Chapter 276

With the joint efforts of the Church of Literature and Zhou Li's United Chamber of Commerce, Jordan began to carry out post-disaster reconstruction in an orderly manner.What many people didn't expect was that the literary church, which was originally considered more like a poor scholar in the eyes of the world, was actually capable of participating in the post-disaster reconstruction work.

Originally, at the beginning, people generally only half-read the news that "The Church of Literature took over Jordan, and the United Chamber of Commerce of the Brave helped it rebuild", that is, the post-disaster reconstruction was purely Zhou Li's warm hand covering everything, and the Chamber of Commerce of Literature was nothing more than It was just a target set up by Zhou Li.

"There's still some money left."

In the post-war rebuilding meeting room, Fei Yu really held up his silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled and said to Zhou Li: "The believers of the Literature Church still have some spare money. I learned that He had been here before. Therefore, we received a lot of money in the two donations we conducted, and we didn’t spend much during these days.”

Upon hearing this, the pen in Zhou Li's hand stopped, and he glanced at Fei Yuzhen strangely, then looked at the list in his hand, and asked uncertainly: "Do you still have money?"


Nodding his head, Fei Yu replied: "The reconstruction in the past two months did not cost too much money, and I am very grateful to the Guild of Commerce for its statistics and purchases. Otherwise, it would have cost more gold coins with us alone."

"That's what we should do, but..."

Looking at the long list of bills in his hand, and the total cost of "62 five gold coins" at the end, Zhou Li fell silent for a moment.He never thought that in this world, writing could be so lucrative.

So fucking rich.

Until now, Zhou Li didn't know that the awareness of copyright in this world is outrageously high.The popularity of the magic circle has made pirates and storytellers almost extinct, and just one adjusted secrecy rune can make all the spoilers stillborn.Therefore, as long as the writers in this world are a little famous, wealth will rain on these people's heads like raindrops.

You must know that in this world, the Church of Literature is the only existence that in turn lends money to the Church of Commerce.

"Fei Yu, you don't have to be so sincere."

Zhou Li was in a complicated mood. He looked at Fei Yu and said sincerely: "When you buy some things from Yingnan, you can add some modifiers appropriately. For example, this item is not half discounted. The door, the mind is best to be active, and it is better to spend less money on things like this."

"Oh, is it still possible?"

Fei Yu froze for a moment, he still somewhat overestimated Zhou Li's bottom line.Seeing that Fei Yu didn't object to his statement, Zhou Li suddenly regained his energy, and immediately began to spread the beastly behavior of "how to use existing advantages to reduce initial costs and accelerate capital expansion" to Fei Yu.

But unfortunately, when he was talking about "human power is the cheapest product in some cases", a dim blue light interrupted him.

Seeing the blue jellyfish slowly appearing in front of him, Zhou Li made a pause gesture, and then stretched out his finger to touch the tentacles of the little jellyfish. After getting the message, he seemed to have expected this situation, and sighed softly. Take a breath.

"Mr. Zhou Li, I'm going to the refugee camp first, if you have any questions or needs, you can send me a message."

As if he had noticed something, before Zhou Li could leave his mouth, Fei Yu took the lead and said to Zhou Li: "Let's stop here for today's meeting, keep in touch at any time."

"OK, thanks."

Understanding Fei Yu's intentions, Zhou Li apologized and thanked him.Then he stood up, pushed open the door, and walked out of the building.

There was no sunlight in the gloomy sky, and the lights in the house pulled Zhou Li's back a little.Looking at the shadow on the ground and the people leaving, Fei Yu closed his eyes, a warm silver halo flashed, leaving only a sigh in the room.

"The most painful thing is parting..."

"Where are you going?"

The port of Jordan is full of people, and the ships of the United Chamber of Commerce are constantly transporting supplies to the city.Leaning against the stone pillar, lowering his head to light a cigarette, Gerost raised his head to look at the dark cloud-covered sky, and replied in a daze, "I don't know, I just wanted to take a look."

"Your body..."

