This brave man is a scumbag

Chapter 275 Reconstruction

Chapter 275 Reconstruction
Zhou Li seemed like a sunny baby. During his time in Jordan, this city, known as the city of fog, rarely saw continuous sunshine.Even if it is not sunny, the sun will quietly hide in the clouds, leaving the Jordanian people with weak sunshine.

In fact, the battle between humans and ancient gods that took place in Jordan did not attract worldwide attention. The barrier of the Great Knot made it impossible for many countries to synchronize the news of the war. Even until the death of the false gods, many outsiders still believed that Jordan was just Corrupted by a plague, there is no such thing as war.

When the final scene came to an end and the devastated Jordan was revealed to the world, people were shocked to discover that a war had really broken out in Jordan.The ruined walls, corroded blood, bones all over the ground, and the hideous bones of the ancient god, all kinds of evidence show that this city has encountered a real battle between man and god.

In less than a day, the British-South government unilaterally announced the details of the war.In that public document, except for concealing the truth of the grotesque disaster and the essence of the Gospel, almost all the contents of the British-South government are true and clear.Even the experience of Roja's parents back then was written in the document for others to check.

Of course, this was not discovered by Yingnan's conscience. If it hadn't been for twelve quarters to break into the Yingnan government office with the evidence provided by Zhou Li, I am afraid that this document would be just a short sentence "Jordanian gas pipeline exploded". thing.

Three days later, the Yingnan government signed a treaty with Zhou Li.Most of the content of the treaty is kept at the confidential level, and among the remaining public parts, the one that astonished everyone the most was the arrangement for Jordan after the war.

"Starting today, Jordan will be fully taken over by the Church of Literature of the Sixth Quarter. The Church of Literature will be responsible for Jordan's post-war reconstruction and will retain Jordan's legislative, military, and administrative powers for 20 years. During this period, the Anglo-South government will not Participate in anything related to Jordan - Witness of the Just Church."

After reading out this contract that made all Yingnan government officials feel humiliated and grateful, the Yingnan officials breathed a sigh of relief, put down the contract in their hands with mixed sorrow and joy, and said to Zhou Li in front of him: "Mr. Zhou Li, this contract Do you have any other questions?"


Shaking his head, Zhou Li looked at the man in a white jacket with a kind face and asked him, "Fei Yu, do you have any comments?"

"I have no opinion either."

The man named Fei Yu smiled at von Kertz. As the current First Pope of the Church of Literature, Fei Yu is the most famous and beloved writer in the world today.

Feiyu once created an epic book called "The Faceless Knight", which was loved all over the world once it was released.The thoughts conveyed in the Faceless Knight inspired countless teenagers, and they aspired to become the Faceless Knight whose name is not disclosed in the book but who always has a heart for justice.Afterwards, he successively released dozens of fantasy masterpieces such as "Spiritual Giant" and "Five-color Warrior", and became the most famous writer in the world for a time.

Of course, based on this alone, it would be difficult for Fei Yu to stand out in a literary church full of talents.What really made him the first pope was his inclusiveness.

As a fantasy novelist, Fei Yu is famous in the literary world for his love without bounds.His literary talent and appreciation are beyond ordinary people, but he always has a passion for words.He will never suppress potential writers because of his status. On the contrary, any writer who is really talented but frustrated will always regard Fei Yu as his life-saving straw.

For Fei Yu, what he wanted was never wealth or power, what he wanted was a vibrant literary world.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Li is very satisfied with Fei Yu.A few days ago Zhou Li found Fei Yu and sent him the message "I need you to help me rebuild Jordan".After receiving this news, Fei Yu hesitated at first. After all, what he governs is the Church of Literature, and rebuilding a city is not what he is good at.But when Zhou Li took him around Jordan and vaguely revealed some problems with the Yingnan government, Fei Yu was directly kidnapped by Zhou Li's morality and agreed to take over Jordan.

Of course, Zhou Li also knew that Fei Yu and his Literature Church were not good at post-disaster reconstruction, so he was needed at this time.

"Next is the source of funding for the reconstruction and the responsible unit."

