This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 272 Humans Don't Need a Savior

Chapter 272 Humans Don't Need a Savior
"Right, one more thing."

As if thinking of something, Thomas really looked at Zhou Li suddenly, and said to him: "Three Courts of the East, you must go."

After hearing this sentence, Zhou Li suddenly remembered that Gaia also asked him to go to the Three Courts of the East.Seeing Zhou Li thoughtfully, Thomas continued: "Gaia should also let you go to the East, because in her memory, the Three Courts of the East is the only area that has not been affected by the collapse of the Golden Law. "

"And I asked you to go to the Three Eastern Courts to confirm a conjecture."

Thinking of the country that even the god of literature could not see through, Thomas had a serious expression on his face.

"The East knows gods, but they don't believe in gods."

"Know God, but don't believe in God?"

Zhou Li repeated what Thomas really said. Facing Zhou Li who was a little confused, Thomas nodded and replied: "Yes, I know it or not."

"When I became the god of literature, all countries sent me beliefs about literature, and the three courts of the East were no exception. However, when I was trapped in the soul world and spent a long time recalling the past, Suddenly I noticed something."

"Every time the three Eastern Courts hand over to me, there are unique rules in terms of quality and quantity. They seem to know what we need, and they give us the beliefs regularly and quantitatively, exactly."

The corners of his eyes drooped slightly, and Thomas Zhen said to Zhou Li while recalling: "It seems that the Eastern Three Courts are like feeding food to poultry in the matter of enshrining the gods, and they never make any mistakes. There is nothing to say about any emotions. Their beliefs are very well-regulated, which also makes Twelve Quarters very reassuring for them. Over time, Twelve Quarters rarely pays attention to the Three Courts of the East."

"So you think that the Three Courts of the East know the existence of the gods and the laws of the gods, but they don't believe in the gods, they just worship them with faith like paying protection fees, right?"


After agreeing with Zhou Li's guess, Thomas really added: "Moreover, I found that after the Three Eastern Courts began to worship the gods, Twelve Quarters began to deliberately downplay the existence of the Eastern Three Courts. This is absolutely unusual."

"I understand."

After hearing this information, Zhou Li nodded and motioned him to write down the information.Afterwards, there was a long silence between the two.Finally, Zhou Li broke the silence.He raised his head and asked Thomas in a deep voice:

"How do I kill you?"

Facing Zhou Li's almost "offensive" words to the extreme, Thomas really didn't feel any anger, on the contrary, he only had relief in his eyes.

"I regret not being able to learn about the epic story you created."

With a little regret, Thomas smiled gently: "Gaia came to me once tens of thousands of years ago, and she told me that there was a young man named Brave who created an unparalleled epic, which made me very curious. .”

Tens of thousands of years ago?

Zhou Li quickly realized that the tens of thousands of years that Thomas really talked about was the passage of time in the soul world, but in reality, only a few months had passed.

"She said, you have truly found the future that belongs to mankind, and you are the brave we want. Although I don't have time to listen to you slowly tell the story of the brave, but enough."

There is a book breath in the eyes as bright as the stars, and Thomas really stares at Zhou Li, with relief and emotion appearing on his face.He put the pen in his hand in front of Zhou Li, and said softly, "The moment I saw you, I knew that you would win."

Zhou Li didn't say a word, he just solemnly took the pen that didn't have any power, it was just an ordinary pen.Seeing Zhou Li put away the pen, Thomas nodded with a smile, and then answered Zhou Li's initial question.

"Pierce into my chest with the silver dagger that Gaia gave you."

Facing the surprised Zhou Li, Thomas nodded and confirmed: "It's that simple, just stabbing it with it is enough to kill me."

"Is there anything else you want to know?"

Zhou Li pulled out the dagger, without hesitation, he just asked Thomas with respect: "I will tell you as much as I can."

"How about the Church of Literature?"