Zhou Li frowned, a trace of worry flashed across his face.Gerost is a creature created by falsehood, and at the same time, Gaia also left a backhand to deal with falsehood in his body. The result is that no matter whether the two parties achieve their goals, Gerost's body will receive irreversible damage. harm.


Gerost laughed. He stretched out his hand and patted Zhou's own chest, making a thumping sound, "As you said, a mere fatal injury is nothing to worry about."

"You fucking…"

Zhou Li gritted his teeth, but when he saw Gerost with a smile on his face, he swallowed his original words, and finally turned into a helpless smile.

"Five years, that's five years."

The light of the cigarette butt was covered by the light of the pier. Gerost exhaled a puff of smoke and said in relief: "Actually, I should have died more than 20 years ago. Living so many years is not enough."

"How are you going to spend these five years?"

Taking the cigarette handed to him by Gerald, Zhou Li held it in his mouth without smoking. He looked at the freighter going away, and said to Gerald who was on the side: "I have some power in Magnum, really. You can find me when you can’t move.”

"I have accumulated some savings in the past few years, and I am going to travel around."

Throwing the cigarette butt aside very unqualifiedly, Gerost stretched his waist, the sea breeze was humid and the air was cool, "Old Ke is not a person who can stay still, he has never done anything good in his life, his soul must be trapped in the I can’t get out of the body. It just so happens that I take his ashes around, maybe I can make him happy, and I will reincarnate as soon as I am open-minded, and I have done a good deed.”

Showing the package he was carrying, Gerost said to Zhou Li in a teasing tone: "This kid was like a monkey, he couldn't stay in the barracks no matter what. Later I saw that he became an officer, Sitting in the office for a whole day with a serious face, I thought he was a different person, and almost killed me laughing."

"Okay, let's go for a while, Old Ke thinks so too."

Zhou Li smiled. He glanced at the coastline and sighed, "Cloudy days in Jordan are really common."

"It's fine even on cloudy days."

Nodding his head, Gerald said in agreement: "Jordan is cloudy all year round, with few sunny days and even less sun. But Old Ke told me that since you came, there have been more sunny days in Jordan. stand up."

"This old boy really treats me like a sunny baby."

Zhou Li and Gerost looked at each other, and then laughed out loud in a tacit understanding.Geralst laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes. He wiped the corners of his eyes with rough fingers, and shook his head with a half-smile.


The siren sounded in the distance, and Gerost picked up the backpack. The silver crossbow and the cross blade had already been destroyed in the war. The only demon hunter in the world straightened up and told Zhou Li: "Little Laya will be handed over to you." You know, she doesn't need much energy to survive, she's a lovely girl."

"rest assured."

The little jellyfish emerged from Zhou Li's shoulder, and her tentacles lightly touched Gerost's face, as if expressing her reluctance.Gerost rubbed the little jellyfish's head as usual, and said to her with a smile, "Laya, think of me when you see stars from now on."

Raising his head and looking at Zhou Li, Gerost said with a teasing tone but also with sincerity, "Eluma is a good girl, you should cherish her."

Nodding his head, Zhou Li responded, "What do you need to say? I even gave her the crown of the Black Emperor."

"Haha, don't be soft-hearted. In the end, you can't beat Alma and cry to Lao Tzu, I can't help you."

Facing Gerost's ridicule, Zhou Li replied disdainfully: "Nonsense, if we really fight together, it's not enough for her to fight alone. What's the use of you?"

"Okay, let's not say more."

Hearing the third whistle, Gerost turned around, turned his back on Zhou Li and shouted loudly, "Let's go, goodbye."

"Jordan will not forget you."

There were no hypocritical words, and no sadness of parting. Zhou Li just looked at Gerost's back and responded firmly: "This land will never forget anyone."

"me too."

After waving his hand, Gerost got up and walked towards the distant cruise ship.There is no long shadow drawn by the setting sun, nor the sound of farewell blown by the wind.Only the bustling crowd and the smell of fish fell beside Zhou Li, making him a little dazed.

After a long time, Zhou Li came to his senses, the cruise ship had slowly left the port.He also turned around and walked towards home with the reluctant little jellyfish.