When this link was being carried out, the Yingnan official looked at the long list of "Air Zisha Joint Chamber of Commerce" in his hand and fell silent.After a long time, he raised his head, looked at Zhou Li, and quietly asked, "Do you two have any opinions on this list?"

"do you have it?"

Facing Zhou Li's rhetorical question, the Yingnan official shook his head.Zhou Li spread his hands and said directly: "Then it's over?"

Nonsense, everyone can see what you are thinking.

Looking at Zhou Li, who had written "Jordan will change his surname immediately" on his face, the Yingnan official gritted his teeth and turned to the next page, continuing, "Next is the statistics of the dead."

Having said that, Zhou Li withdrew his frivolous expression just now.He solemnly took the document and began to read it.

Most of the names above were unfamiliar, and when those few familiar names came into Zhou Li's eyes, his eyes dimmed a bit.

"Roja should be responsible for what he did."

After finding an extra name on the list, Zhou Li was silent for a long time, and then said to Yingnan officials: "We must clearly count the things Roja has done. There are not a few people who died because of him. There is no need to give me and Old Ke save face."

Zhou Li was obviously in a daze when he uttered the word ke. He still remembered the way Christine was talking nonsense while holding a wine bottle at the party that day.I also remember him hugging Roja's neck, drunkenly scolding Roya for not going on a blind date, and refusing to get married and have children.Zhou Li and the others laughed happily, as did Roja.


Yingnan officials did not say much. Although Roja was deceived and manipulated by the Gospel, he did cause the death and countless injuries of others.But after all, he is Zhou Li's friend and also the general's apprentice. The Yingnan government was afraid of the influence of these two people and was not prepared to write the criminal evidence about Roja at the beginning.

"You don't have to worry about the monument and memorial square."

Putting down the list in his hand, Zhou Li frowned, and said in a muffled voice, "Fei Yu, let me handle this matter."

"Okay, hard work."

Fei Yu nodded. Although he was the protagonist in this meeting, Zhou Li was the leader.He was very grateful to Zhou Li for saving the city, and at the same time, Zhou Li's vague aura about the god of literature made him feel kind, so he did not object to Zhou Li's approach.

"Let me remind you that things like monuments and memorial plazas are not quite..."

The Yingnan official stretched out his hand and rubbed his fingers together.What he meant was very clear. The monuments and memorial squares were too poor to provide any profit at all.In fact, if the British-South government takes over the reconstruction work, they are likely to push the various matters of the monument and square to others, and finally let it go, which can save a lot of manpower and material resources.

Yingnan officials believed that Zhou Li accepted the reconstruction to make money, and he who wanted to have a relationship with Zhou Li naturally had to remind him that this matter was futile.

"You have to set up a grave after you die. Don't these heroes deserve to die?"

One sentence directly choked the Yingnan official back, he laughed twice and said nothing more.

"The aftermath will be carried out by the United Chamber of Commerce and the Church of Literature. You can go back with the contract."

Leaning on the back of the soft chair, Zhou Li closed his eyes and said to the Yingnan officials: "Tell you the current king, I checked the Gospel, and his father's soul is not there. But now everyone is dead, the new king That’s why I don’t want to delve into it.”

After hearing this sentence, the Yingnan officials suddenly felt turbulent.Zhou Li's meaning is easy to understand. The old king, who was in his prime in his 40s, died in his room. He looked like a grotesque murder when he died.However, Zhou Li told him that the Gospel did not deal with the old king at all. In this case, the death of the old king is very open to question.

Feeling that he was beginning to be involved in a vortex, the Yingnan officials shuddered. After saying hello to Zhou Li, he hurried to the Yingnan government with fear, not daring to stay for a moment.

At this time, only Zhou Li and Fei Yu were left in the conference room.After a long time, Fei Yu looked at Zhou Li and asked:
"You saw him, didn't you?"


Closing his eyes and resting his mind, Zhou Li was stunned for a moment, and he quickly realized who Fei Yu was pointing at.

"Well, I've seen him."

Nodding his head, Zhou Li didn't want to hide anything, and replied bluntly: "I met him in the last battle with the ancient god, and we talked a lot with him."