Facing Thomas' real question, Zhou Li thought for a while, and then replied: "They rarely rely on the authority of the god of literature, and have been working hard to create. They think that relying on literature created by others is indecent and boring. , So, they just respect you, worship you, but don't follow you."

"it is good."

Thomas really nodded, and it was obvious that he was very satisfied with the answer, "I came to Yingnan not only to find the hope of human beings, but also to dilute my existence. one of them."

"There is no problem."

Thomas really swept his sleeves, stood up, and walked to Zhou Li's side.He glanced around at everything in this soul world, and a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

"This place, tens of millions of years have passed in my memory."

Those short words made Zhou Li feel a sense of heaviness rushing towards his face.Time is the most terrifying poison in this world, and time that condenses and stays the same is the cruelest weapon.

Alone in this barren world, spent thousands of years.It was hard for Zhou Li to imagine what kind of will and obsession it was that allowed this always gentle man to suppress his madness and keep himself humble.Until now, he still has love, love for literature and human beings.


With a little emotion, but more of a relief.Thomas shook his hand, countless words, paper and ink marks emerged from the surroundings, and the baby swallows gathered beside him like returning home.He looked at the words that constituted the god of literature and smiled.

"My first poem was terrible."

The dagger pierced his heart, and his soul began to ripple with ink stains.He raised his head, gentle and undiminished, "It's really bad, the rhetoric is bland, the sentences don't flow smoothly, and it doesn't rhyme. Even my first archbishop complained about me, saying that if this poem was written by his children, he would You're bound to faint."

"But, I really like that poem."

The body began to become illusory, and gradually crumbling words appeared in front of Zhou Li.He said nothing, but looked at Thomasin with great respect, at this god who really loved the world.

Thomas really felt the drifting words, the disappearing body, and the gradually blurred vision, just like a thousand years ago, he was just born and came to this world with a longing for the future.However, this time, he wanted to leave.

The brilliance in front of his eyes disappeared, and Thomas Jin's body made of words began to dissipate.His face began to blur, and his voice was a little erratic.

"I condense in the words, and the books and papers turn into long clothes and fall on my body."

Whispering softly, some trance, some memories.

"The sun shines on the ink marks, and the water and wind write my name."

"Looking through the classics of the world, I found my way back"

"Humans created words, words created books and I was born"

"Therefore, I love the world"

There is no rhyme, nor any flowery rhetoric.An ordinary poem, like a boring work of a student, came out of Thomas's mouth.The god of literature, the god who governs all literature, did not know literature at the moment of his birth.

Now, he is leaving, but literature is left to mankind forever.

Dissipated gods, the world of souls, Zhou Li alone.

"It's over..."

With a sigh of regret, Zhou Li felt the trick of fate for the first time.He stretched out his hand, searching for something in this world that was gradually returning to madness.

"Two summaries only take 2 minutes."

In reality, Elma closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fists, listening carefully to the ticking sound of the pocket watch that Zhou Li gave her.

The most important part of this plan is to bring Zhou Li back to the real world.The reason why Zhou Li can enter the false soul is because the two powers of the Black Emperor and Gaia controlled by Elma gave him this ability.But because of the lack of time, Elma did not fully grasp this power. Therefore, Elma must grasp the time accurately, open the way back at the right time, and receive Zhouli's soul.

The problem is that falsehood will never give Elma this chance.The moment Zhou Li entered his soul, False sensed the intentions of Elma and Zhou Li. At this moment, he realized that the opportunity had come.

As long as Elma is allowed to open the way back early or give up, Zhou Li's soul will be trapped in his soul forever and die completely.Falsely believing that Elma, who has lost Zhou Li's guidance, can't stop herself, this is the opportunity to turn the tide of the battle.

You will pay for your arrogance!
Without any hesitation, False desperately released all his power.The evil births around them exploded with unprecedented power. Their bodies began to dissipate and their souls began to evaporate, but they gained a crushing power.

