This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 274 After the War

Chapter 274 After the War (Two in One)

"Mr. Zhou Li, I am the first representative of the British South Government, von Kertz. Next, I will be in charge of talking about you and Jordan."

In the reconstructed venue, a man in a government uniform stood up and faced Zhou Li.This man is about 40 years old, with a beard and a round face, giving people a shrewd feeling.Zhou Li shook hands with him, and then sat opposite the man with Elma.

"We want to confirm one thing first."

Taking out a stack of documents from the file bag on the side, Zhou Li was taken aback by seeing Kertz's actions, but his expression soon returned to normal.Kurz didn't see it either, he just put one of the documents on the table and handed it to Zhou Li.

After receiving the document, after opening it was a "document of honor", which was written on it was the "Document of Honor of the Grand Consul" that Roja had forged.There is no mistake in the stamp and the king's seal on it, and even the professional seal of the final payment is exactly the same.

"We want to know who forged this document."

His expression was very serious. For the British-South government, a forged and flawless award document is absolutely not allowed to exist.The government seal, the king's seal, and the professional seal, these three "tokens" are almost the foundation of the country for Yingnan. Once these three things are leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.

As the head of the three Dukes of England and South, von Kertz, the purpose of his coming here in person this time is to suppress Zhou Li, who has an unprecedented reputation in the city of Jordan, and the second is to be able to forge the technology of awarding documents or people.

"The man who made it is dead."

Zhou Li threw the document away, and said flatly: "The Gospel has been destroyed, and no one can make such a thing now."

Hearing this, von Kertz frowned, obviously, he was not very satisfied with Zhou Li's answer.In fact, what the higher-ups hope is to have this technology in their pockets.After all, if you can forge the three things of Yingnan, you can also forge the stamps or imprints of Magnum, the Three Eastern Courts, and Tariq.This is a rare opportunity for Yingnan as a whole.

"Mr. Zhou Li, I think it is necessary to discuss this matter carefully. You know, this document has brought huge losses to Yingnan, and we don't want what happened in Jordan to happen again. What do you think?"


Facing the almost threatening words, Zhou Li sneered and asked, "Loss? Tell me about the losses you suffered."

"960 million gold coins were lost, civilian casualties were 620, only 36 were left in the City Defense Army, and only 22 were uninjured in the Knights Templar. The entire army of the First, Two, and Three Fourth Legions was wiped out, and the losses of other legions exceeded half."

Putting the casualty report on the table, von Kerz replied in a deep voice: "These losses will prevent Jordan from recovering for at least 20 years. Jordan's military strength is almost completely wiped out. Isn't that enough?"

"Ah, that's it."

There was a look of sudden realization on Zhou Li's face, then he looked out the window and said with a little emotion: "Indeed, without this document, these losses are really wrong."

Turning his head, Zhou Li's eyes were full of chills, he stared at the man in front of him, and said word by word: "Without this document, Jordan would not have suffered such a loss."

"Jordan will be directly removed from the map. You Yingnan will be the same."

As soon as these words came out, the temperature in the entire meeting room instantly cooled down.Facing Zhou Li's chilly eyes, Feng Kezi leaned back involuntarily.As a new nobleman, even though he is the Grand Duke of Yingnan, he has never seen this kind of eyes tempered from the sea of ​​corpses and blood, which makes him feel a little scared.

"You are joking, Yingnan's long history will not be ruined because of Xiaoxiao's handwriting, and the same is true for Jordan."

After all, he was a duke of the first generation. Feng Kezi quickly recovered his mood, and calmly said to Zhou Li: "Your appointment itself is illegitimate. We have no intention of pursuing this issue. I hope you..."


Zhou Li raised his eyebrows, and he smiled inexplicably, which made Funkez feel uneasy.

"I don't want to talk about etiquette for you now, and I don't want to play word games with you. I just lost two friends and I'm not in a good mood, so I don't want to waste my words with you."

Without any tact or pull, Zhou Li straightforwardly took off the brave man from his waist and threw it on the table.He looked at von Kurtz and said coldly:

"I only give you one choice now, which is to clamp your tail honestly and go back where it came from. All the bullshit you want to say can be stuffed back into your mind, it's useless."

