a line of bright silver text appeared on the back of Thomas's hand. He looked at the line of text and said gently: "It is not so much that I was born to restrain humans, it is better to say that humans created me. .”

"Actually, the original plan for Twelve Quarters did not include me. Originally, the person sitting in my place should be a god who controls fantasy. I should not have been at the gathering where the twelve gods were created."

The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, just like fate by accident, Thomas turned the pen in his hand lightly, smiled and said to Zhou Li: "But on that day, a human wrote a story, The authority of fantasy itself is unstable, and that story also made fantasy literature, and I was born out of it."

Nostalgic and emotional, Thomas really had a lot of humanity that did not belong to the gods, and a look of reminiscence appeared on his face, and he gently put down the pen.

"The name of that story is called Holy Blade."

"The hero gains the power of the holy sword, defeats the villain after overcoming obstacles, and prevents the world from being doomed to be destroyed. He creates a fantasy world and gives the real world a path of hope."

"What a good story..."

With a slightly sad expression, Thomas really said to Zhou Li with emotion: "I gained life because of this story, so I became one of the twelve quarters. But when I obtained the authority of the god of literature, I completely integrated into the twelve quarters." Moments later, I got a piece of painful news."

"This world is also destined to be destroyed. However, there are no heroes here."

Showing the pen in his hand to Zhou Li, the lines engraved on it vaguely revealed the color of fantasy, Thomas smiled wryly, and said helplessly to Zhou Li: "There is no holy sword that changes everything in this world, and there is no holy sword for the world. Dedicated hero. I was on the verge of breaking down when I learned of the Last Hour."

After a pause, Thomas, who had adjusted his mood, sat up straight and continued, "If it wasn't for Hongluan's help, I might have closed my heart long ago and chose to wait quietly for the arrival of extinction."

"Why did the gods create the final moment?"

At this time, Zhou Li was finally able to ask the question that had troubled him for a long time.Facing Zhou Li's question, Thomas really thought for a moment, and then replied:
"I do not know."

Good answer yes.

Seeing Zhou Li hesitate to speak.Thomas shook his head with a wry smile, and said helplessly, "It's not just me, all the gods don't know when the final moment will come, and they don't know why it exists."

"I only know that most of the gods in the twelve quarters hope that the final moment will come. Because I am more inclined to humans, I rarely communicate with other gods, so I don't know much about these information."

"Why do you trust me so much?"

At this moment, Zhou Li noticed something was wrong.Now Thomas is really like an answering machine, telling himself all the information that can be told.As the saying goes, one does not get rewarded for one's merit, and this kind of inexplicable trust made Zhou Li a little alert.

"Because of it."

An ink mark flicked in front of Zhou Li's eyes, staining his wrist.Zhou Li lowered his head, and there was a trace of tiny ink marks on the Ouroboros bracelet, as if reminding him.

"That's what I'm going to go on."

The ink marks fell off the wrist like a small snake, and began to writhe beside Thomas really.He looked at Zhou Li, and told the truth in an unhurried tone.

"The person who wrote the story of the holy blade at that time was not a human being."

"It's Gaia."


This news caught Zhou Li unexpectedly, he frowned, and asked puzzledly: "Didn't she already..."

"Gaia is a very special existence. She always thought that she was the will born out of the golden law. But in fact, she is stronger than the concept of the golden law."

Grabbing the ink mark and gently putting it aside, Thomas stared into Zhou Li's eyes and said word by word:

"Gaia, is the will of this planet."

"In other words, Gaia is the survival instinct of this planet, a resistance to the final moment."

After hearing this explanation, Zhou Li was startled for a moment, and then began to digest the information he had obtained.

"Gaia retained her consciousness after the collapse of the Golden Law, but for some reason, she was still affected by the collapse of the Golden Law. At the last moment of her sleep, Gaia arranged a lot of backhands to fight against the final What time."

Pointing to himself, Thomas really said without hesitation: "I am one of her backhands."

"She wrote the story of the holy blade, and made me replace fantasy as the god of literature."

"What does she need from you?"

Facing Zhou Li's doubts, Thomas really smiled and spread his hands, and said relaxedly: "She didn't tell me anything, even the author of the story of the Holy Blade was investigated by myself later, she has almost never contacted me , how could you tell me anything?"


Sitting up straight, Thomas's smile faded away. He looked serious, but said with a bit of relief, "She told me everything."

"The moment I became the god of literature and took power because of human literature, I fell in love with all human beings. At that moment, my fate was sealed."

After hearing this sentence, Zhou Li fell silent, he understood the meaning of the God of Literature.

"I am destined to fall in love with human beings, because only human beings can create unique literature. I am also destined to gain humanity, because literature always has temperature. I may be touched by those tragic, painful, twisted literature, but human beings The beautiful hopes pinned on literature are destined to make me love this world even more.”

There is no accusation against the established fate, nor the anger against Gaia who arranged his life, Thomas really smiled gently, he accepted everything as a matter of course, and accepted everything he loved.

"After I realized the end time and realized that literature also has the power to reverse the future, I made a plan."

Pointing to his "heart" with the pen in his hand, the corners of Thomas really raised his mouth slightly, and a pure light flashed in his eyes.

"If it belongs to humans, return it to humans."

"Is the price your life?"

"That's not the price."

Shaking his head, Thomas really said to Zhou Li: "All novels will have their own endings, and so will I. I have lost the authority in my hands, and I am just a writer among all living beings who adds to his own books. I It will also come to an end.”

"This is just an ending, an ending that I am satisfied with, and I have given literature and hope to mankind. Don't you think this is a good story?"

The God of Literature seemed to see that chapter of the story in his eyes, as if he saw the "Holy Blade" when he was born.He still remembers that when the protagonist in that novel named Thomas Zhen controlled the Holy Blade, defeated the final villain, and saved the world, he helped the novel named God of Literature to take down the name he was satisfied with. .

Thomas True.

"Will killing you completely defeat falsehood?"

Facing Zhou Li's question, Thomas really didn't speak, but nodded with a smile.

"You are a hero."

Just like Mr. Mu Qi, Zhou Li never hesitated to pay the most sincere respect to these great heroes.However, Thomas really just shook his head, and still said to Zhou Li with that indifferent and reassuring smile:

"I'm no hero."

"I'm just a writer."

(End of this chapter)

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