In an instant, the situation on the battlefield was reversed.With little effort, Xieqian tore apart the circle of grotesques around Elma, and rushed towards Elma frantically.At this time, the grotesques didn't react for a while, and could only watch helplessly as the grotesques rushed towards the unsuspecting Elma.


A hysterical roar sounded, and the sky-covering flood spread from all around, instantly engulfing those Xieyan who were flying in the air to kill Elma, and then smashed heavily on the ground.

Istar slowly walked out of the building behind him. He stood still, with his arms outstretched, with the flood behind him, quietly watching the falsehood in front of him like a catastrophe that destroyed the world.

"Roja saved my life, Christine is someone I respect."

He stared at the hypocrisy in front of him, and the murderous intent in his eyes chose to devour him.He was stunned by Zhou Li's hypocrisy that had hit the psychological defense line, and when he saw those eyes full of anger, his heart trembled, and he began to be afraid.

"Your life is worthless in exchange for the two of them."

Gradually close his hands, the flood condensed together, and soon, a fake water giant appeared behind him.At this time, Istar, who had been completely drained of strength, and his skin was completely dry, grinned, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"So, I want you to..."

The water giant raised his fist and slammed it heavily on the fake head that was fully controlling Xie Xan.Facing the falsity of astonishment, Istar's smile became even more ferocious.

"Kill a thousand times!!!"

"You're just a bug playing with water!!!"

False, who was hit hard on the head, suddenly became angry. He withdrew some strength, and the filthy tentacles firmly imprisoned the water giant. He squeezed hard, and the water giant suddenly heard an overwhelmed sound, wave after wave Passed from the body.Istar's face turned pale immediately, and he almost fell to the ground.

"It's just a gift from the gods, and you dare to make mistakes in front of the gods!"

With a roar, the water giant was pinned down to the ground.False looked at the tiny Istar, and roared viciously: "You are just an ordinary person, your strength is all given by God, you dare to fight against me by yourself?!"

"I will tear this woman to pieces in front of you, and I will taste your desperate expression carefully and without leaving anything behind!!"

The tentacles shot out, stabbing at Elma who was standing still with her eyes closed.At this moment, a silver light shot down the tentacles in front of False. The silver light hurt False's eyes and reflected the faint smile on Istar's face.

Staggering, Gerost, dragging the silver crossbow, slowly collapsed on the ground. He weakly raised his hand, waved it, and forced a smile: "Grandson, don't forget me."

At this time, human roars came from the streets in all directions.Countless surviving soldiers including the City Defense Army, Templar Knights, and the British Confederate Army began to move towards the falsehood with sharp weapons in their hands.

Don Quixote stood beside Elma with the shield of the guardian. They were like the strongest shield in the world, shining with a halo of brilliant diamonds.

Berserker Noxxa threw his sharp ax and struck a Xie Xing on the body, and then he naturally took out a magic gun, and with one shot, Xie Xing flew three meters away behind him.

"My street has finally been cleaned up, and it's good to catch up."

Noxa, who was carrying a big gun and holding a sharp axe, walked up to the president of the hunter union, and said with a big smile, "Zhou Li is really amazing, the timing is just right."

"Do more and talk less."

Closing his eyes, Alpha, who manipulated the vines to shoot down the surrounding tentacles, drew out three sharp arrows, and nailed the arrows into the false body in an instant.Accompanied by the dazzling light, the booming explosion resounded through the sky from the false body, shaking it backwards.

Linghai and Kaya kept shuttling through the void gate in mid-air, and Torea, who was holding a spear, could accurately kill the sneak attacking Xieqian every time.The strange plants drilled out of the ground attacked the Xie Xing, and under the control of Li Yake, they stopped the Xie Xing's footsteps.

Lying on the cold ground, looking up at the still gray sky, listening to the sound of fighting.Gerost closed his eyes slowly, curled up the corners of his mouth, and said softly:

"Roja, humans never need a savior."

"All they need is courage."

(End of this chapter)

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