Hearing this, Feiyu's mood fluctuated obviously.After a while, he chuckled lightly and said to Zhou Li, "Is he happy?"


Zhou Li was stunned again, he thought about the questions Fei Yu would ask him, such as whether Thomas really died, why He didn't answer prayers, or why the God of Literature would enter the body of False.But he never thought that Fei Yu would ask him this question.

But Zhou Li didn't ask, he just thought about it, and then replied to Fei Yu: "In my impression, he has always been very happy."

"That's good."

A relieved smile appeared on his face, and the man who had written countless books about heroes smiled gently, his tone full of relief: "If he is happy, it proves that he still loves words and is still creating."

"Is that all you want to ask?"

Zhou Li looked at Fei Yu and asked curiously, "Aren't you wondering why he didn't answer your prayers?"

"I know."

An unexpected answer came out of Fei Yu's mouth, "He doesn't want literature to be controlled by gods, so he wants to hand over all literature to humans, right?"

Zhou Li was stunned. There might be some mistakes in the details, but what Fei Yu said was not too different from the facts.But the problem is that the god of literature is clearly trapped in a false soul, why does Fei Yu know about this?
As if seeing Zhou Li's faint doubts, Fei Yu smiled and waved his hands, and explained to Zhou Li: "He didn't tell me this. In fact, He hasn't given us any response for hundreds of years."

Hearing this, Zhou Li was a little startled.The God of Literature said that in order to cover up his travels, he deliberately left an automatic question answering machine, hoping to pretend that he still existed in the church.But from what Fei Yu said, it seemed that there was something wrong with the automatic question answering machine.

"In the beginning, the god of literature will still give us a response."

Fei Yu didn't like being a whisperer either, so he immediately explained: "Hundreds of years ago, many writers would pray to the gods and ask some literary questions. At first, the God of Literature could still answer us, but Most of them are relatively general and mechanical. As the writers... have broadened their knowledge, and the questions they ask gradually become a little weird, the God of Literature gradually struggles, and finally stops responding."

"But in order to cover up this problem, the popes of all ages began to connect the prayers of believers to themselves, and then passed them on to the god of literature. If the god of literature responded, they would give the god's answer to the believers. If the god did not respond, they would Write a little by yourself and give it to the believers.”


Although Zhou Li understood, he didn't understand.Seeing this, Fei Yu smiled helplessly. He stretched out his hand, and a blank sheet of paper appeared out of thin air. He showed it to Zhou Li, and a line of characters suddenly appeared on it.

"Supreme Will, God in charge of reality and fantasy, I pray to you."

"The protagonist in my novel freezes a substance whose upper part is an elongated cylinder, and it cannot be pulled out in the mouth. One of my readers said that I wrote such a protagonist who is obviously mentally handicapped. I hope I will stop writing .I want to ask you, how to gain the strength to defeat this reader? He is a fighter of the brilliant level, and I really can't beat him."

Putting down the paper in his hand, Fei Yu showed a helpless expression when he saw the dazed writing on the left face and the unrestrained Zhou Li on the right face, "This is the letter written by the believers of the Literature Church. Ask questions about grammar or writing, and then everyone can look up the information, and the questions you ask start to deviate from literature.”

This time, Zhou Li really couldn't hold back anymore.He looked at those absurd words, and said with a smile: "You are also free, and you really responded to them with your heart."

Yes, under that absurd question, Fei Yu really gave a serious answer.

"If you can't beat him, use your writing to conquer him."

"After all, I am also a pope."

Fei Yu smiled wryly and said to Zhou Li: "Actually, before I took over as pope, everyone's questions were a bit weird, but at least they weren't so... abrupt. But since I became pope, everyone began to like to talk to the person I played often. The gods of literature communicate, I don't understand why, but it can only satisfy them."

Hearing this, Zhou Li was in a daze. He looked at the man in front of him with a gentle smile, who always spoke in a calm manner, and a god that he had only met once appeared in his mind.

Gentle, kind, with the unique humor of a writer.

Most of all, be inclusive.

(End of this chapter)

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