"Mr. Zhou Li, there's no need for you to be so absolute."

Without anger or reprimand, von Kerz just kept a calm posture and said to Zhou Li without haste: "You have to understand a truth, cooperating with the British-South government will bring you a lot of benefits, and at the same time what you have done before We can forgive everything we do.”

"That's it."

Zhou Li suddenly lost his tense look, he shrugged his shoulders, with a mocking look on his face: "You can investigate everything I did before, I don't care."

"But before that, I want to investigate your Yingnan's crimes."

"Yingnan's crime?"

Von Kurz was stunned. He frowned and asked in puzzlement, "What does this war have to do with Yingnan? I don't understand."

"Didn't your master tell you the story of Gerald when he let you go?"

The corners of Zhou Li's mouth curled up, and he said with a sarcastic smile: "The grotesque disaster. You have every chance to completely kill the Gospel and prevent the disaster in Jordan in advance. You compromised with the monster for your own benefit, and stabbed your own hero in the back. Don't you Yingnan think so? Don't you want your face?"

"We, the British and South Korean government, are not aware of what you said. These are private decisions made by Jordanian government officials. When we learned the news, we immediately chose to stop it, but it was too late. I am sorry for that."

Familiar diplomatic rhetoric came from von Kurz, he looked at Zhou Li, and said calmly: "We will also make corresponding compensation for your friend, don't worry, it will satisfy all of us of."

"Is it?"

Zhou Li raised his eyebrows, he suddenly smiled, and a clear expression appeared on his face, which made Feng Kerz feel a little flustered inexplicably.

"Document 2131, Earl Minrose No. [-] safe."

A seemingly irrelevant and very strange sentence suddenly came out of Zhou Li's mouth, but it was such an incoherent sentence that made von Kerz's face suddenly pale.

"Document No. 1009, Document No. 1876, Archived Document No. 14, Communication Document No. 33, Streaming Document No. 2221."

After the name of the popular dish revealed a long series of serial numbers, Zhou Li looked at the disbelieving and pale Von Kertz in front of him, and smiled, "Now, I have proof."

Of course von Kertz knew what those documents Zhou Li was talking about. After compromising with the Gospel, anyone involved in backstabbing Gerost was forced to sign an information blockade treaty.These treaties are kept separately in various regions, and a single copy does not have any utility or legal effect. However, once all the documents are put together, the shameful and greedy past will be made public. And the evidence is overwhelming.

But how would he know where those things were stored? !
Von Kertz has already set off a storm in his heart. Everyone knows the importance of these documents, so these documents are under separate custody without notifying each other.In other words, every document is hidden by others, and no one will be told where and when it is hidden. Even von Kertz does not know the exact location of those documents.

"It's confusing, isn't it?"

Zhou Li threw a thick stack of copied documents in front of the ashen-faced Von Kertz, his eyes were full of mockery, "Only the nobleman himself knows the hiding place of each document, and at the same time, no outsiders are allowed to Disclosing information about the document. You guys thought it would keep everyone from typing this document, but never thought of a problem."

"Dead people don't keep secrets."

Almost cruel words sounded in von Kurtz's ears, and he was shrouded in chill from head to toe as if he had been poured with a basin of ice water.He raised his head, looked at Zhou Li's calm and crazy eyes, and felt a piercing fear in his heart.

At this time, von Kertz broke away from the "noble conversation" he was familiar with. He realized that the man in front of him turned Yingnan's old enemy Magnum upside down. Glam III was forced to bow to him.

Why do I threaten him?Put half of your body into the ground or your brain is underdeveloped?

"I regret to inform you that after the outbreak of the war on Mink Street, these officials and the nobles tried to escape from Jordan in the same batch of magic cars, and triggered the trap set by the Gospel, and then all died in battle, and none survived. "

In the photo on the table, the wreckage of several magical vehicles stung Von Kertz's eyes.He is not stupid, he knows that those nobles and officials are not stupid either, it is impossible for them to abandon the city and flee at such a critical moment, it would be tantamount to courting death.Therefore, these dead nobles and officials definitely did not flee "voluntarily".