Insert the key, push open the door, and you will see sisters Lin Zi and Lin Ling who are wearing a mask and relaxing.Of course, as usual, Linghai was also pulled aside, and his expression of giving up and struggling was reflected on the mask, which was very vivid.

"Where's your Elma sister?"

Collapsing on the soft sofa, Zhou Li looked at Lin Zi, who was looking satisfied, and asked, "Go shopping?"

"I don't have enough honey at home, so I went shopping."

Stretching out her small white palm and pushing Zhou Li aside, Lin Zi said slowly, "You'd better go to Linde Market now, and Ain has also gone, I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it."

As soon as he heard that Ain followed, Zhou Li suddenly felt overwhelmed.As a human calculator, Ain is best at calculating and calculating extremely carefully, but this also brings her a little flaw, that is, when she buys items in the market, she always likes to calculate superimposed discounts, and in the end she often buys a lot something unplanned.

It's cheap, but really unnecessary.

"Okay, let me go."

Zhou Li rubbed the center of his brows. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something and continued to slump on the sofa, "Forget it, there's no need."


Faced with Ah Zi's doubts, Zhou Li twisted his neck, and said as a matter of course: "Your Elder Sister Eluma is now a professional at the brilliant level, not to mention that, even if you move the Linde Market here, she won't be afraid. Can't do it."

"Oh, too."

Thinking of the current Alma already possessing the power of the brilliance level, Ah Zi, who was not used to it, nodded. She struggled to maintain the balance of the mask, turned her head, and asked Zhou Li: "So what do you mean?" , You gave her your strength to wait for Elma's sister to beat you up in the future?"

"Why do you always miss me being beaten by her?"

Some didn't understand, Zhou Li's face was engraved with a huge question mark: "Are you avenging private revenge?"

"It's okay, I'm not worried about you~"

With a hey smile, Ah Zi took off the mask on her face and threw it into the trash can beside her, and asked Zhou Li curiously with her dangling smooth calf: "You gave your strength to Elder Sister Elma, what should you do then?" ?”


Zhou Li thought for a while, and then replied nonchalantly: "Let's eat soft food. If something happens, let Elma out and let her beat ten of them."

"I can kill ten rabbits."

There was a sound of pushing the door, and Elma, who controlled the black mist and carried a large bag, entered the room.Ain's face on the side was slightly red, obviously, she was ashamed of her inexplicable behavior of buying a lot of things.Of course, Kaya who was holding a pile of snacks was very happy, and Elma didn't care too much.

"I see it hanging."

Zhou Li stood up, subconsciously wanting to manipulate the black mist to take the bag from Elma's hand.But he quickly reacted, stepped forward without any trace of performance, and took the bag with his hand, "How is the control of the black mist? Are you used to it?"

"Very good~"

After controlling the black mist to sort the big and small bags, Elma smiled and said to Zhou Li: "Xiaobai is very obedient and smart."


This title silenced both those who didn't like to talk and those who liked to talk in the room.

"You have a pretty good naming ability."

Zhou Li broke the barrier of silence. He looked at the obedient black mist beside Elma like a border shepherd, and said with a corner of his mouth, "It's wonderful."

"Hey, Xiaobai also likes this name."

The black mist rolled up and down, indicating that what its master and controller said must be right.

In fact, Zhou Li was very surprised by Hei Mist's cleverness. During the period when he was using the power of the Black Emperor, Hei Mist kept stirring his heart, constantly amplifying his inner desires and negative emotions.If it weren't for Zhou Li's strong self-control ability and the memory of his previous life, he might be swallowed by the black mist and become a real tyrant.

He knows that the black mist does not have its own consciousness, it is just a pure desire amplifier, just like a person breathes in air, and it is just its habit to amplify the host's desire.Therefore, what Zhou Li is most worried about is that Elma will be blackened by the black mist.Therefore, before handing over the authority of the Dark Emperor to Elma, Zhou Li made dozens of preparations to prevent Elma from becoming black.

According to how well-behaved the black mist is now, Zhou Li doubts whether this lump is the one that followed him before. He doesn't understand, what desire does this black mist magnify Elma?

Looking at the honey scattered on his fingers in front of him, Zhou Li fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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