Von Kertz naturally understood how fierce and tragic the war was through information. It was hard for him to imagine that Zhou Li was still calculating the future in that suffocating war, calculating the documents in the hands of those bureaucrats. It made Von Kurtz feel powerless for a while, and he knew that he had now fallen into the most unbearable situation.

"You're murder."

Von Kerz trembled his lips, his eyes were full of panic, but he still forcibly calmed down, and reprimanded him severely: "Your behavior is extremely inhumane, no one is a fool, and no one is a fool. An act that anyone with a discerning eye can see is murder, you!"

"Where's the evidence?"

Zhou Li interrupted von Kertz's questioning, and repeated what von Kertz had said before, "Since you accused me of killing those noble officials, what about your evidence?"

"Now I have evidence, but you don't. How dare you question me? Who gave you the guts?"

"You are fighting Yingnan!"

Rising against the case, von Kerz shouted angrily: "I am representing the country of Yingnan, please pay attention to your tone."

"I fucking represent twelve quarters."

In a word, kill the game.

Zhou Li stared at von Kertz coldly. He picked up the exclusive item for the brave, and hit the unprepared Von Kertz with a one-armed giant swing. Leaving this shameless behavior, I saw the four characters "Exclusively for the Brave" out of the corner of my eye.

Immediately, he put away his words.

"The nasty things you Yingnan did, at a small level, are backstabbing heroes, and at a large scale, they are assisting the resurrection of ancient gods."

Seeing Von Kertz with an uncertain expression in front of him, Zhou Li sneered and asked, "Just guess, based on the attitude of the twelve quarters towards the ancient gods, will they treat you Yingnan because of this incident?" Sanctions?"

"Guess again, when I sanction you at twelve quarters, can I let Magnum also sanction you, guess what, it doesn't cost money."

Feng Kezi felt deeply powerless, Zhou Li's words directly strangled his lifeblood, or in other words, strangled Yingnan's lifeblood.As he said, compromising on the Gospel is to assist the resurrection of the ancient gods. Even if Yingnan didn't know that the ancient gods were hidden in the Gospels at the beginning, anything about the ancient gods is sensitive to the twelve quarters However, once the matter is revealed, Twelve Quarters will not leave Yingnan with any face.

According to intelligence, Zhou Li has a lot of power to speak in Magnum. The most important thing is that Magnum is a country where church and government are united. It is open, but if the soldiers take the lead in sanctioning Yingnan at the [-]th quarter, Magnum is naturally willing to block Yingnan's airport transportation directly.

Economics, politics, religion.These bombs that Yingnan once planted for himself were all pulled out by Zhou Li, and he began to mock in front of Yingnan.

"What do you want?"

After a long time, after a long and helpless sigh, von Kurtz compromised.

"Give Jordan to Twelve Quarters."

Zhou Li's proposal made Von Kerz stunned for a moment, and then he reacted immediately and said it was impossible, "Absolutely not, Jordan is an important territory of our country, and it is absolutely impossible to cede it out."

"In the next 20 years, the post-war reconstruction of Jordan will be carried out by Twelve Quarters. During this period, Twelve Quarters will take over Jordan's political, military, and legislative powers, but in name Jordan still belongs to the British South."

Seeing Von Kertz's complexion gradually changed, Zhou Li continued: "Twenty years later, Jordan will be returned to Yingnan at the 20th quarter. will be destroyed."

Hearing the last sentence, von Kurz was moved.Now almost all the people in the world who knew the existence of the document have died, leaving only a few insiders alive.Once these documents are destroyed, this matter will be completely buried, and no one will know Yingnan's greed after that disaster.

And Zhou Li also changed a little from his aggressive attitude at the beginning. When he stated the conditions for rebuilding 20 years from twelve quarters, Zhou Li's tone was obviously relaxed a lot, which made the tense von Kertz a little bit Relax, he felt that this condition is not so easy to accept.

"I would like to ask, since the [-]th quarter is to take over Jordan, which moment is specifically responsible for it?"

Faced with von Kertz's obviously relaxed tone, Zhou Li smiled with satisfaction, and then gave his answer.

"The sixth moment."

"Church of Literature."

(End of this chapter)

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